Newspaper Page Text
Lore !s a spiritual coupling of two
touls.—Ben Jonson.
...use a spoon
It isn’t what brand of laxative you
take that’s so important—it’s the
form. A liquid laxative can be taken
in any required amount. If only a
little is needed, you need never lake
a bit too much.
Doctors favor the easily measured
liquid that laxatives. Instead of any form
does not encourage variation
from the fixed dose. A fixed dose may
be an overdose for you—or your
about Always constipation: remember this one thing
the secret of any
real Give relief tile is bowels reduced dosage.
be needed, only and as much help
as may less help as
the need grows less. You will find Dr.
Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin an excellent
aid in regulating the bowels. It con¬
tains senna and cascara (natural
bilious, laxatives) and it will clear-up any
sluggish condition without
action. upset. Delightful taste, and pleasant
Your druggist has it.
He Is the truly courageous man
who never desponds.—Confucius.
j Relieve symptoms the by distressing' applying
Menlholatum in nostrils
and rubbing on chest.
Gives COMFORT Dally
Pimples on Face
Never Could
Healed by Cuticura
“Three years ago my face and
arms broke out with a skin eruption
that was followed by large, red pim¬
ples. They festered and went all
over my face and arms. They itched
and burned and I could never shave.
I lost much rest at night with them.
“Nothing I tried helped very much.
Then I saw an advertisement for
Cuticura Soap and Ointment and
purchased them. I used about four
calres of Cuticura Soap and one and
a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment
and now I feel like a new man. I
am completely healed.’’ (Signed)
Harry It. Hall, 3958 14th Ave., Bir¬
mingham, Ala., Ian. 26, 1934.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c.
Talcum 25c. Sold Everywhere. One
•ample each free. Address: “Cutl
cura Laboratories, Dept. R, Malden,
Mr. J. VV. Buck of 1913
Ellis St., Augusta, Ga., said:
“Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is a wonderful
tonic. I have relied upon it
different times when I
strength and ray ap
and digestion were
poor. Always after taking the
Discovery' I would be in
tablets good health again."
New size, 50 cts., liquid $1.00. Large
•ize. tabs, or liquid, $1.35. All druggists.
Write Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. V., for
free medical advice.
Do you lack P£P ?
Are you ell in, tired and run down?
Will rid you of
and build you up. Used for 65 years for Chills,
Fever. Malaria and
A General Tonic
50c and $1.00 At All Druggist*
¥fWuwusZ5§ &HAM
giABEEUBE’g .guuWiE-W
f? :{QfluuufiY SODA?
Site of World’s Largest Telescope
Photo from Los Angeles Bureau Wide World I’hotos
Fan Diego, Calif.-—Extending by four and one-half times the stellar universes visible to man, and pene¬
trating 4tX),(X)0,000 light years Into the enormous depth of space, the 200-inch telescope now being built for the
California Institute of Technology will be erected on the spot shown above, the top of I’alomar mountain, at an
elevation of more than 0,000 feet.
Foods, and the Pockethook
Necessary Lowering of Standards Must Not Be Allowed
to Threaten the Health of the Family
by the Denial of Essentials.
Nutrition in reference to cost is
tlie big problem which is concerning
all of us these days, whether out own
food budgets have been cut to the
bone, or whether we are straining all
our resources to. help the many fam¬
ilies in our neighborhood who are in
need of aid.
In this emergency, the dietetic au¬
thority who wrote this article points
out, the organized institutions which
have been dealing with family relief
in prosperous times—for there is al¬
ways relief problems—have been
found ready to deal with the situa¬
tion as far as It Is possible at
u moment when they have been
obliged to cut the amount of aid
given to each family below an ade¬
quate amount. One of tlie most seri¬
ous results of the necessary lowering
of food standards' is tiie possibility
of permanent injury to the future
health of children who have not been
supplied with the food essentials
which they must have for the proper
development of growing bodies.
From the Department of Agricul¬
ture in Washington the Farmers Bul¬
letin No. 1074, entitled “Food for
Children,” will be-furnished for the
asking. Tliis has been prepared by
the bureau of home economics In co¬
operation with the Washington Child
Research Center, and is most com¬
plete. The American 'Child Health
association will supply a bulletin en¬
titled “Food in I ow (lost,” by Lucy
U. Gillett, for three cents, with a
lower price on large numbers. While
these bulletins consider particularly
the problem of child feeding, they
can tie applied to the problem of fam¬
ily food, as the i principles are the
same for the old and’ young. Of
course, it is more necessary for chil¬
dren to have milk" than for adults,
who, however, will find it difficult on
a low-cost diet to get proper nourish¬
ment without its use.
One of the results of the cutting
down of the money available for
food, It has lieen found, has been an
increase in the disease known as pel¬
lagra, which has been heretofore
more prevalent in the South than
in other section? of the country. For
many years the cause was unknown.
At present it seems as if vitamin G
has distinct influence' upon the pre¬
vention of pellagra. The United
States public health', service has
“That people who have enough
food, including plenty of milk, lean
meat, fish, plenty of green, leafy vege¬
tables, or tomatoes, do not have pel¬
lagra. On the other tmnd, a diet
which consists wholly of■ cornrneal,
fat meat, rice or potatoes and
molasses or sirup, as An some sec¬
tions of the country, Is flkely to pro¬
For delicious chocolate layer cake ^ iff be sure to use our pure, effective Bak
ing Soda . . It is specified by cooking authorities for all baked
delicacies such as devil’s food, steamed pudding, lemon loaf cake. Our
Soda, a necessity in the kitchen, is helpful throughout the home ... is often
prescribed by physicians . . . Keep an extra package in the a medicine
cabinet . . . Your grocer has it. Just a few cents a package . . . Mail the coupon.
duce pellagra." To be good, a diet
should include cheese, eggs and vege¬
tables of green or yellow color, In ad
dition to bilk, bread and celenls,
lean meat, (fat meat will not prevent
pellagra) and tomatoes. But what
is to be done when the family pocket
book cannot be stretched to cover
all. those Items?
Every one in your community, how¬
ever much of the family income lias
been cut, if it is still adequate, is
feeling the responsibility of helping
other families less fortunate. The
Belmont committee plan of asking
one family, or a group of persons,
to “adopt” a family during this emer¬
gency period, asked for only .$15 a
week to take care of its bare needs.
Tills low figure means that the most
Inexpensive foods must be used. Two
menus suggested by the bureau of'
home economics, which can be pre¬
pared at a low cost, follow. The
recipes which arc included are large
because they form the principal part
of the meal, and two helpings will
probably be used.
Baked Onions in Tomato Sauce.
3 tablespoons flour
10 medium sized onions
3 pints canned tomatoes
l’/a bay leaf
H teaspoon celery seed
3 cloves
3 tablespoons melted butter, mar¬
garine or other fat
3 teaspoons salt
Skin the onions, cut in half, sim¬
mer In lightly salted water for ten
minutes, drain, ami tint in a large
baking dish. Cook (lie tomatoes
with the bay leaf, celery seed and
cloves for ten minutes, and strain.
Blend the flour and melted fat, add
to the tomato juice with the sail and
pepper, and mix well. Pour over the
onions, cover and* cook until the
onions are tender, about one hour.
Serve from the baking dish. Sea¬
soning can, of course, be varied as
Cream of Vegetable Soup.
’A cup finely chopped onion
!4 cup finely chopped rutabaga
’4 cup finely chopped carrot*
Vt cup finely chopped celery
Vi cup melted fat
2 tablespoons flour
2 quarts milk made of 2 cups
evaporated milk diluted with
2 quarts water
1 teaspoon salt
Cook the finely chopped vegetables
in the fat for ten minutes, add the
flour and stir until all are well
blended. Iri the meantime beat the
reconstituted milk in a double boiler,
add a little of It to the vegetable
mixture, stir well, combine with the
rest of the milk, add the salt, and
cook for ten minutes. The flavor Is
improved If the soup is allowed to
stand for a short time to blend be¬
fore serving. Reheat and serve.
Other combinations of vegetables
can, of course, be used.
Creamy Rice Pudding.
8 tablespoons uncooked rice.
% cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon
2 quarts milk made of evaporated
milk and diluted with water
2 quarts cold water
Wash tire rice, add it and tlie re¬
maining ingredients to the milk re¬
constituted, and stir the mixture.
Four into a baking dish and bake
three or three and a half hours in a
slow oven. Stir occasionally while
©. Beil Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Church in Brewery
Men working at a brewery at Hal¬
stead, Essex, England, regularly at¬
tend services at a church situated
in the middle of the brewery.
Services are held every Sunday
afternoon so that the employees,
who work throughout the week sur¬
rounded by barrels and beer, may
meet together for spiritual refresh¬
On special occasions, such as har¬
vest festivals and Christmas serv¬
ices, local clergymen assist the
brewery men in conducting the serv¬
ices. In their spare time the men
keep their unique place of worship
spick-and-span and are extremely
proud of tt.
Golf for the Eye*
Dr. A. M. Skeffirigton, the eminent
optometrist, recommends frequent In¬
dulgence in golf for business men.
In primitive days, he explains, man
used his eyes in hunting, and golf Is
Rood because it develops the eyesight
by giving the “hunting eye” a bit of
exercise. "A fine theory—if It only
worked,” says Banker Addlepate as
he compares today’s card of 118 with
the 108 lie shot a year ago.—London
THI5 fora CAN G£0 €ASY
I BARGAIN /1 i TO OP€N / i
price of
Calumet Baking
Poujdler is
i 25^ novu only oun< *- ^
d P
Miniature earthquakes, created by
off small charges of dyna¬
are helping scientists study
rock structures of the
says Popular Mechanics Mag¬
Sensitive instruments re¬
the “earthquakes.” By study¬
the effects of these explosions It
possible to locate accurately un¬
strata of rock as deep as
feet helow the surface. The
also is used to locate
faults, to study the ve¬
with which earth tremors are
to locate oil shale and
measure the depth of alluvial de¬
Dynamite charges vary
one to forty pounds. The ex¬
and recording instruments
carried on a special truck out¬
by scientists of the California
of Technology.
Three Simple Steps
to Ease a Sore Throat
in Three Minutes
| Crush and stir 3 BAYER Aspirin
*• Tablets in glass of water.
.-■yv- _____ • ^ ___ araar |
O Gargle head Thoroughly — throw your
way back, allowing a little to
trickle down your throat. Do this twice.
Do not rinse mouth.
O If you have a cold, take 2 BAYER
Aspirin Repeat Tablets. if Drink full following glass of
water. necessary,
directions in package.
How Calotabs Help Nature
To Throw Off a Bad Cold
Millions have found in Calotabs a
most valuable aid in the treatment
of colds. They take one or two tab¬
lets the first night and repeat the
third or fifth night if needed.
How do Calotabs help Nature
throw off a cold? First, Calotabs are
one of the most thorough and de¬
pendable of all intestinal eliminants,
thus cleansing the intestinal tract of
the germ-laden mucus and toxines.
direct from its New York Stage
■V D 4 I:'.;’
3-Hour Broadcast by
announced by
* Geraldine Farrar
Every Saturday • all NBC stations
Business established
in the yeaz 1846
He who will do great tilings nrc*:
pull himself together.—Goethe.
To Be Happy —•
You Must Be Well
Enjoy the sturdy health that
The powerful invigorating ton!*
can bring. Get with sound keen refreshing hearty
sleep—Eat a
appetite—Have health—Feed that rugged starvinf glow
of your
nerves and impoverished blood
increase your bodily vigor and (jet
a new lease on life at once w>ti
the help of this wonderful tonic
S argon is for sale by all good
Drug Stores.
Modern Scientific Method
Wonderfully Easy
Here’s a safe, modern and effectivt
way to relieve sore throat. A waj
that eases the pain, rawness and
irritation in as little as two or thre«
minutes. Many doctors advise it and
millions are following this way. Try iL
All you do is crush and stir 1
BAYER Aspirin Tablets in % glasi
of water and gargle with it twice—
as pictured here. (If you have sigrn
of a cold, take BAYER Aspirin and
drink plenty of water.)
Get real BAYER Aspirin Tablet*
for this purpose. They disintegrate
quickly and completely, making t
gargle without irritating particles.
BAYER Aspirin prices have bee»
decisively reduced, so there’s n«
point now in accepting other tha*
the real Bayer article you want.
PRICES on Genuine Bayer Aspirh
Radically Reduced on All Sizet
Second, Calotabs are diuretic to th«
kidneys, promoting the elimination
of cold poisons from the blood. Thu*
Calotabs serve the double purpose of
a purgative and diuretic, both of
which are needed in the treatment
of colds.
Calotabs are quite economical^
only twenty-five cents for the family
package, ten cents for the trial
package. (Adv.)