Newspaper Page Text
the«clevelandvcourieS ' ^ f* ,> ** . - . 5 w • j l «
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests or White County
-——— " —
Just from the Mountains.
Mr, and Mrs. Ilersliel Jackson,
of Iowa, are now on an extended
visit to homefolks.
Tuggleville is now on a boom.
Mr, lleudrix and JohivDeuton are
building a home each, and Mr.
Chambers, a lumber dealer of
Gainesville, will build about dog¬
wood blooming time.
The people’s railroad is now go¬
ing. Hall and White counties
gave $75 000 to this road. It has
brought several nickles into the
county but they are not here now.
Henry Ford got several of them,
but good old Henry is returning
them back to the Martha Berry
School and building a home in
Georgia. The fojks who stired up
a dust to get the railroad, have
not moved a peg*to keep it. Tin
little train that been off again
on again, will soon be gone forever
When they get t hat life-sizt
bust of “just call me Gene” made
and properly set up. of course the}
will start something else In alt
probability they will pass the hat
around, make up a little donation
to have one of our pictures given
us in Gainesvil e enlarged. When
made and put up in a most cou
spicious location on the highway
tiear'y all the gills wiil detotu
from the A S. II, and come ‘b\
our way, go by the Ibdian totem
pole and on by the way of Lake
When a new baby is born it get
a good neal of attention during tin
midnight period. Out
SUth was born t;*-u young couple
He wanted to call the baby Fredie
His wife insisted on naming n
L z 1. .So they made a cotnpromisf
by naming it Fertilizer,
See where Huey Long is going
to be a candidate lor Governor
down in Lousiuna and at the sunn
time -ome will try to boost him for
president. Huey is all the tiint
trying to start something up at
Washington. His attempt to bum
“Big Jim” Farley investigated hn>
fell flat. One reason he wants tin
investigation is thai Jim is a good
friend to Roosevelt, Jim Farley i.
lying low, like “Uncle Remus
fox and saying nothing. When ht
hears nothing, he says nothing. H<
has heard tiie March wind blow be
fere. “The wind bloweth whet,
it iisteth, and you hear the souno
thereof, but const not tell from,
whence it corneth or whither i<
It now looks like war is rnucJ
nearer than in 1914 Germany is
con c cripting menjfcin the military
service. The cliim they are pre¬
pared much better than- in 19II.
We want to remind you that the
Royal lliwaii.ins will return t<
Cleveland April 4. I be P. T, A
is sponsoring ihe ; r appearance.
Congressman Whelchel wires
The Courier that the Bonus was
before tiie House Tuesday and that
he could be depended upon to
keep bis promise to vote to pay i
N O W. Boys, that is. a Congress
man'. Don’t forget him.
The following pri-oners broke
ja I Saturday afternoon : Kerrs
McClure, Boss Shelnut and ----
Woodal 1 . Sheriff Vandiver re
leased them from the cell to tin
riin-round to take a bath and shav
At this instance, lie was called t.
town on official business, and n
the, meantime, they made tlioir e
c ipe to an awaiting automobile
which was parked at near th
■‘Uncle ]oe” Miller barn. Sherd)
Vandiver lias made every possib:
^endeavor to apprehend the lug.
tives, but to no avail.
Pinnale Mountain New*
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sesler and
little sons were visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Will McCarter Sunday after¬
Misses Louise und„Kathryn Al¬
lison spent last Sunday with their
friend, Miss Lortme Harkins near
Mr. JClaude Turner, of South
Carolina, and his besf girl friend,
were the dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. S. M. Cunup Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Church and
their son and daughter spent the
weekend at their -outage, Shady
Mrs. P. E. Gorman lias returned
from Atlanta, whete t-he has been
spending several days with tier hus
Miss Hat-tie Belle Adams, who
hfps been spending a few weeks
with her nucle, Mr. Canu, has re¬
turned to her home near Helen.
Carl McCarter and Clyde Adams
made a business trip to Helen on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Bill Gorman lias purchased
a nice new wagon. Look out girls
don’t be laughing. Y ou may gat
to ride in Bill’s new rig.
Mr. Henry Helton, who works
in Union county, spent the week¬
end with homefolks.
Ask Richard and J. C. MbGuii*
if they enjoyed them-elves Sunday
They certuiniy looked’ happy,
Mrs. Sue Stansberry visited Mrs
Andrew Fields and her Utile soi
one day last week.
Mr, Roy McCarter must have
gone to see hfs old girl last Sunday
Maybe, like ttie song, ‘his ole
girl’s bis new girl now?
A«k Mr. Albert Turner how In
li kcs to wear a Cap ?
We wonder if Bill McGuire got
to the show hy 7 :3oSaturday night
abd it he was lonesome?
The plans now are for a singing
it Blue Ridge School house on tiie
afternoon of the fifth Sunday in
this month. The Mount Pleasant
Singing Class will be in charge,
and we all know what good singers
they are. We hope lots of folks
will come over, and that we can
have some sure-enough singing. In
case it lias to be po-tponed, we
will let everybody know.
There is quite a l.ovn over where
the McGuire saw mill is, and we
think it should l ave a name, and
town officials,
Mr. Stansberry was elected Viet
President of the Cleveland Farm
Loan Association last Saturday, al¬
so a member of the Board of Direc¬
Mrs Albert Turifer and two
sons, Buford and Elgin and Mrs
Will McCarter and two sons, Carl
and Howard,spent Sunday evening
with Mrs. Stansberry and mother.
The boys are learning to be steno¬
> - - ------------
Eggs For Matching.
Barred Rock, Golden Buff
Minorca and White Leghorn. All
pure bred stock ; 2 cents an egg.
Will trade oil burner broodei,
50U day-old chick size, in Al con
ditiotl, t'yr 5^ bu. of corn.
Chas. Davidjon.
Dillard Saiterfieid was caught in
last week and made a sworn state¬
ment, which, according so what
we have been ab'e to hear, binds
himself and George Harkins to the
shooting of Souther and Jackson
on Christmas Day. Harkins and
Satterfield are tillw in Atlanta,
- - -—----- —
Nacooeliee News
Misses Ann and Virginia Hood
are at her home this week from
the University of G orgia are at
home for the spring holidays
Dr. and Mrs.Hardman Williams
spent the weekend with parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Williams.
Prof, .and Mrs. Bellamy and lit¬
tle daughter, Ann, spent Saturday
in At hens.
Miss Mariam At k inson, ofClevi
land, v Mrs. Mrs FredStovull
Mr ' of Demmest,
is Sj . . ,'vv days? with
parents, Mr. .md.Mrs. W. I Stovall
Miss Florence Logan spentfiatm ■
day night in Gainesville with her
sisters, Mrs. Wither Brandon and
Miss Leoija Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Janies spent' Sun¬
day with their mother, Mr$. C.
Miss Susie Lumsdeu is inOuines
ville representing the Woman's
Club attending the 9th District
A Salesman with small capital
and plenty of energy can tnak<
money selling SUl’ERFEY OIL
Reason just starting, is interester
write today'
J. E. Varner, Distributor,
18 Courtland St., S. EAtlaota.G.i
“ncie LnufsOy” Jackson, ajsfe 85
died early Thur-tldy morning afte>
au illness of several weeks.
He was a very affable arid con¬
siderate old gentleman. He was 1
good miller, and his kmdnesrf made
nim a host of friends ; n.i admirer-,
who are deeply grieved ovej hi
going, He always had a word ot
good cheer for those whom he rite’,
and bis good deeds will be cherish*
Funeral serviceses w ill be held
at tiie Cleveland Baptist church
Friday, Match 23 , at 11 n. 111., at d
interment will be in the Clevehn d
He is survived by the following :
Claude, of Wilcox county ; [tin, o(
White county ; Rustiu, of Cleve¬
land; Mrs. Larkin Satterfield, o!
Wilcox County ; and Mrs, Cleve
land Clayton, of Texas, and a
sister, Mis6 Martha Jackson,
Ode to the Relief Steer
Have you see a steer with a rope 'round
his neck?
lie’s a member of the Belief and is gone
by heck!
Three brave men were of.good cheer,
By showing a tanner the Wild weal'steer
He’s a very large animal with a broad
white ',
“He wi] ’••••.;• crop," K> the
So they . >pes and wer,
hs ..,n.
But t ,ey t.i u't knoYV how fast the
wild beast could run.
He got away from several strong men,—
“Believe It Or Not.”
And the last time they saw him was
him across the Bug Dot,,;
Being on the Relief, the Steer couldn’t
So he pecideu to go back to his itoniee
in the West.
Now these three men are in an mvful 6x,
Namely, StoVetixer, jack P»reue and
Ray Nix
If you chance to see this animai, - please
hurry ami holler.
The Relief is looking to the t«en for the
steer or the dollar.
He's probably in Mississippi and across
the states,
From Denver, Colorado, to the “Golden
So speep up up ami catch him befeore
its too late
it he plows like he ruus he could tend
the whole State-e-e—Contribited
Cleveland New*
Guile a number of from Cleve¬
land attended the funeral Mrs.
William Oakes, of Brofokton, Ga.,
ot the Trinity Methodist church
Monday morning, Also they at¬
tended the funeral of Mrs. Hopson
Staton at Clermont,Concordcburch
Monday afternoon. Rev. H. II.
Humphries assisted in buth funer¬
Prof. Davidson made a business
rip to Eilijay, Ga., Saturday.
Mrs. Clarence Rartett nccom
panied her husband to Hiawussee
and Clayton Monday.
Miss Clarice Hulsey visited bet
cousin, Irene Humphries Sunday
You who did not attend the B
Y. P. U. at the Baptist churchSun
day night nussep a tine program
Come next Sunday night and hem
'he Juniors pm on a prpgrarn.
CCC Camp News
The Gowder Quartet, of Hal
C unity, and Mr. E. C. Hefner, ot
Cleveland, also many other
singers will sing at the
F-3, Robertstowu, Sunday
noon at 2 o’clock. The public
Cordially invited to come.
Dr. C. C. Verstand'g has beet
transferred to F 10, Clayton.
George Lord visited his home
folks near Athens. Archie
went home with him.
Mr. Ferd Whelchel was
to Augusta to the budside of
Miss Ann Stovall, of Sylvia, N.
0 ., and Messrs Raymond Stovall
and Horner Galley, of Waynes*
ville, N. C., visited Mr,: J. il
Stovll and family.
Mr. and Mrs. j. I. N, Srnithjuid
baby, of Cornelia, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, R. I), McCoJ
lum and family.
Mr. H. I. Chambers and son,
Garvice, -pentSaturday oight wilt
Mr. and Mrs. Sum Thurmond at
Mr. and Mrs. William Edmond!
Toccoa, spent the d.<y wiili hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.Tatum
Miss Eva YY'liite, of Gainesville,
spending u few days with friends
To Mare Owner*
Starting.April 2, 1934 there will
a Stud at Jess Hunt’s farm at
Georgia. A Kentucky
Mammoth Black Jack, fine
and quality. Breeding Tues¬
and Saturday. Have mares
early enough to examined, so
can be done at i2 o’clock
free $10.00 and colt guar¬
to live 30 days.
F. L Stansberry
No. 4 Cleveland, Georgia
The legislature lias p issed «t law
make it a death penally for kid->
in Georgia.
A biff lias been passed by the
House in Congress allowing 3 bales
cotton tax free per person.
Folks, listen, oor old true and
friend, Thos, Bell, is back in
Washington, so he writes The
Mr. Bell, you had better
several secretaries to lake care
your until, because it wilt soon
be coming.
[PRICE ti.ftc A YE.11 IN AJ>
Notice To Whole,sale Groceries, Meat Packers ]
And «* Feed Mills and Dealers j
Sealed . will lie received l»y the
State Highway Hoard of Georgia, -1 Cap- j
tolSquhie. Atianlu. Georgia, until Iq !
o’clock nishing A. M Meh 27 it-*t 5 5 for fm- j
groceries, supplies .u.nvhlt and feed fm .
month ot Feb. to various camps j
maintained fiy said Board. Hid blanks i
and full information as t<> quantities and
delivery points can be obtained from the
Purchasing- Department at the above ad¬
dress. Ouv bid blanks must be need in
submitting bids. Payment to be made
30 days from date of delivery and aecep- j
tanee of good-. Goods must be equal to |
or belter then that used by the Highway j
Board and fouud satisfactory, (juanti- j
ties shown are approximate only ami I
may Board be sees increased lit. Kight or decrease is reserved as to tb« J
ject any and hI' bids and to waive a
formalities. Contract of purchase
awards pursuant hereto to be binding or,
the State Highw iy Department as such
and not on any employee or individual.
This notice is in accordance with the Act
of the. General Assembly of Geosgia, ap¬
proved Ang. 15 1932 . Envelope must!
be marked “S led bid to be opened Mcb J
'‘ Wfly B ’ ,ard of <ieor ^ ia - I
W, E. Wllinrn, Chairman; Alas b. i
McRae, Memb r,John A. Heck.
M.u ch ildta ■
OPEED ^ counts — whether your
Sight is on skis, on the new
streamline trains, or whether
it’s mental speed. But in order
that your haste shall not make
waste, see that your family meals
have plenty of energy foods to re¬
pair the tissues which are used
tip in your hurry.
It doesn’t reed to be a meal that
costs a lot. Here is a dinner that
will take a family of four a long
ways. It costs a dollar.
Befcedf Pork Chops with
Relish ,S5t
Baked Carrots and Peru 1 (>t
e Apple Sauce Relish 13+
Corn Sticks 12+
Baked Custard 17+
Coffee 7*
is the master key of out civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highc:
efforts of its craftsmen.
The Cleveland Courier
Commercial Printing of £< - .-cription
ADVERTISING is like liniment. h’S'fc
c ant be applied effectively with a
powder puff. It needs rubbing in .it
And the harder the rubbing the better
the results,
RUB IT IN HARD—Increase your aavertis
mg—put in the sales prssure—create enthusi
asmand enrgy and optimism throughout your
organization—andwatch the progrss you make
A ,K '• daughter
^ Cleve!ltn ,, _ t
u ^ i ' " P°P u! “['«y cm,test
Sore< * -0 ^ ln c >nn .
tion with the plav ••Black Eyed
The babies and their sponsor*
wert .
Benny Julie Allison, entered In
Nix, votes 1547; Vivi . i
entered by Joseph: e
votes; v Tommy Heole
^ Tlit , . .. ty Louise Under
W ^'‘A vo,es TB'U L'tty Tellord.
by Etnogeue Davidson,
votes 731 ; Miirtlm Ami Guest, e-..
d bv Sarah Taylor, votes 43b ;
Joyce P diner, entered by Ileit-u
Davidson, votes t 2 q
Fiacer gravel to ,V,iue cn a rov.o
ty lease. State value cu, yd.,dept i
overburden and acreage and royal.
tv desired. Lack of Mater supply ti j
rawb: ‘ Ck - &mi, “ H uCer “ c ‘
ceptubie. Stat-e if gold coarse Or"
fine. Addi ess : Gold. 1 u; North
Stella Air., Lakeland, Fla.
Raked Carrots a.r.d Peas: Slice
or dice two carrots and place in
buttered dish with one-fourth
teaspoon salt and a few grains of
pepper. Add one-half cup liquor
from one No. I can of peas. Cover
l»ke one hour in a mod¬
oven—375 degrees. Fifteen
.minutes before removing from the
’ oven, add the drained peas from
the No. 1 can. Add two table¬
spoons butter just before serving.
This’,is Also a delicious luncheon
Apple Sauce Relish : Mix one.
cup of canned apple sauce and
three tablespoons horseradish.
Chill. Just before serving fold in
one-third cup of cream which has
been whipped. Serve as a relish
with the pork chops.*