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Many Methods by Which Finer
Flavor of the Oyster Can Be
Brought Out; Right
“Oysters are in season.” Every¬
where we see the sigu-Hih store win¬
dows and on walls of restaurants, an
admirer of the succulent bivalve com¬
ments. I began my season early, to
be exact, in August, oh the Brittany
coast, where I consumed them by tiie
dozen in their raw form.
As good as they tasted to me then,
with their high flavor, the American
oyster tastes better to me now. How
large even the blue points seem and
how delightful it is to have them on
their beds of ice! I caii hardly de¬
cide whether to eat them without ex¬
tra seasoning or to take,the cocktail
sauce which by contrast!' brings out
their flavor so well. Did I tell you
that even In the small coast towns
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of France a bottle of ketchups
a bottle .of well-known Ameri¬
can brand—came to the table
with the vinaigrette sauce and the
whole spices which always accom¬
pany oysters over there. If you like,
you can make up your own cocktail
sauce then and there.
4>ur American oysters have the
double advantage of being satisfac¬
tory both for raw service and for
cooking. How good an oyster stew
tastes on a chilly day, and how easy
it is to make, and yet not everyone
knows how to produce it in Its per¬
fect form. I think I prefer the meth¬
od used by one of New York's most
famous oyster bars.
I cook the oysters just a moment,
Just long enough to curl the edges,
then add the milk, which should be
rich milk with at least its full quota
of cream, season it with just enough
salt and paprika and lpt it cook just
long enough to heat thoroughly.
Creamed oysters should be prepared
with much tiie same method. The
liquor which develops as tiie oysters
curl should be used to make up the
quantity of milk needed to dilute the
mixed butter and flour which is the
foundation of tiie standard white
A little mipced raw celery added
with the oysters and merely reheated
with them, gives an extra note of
flavor which you will like, I am surp.
For a change, try a brown sauce
without celery.
Creamed oysters are also the basis
for that popular American invention,
oyster pie. You may line your tin
with pastry or use only a top crust,
which in any case should be baked
with the oysters in a very Hot oven,
both for the sake of the pastry and
for the sake of the oysters, which
must not be overcooked. You know,
undoubtedly, that overcooking tough¬
ens oysters. This is one of the rea¬
sons why very hot fat must be used
for frying them after they have been
crumbed or "dipped in batter. To
make sure that fried oysters are per¬
fect for serving, drop them onto soft
paper as you take them out of the
fat, and you will have them crisp and
dry, as well as tender.
The hot oyster cauape, for which
I am giving you tiie recipe, makes a
good introduction to dinner.
Oyster Bisque.
24 oysters
4 cups milk
1 slice onion
2 stalks celery
Sprigs of parsley
Bit of bay leaf
Vs cup butter
% cup flour
Salt and pepper
Clean and pick over oysters, re¬
serve liquor, add oysters chopped,
heat slowly to boiling point and put
through a coarse strainer. Scald
milk witli onion, celery, mace, pars¬
ley and hay leaf; remove seasonings
and add butter and flour blended to¬
gether. Stir until thick and smooth
over tiie Hot water. Add the strained
oysters and season witli salt and pep¬
per. If too thick add more milk.
Oyster Canape.
Wrap strip of bacon around each
oyster, skewer and broil very slowly
until bacon is crisp and brown. Serve
hot on rounds of toasted bread, gar¬
nish edge with white of hard-cooked
egg, chopped fine, and mixed with
ketchup and a few drops of onion
Oysters Manhattan.
36 oysters
3 tablespoons butter
% teaspoon paprika
% teaspoon salt
L4. tablespoon minced parsley
tablespoon minced onion
Have oysters freshly opened.
Cream the butter, add the rest of
the ingredients. Divide this mixture
and put a bit on each oyster. Then
cover each oyster witli a small slice
of bacon. Set shells on baking tin in
a hot oven, 450 degrees F., cook
about twelve minutes, or until bacon
is crisp. Serve at once with sliced
Quick Meal.
Creamed oysters on toast
Celery Radishes
Potato chips Corn paprika
Green apple pie
The business woman housekeeper
welcomes oysters in season, as it
gives her an extra food which can he
prepared easily and quickly. 1 am
sure that she can prepare the meal
suggested for tonight in practically
no time if she knows a place where
she can find an apple pie worthy of
a place on her table. By the way,
did you ever try reheating an apple
pie before serving? It does much for
the ordinary pie and even a little for
the best.
I suggest using tiie whole-kernel
corn, dressed with butter ami pap¬
rika. Of course you will reheat your
potato chips, to insure their crisp¬
ness and full flavor, when you heat
the pie.
Order of Preparation.
Prepare celery and radishes
Open can of corn and dress
Prepare oysters
Make toast
HeAt potatoes and pie
Make coffee
©..Belt Syndicate—WNU Service, i,
A Friend
Oh, tiie comfort, the inexpressible
comfort of feeling safe with a per¬
son; having neither to weigh
thoughts nor to measure words, but
pour them all right out just as they
are, chaff and grain together, know¬
ing that a faithful hand will take and
sift them, keep what is worth keep¬
ing, and with the breath of kindness
blow the rest away.—John Oliver
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of value to beauty, to com¬
to ease or to happiness, it may
set down ns a useless rule which
as well be thrown into tiie dis¬
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