Newspaper Page Text
OL. XXXY 11 No, 28
Just from the Mountains.
Mr. Will Magnes- was in ill!''
section Sundae.
Messrs Robert II 1; : >er and El
rami Nix were out ts is way lust
Mr. Jim I nderwood s horse
kicked Boyd Denton’s horse and
broke n leg and lie bad to sill it.
Messrs James Coney, Charlie
Black, a son , f Will Lot bridge,
and Mr. Wotl rd s s, n were here
Friday is Confederate Memorial
Day in Fla., ti l.. A and Miss.
These old Vets will - - n hold their
last reunion on emth. When a
bov we attended a reunion of the Qa. Regiment in the grove
it the ,\lt. Vonah Br'tist church,
fudge i !• Kimsev made the wel¬
come address. Wei Boyd, J, W ,
Woodward, editor'ol the Dahlon
eg 1 Signal, ) . ]». Thomas, editor
of the I) twsativ 11 le Advertiser, and
Capt. Asburv ad made good
spec." lies. There was an old \ et
who was dtunk and lying out un¬
der ttie shade. He kept saving he j
vv is one ot General I ige Ander- j
son’s pups and kept calling forBud j
Boyd. When Mr. Boyd came out I
that dizzy fellow got sober, arose J
and pul ed 1 il his hat. Mr. Boyd j
kiudiv thanked him. Ur. Boyd
requested the band to give him
bar of Dixie. lie was only a boy
when the e stirring scenes wen
enacted, but gave a thrilling re
view of '• l’he Lost Cause I
was ,me of the best speeches eve
'A-' 1
attended was uTTTie Iutford spring!
I he Soutneru rati a special train.
Ex Rep. Smith, of Buford, gavo
welcome addres-. Col. Avt ry. ol
Atlanta, made a speech of ’.he
Life of Lee and another speaker
from Atlanta made a speech on th<
Life of lacksoii Capt Calhour,
who was tlien Manager ot the Sol
diet s Horne made a fine speech.
After a good dinue, that grand oh
Dam stheuese of the Mountains
Hiram F. Bed, paid 1 high tribuu
to the Confederate *••.»: tiler. T lu: i
he paid a 11 ibute to b r.s very am
fidelity of the women ’I I )}ti C-Oll
lederacy. Among other goor
tilings he said that I lie . “wotnei
were the very sail of the earth.
Foclo Newt Audio, who was
Vet and well-known to Us all as
good local preacher, was there IF
once prayed for an earthquake 01
Sunday night of Loud-ville camp
nn-e mg. So on the n-xt night
the day that Col. i L Oakes go
seriously hurt playing ball, on tin
31st day of August 18 ■6, came tin
big Charleston earthq ake.
............ ----
Tire VVornan’sMissiotutrySociet)
of the Methodist chinch met with
Mrs.'S. W’. Reyholds Wednesday
afternoon, April 24'ii, with tin
President, Mrs. A. Ii. Henderson,
presiding over the short business
session, and the Study Superinten
dent, Mrs. J II. Telford, was ii
chatge of the program. The sub
ject of the program was ; “Orien¬
tals In America.” and parts were j
read by Mi-S Ida Ai'.tsOU, Mr-Fie |
Fainter and Mrs. A. 11 . iiei.dersoi j j
Mrs. j. P, Patton and Mrs. Berlin
Headers were visitor- at the tneei
tug. Refreshments were server
during tfte social hour by the bus
tes- assisted by Miss ErnestineRey
noidi. File next meeting will be
at the church on May 1st at 3 P.M
Mm„ Janie Telford, a student at
the University of Georgia, has
been elected President ot Soule
JJ.-ill. Tins makes her a member
of the Student Government Conn¬
ed for the coming year.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White Co
Cleveland News
Rev, II. Ii Hum; dries preach¬
ed at Camp Creek muicii, Corne¬
lia Sunday morning and spoke to
die B. V, B. F. Sunday at Young
Harris This union ms only been
organized six weeks They have
57 members. The' ire doing good
work under the leader-hip of Guy
\i lies.
There wid ire an afternoon sing¬
ing at Cie-eeut Hill B ipti-t church
Sunday. Tiie Gounm fam'ly and
Mr, Wofford and hi- class from
Hall County, and Ho i. E. C. Hef¬
ner wil. be tin re with many othet
good singers. Hie public is in¬
The fish try at die Gold Nuget
was greatly enjoyed by a large
crowd Thutsday nigh - . April iS.
Vlany tllaUks to Ike and Bill. Let’s
nave another soon boys.
-Viter an indiv; trial (young
cudy) breaks about five appoint
merits with another individual
(young many ever' the young man
aught to be abre to overlook tin
next appointment.
Mountain News
As we all know Sunday was
Easter and it passed off very quiet¬
ly as far as we know .
Jack Frost visited here last week
nid done a great deal ot damage to
tie early pot aloe and beaus. We
hope that the weather will open
up warm.
Some of tire boy- have been
frmiftr t#Sirc;mie'
lains but we did not s ee them tak
• ng any feed along.
M, and M r-;. M . t Sims, oi
w.iuuona, X. t. . were visiting
V {r. and Mrs,, R iehat d Si ms last
weekend. ■>
Mrs Maggie Painter and child
ren, of Blue Creek . was visiting
vl r, and M1 - W. D Ad ms. Sat
atdav mglil ami Buiii A
Mr. John Dean ha.-. been on the
aick list but is flutter IK) VV ,
Miss Ruby Adams, of Swnnria
mu, N, G., spent ist weekend
with liometolks.
Mr, Wiley Hood v> is on Duke>
Greek ias! Sunday vF . 1 log iriends.
Messrs Henry Field a Dll Henry
L’aizen, of Canton, :\ . C., passed
Jin. way last Sunday - ui llieir re
urn home.
The farmeis arou id here are
ushing tl;eir crops in t Be ground,
jut jlie recent rain- will delay
diem to some extent.
Misses Belzie and L 1 vie Sims, ol
Swanmuiou, N.C., sju ■at the week
aid with parehts, Mr. nd Mrs. R
B, |Sims.
Mr. Slim Reece ga ■ tiie Mouti
tin News writer a Jeasant call
Sunday. Slim was ai his way to
-ee his best girl, and we ure sure
-he w as looking for hurt as he bad
1 gieat big smile.
White Jersey Giants and
Mixed. Heavy Greeds. 9c
cents each until May I.
Charles Davidson
Junior Flay “Safety FirM” at
School Auditorium. Friday night,
May a. Aumiegion 10 and 2 oc,
CCC Camp News
> t
Capt. M. B. Johnson amtfamily
spent the weekend with' ttieir
parents in Bessemer, Ala. ,,
Qji te a tew of Ihe boytj spent
Fester with homefolks re timing
10 i he camp Monday,
T -nr ! ■: in spent the weekend
■n the
Lit 'ent 1 siyuluy
doIit f \ e| ,tai;dij:
\V 1 v w l> 1
men - .? , j ||S,
1>. , . u fit -..I gent and 5 jy« art in
Abernathy with some yoifij (Indies
from N icoocliee spent diet lay at
E dlulah Falls Sunday.
11 . IF Humphries ttUetj
fish fry at die Gold X
Cleveland Thursday night!
Frof. M. S. Gheehngs lade a
business trip to Gainesvd Won.
One of the best sic r usk
ern finance I've heard nil
time was the one Iasi wetjfl
mgs 'l'ips. It was ah'il
who came in the bank ailj
r,j borrow ¥5. lie was-,
die bank dot not loan-, uc
“Well, I've got good
said the stranger, “anil I
be trow $5.”
Finally the banker
make the lo in Wiu-if "aH t|L
drawn and the* mfefe” .
cents paid, the stiuuger drl
his pocket $to 000 wotCh^jl
eminent bonds and h mded them
WnaHtel Bi it-.u tic bin -
e 1 1 -
ment, tiie stranger said, "Now this
is something like it ; over at tiie
oilier bank they wanted 10 charge
me $lo just lor a alety deposit
box to keep these things ir,” —
Will tie sold before tic- 1 court house
doo.c in said county on the first Tuesday
in January 11)34, within the legal henns
ef sale; to the highest bidder for cash tile
following dewerihud real estate to wit:
A one-biilf undivided iulc;re»t in rand
to flee follow iua real estate to wit: About
one hundred Helen of hurl in Ml. Yonali
district ol'Maid comity and being about
one mile north of Cleveland, fin., cm the
(.. t V N. W. K. R , and bounded ate fol¬
lows: On the north by-the lands of \V,
H. Hulsey, on the east lay the J, H.
Westmoreland property, on the south Icy
lands oils. P, West ami cm the west by
land'd' 1'. 1). Turner and Mrs. Anini
Nichols, and generally known in the
community as the A. II. Henderson
Chicken Farm. Said land levied on an
the property ol J, II, Cantrell to satisfy a
Superior Court ti fa issued from the
Superior Court cif said inanity ill favor
of Clifford Sutton ami e .ciust Frank
i’uiiiei and j. It, 1 antr"! This Apri.
to, u<:i5, Vandiver, -Sheriff
Mar Rn wieigli
t.ou U Write im
media ; Go., Dept.
GAC-- • Memphis, Tenn.
White Court of Ordinary April Term
The appraisers upon the application of
Vila. Mary Henderson, widow of said J.
E- Henderson for a twelve month’s sup¬
port for herself and one minor child hav¬
ing tiled their i etui n ; ail persons con
'•enusl hereby are c-itad to show oause_
d any they have, at the next regulacMaj
term of this court, wliy said application
should not be granted.
A. L. I! irscy, Ordinary
Pure bred-biood tested Baby
Chicks, _ all , breeds, lowest prices.!
ic per chick books your order.
Hatcheries—A the ns A GainesviiieGa
Mr. Ben McCollum. olFrankbn.
\ C., spent the wtekend witli
parents, Mr. and Mi.- R. D. Mc¬
Mrs. .Lay Sosebee unci baby vv s
rice dinner guest ot Mr. and Mrs.
Pat* Holcomb to II cbiTshurn Sun
ia v.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugc-tu
McCollum April 2 o boy which
h is been givein tiie ime CliurUs
Ro vei,
Mr. and Mrs. J. il Slo vail nd
Fill el'i speni Stine!; V with Mi
and Mis II G Alli-1 Clet e
Mr, and Mis G. M Miles spent
-Sunday wide Mr. ami Mrs, Frank
Mlie- at i Ftbersbam
Mr, Harve CatUr I 1 and famib
visited Mr, and Mrs. Carl Robeit
Mr. ami Mrs, Frank Fatutn and
children, of Cornelia, spent Sun
city with Mr. utidMiv J. J) Tatum
A story is told ot a man wl 0
thought i:e would play a swel
(rick on his wife Llullovve’e nuignt
He rigged up .1 jack '(’lantern and
si eaked home wtlit it. Hjs wife
was in bed asleep. lie ligbtei
1 he j ick-o’lauitiru and poked sis
grinning, leering face over the bed
Imagine hubby’s cons ernation
whelt the little la-tv --imply louse
up lightly, took n sleepy glance al
•-he hideous face and itmarkt-o :
"Web, boeey, busim-ss must h
getting better, l ie t’s the Ii st
time I’ve seen you sm le in months
Egg* For Hatching.
Barred Rock, Golden Butt
Minorca and White Leghorn, A
pure bred stock ; 2 cents an egg.
Will trade ml burnei bcooiei
500 day-old chick si/.- in A I con
dit ion, for 5| hit. ot rorn.
Glia- David-on.
Naoooeiiee News
The Nacoochee \\ omanX Clul
met at the home of Mrs. ( has. Wil
bums April 17. A white elepjian
party was [cut on by the Finance
Committee. The pmceeds to go
I > Tallulah Fulls School, Mrs
Williams, assisted by Mrs, Mtllci.
Mrs. Michel, Miss Jessie Imims
den, served delightin'! refreshments
during 1 he social hour
Mis es Isabel Lum-den andSusan
Glen visited at home during Easter
hoi id'ays.
Miss Mattie Oaks, <1 Atlanta, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. C. VV.
O cks.
Mrs. Jama* William-., Mrs.King
and little daughter visited Mr. and
Mrs. Allan William and Miss
Mary .Schaffer over tto- weekend.
Mr. and Marvin Allison and
daughter, Marvin, spent Saturday
end Sunday with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. VV. I, Stovall. Mrs. Stovall
accompanied them home to spend
the week.
Mr. Edwin Paris, of Atlanta,
was the weekend guest of his au«t
Mrs. C, II. Krise.
Mr. Luther Raurseur is spend¬
ing this week at his summer home
Prof Bellamy, K. B Miller, E.
). Hurt and Donald Iluisev made
business , trip . to Athens , Monday . , ,
Miss Florence Logan visited
Gainesville over the weekend.
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t ■ w
.At « --ii,
d: . ON’T hear or any gloomiest morning something to
)of tli 1 r -tini- to wake up for. How about this
whom ; ; ; moans menu for a stormy morning?
nothing h ' ;; urine; Itoesn’t it make the hibernating
Sleep, On c . ic--!imp- squirrel and his few poor nuts an
you thought can’t t h; i\i- v. i "A j object- of your deepest pity?
- Ornnpp find
slumber, Pineapple Sauce
mad* alar: cks necessary to Cereal with Cream
man, it als- no re and j Philadelphia Scrapple
more good t«v Toaxt Coffee
make him til a orange and Pint-apple dance:
comes ever f’iit the skin from two California
Of course -■asms and out them in pieces,
with its rici na that 13 ’’ding a ! 1 he white fibre.
come intrur on in the st ArM the 00 of an S-ounce
possutn-y h. And there's al- ran of pin • dbits and chill
ways the; hot comfort of overnigl*! ith a sprink
cereal and , . But these old Hhg of t:r or t . if pussihle,
familiars a.- the ! ' ginning j with a sp if- This recipe
of good brt that make the 1 serves five people.* r
h - $ j
1 v ,
ii r» L q n iy Nv,
Y 1 6 \V.
is the t • :;v key of our civilization, <\N
/ ■
chc me us .hrGugh which we have Vv,
/ ■
| achieve ir education and industry. \ *
It is V
efiortb craftsmen. k
1 'in Glev V (
i mercial Pr ring of Et sCnpiion %
. - - & .^
Subs Hu i 1 The Gouriei
r d v g :i ;. 1 SING is like itninient. It %
. tcpced effectively with a < •->
ni ■vder ' * iic p . • ier the It needs rubhiag robbing the better in I
the re
; HAKJ—Increase your
the sale: prssure—create enthusi*
„y d c mism throughout your
on—andwatch the progrss you make