Newspaper Page Text
0L. XXXVU N0. 29
On account of ruin we did not
have Sunday School Sunday and
missed one of the greatest lessons
of the year—the llible—the Law
of God. Dnvid said : “O, how
lovely thy law!” JVVliy is the law
of the Lord lovely? No part of it
ever has been or ever needs io be
repealed or revived The reward
tor keeping God’s law is as sure as
i“ the punishment forjviolating it.
We may violate the law of tlies
slate every day and go unpunished
by the courts, but by the same acts
we have violated the Law of God
and will receive certain punish
tnent. Observation and many bit¬
ter experiences have taught me
that there is a certain punishment
in sotno form for the violation oi
God’s law, and it will be your sad
mi~take if you think you can get
vvitli just asking God's forgiven
Remember the great gulf. If 1
tell my little boy not to handle my
ax and lie disobeys me and cuts off
a toe. I, of course, forgive the little
fellow but 1 can't altogether stop
the pain. The Law of the Lord is
lovely for by His judgment we are
warned, and by His law we art
What is God’s law and who
gave it to us? The sixty-six books
of theBible witten by forty ancient
men gives us a great knowledge oi
how God’s law deals with the
human race. Right was God’s
law in ancient times and it has
never been modernized. My fathei
once said that if he could not be¬
lieve every word in the Bible lit
could not Relieve any part of it.
Ttntt also (Joes tor me. I knob?
that Enoch walked and talked with
God because God walks and talks
with me. I believe that God buried
Moses in an unknown grave be
cause He is burying numerous
other people in unknown grave
every year. 1 believe that Gou
took Enoch for I have witnessed
Him taking others. If I believe
that God carried Elijah away in a
liery cyclone it i; as good as youi
belief that lie was carried up in a
horse-drawn vehicle as I have seei
pictured. I believe whatever 1
warn to about fish stories but there
was soiliatliing that put the fear o!
God in Jonah and he was ready to
do the bidding of God when he
reached land.
Dr. S. Park Cadman, one of the
best authorities on the Bible says:
‘ Read the Bible like you eat fish ;
eat the uourshing part and leavt
the bones.”
God gave Ilis law for otir salva
lion. David said there was great
reward in keeping His statutes.
White Jersey (Hants and
fylixed. Heavy Greeds. 12c
gents each until May 8.
Charles Dayidson
Junior Play “Safety First ’ at
School Auditorium, Friday night
A 1 dy 8- Autgission to itid 2 oc.
jiao tneir savings mvcsiei* m atu,.&s
bonds, mortgages, real estate, Indus
trial investments, or in businesses oi
any kind, have had losses very much
greater, and in a much larger percent
age, than have depositors in closet,
“tt is tor these reasons, and others
not necessary here to enumerate, that
it is not possible to justify paying de
positors in closed banks with the tax
payers’ money,"
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests or White Co
Cleveland News
A meeting of the FERA teach¬
ers was he’d in the court house
Saturday morning. Mrs. Annie
Johnson Rums, Assistant Super
visr, presiding. Marrar and Prof.
Rigdon and Mrs. Burns told of the
splendid work the FERA is doing
in the state. There was seven
represented by 50 or more teachers,
also Colinty Superintendents. The
counties represented were: Hall,
Diwseti, Forsyth, Lumpkin,Union
Towns and White.
The many friends oP’Grandina”
Smith are deeply grieved over her
Misses Clarasa aridMonteen Hul¬
sey, of of Clermont, visited their
aunt, Mrs. H. II. Humphries, Fri¬
day night.
Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Hefner and
son attended the singing at Cres¬
cent: H'll church Sunday afternoon
Mountain News
Our Sunday School at Dukes
Creak is going on very well and
we hope it will continue,
Mr. W, D. Adams was in
Robertstown Sunday.
Miss Mary Curtis gave Mrs.Hat
tie Ash a visit one day last week.
Mr. Clarence Sims, of the CCC
Camp, spent the weekend at home
Messrs Oscar Howard aud Gor¬
don Leonard were 011 Dukes Creek
Mr. Henry Ash was in Cleve¬
land last week.
Mr.* and Mrs. Claiif M .rtib were
the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr,-,
Jordon Pharris.
Several from Robertstown at¬
tended Sunday School at Dukes
Mr. Lamb Adams and Frank
Dean went a fishing Saturday.
Mrs. A. E. Ledford was visit
mg Mrs. Emma B. Crabtree last
Nacooehee News
Mr. W. I. Stovall, Mrs. C.
Courtenay, Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Stovall and son spent Sunday in
Lawrenceville with Col. and Mrs.
VI. A. Allison. Mrs. Stovall, who
has been visiting her daughter,Mr
Allison, returned with them.
Mrs. Clias. Williams has been
quite sick since Sunday, but is
better to the delight of her many
Mrs. Rhodes and children, of
Clarkesviile, were visiiing in the
Valley Sunday,
Little Phil Miller is visiting his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Mr and Mrs. P. L, Hood and
son and Mr. John Partam spent
Sunday m Gainesville with Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Hood.
Mrs. G. M. Galloway visited 111
the Valley last week.
Mr. Roberts and Mr. Hollis
weut fishing last week and caught
quiet few nice rainbow fish.
Prof. O. W. Bellamy, who has
been sick, is better to the delight
of liis pupils and many friends.
Two Walker Fox Hounds
One bitch, white with lemon
ears nnd black spot on shoulder.
One dog white, with brown ears,
Pronounce curl trail left eye Looks
like he had mange. Names: Din,
and Beauty. Reward tor for these
dog. R- E. ? Baker, Ga. F-ft,
Roberstown , G;'
CCC Camp News
Geo. C. Summon-, Bennett Sar
gent. Horace Conley and Martin
Abernathy attended the singing at
Crescent Hill church.
Henry Maxey, the fisherman,
broke the record Thursd y 'fight
when he dropped his hook aud line
in live cteek near the camp and
pulled out a 16 inch rainbow
weighing 3 pounds.
Quite a few of the boys went to
Cleveland Friday night to the
Senior Class play at the sehori
auditorium. Among those who
went was Iloke Ogletree.
We welcome to our camp 20
new boys who came in last Tues¬
day, April 23rd. They are doing
quite a bit of work aronivd the
Fred Oliver visited hornet oiks at
Woodsgrove, near liiawassee last
F'3 won tlie baseball game Sat
urday afternoon over the JJiairsvillt
Camp 11 to 8
The new boys are building a
swimming pool and tennis court
this week,
Sclio-' rk is g' ■-\g fine in tin
camp 1 •hip of Prof
M. S. od by II.II
Hum: 0
Fa 1 e.t Wedne-day
for Atlanta where he has secured
employment with the HOLC.
Eggs For Hatching.
Barred Rock, Golden BuO
Minorca and White Leghorn, A
pure bred stock ; 2 cents an egg.
Will trade oil burner brooder.
500 day-old chick size, in Al con
dition, lor 5^ bu. of corn.
Clias. Davidson.
Georgia, While County.
Will be sold before tin- court house
doo.r in said county on the first Tuesday
in January 15)34, within the legal hours
ef sale to the highest bidder for cash the
following described real estate to wit:
A one-half undivided interest in end
to the following real estate to wit: About
one hundred acres of land in Mt. Yonah
district of said county and being about
one mile north of Cleveland, Ga., on the
G. & N. VV, R. R., and bounded as fol¬
lows: On the north by the lands of W.
H. Hulsey, on the east by the J. H,
Westmoreland property, on the south by
lands of E, P, West and on tlie west by
land of T. H. Turner and Mrs. Anna
Nichols, and genetally known in tin
community as the A. H. Henderson
Chicken Karin. Said land levied on as
the property ol J, H, Cantrell to satisfy a
Superior Court n fa issued from the
Superior Court of said county in favor
of Clifford Sutton and against Frank
Turner and J. 11, Cantrell, This April
10, 1935. Lat Vandiver, Sheriff
Man Wanted tor Rotwleigh
Toute of Soo families. Write im¬
mediately. Rawleigti Co., Dept.
G AC—63—S A— Mem phis. Ten n.
White Court of Ordinary April Term
The appraisers upon the application of
Mrs. Mary Henderson, widow of said j.
(V Henderson for a twelve month’s sup¬
port for herself ami one minor child hav¬
ing filed their return; all persons eon.
oerried hereby are cited to show oause_
if any they have, at the next regularMay
term of this court, why said application
should not be granted,
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary
Pure : blood tested Baby
Chicks, , west prices,
ic per < t order.
Hatche c. GainesvilieGa
Cleveland High School
1st Grade
Emogene Allen, Ruby Allen,
Vernon Harkins, funice Jurrard,
Leliu Palmer. Dora Lee Ra id, Bob
bie Neal Thomas, Peggy Vandiver
2nd Grade
Mary Ruth Nix, Betty Palmour,
Jo Carroll, Richard Nix, Jack
Davidson, Cieve McDonald, Bill
Underwood, Lambert Hefner, (ere
VV estmurelami.
8rd Grade
Evelyn Allen, Josie MaeBrown,
Pauline Head, Edith Nix, Jewell
Holcomb, Junell White, Mildrid
Oliver, Ralph Allen, Billie David¬
son, Robert Freeman, George
Giover, Hiram N. Johnson, Duke
Palmer, C. F Sears.
4th Grade
Fred Cooley, Allan Mauney, |r.,
Billie Russell, Jr., J. I). Rogers,
Dorothy Jean Neal, lii 1 lieFaulkne-r
Myrtle Abernathy.
5th Grade
Junior Sealer, Edna Raid, Latnai
Johnson, Mary Louise Underwood
II. A. Allison, Herman Glover
Thelma .Nix, Ben Davideon,Gerald
dth Grade
James Guest, Sam Thacker,
Arthur Turner, Glen Nix, Neal
Ash, Gwendelle He l, Henrietta
Davidson,PaulineDtn aery,Carolyn
Palmer, Marijo Nix, Eulah Saxon.
L, E. Faulkner, Agnes Allen
Gladys Seubolt.
7th Grade
Clydie Reid, Lula Mae Hulsey,
Elizabeth Humphries, Lois Palmer
Gertrude Nix. Mary Ruth Buret t.
Geneva Stancil, Madge Tow, Glen
Sargent, Vereile Black.
8th Grade
L. G. Neal, Jr , Robert Kenitner
Henrietta Hunt, Sara
gene Davidson, YVillela Allison.
9th Grade
Dorthea Stovall, M ildredKiinsey
I()th tirade
Sherman Dixon, AlwayneMillet
I mill B. Dorsey, Billy Ktmsey.Carl
Nix, Ruth Dorsey, Mary Winkler.
Virginia Mauney.
11th Grade
Mildred Dorsey, L,,:na Thacker.
Mrs. Loy Sosebee and daughtei
is spending sometime with her sis
ter, Mrs. William Edmonds, at
Mr. and Mrs. VV, C. London
and daughter. Vera Lou, of Haber¬
sham, visited Mr. and Mrs.Charlie
Deau Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. P. Brown, of
Cornelia, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. McCollum.
Mr PauiElliott and family visit¬
ed relatives at Yonah Sunday,
Mr. Acy Brady and family, of
Cleveland, visited Mr. and Mr-.
Edgar Stovall Sunday.
Don’t forget next Saturday and
Sunday is our regular preaching
day at Blue Creek, Rev. Claude
Hood will preach. Everybody
Mr. and Mrs. VV illiums Ed¬
monds, of Toccoa, spent Sunday
with Mr. and and Mrs. J. D.
All legal advertising posi¬
tively must be paid in ad¬
vance. If you have any legal
advertisements to appear in
our next issue be sure to bring
along the money, else we will
he forced to turn you away.
YVe are not carrying any legal
advertisements hereafter un¬
less we get the cash in advance
PRICE $1.50 V Y E . it !; IN Alf
The W? u f Interesting Magazine
The ant Place in the World
Local new 0 favorite home papur. But you cannot
be equally vv v altonal and world affairs without Patfi
tinder. Thim ; ■ t'i- on! New industrial developments'
The all-imp 1 1 dilation! Ads of Congress! Govern
mental orde ' cr things! But how will this affect
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* The true ■ I vs on at Washington; understandable
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Ijr M Av m '■■'ft «
j ***£. 1 usttro
Georg ; d to bear in mind that
beer, wi¬ - ,-iIl be listed separa t ely on
the refer ^ , ;.d that it -will be possible
to vote .. .List whiskey or wine, or
vice-ver ;yr Legislature provided a
separate : r beer, so that people who
want to lized sale oi beer alone,
can do
Legal- in. Georgia should increase
employ?, , by more than 15,000
jobs, stir . , * d improve business con
ditions •: . 3 . Railroads, truck-lines,
supply r. building material manufac
turers.. r , etc., would ail receive
Beer : : d, healthful food beverage
that enc ;£ranee. Statistics show
that the rations are the most tem
pSrate n: .Lized world.
V ill ‘I ' hition T HE mm
Tax-. ■;? sfo to provide
Pi n C5 &
mas :r key of nur civilization,
means through which we Have
wed arc, education and industry,
well worth the very htghc
. >i irs craftsmen.
M .
: Printing of Ex - , . ...enption
: - b : W
Sub L V i The Gouriei
r VER USING is like liniment. It
c TT|i ~
z app.ied effectively with a
;r:br pi., h It needs rubbing in It
the harder the rubbing the better
the rc:
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asm.v avii optimism throughout your
|organi -andwatch the progrss you make