Newspaper Page Text
L®cffi! News
M i \ i M ii i r presents I ec
music pupils in Recital Frit ay,
Vlay 10, at 8:30 p in. in C evelutiii
High School auditorium. Every
oody invited. No admission
The cotton farmers and bu-ines—
men of While county will meet at
lie court house at 1 p. in. Satur¬
day, May 1 1, to send their expres¬
sion of the cotton processing tax
tnd control program to Washing
ion. The lawmakers cannot make
1 law to suit you unless they know
what you want. Trusting that
-very cotton farmer and business¬
man in the county will attend tlii.i
The Bonus bill is now before the
Mrs. W. A. Dauforth, formerly
jf this county, spent a short time
last Friday on her way home.
Alt young men between the ages
of i8to 28 should make application
immediately at the Relief office il
they want to get in a CCC Camp.
Mr. W. H. Bell, of Gainesville,
was 111 town Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. J F. Jaruette, of
the Henry Grady Hotel, and Mrs.
(Judge) Virlyn Moore, of Atlanta,
visited Mrs. R. L Henley Sunday
Misses Nell Garmon and Eliza¬
beth Church spent last week with
Mrs. R. N. Henley.
14 CCCCatnps will he construct¬
ed in Georgia. Bids are now open
Dr. L, G. Neal returned home
Sunday afternoon alter being ai
Downey hospital for observation
several days.
Mrs. L. L, Black, of Atlanta, 1
visiting her mother, Mrs. Alex
Dav'dsou, this week.
Governor Ttlmadge will renew
ois attack of President Rooseve.t
aver radio May 6.
Young men between the age of
17 and 29 are eligible to enter the
C. M. T. C. You shou.d make
application at [once.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grady
Dorsey Saturday night twins.
Mr. Chappell, federal probation
■fficer, was in town tor a short
time Monday.
How mnch of the money the
federal government gave Georgia
for qighways was spent in this
section? Don’t you really think
it is fine that Earle Cocke has been
appointed? He is a real man and
wiil do his best to administer it
fair and justly, 'ton can depend
on Earle Cock doing the light and
__—Pilgrim, of White Creek
district, has been appointed in Mr.
French’s place and assumed his
duties Monday in the Relief office.
Sunday, May, is se' aside to
contribute to the Georgia Baptist
Hospital for funds to take care ot
the needy. As you know, all this
money goes for chanty patients
only. White county should make
t most liberal contribution.
The Senior Class play nt the
school auditorium last Friday night
was enjoyed by a large attendance.
Miss Myrtle Lee Turner, ,|we feel
sure, has the most grateful appre¬
ciation of all those present for her
Congressman Frank Whelche!
has named Cora L- N-chols as act¬
ing postmaster of Daiilouega.
1 -Ion Eule Cocke, m lunger of
the R. F. C. in Georgia, has been
•untied Chairman ot the National
Emergency Council hi Georgia.
.Vlr. Cocke will handle all applica
j tions in Georgia on the W ork
I Relief fund. You can depend on
j Eirie doing what is right. He is
au ex -ei vice man and a real man.£
Mr, Isaac Jackson tells The
Courier that he has resigned as a
member of the Counc Irnen ol
Cleveland. He wishes that lie to
express his appreciation to the peo¬
ple for their confidence in electing
1*32 t i t r ( x s
“lletter Than Gold”
to be presented by
Cleveland High Auditoriu a
Friday night 8 o’clock
April 20
Admission 10 and 20 c
We will accept from farmers any
kind of produce grown on their
farm for renewal of their subscrip¬
tion, or to he added to our list as 11
hew subscriber. We trust this
proposition will appeal to every
Advertising is the oil that lubri
cates the machinery of huisness
Try it regularly.
Pay Your Subscription Now
Notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed M is will be. received by the
State Highway Hoard of Georgia, 2 Cap
tol Squate Atlanta. Georgia, until lp
o'clock A. M. Apr, 25 i»35 fur fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed for
month of May to various convict camps
maintained by said Board. Bid blanks
and full inhumation as to quantities and
delivery points can be obtained from the
Purchasing Department at the above ad¬
dress. Our bid blanks must be used in
submitting bids. Payment to tie made
,-it) days from date of delivery and accep¬
tance of goods. Goods must tie equal to
or belt or than that used by the Highway
Board and found satisfactory. Quanti¬
ties shown are approximate only and
may be increased or decreased as the
Board sees (it. Right, is reserved to re¬
ject, any and all bids and to waive a
formalities. Contract of purchase
awards pursuant hereto to be binding on
the Slate Highw ty Department as such
and not on any employee or individual.
J'bis notice is in accordance with the Act
of the General Assembly of Georgia, ap¬
proved Aug. 1 5 1(122. Envelope iuuel
be marked “S vied bid to be opened Apr
.State HLliway Board of Georgia.
VV. E. W lburn, Chairman; Max L.
McRae, Meuib r. John A. Heck, Member
April 3, 1 dd5
65 acres, 1 mile south of Cleve¬
land, very desirable location for
service station and tourist camp.
Appalachian Scenic highway tra
verses this tract near evenly.
Known as the old Aunt Sailte
Hamilton place. 100 to 200 young
fruit trees. One fair six-room
nouse. Two branches on place.
See L. Bryant, near Frank Wof
ford’s store, or write F. L. Mad¬
dox, Gastonia, N. C., R 2 -
Friee $1,100. A bargain.
Have you paid your subscription
VVe can’t continue to seud it to
you, so if you want it to keep visit
mg you each week the only thing
for you to do is to pay up NOW,
7 Golden Buff Minorca roosters,
months old ; direct fiotn Rusks
Grade AAA chicks. 1 have
under my care. If you want
i real rooster see or write
Charles Davidson
Box i g 6 lj
Cleveland, Ga.
"A pf/tni gliiesirt.., „ -——— ,c
connection with bank failures te this
period, is that upon the whole, depos¬
itors In closed banks will get a some¬
what larger percentage than has been
true in bank failures over a period of
say twenty-five years,” Mr. Jones said.
“Heretofore they have gotten about
58%, but in these wholesale bank clos¬
ings, my estimate Is-that they will,
upon the average, get about 65% of
their deposits.
“Another point worthy of mention
is that a depositor in a closed hank
loses only a part of his deposit, white
the bank stockholder loses all, plus a
stock assessment.
“No form of investment, except Gov¬
ernment bonds, has suffered as little
lo s as deposits in closed banks, and
being cut almost in half as compared
with the same period last year. It has
been reported that the decline in ex¬
port and import trade was definitely
checked in the middle of 1933 and re¬
placed during the last half of the year
by a substantial recovery movement.
Among favorable factors is the ltn
proved condition of the hanks. It is
doubtless true that the twldng strue-
State of Gaorgia,
County nf White.
To the Superior Court of Said County:
The petition of G. 0. Dugas and K. O.
Dugas, of White county, Georgia, amt E.
J. ConvenHy amt A. Heller of New Jer¬
sey, and W. A. Camman of New York
County, Tew York, respectfully shows:
That they desire to.t themselves and
associates, successors ami assign to he
incorporated and made a body politic
for a period of twenty (20) years with
the privilege of renewal when and ss
provided by iaw, under the name and
style of
, 2
That the (principal office and place of
doing business of said company shall he
in White County, Georgia, Gut “petition¬
ers desire the right to establish branch
ofli’cestN elsewhere, within or without
this state, ami in any t'oreigh country,
by a vote of the of a majority of
its capital stock ami that, said corpora¬
tion may hold meetings of its directors
either within or without the county of
White or the State of Georgia as the
Board of Directors may determine.
That the object of the said corporation
is pscuuiary, gain to itself and its stock¬
That the capital stock of said corpora
'ion shall he One Hundred and Twenty
Thousand Dollars ($120,000,00) the same
to be divided into One Hundred and
Twenty Thousand Shares of common
stock of the par value of one dollar ($1.00)
per share of which a minimum of 10 per
cent shall be paid in either lawful money
or in property at its fair cash .value
when business has begun. Petitioners
desire authority for said corporation to
increase said capital stock at ^any time
and from time-to time to any amount not
in excess of five bun red thousand dol
lars ($500,000,00) by a majority vote of
its capital stock outstanding and en¬
titled to vote at the time, of any such in¬
crease and any part of such increased
capital stock may be common or pre¬
ferred or both, in such poportions as the
companies stockholders may by like vote
authorize, and that the dhectors elected
by said stockholders may have authority
to place on said authorized increased
capital stock, the value and selling price
of the same.*
That the particular business that s ud
corporation proposes to carjy on and for
which jthe petitioners ask powej ami
authority is to buy, lease, or otherwise
acquire mines, mining rights, quarries,
anti mineral lands atjd claims' of every
kind, nature and description, and to
work, mine, prosper}, develop and pro
mote the same; to mine, quarry, and ex¬
cavate gold, silver, copper, and other
ores and metals for minerals of all de¬
scriptions; to buy, lease, construct , own,
control, operate, and maintain mills,
works, and plants for the c.tushing,
sampling, assaying, mi ling, smelting,
reduction, and concentration or minerals
and metal bearing ores, and the extrac¬
tion therefrrom of all kinds of of metals
and mineral products and by-products
on its lowir account anu as factor and
as factor and agent, others; to carry on
the businesss of mining, milling, con
ccntrating, converting, smelting, treati -
irig, preparing for market, reducing,
buying, selling and merchandising in
gold, siler, copper and other metals and
metalic compounds, coal, coke, charcoal
and other fuels, and all products and
by-products of all ores and minerals; to
eviga.Se in any other manufacturing,
mining, conslructiipn or transporatation
business of any kink and cearaeter
whatsoever and to that end acquire,hold,
own and dispose of any and all property,
as.sels, stocks, ann rights of any and
every kind, to apply for, register, pur¬
chase, lease, or otherwise acquire, use,
day.elop, sell or otherwise dispose of,
take i>y grant licences or other rights and
way exploit of turn to account inven¬
tions, copyrights, patents, formula, aud
similiar right* of any and alt kinds; and
to do any any and all things ordinarily
and usually incident -to the conduct of
a business of such kind and character.! r
wbice may hereafter in the development
of said business be necessary or desirable
in the oniyluct of the same,
That they desire turthpyity for said
corporation to sue arid lie sued, to plead
and be impleaded, contract and be con¬
tracted with, and to have and use a
common seal and make all necessary by¬
laws and regulations ti’itii the right to
amend and chahge the same and do all
other tilings that may be necessary toi
the unauccessfulJmanaSemi n; and i arry -
ing on of its business.
That they desire special auth irity
saitl corporation to accept amendments to
said charter either in the matter of form
or substance o i to renew the same on ilt
date of expiration by n vote of the hold
era of a majority of capital stock entitled
to vote.
That they desire special authority foi
said corporation to sell, convey and dis¬
pose ot ils corporate assets, at such time
and upon such conditrons that it may sec
tit by a vote of the holders of a majority
of its capi'al s'oek entitled t.o vote vml,
if desitahle, to disaontiinia the opera¬
tion of said corporation and its business
at any time, or to merge and combine ils
business at any time, or to merge and
combine ifk stock and business with any
sitni|iai' corporation, and to dissolve ils
corporate existence and surrender its
charter as may lie authorized by the
holders of a majority of its capital stock
entitled to vote.
Petitioners desire the right upon in¬
crease of its capital stock as heretofore
provided and as ils boaid of directors
may see fit or so determine in their own
discretion to sell or convey said stock
whether common or preferred to any per¬
son, firm, or corporation whomsoever
without first offering said stock to any
of its then stockholders,
To manufacture, buy. sell and lease
gas, oil, and electric devices, mechan¬
isms, and apparatus, for (lie prsduction
of light, heat, and power, and of all such
piping, conductors, and accessories as
arc usual in connection therewith; to
manufacture, buy, sell, and deal iu all
kinds of goods, wares, tools, fixtures,and
appliances that may lie useful in the
production of or utilization of light, heat,
and power from any source; to construct,
equip, and install engines, power plants,
machines, adparatus, and appliances for
the manufacture, production,generation, I
and supplying of gas, light, heat, power,
electricity, or ofhet motive rower; and to
maintain repair, improve, control and
operate the same; ti manufacture, sell
and deliver ami distribute electricity for
light, hr at and power and for meohtins
cal purposes and manufacturing.
In futherance and not in limitation of
the general powers conferred by the
lows of tlie state of Georg ia and of the
objec'S and purposes hereinbefore set
forth, it is expressly provided that said
corporation shall have the following
First: To contract freely with any
person, firm, or corporation, private or
public, and ro carry out and fulfill con¬
tracts of every sort and kind, and to
; P ’ ,, c, ' aP "' m °* : *" rwi89
i a ”- v ami “ U n " h,s ' pHviJ-^-.-s, and fran
or carry
out in connection with the corporate
business of said company ,
Second: To borrow money frot-n any
pei-son, firm, or corporation; to make
and issue notes, bills, bonds, deben¬
tures, and other evidences of indebted¬
ness of all kinds, and to secure the same
by pledge, mortgage, or otherwise, with
sut limit as to amount, and to provide
payment of the same by deposited cash,
sinking fund or otherwise.
Third: To purchase or otherwise ac¬
quire, and to own, develop, sell mort¬
gage, or otherwise dispose of real estate,
real property,and all interests and rights
therein, without limit or amount, and to
the same extent as natuial persons
might or could do, and in any part of
the world,
Fourth: To acquire such property,
rights, and good will, including the
whowhole er any part of the assets, anil
in connection therewith assume or
guarantee the liabilities of any person,
firm, association or other corporation
as this corporation may lawfully acquire
iu- assume, and to pay for the same in
cash, stock or bonds o fhe corporation or
Fifth: To utilize and apply its sur¬
plus or profits to the purchoso or ac¬
quisition of its own capita! stock, from
time to time, and in such manner as may
legal and equitable as to other stock¬
holders, and upon such terms as its
Board of Directors .shall determine pro¬
vided that shares of its own capital stock
belonging to it shall not be voted di
rectls or indirectly.
Sixth: ’To hold, purchase, or other¬
wise acquire, and to sell, assign, trans¬
fer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dis¬
pose of, shares of the capital stock and
securities created by any otheo corpora¬
tion or corporations, and while the hold¬
er thereof to exercise all the privileges
■d ownership including the right to vole
Seventh: To promote or to aid in any
ttonner, financially or otherwise, any
corporation or association of which any
socks, bonds, or other evidences of in¬
debtedness or securities are held direct¬
ly or indirectly- by thie corporation ; and
for tlds purpose to guarantee the con¬
tracts, "dividends, stock, ..bonds, notes,
lud other obligations of fucli other cor.
inrations or associations; ami to do any
ether acts or things designed to protect,
preserve, improve or enhance the value
of such stocks, bonds, or other evidences
ef indebtedness or securities.
Eighth: The eorporatio: may do any
of the thtngs hereinbefore enumerated
for itself or for gccounl of others; may
make and perforin Contracts for doing
any thereof; may cany on any business
or operation dei-med advantageous or
proflti-ble to the corporation.; in connec¬
tion with or futherance ot any thereof
may acquire, uws, undertake, give
guarantees in respect to,manage and dis¬
pose of contracts, properties and right*
of all kinds, ling the assets, busi¬
ness, good will and liabilities of corpora¬
tions, associations, firmsand individuals,
b mi gen easily may do anything that
natural person might lawfully do in oon
nectioii with any of said things.
Ninth: The objects and powers speci
tied in this certificate of incorporation
''hillI except where ex; rrrsly limited, b
in nowise limited nr )'-strained by in
termed from the terms of any ,, Ilia'S
clause iu ony other par: of this charter
bit-the p , rs specified in
each of tbs clauses if : ■?. charter shall
lie regarded as iudcpei cent and separate
purposes and powers of the corporation.
\\ HEUEKORK, Petitioners pray to be
incorporated under the name amt style
afoiesaid, with the l owers, privileges
and immunities herein set forth, and as
arc now or may hen-after lie allowed
corporations of simile • diameter under
the laws of the state - ( Georgia,
G. C. Dogas.
E, <). Dugas
E. .1. Coventry
A. Heller
VV, A. Camrminn.
Filed in office, this the 1 dav of May-
V. H. Hulsey. Clerk
Slate of Georgia,
County of White.
I. W. H. Hulsey, clerk of thesnperioi
court ot White County, Georgia, do here¬
by certify that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of t o- application for
charter in the matter of
as same appears of tile in this office.
Witness my official signature and tin
seal of said court this th 1 dav of May
W. H. Hulsey.
Clerk Superior Court, White County,
“Grandma Smit ”, age 88 years
died at the home o ner daughter,
Mrs. J. B. R. Wednesday
morning, after a fi in Mrs. Bar¬
rett’s home, which ccurred sever
al days previous.
“Grandma’ was mostjexeellenl
1 idy ; tier counsel d fr iend-hip
was well and widely cherished,
Her kind words ; ini admonition
was sacredly wors Plied by who
pci chance knew he
She was born in •lion comity,
Her htfsband, prect ed her to tin
grave 27 years ago. u early youtl
she joined the Me odist church,
to which she was a devo'ed, con
secrated and faithful member JS he
wtts trully a gooe w man.
She is survived bv the following
J. \\ . Smith, At bn t ; T. J.Stni'ii
Miami; H. B. Smith, Dahtonegn ;
Mrs. J.B. R, B in t. Cleveland,
aud six children dead, and one
brother, Sy Reece, and a sister
Mrs. M. L. Sptvy,
Interment was in the Smith
cemetery, White county, follow¬
ing services at tiie Cleveland
Methodist church, with Rev. J.JM.
Guest in charge.
Pallbearers wet : Adroit and
Otis Station, ot C' -niont ; Frances
Smith, of Atlanta ; md Henry and
Barrett, < 1 Cleveland,
I will be at nr office at the
home of Mrs. i J cx Davidson
Sunday, May 5, for the pur
dose of doing dental work,
Your patronage wiil be ap¬
preciated. All work gnaran
Dr. H. E. Taylor
'Tie man who knows how to get
.0 debt wisely, lha ; is, wlm borrows
money with which *o mfke more
money through legitimate enterprise,
is the borrower whom the bank te
looking for. By the frank interchange
of opinion and a frea discussion o:
various projects, the borrower is often
guided and helped by his banker.
“In order to procu - a line of credit
at a bank three things are important:
“ 1 A statement of
. assets showing a
basis of credit in the way of invested
capital, or collateral of sufficient value
(le cover amount of 1 an, or
L “2. endorser icbnsa,
One of the most valuable services
given to the American public by the
Red Cross is through ts Life Saving
and First Aid courses. Virtually ail of
the life guards at beaches and pools in
the nation are Red Gross life savers.
Nearly every industry n America sup¬
ports the First Aid w ,-rk of the Red
.Cross because it annually saves lives
of thousands of injured persons. These
courses are taught by Red Cross ex¬
perts in both liries. first year 66,354
certificates were issued to persons com¬
pleting the First Aid course and 78,7p5
certificates for completing Life Saving
paitKer is a semi-public servant.
He is charged with the heaviest of re¬
sponsibilities and obligations that occur
In our economic life. Eut he can meet
these fully only throi ah the coopera¬
tion of good laws, goo public officials
who are empowered o exercise au¬
thority over his bank tnd good busi
oeaa methods on the part of business
Mr. Arnold Seubolt, eldar son
of Mr. mid Mrs. Colemmii Seubolt,
of Cleveland, and Misses Lorene
Nix, daughter of Mrs. J, M Nix,
if Blue Creak district,were married
by Judge A L Dorsey tit his home
April 2o.
Arnold is a most excellent young
mao ; a good worker and never
been on the While County relief
rolls, lie is dependable.
Tiie bride i- a charming and at¬
tractive young lady, energetic
and possess :; pleasing personality
They are now residing with
Arnold’s parents.
There w-ll he 1,276 new CCC
Camps located and erected in the
L S. Make applications now to
.be Relief (diice if )OU want to en¬
ter a CCC Cainp.
Dillard S tierfield was given te
-tttlencedot seven years by fudge
Underwood mi the charge of shoot*
mg Prohibition Agent, Soutner,
nid his aide, Jackson, last Tuesday
Ju itis and George Harkins were
exonerated by the jury, yet they
were necessarily humilated, and
were forced to enormous expense.
Just why an innocent person can
be arraigned before the bar of
justice and humiliated to the most
terrible extent, and forced to go to
m unbearable expense so that he
-will have the proper council to
give him recognized attention be¬
fore the court in this terrible de¬
gression is hard for ns to conceive.
Prof. Padgett, of Jaspi r, who
he related Superintendent ofCleve
‘.tud High f chooi for tne next
year, has resigned, or rather has
tccepted t place at Eilijty, Ga.
Consequently, tiie trustees must
now try ta find it man to fill this
The Cleveland P T, A. held it’s
last meeting of the year at the
school building Thursday, April 18
New officers were elected and it
was decided that the P, T, A,
would buy shrubbery tor the school
grounds, wh ch lias been done, hits
particularly added tp the appear¬
ance a great deal.
\Y lien Gene Tahnadge vofoed
the old age pension and free school
book bills he lost his hold in Geor¬
gia and his chance of defeating
Senator Ru sell. But his recent
name utterances agaiusj President
Roosevelt gives him positive pas¬
sage hack to Itis TelfairJ county
(arm. Gene is doomed in all
politics in Georgia hereafter.
Mr. Isaac Jackson lias leased a
fishing and outing site on Lake
Burton and wishes that his friends
call on him. He has given it a
title ct Norto Georgia Fishing
ui| mp, where he now resides, aud
•tale-, that he has ample facilities
to take care <.f all parties and ser
ves them exc .-lleitt meals,
\\ iil Bell is making preperations
ior an unusual large crowd at the
Orchard, 1 mile west oi Cleveland,
Sunday, Mtty 5 He slates lie has
-ome of the best sing rs in Hall
bounty on the program. Rev D.
S, Patterson, of St. Paul, Gaines¬
ville; and R'v. J. A, Cruinbley,
Chicopee Baptist church, who will
nuke short talks. The public is
t 1 a v v 2 1 v/waia AwuU'.yU,
Listed aniot the best-loved features
>f the Fair, which will fade into tiie
past with the Fair, are Wings of a
Ogntury, groat transportation pageant
with a cast of 200 actors and the
largest collection of ancient vehicles
ever assembled, which has already
played to an audience of more than
2,000,COO; the House of Magic, where
a great scientific laboratory is turned
inside out to make the mysteries of
test tubes do stunts for the entertain¬
ment .of Fair-goerr ; the world’s largest
fountain, which pumps enough water
to supply a city of 1,000,000 people;
and the spectacular water carnival
and circus if the free lagoon theater,
many iow rates at trow rms poipcjm
is being supplied at the present time.
High Government Official Say*
No Investments Except U, 3,
Bonds Suffered as Little Loss
as Peoosits in Closed Banks