Newspaper Page Text
These books cun be bud upon re
que t to Congressman B. Frank
Whelchel, Washington, D. C.
Megre Electrocuted For
Atiack On Nicholson Woman.
J. B. Allen, negro, alias J. B.
Reece paid with his life Friday,
July 19, for an attack made upon u
young white woman near Nichol¬
son, Ga. Allen attacked the
woman on June 5. He vvus ar¬
rested a short distance from the
home where he made the attack in
a very short time alter ward, was
spirited to an unannounced jail by
the Jackson county sheriff and was
held there until his trial which took
place under guard at the Jackson
county court house in Jefferson
three weeks later.
The trial lasted for an hour ar.d
forty minutes and the negro heard
the death sentence 26 minutes after
the juiy received the case It is said
that Allen who had pleaded not
guilty at his trial, contessed to the
attack of which he was accused
aud told and told of other crimes
that he had planned.
Bill Gossett, who was also tried
at the call session of Jackson Court
in June for the murder of Charlie
Bryan at his home south of town
on May 9, and who also received
the death sentence, lias appealed
for a new trial, a hearing of which
lias been set for Saturday, July 27,
by Judge VV . W. St.rk.—Com¬
merce. News.
Two Gainesville Megroes Sentenced
•To Electric Chair
Dilmus Charles and JolinDaniel,
two Gainesville negroes who were
charged with the ax sla> ing on
]u y 7 of Mr. Walter Simpson,
proiniuent liall county farmer,
were both found guilty of first de¬
gree murder, Wednesday, in Hall
Superior Court.
Judge B. P. Gaillard, Jr., who
was presiding,sentenced the negro¬
es to be electrocuted on August 30.
The jury deliberated the evidence
only 15 minutes before returning
their verdict.
Georgia, White County.
By virtue of an order granted by the
Court of Ordinary will be sokl before the
court house door in the Town of Cleve
laad between the legqj hours of sale on
first Tuesday in l 9 <So to the highest
bidder for cash the following real estate
to wit: 10 acres more or less of Let No
74 in the 2nd district, known as the Jane
Miller honaedlace, and more fully de
‘scribed in a deed from J. D. Cooley to
Ksoo Miller dated Nov. 16th, 1010 and
recorded in deed book ‘’Z,” j>oge 458,
" Clerk’s office White county, Georgia.
Thus. F. Underwood, Adrnr.
Estate of Jane Miller, deceased.
Cleveland Smothers Dahlonega
Cleveland defeated Dahlonega
21-6 yesterday ufterday afternoon.
Our boys so out-clus-ed the boy. 1
from “the town of gold” ;that the)
just couldn’t get interested enougl
to “put out” for a higher score.
J-Jovvever, we wish to state that
Joe Edwards played the most un¬
usual play we have ever witnessed
when he caught the bail that Jack
Mauney let bounce out of his glove
Joe you are due a medal on that
GMnn Wanted tor Rawleigh
Route of Soo families. Write irn
mediately. R-'wleigh Co., Dept
AC—63-SA-— Memphis, Tenn.
Have you paid your subscription
We can’t continue to send it to
you, so if you want it to keep visit
ing you each week the only thing
for you to do is to pay up NOW.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests ol White Cou y
Ga. Killer Gets Lile Term
Gainesville, Ga., July 26 —
Robert Jarrard was found guilt)
here yesterday of the slaying of
Oren Whitmire, young taxi driver,
but the jury recommended that he
be sentenced to life imprisonment.
The case was turned over to the
jury about 5 o’clock yesterday and
the verdict announced tour hours
Jarrard. on the stand in his own
defense, declared that he shot
Whitmire in self-defense. He said
that an argument arose over the
taxi fare, ,nd that he drew his pis¬
tol after a threatening motion by
Virgil Myers, under indictment
in the same slaying, was given a
like sentence
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson
aud children and Mr. Georgejohn
son, of Atlanta, visited Mr. and
Mrs, J. G. Johnson recently.
Those who visited Mr. and Mrs
J. W. Whitworth Friday were the
following: Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Collier and son, Clarence, Stokes
Goodrich, of Birmingham; and
Misses Gladys and Lucy Collier, of
Miss Ann Stovall, of Sylvia, N.
C., is spending sometime with
Miss Estelle Whitwoith, ofCler
>nout, is spending this week with
Mr. and Mrs. J N. ‘Smith and
-on and Miss Lula Belle McC Hum
of Cornelia, spent Jlast Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. RD. McCol
Mrs. William Edmonds, of
l’occoa, is spending a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. J. D Tatum.
Mr. and Mrs. R L- Bo)d, ot
\la., and Mrs. John Peterson and
■.hildren, of Atlanta, is spending u
few days with Mr, and Mrs. G.
W. McCollum,
Cleveland Making Plans
For Bid Day Aug. 10
Folks, if everything now work
ng materializes Cleve’and will
mve the biggest day in her his
lory Saturday, August io, and
rom the pre-ent outlook, it seems
hat every feature will be full and
interestingly carried out.
At eleven o’clock on that day a
eal negro baseball game is sched
ded between Beam Creek and
Ylurphy, N. C. Then around 2
he “old fellows on the West side
■ f the highway, running north and
outh.will play the “old fellows’’
ui the East side of town. Now,
f this is put on, and from all in*
tications it will be, it wont be a
fake, and if* *ve know anything,
that game will be worth miles go¬
ng to see. After that Manager
Loss Mize will play his most ex
ellent team against New Holland
Woolen Mills.
Probably there will be other
eatures of interest, if so, they will
>e announced in otir next issue.
Folks, please mako your plans to
be here on that day, and be sure to
ell your neighbors about this great
lay in Cleveland August io
Get your dental work done l ight
See me aa my office every Sunday
My prices are very low. Pain¬
less extraction. Work guaranteed
Address Athens, Ga.
Dv. H. E. Taylor.
-- *4 ft .
Miss Mary Winkler spent last
weekend here with her
Lois Glover. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A, Reid
children spent last Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs,, J. II.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Waite, of
Gainesville, spent Sunday here at
their Jcottage.
Several people from Atlanta are
now at Camp Whippoorwill.
Mrs. Thomas Albert is staying
at the home of Mrs. Spharr for a
lew weeks.
An ice cream supper was givtn
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D, R
Lawson last Saturday night.. It
was well attended each and every
one tiad a splendid time.
Rev. J. M. Guest is delivering
some good sermons at Loudsville
this week.
Mrs. Ann Allison, of Yontffi, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Ledford, this week and attending
the revival meeting.
Misses Biaskey and Lucy Gills
strap are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Gooch, near Dahlonega, this week.
Several from here attended * the
Allison reunion last Sunday.
Cleveland Deieats Robertstown CCC
The Cleveland Baseball Club
slius out Robertstown CCC Camp
Club in one of the best games ol
tlie season Sunday tit the Camp,
t’he score was was .2 *o O in pi /or
of Cleveland, and the pitcher, Joe
Edwards, only gave up two hit. 1
to the Camp, whereas Cleveland
made several hits 1 . Those scoring
were: Jack Ru sell and Raleigh
Huggins and they sure did some
plondid base running. The boys
have won 3 games this season and
iosr but 2, due to lire fine co,.thing
if their manager , Ross Mize. The
Club wa« tickled to have the crowd
up irom Cleveland to bousi them.
East Side News.
The ice cream supper given b)
vjisses Euia and Beu all Black
recently was enjoyed by all preteui
Miss Emma Lee Palmer, of N.
J., is visiting liomefolks.
Part ml, )■''** of
Mr. an 1 Mrs. Marion
vlaysvilie, are visiting relatives in
this section.
Mr. joe Bowen, of Atlanta, is
visiting liomefolks.
Miss Lorene Dll ard is spetuiiug
a few days with grandparents,Mr.
and Mrs, W. M. Palm our.
We are sorry to hear of tile
death of Mrs. Steve Hamilton.
Miss Ola Craven is visiting hei
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Millard
One of the most valuable service*
;lven to the American public by the
Led Cross is through its Ufa Saving
and First Aid courses. Virtually all of
the life guards at beaches and pool* In
the nation are Red Cross life saver*
Nearly every Industry in America sup¬
ports the First Aid work of the Red
Cross because it annually saves live*
of thousands of injured persons. These
courses are taught by Red Cross ex¬
perts in both Hues. Last year 66,354
certificates were Issued to persons com¬
pleting the First Aid course and 78j72#
certificates for completing Life SaTisg
dared that many of the changes pro¬
posed by the act In existing laws "are
ot a constructive nature and should
have the support of bankers, if the
method of appointment and the tenure
of office of the members of the Federal |t
Reserve Board, in whose hands is
planned to coucentrate greater power
than ever before, could be so altered as
to insure, as far as possible, the abso¬
lute Independence of the Board from
partisan or political considerations.”
Ht added:
Just from the Mountains.
Mr. Hubert McDonald and
children were out this way the
other Sunday.
Mr. Sam Scott, j list from the
Hills of Habersham, was passing
through Saturday. He fell he ha
been having a nice time going to
the Holiness meetings with the
Four men from near Macon we>e
here Thursday and took u picture
of your scribe and the steer,Frank¬
lin Delano Rooaelt with theYonah
m luntain as a background. Tliev
pcotnised to send us a copy.
Dr, and Mrs. L. II. Muse were
here Tuesday and wanted a pic
ture of the steer and the wtiter
They took one withMrs 5 Muse rid
ing the ox. We told them to semi
us a copy of this particular one.
The Holiness people are intend
ing to put up a lent at Mr. Ollit
Turner’s and run anothar meeting
after the campmeeting at U ion
Grove is over.
Several of our people have been
attending the Holiness tent meet¬
ing at Blue Creek.
Wheat has been gathered and
several have been going this way
to mill.
Jvir. Schwalbe has moved his
steam shovel to the Airs, J. R.
Lutnsden place. They claim the
gold is too fipe here.
They tell that Mr. Hudson has
been doing well at hi* gold mine
An Dukes Greek. i .
Mr- Johah Thomas was Over this
way last week.
School opened at Yonuh last
Monday with Monday with Mrs.
Arthur Cook and Mrs, Charlie
Thurmond in charge as teachers.
if it rains the first dogday there
vi 11 be plenty of rain tor 4o days
But, however, this not always ill
ale. There came a Sosebee rain
on the 28U1— me 01 tw 1 drops.
Some have finished then crops
and some will work on untilLouds
ille eanipmeetiug.
Last winter it was too cold t,
■vork arid now it is getting too hoi
See where some fellow out West
is going to run for the presideocr
11 “Share the Debts” as his plat¬
Want Huey Long to get tl e
wealth divided up. Want our
>tirt now.
65 acres, 1 mile south of Cleve
and, very desirable location for
ervice staiion and tourist camp.
Appalachian Scenic highway tra¬
verses this tract near evenly.
Known as the old Aunt Sallte
Hamilton place. 100 to 200 young
fruit trees. One fair six-room
iiouse. Two branches on place.
See L. Bryant, near Frank YVof
lord’s store, or write F. L. Mad¬
dox, Gastonia, N. C., R2.
Price $L10(>. A bargain.
I will be at my office at the
home of Mrs. Alex Davidson
every Sunday, for the purpose
of doing dental work.
Give me a triaj.
Your patronage will be ap¬
preciated. All work guaran¬
Dr, H. E, Taylor
Pi nting
is flic master key of our civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very higher
efforts >r its craftsmen.
Tu Cleveland ";n» of Et Courier cription• i| V»
■ .y.o %
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O staid 0 .-Ion this — it’s
true the ola dinner cost
only ore bar, but it’s a
BM*i to be u; •:l in with four
tarty cheers!
Liver on '..aeon 30 4
Boiled does 5<i
Tomaii tern 1S(
Watercr* .* tinge and
Onto ad 184
Bread an Cutter 84
Banana C id Pie 194
Tomato Fri : Beat one egg
atigfcUy. add cups of canned
tom* toes and and one-third
caps of crush racket' crumbs,
Season with s; id pepper. Let
atao* tor ten 1 Res. Drop from
• spoon into p ' y of hot £at. in
a *kiitet firo 0 one side, turn
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V J\J TOBODV ni setting up on
a fine Si morning—no
body but P Ol US y WhO
have been out Spring
night before. B ice fliest we i iave a.
vray of stayin' U 3 fni ’j
Spring nights, not use a lit:
tie culinary pe, non? H e ro i
* breakfast tli nelis so good
in tbe making tl >nly a cl odder
bead could lie
And even a lorheacl could
remain inert on\ util the coffee
began to percola- it is va cuum
packed coffee, mells 1 ike a
million dollars b ■ c -0 the linvor
1* fresh and the gh in
expensive, is prio hide ea.
and brown on the other Sid*.
Drain on brown paper. Thie
makes about twelve small fritters.
Banana Custard Pie: Beat to¬
gether slightly two egg yolks and
one egg white; add four table¬
spoons of sugar, one and one
eighth cups of scalded diluted
evaporated milk aud a few grains
of salt. Add one banana taasbed.
Line a small-sized pie tin (one
that serves four ) with pastry and
place* it in a hot oven for five
minutes. Then fill with the ba¬
nana custard; reduce the heat to
350 degrees and hake for twenty
minutes. Now cover with merin¬
gue made from the remaining egg
white and two tablespoons of
sugar. Reduce the beat to 300
degrees and continue baking for
fifteen minutes. Cook*
Canned or Preserved Fiji
icith Cream
Fluked Cereal
Scrambled Corn on Toast
• 'fly Uujjins Coften
shied Corn on Toast ; Dice
■ i- slices of bacon and fry until
. hut avoid burning If the
on is very fat, pour off all but
tablespoons of the hot drip
. 1 . Beat six eggs slightly, add
cc tents of one No. 2 can of
u;> corn, three-fourths cup of
and salt and pepper to taste.
! ui- into the hot bacon fat and
v ■ very slowly, stirring con
■uiitly, until creamy. Serve on
-uttered toast. This serves six.*