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Local News
The Editor would be very high
|y pleased if those of our subscrib
ars who are in arrears with their
subscription would come around
and pay up. Just one subscription
don’t amount to so very much, but
just think what several hundred
means to us.
White county has been well
represented at the Southeastern
Fair this week. The races will be
held again Sunday.
Judge Underwood estimates
there will be between 150 and 2 <tP
voters from While county to go to
Atlanta to hear President Roose¬
Mr. j. H. Cantrell, of Lake
Burton, was in town Tuesday.
Miss Lois Henderson, of Mon
roe, spent the weekend with home
Sbariff Vandvver and Clinton
Faulkner went to Marietta Mon
day in the inteeest of Cleveland
water and sewerage.
Mr, Brinsom, WPA engineer of
Marietta, will be in Cleveland to¬
day to confer with the city offi¬
cials on the waterworks.
Messrs Toombs Morton, Jim
Payne and R. K. Reaves,of Athens
were in Cleveland Sunday.
Lee Barrelt is back home after
receiving a purdon.
War is uow in progress. Italy
was the aggressor. She had to be.
else Mussolini would cease to be a
dictator. This is most likrly to re¬
sult in a woeld conflict. Watch
Jo pan closeiy.
The guests at the Henley House
during the weekend were: Mrs.
Duukin Robinson Edwards andOr
Comer Robinson and wife, of L 0f -
Angles; Col. Arthur Ramseur and
wife, Miss Neil e Ramseur andMrs
Gastello, of Atlanta ; and Mr, and
Mrs. Hugh Huggins, Athens.
Notice To Wholesale Groceries, Meat Packers
J An t Stock will Feed Mills received and Dealers by the.
Sealed bids be
State Highway Hoard ot Georgia, - Cap
tol Square. Atlanta. Georgia, until
o'clock A. M. Oct -38, tads for
nishing groceries, supplier and feed
month ot Nov to various convict
maintained by said Board. Bid
and full information as to quantities
delivery points can be obtained from
Purchasing Department at the above
tress. Dm- biit blanks must be used
submitting bids. Payment to be
10 days from date of delivery and
.ance of goods. Goods must be equal
,r better than that used by the
Board and found satisfactory. t^uanti
<sa shown are approxim ate only
may be increased or decreased as
Board sees tit. Right is reserved to re¬
ject any and all bids and to waive all
formalities. Contract of
1 wards pursuant hereto to be binding on
the State Highwty Department as such
and not on any employee or individual,
l’his notice is in accordance with the Act
of the General Assembly of Georgia, apt
proved A ug 20 1922. Envelope mus
i,e marked ‘ ‘8 v led bid to be s opene Oct.
State lffiliway Board of Georgia.
W. li. Wdburn, Chairman; Max L.
McRae. Memb ;r. John A. Heck, Member
Oct. 1, 1935
Moody Meaders was held-up and
was robbed ot over $14 at near
Robt. Ayers’ Saturday n'ught at
the point of a pittol pressed into
his ribs. He stated that two other
men were in a V-8 Ford. He notifi¬
ed Sheriff Vandiver, who made all
possible endeavor to trace them,but
hi* offoats proved to 110 evail.
Rufus Allison und N. R. Seabolt
went before Federal Commissioner
Candler at Blairsviile last Friday
und plead guilty of breaking into
the Cleveland post office. It is
hoped that the court will weigh
the matter considerably before
pasting sentence, as both of these
boys hare very excellent parentage.
Excellent winter turf seed oats.
See or write
W. B. Robinsod
Cleveland, Ga.
THE’ tL COURlfcit f\{ n GEORGIA.
Just from the Mountains.
The Asbestos scribe hae been
to make tbe race for Clerk
the Superior Court,
Messrs Fred Palmer and Lai
were out this way Satur¬
Mr. OHie Turner curried a truck
load to the Holiness meeting ui
Helen Sunday night. The tent
meeting at Helen is still going on.
Mr, Loy Thurmond and Miss
B.anche Palmer were united in the
holy bonds of wedlock quite re¬
cently. Mr. Thurmond is the son
of Mr. F. O. Thurmond and is an
dustrious young man. Miss Pal¬
mer is the daughter of Mr. Marlin
Palmer und has u nost of young
friends. We ail join in wishing
them a smooth journey over life’s
tempestious seas.
Mrs. Wiley Warwick is doing
the preaching at Helen. Rev. Asn
Dorsey has gone on a visit to his
brother at Detroit.
The little boy was driving tlit
very small cow to tke pasture. A
man says: “If I had that cotv
grefsed 1 could swallow her.” The
boy replied, “Then you wou.d
have more brains in your stotnache
than in your bead.”
The cotton is opening fine dur
ing this dry weather.
Itfwtll soon be autumn late. You
can feel the frost in the air, but
hope it will be late in getting here
They haystack for the mouse, the
fireside for the cricket and cat aod
what will poor robin do for the
pinching days are near. Iu North
Georgia summer can’t endure all
the time.
The Book tells thot there will be
wars and rumors of war. And
now if Ethopia and Italy wants a
war just sit on tbe fence and let
them haue it. General Sherman
-aid : “War is hell.” Any of u
who have gond ihrough tbe Civil
the Spanisb-American or
war, have found this to be true
The reconstruction period alter any
war is about as bad as the war
self. Washington told us to
out of foreign entadglements
time ago the U. S. A. gotjinto
Worjd war and we are now pay
ing the piper. Your Uncle
was a good Smaritan. He
the European countries
from their mules and devoured
the “dogs of war.” He put
back, paid their fare at tbe
and it has never beeu paid back.
Georgia, Fulton County.
By the Commissioner of Game and
for the State of Georgia.
Whereas, the Counties of Bade,
field, Murray, Gilmer, Pickens,
Dawson, Lumpkin, Union, Towns,
and Habersham are being
with deer, and deer have been and
being.released in said counties; and,
Whereas, it is deemed necessary
the protection of the deer so
that tlie surrounding Counties,
Walker, Floyd, Bartow, Gordon,
held. Murray, Cherokee, Forsyth,
Banks, Franklin, Stephens and
as well as the Couuties in which
deer have been and are being
be closed to aJi hunting and killing
deer for the period of three years;
It Is Hereby Or<l< red and
by me, Eaek D. Cravey, as
er of Gauie and Fish for the State
Georgia, acting under the
vested in me by an Act approved
28, 1935 {Georgia Laws 1935, page
that all of said Counties named above
and the same are hereby closed to
hunting and or killing of deer for
period of three years,
October 20, 1935 and ending October
1030, It is further ordered that a copy
of this order shall be posted on the
letin boards at the Courthouse in each
said Bounties and shall be published
the (Newspaper of greatest
once a week for four weeks in each
said Counties, as provided by law
So Ordered And Promulgated, this
17th day of September, 1935.
Yack D, Cravey
Commissioner of Game and Fish for
Stale of Georgia.
We will accept trorn farmers
kind of produce grown ou
farm for renewal of their subscrip
tiou, or to be added to our list as
he.v subscriber. We trust
proposition will appeal to
y-— —■ ' » .»»-«•» • -*■
Cleveland News
The Palmer reunion held at Mr
Silas Palmer’s Sunday was one of
the best, perhaps the largest in at
tendance that has ever been held,
there was more than three hundred
relatives and friends from the looks
of the table at noon times are pick¬
ing up. After u short talk by Rev
H. H. Humphries and prayer, All
enjoyed a good dinner. May Mr.
and Mrs. Silas |Palmer live long
and tneir days be days of joy and
happiness and prosperity.
Messrs Robert and Henry John¬
son, Frank Kenimer, Porter and
John Glover attended the South¬
eastern Fair Sunday.
Rev. B. A. Skelton has moved
'to Gainesville.
Miss Ida White is spending a
few days at home tin's week. Her
brother, Charles, is still very sick.
Riley Barrett, Jr,, who is at¬
tending University, was at home
Mr. Pat Allison spent Saturday
md Sunday at home with hoine
Mrs. Erwin Purdue und duugh
ter spent Friday night in Gaines¬
ville with relatives.
Miss Elizabeth Humphries spent
the weekend with Miss Geneva
Mrs. Clara Telford, Miss Nellie
Fulmer andMiss Willie MueCooley
were shopping in Gainesville Wed
nesday eveuing.
Have you paid your subscription
We can’t continue to send it to
you, so if you want it to keep visit
ing you each week the only thing
for you to do is to pay up NOW.
Georgia, White County.
By virtue of an order granted by the
Court ot Ordinary will be sold before the
court house door in the Town of Cleve¬
land between tbe legal hours of sale on
the first Tuesday iu October, 1935 to the
highest bidder for cash the following
real es ate to wit: Forty acres more or
lesB and being in the Second land dis¬
trict and being part of lot of lot of land
81 and known as the William Morris old
homeplaoe being tbe place where D C,
Black now resides, and being the land
sold to S. N. Black by J. M.. Black and
fully deseriqed in the deed from -I. M. to
8, N. Black, which deed is of record in
Book X, page 315 Clerk’s office said
said county, except that full interest in
and to said tract is being sold insleat of
a 1-2 undivided interest.
j. M. Black, Executor of
8. N. Black, deceased.
White Court of Ordinary September
Term Sept. 2nd, 1935.
The appraisers upon application of
Mrs. C. C. Hahn, widow of said C. 0.
Hahn, widow of said C. 0. Hahn for a
Twelve Months’ support for heaself and
seven minor children, having filed then
return; all persons concerned hereby ate
died to show couse, if any they have, at
the next regular October Terra of this
ceurt why said application should not be
. A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Please Pay Us NOW
Gorogia, White County,
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. J. C. Allen having, in proper
form, applied to me for Permanent Let¬
ters of Administration on the estate of
Peter K. Davidson, late of said county,
this is to cite all and singular ihe credi¬
tors and next ot kin of Peter R. David¬
son to be and appear at my office within
the v time allowed by law, and show
cause, if any they eau, why permanent
administration should not be granted to
Mrs, J. C. Allen on Peter Davidson’s
eslate. Witness my hand and official
signature this 2nd day of Septomberl935
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Get your dental work done tight
See me aa my office every Sunday
My prices are very low. Pain¬
less extraction. Work guaranteed
Address Athens, Ga.
According to the spider making
and weaving his web in such un¬
derstandable manners we wish to
caution you danger is ahead. War
may uot materialize, but you Can
expect something B A D.
Read The Courier
That standard of good living in which Georgia
Btlow, grouped according to the num¬ excels—-the use of electric service in the home —
ber of customers served, are the leading continues to rise!
Georgia incorporated towns in annual homes the Atlanta division,
kilowatt hour consumption per residen¬ Now in comprising
tial customer. Is your town on the list? several counties in the thickly populated section
Group “A” — Towns having more than around the capital city, have joined that elect group
400 customers
KWH Average using an average of more than 1,000 kilowatt hours
Bank Town 12 Months of electricity annually.
1 . Tifton ......... . 1,524.1
2 . Athens ......... . 1,338.7 In March it was the Athens division — twenty*
3. Gainesville... . 1,326.8 three northeast Georgia counties that topped the
4. Americus ______ . 1,322.6
5. Statesboro ___ . 1,247.2 1,000 kilowatt hour average — in July it was the
Group “B” — Towns having from 200 to Augusta division, seventeen more eastern Georgia
400 customers counties that the magic mark. And
1. Manchester 1,667.2 went over now
2. Canton .......... 1,509.7 the Atlanta division, with more than 60,000 resi¬
3. Hartwell ______ 1,432.6 dential electric customers, has proved its claim to
4. Baxley .......... 1,419.1 high living standards by exceeding the 1,000 kilo¬
5. Vidalia ........ 1,405.8
Group "C” — Towns having from 100 watt hour average. The city of Atlanta’s average
to 200 customers use is now 1,015 kilowatt hours a year — the At¬
1. Louisville ...... 1,873.3 lanta division’s average, 1,005 kilowatt hours.
2. Warm Springs 1,700,7
3. Perry ____________ 1,646.7 More than 65 per cent of the 126,000 homes
I 4. Jonesboro ____ 1,527.3 served by this Company included the
5. McRae __________ 1,427.8 are now in
i Group “D” — Towns having from 25 to roster of those which use more than 1,000 kilowatt
100 customers hours a year. And the national average is only 652
1 1. Woodbine 1,865.4
2. Darien .... 1,455.3 knowatt hours-—proving clearly Georgia’s leader¬
3. 4. Baconton Arlington ______ 1,422.4 1,450.6 ship. First east of the Rockies — fourth in the en¬
5. Soperton ____ 1,421.0 tire United States!
And this leadership in living is growing daily.
“Someone has said that the
reason John N. Garner, Vice-Pres¬
ident of the United Slates, was
such an effective Congressmen
when in the House, that he work¬
ed and worked. He worked be
c mse it was his duty, and he work¬
ed because lie loved to do some¬
thing tor his country and his con
stitutents If the rule is that to be
effective one nu-.t work, then it is
told by some in a position to know
that Judge Frank Whelchel has
made a very effective Congressman
It is said no man in the house
works more steadily at lus job nor
more hours than the Congressman
front tbe yth district. No Georgia
district has a constitgency who
makes more calls on their represen
tative than the fine people k ot this
sub division of the government.
People, and lots of people, in this
district want lots of things. Oi
course, it is i npossible to do every¬
thing that every one wants done,
but there is nothing like trying to
get all every one asks lor. Infor¬
mation is that Judge Whelchel
keeps everlastingly at it all all the
time, which at last, in many cases,
causes his efforts to be crowned
with success. The late Sen -tor
William J. Harris was one of the
most indefatigable workers who
ever held any kind of office. There
was do matter too small for his to
give his immediate attention. Fre¬
quently he would answer by tele¬
gram, instead of letter, that a re
quest had been given attention and
the matter accomplished. He was
undeatable as a candidate betore of
G.orgia,”—The Jackson Herald.
D. N. Brewster
Emma Brewster
Libel for diverse in the Superior Court of
White County, Georgia, Oct. Term 1935.
The defendant, Emma Brewster, is
hereby cited and required to - personally
or by attorney ro be and appear at the
Super ior Court to lie held in and for said
County on the 14th day of October, 193j
then and thereto make answer or de¬
fensive allegation, in writing to the
plaintiff’s libel as in default thereof the
court will proceed according to tbe
statute in such cases made and provided
Witness the Hon, li. P. Gaillard, Jr..
Judge of said Court. This the 19th day
of Septemher 1935
W. 1J. H u Isay
Clerk Superior Court,White County Ga.
I will be at my office at the
home of Mrs, Alex Davidson
every Sunday, for the purpose
of doing dental work.
Give me a trial.
Your patronage will be ap¬
preciated. All work guaran¬
Dr. H. E. Taylor
Mun Wanted lor Rawleig
Route of 800 families. Write im¬
mediately. R.wleigh t'o„ Dept.
G A J—63-S A — Memphis, Te n 11
Nacooehee News
The Nacooehee Woman’s Club
with Mrs Fred Stovall Sept.
Program wds connmunity ser¬
Mrs, R. B. Miller being in
Mesdamhs A, G. M : ckel,
B Lumsden and Miss Gertrude
each had a part on the pro
JWorld events were also
by each member of tbeClub.
members were present. Mrs.
served a delicious salad
Hirse during the social hour.
Misses Virginia Hood and Isabel
left Monday to enter the
The many friends of Miss Anhie
are glad to know she is
along so nicely after lie-r
in Atlanta,
Miss Emily Logan, of Guines
fie, spent last week with her
Mrs, S, B, Logan.
Mr,|and Mas. Coleman Alley
moved to Gainesville.
Mrs Chas. Williams is suffer¬
with her arm and shoulder
a fall three weeks ugo.
Information is requested as to
present address of the wife am*
of Frank Corn, formerly
(Caroline Greear
Cl*iid Health and Wel¬
Council of White County.