Newspaper Page Text
OL. XXXV 11 I No, 0
Tomorrow’s Sun
(Newspaper Features, Iuc.)
i 3 y Reger Winter
(The views herein expressed,are
not necessarily tire editorial views
of this newspaper.)
One week lienee the people of
Georgia will give their answer at
Grant Field in Atlanta to attacks
upon the administration of 1’resi
dent Roosevelt. There is svery In¬
dication that the answer will be
the most colossal and thunderous
demonstration in the hi-tory of the
Erie Cocke, general
forms the writer that arrangement.
have been perfected in minute de
tall for handling and accomodating
the multitude who will come to At¬
lanta. Invited to transmit a brief
message in this column, lie said :
‘To every citizens who wishes
to come to Atlanta to greet Presi
dent Roosevelt, L say : COME On I
If you come in si motorcade, you
will be escorted into the city to a
reserved j arking space and ttscort
ed out to the open highway. II
you fear to come by automobile,
come bv triin. "Atlanta hotels arc
reserving ail rooms for tins event,
and if you cannot get a hotel room
in an yttkuu home through the
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce.
Everyt&dy in Atlanta is going to
make it his'bd*trtess »t> look aftei
the visitors. Don’t afraid to
leave home for a day oj two days
The Soutii survived the War He
tween the States with ALL the
men foltts gone.
Critics ot the Roosevelt adminis¬
tration may rnve until they col
collapse, but they cannot by their
ravings erase the following facts;
In thirty t wo months sinoeRoose
velt took office, his administration
lias expended in Georgia to aid re
covery the stupendous sum US$336,
500,000, which is equal to the ex¬
penditures of the state government
of Georgia for all purposes fot
eight years. The purposes tor
which this expenditure was mudt
can be summarized at follows:
It has saved from foreclosure 15,
000 Georgia homes and 2 o,ooo
farms; built 114 miles of sewgr-
2,413 miles of dranage ditches;
drained 5.88S stagnant ponds,built
25.000 sanitary closets; built 40
municipal waterworks system {con¬
ducted 25 malaria eradication cam
paigus; give 11605,786 examinations
blood tests and inoculations free ol
charge; buiit or repaired r, 1 ^3
school homes; landscaped the
' grounds of 47I schools ;®huilt 1 257
playgrounds and recreation cen¬
ters; built or improved 29 airports ;
renovated 101 Court houses; is now
approaching completion of a state
pri-011 to cost of $1,000.Oot), and
which will be the most Jmodeni in
the world; and lias built nearly
1.000 miles of Georgia highways.;
How long would it have
taken our State to make llii.s
progress if it had not been for
Franklin Roosevelt? Knowing
the rate of progress in Georgia
the writer asserts that these
improvements would not have
come in the life of this genera¬
tion without help!
Tom Linder may rave until h
collapses about the condition of
Gfeorgia farmers, but ills raving
wili not ob-eure the fact that 6
1932 (the last calendar year be
fore Roo-eveit look office).the total
value ot Georgia larui product¬
ion gone above $22^,000,000.
When Roosevelt comes to Atlan¬
ta, EVERYBODY will have an
opportunity to see him. 1 lie
writer is outa >r:z~d to state that
the President wih rule througl
city a distance of twenty miles
Ordinarily ti.e Secre: Service would
not allow a President to expose
hun-.cit to such a haz ltd, hut
this instance ti.e Secret
men were sulisneci that
would be SAFE
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of Whit® ©our ,y
Nacoeehee News
A negro ministrel will be given
Saturday night, Nov. 23, at 8 P.
Al. a the auditorium, sponsored by
the Woman’s Club. Everybody is
invited to attend. Admission 10
and 25 cents.
Miss Isabell Lumsden, of Geor¬
gia University, was called home to
bedside of her father last Tuesday
also Mr. Robt. Lumsden, ofYienna
Mr. Tout Lumsden and Mrs, Her
bert Marsh, of Gainesville, coins tr¬
ace their Drother, Mr, Lumsden,
was carried to the hospital i'hura
duy and is reported some better.
Miss Virginia Hood, ot Athens,
spent the weekend at home with
parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1 ’. L. Hood
Mr. Wagner, of Rome, visited
Mrs. Dora Knight and ner mother
last week.
>. A
Mrs R, A WiTiams returned
home Mdinvay to the delight ol her
many friends.
If you are uDemocrat you should
be a pronounced one,and not try
ing to make yourself on both sides,
because some people can clearly set
through the fence. 1 he wells ol
White county produce clear water,
so do the springs. Now,, i! yon
tie Democrat let yourself Ire known
We are aware that some of the
snoopers want to learn what is go¬
ing on about the organization ol
the Roosevelt motorcade from
White County. We wish to slutt
now that there s no secret to it. It
you want to go to Atlanta on Nov.
29 and listen to our great presi¬
dent, then go; but don’t try lo tel.
myotie that the trip will be hazard
aus. If you doubt that ask Sheriff
Vandiver, and we feel sure that lit
will tell you that you cannot makt
t more safer trip to Atlanta by
iutornobile than on that day.
From Congressman's Whelchel’s
broad smile in the picture in flu
Atlan'a Journal Thursday, which
was made with school officials and
ounty officials at E island e, Ga.,
ne demonstrated deep satisfaction
lie would have Stephens in hi
tolumn next year, notwithstanding
I he should have opposition.
O e 5-room dwelling, whe-re I
ow live, plenty ot outbuildings,
garden and other iot ot land tor
:ruck farming, good well water
Also will sell adjoining 4-room
aouse and iot. 2 acres land will
■neb bouse. Both houses wired for
igbts. Now is the- time to gut a
e.,i bargain.
T. J . McDonald
Read The Courier
Roosevelt has made mistakes, ti
be sure,Who has not, who l RIED r
In his inauguration speech he
frankly s rid he did not liope to in!
the ball every time he came to the
bat. The fact remains that under
nis leadership the American people
nave come up out of the depths ol
olack despair to th# heights of hope
md courage, A good way to ap¬
praise firs character rt'-d effort is to
scrutinize iris loudest critics. A.
poodle barks at a Sent Bernard,
and tim loss a tentton he receives,
the more the poodle foams at the
SO, as Jim Wilson says: ‘ Come
| on to Atlanta and have a good
tune. Forget the depression, be¬
cause IT’S GONE? Your home
j place will survive your absence for
j forth-eight hours, and the world
will continue to go round and
round and some will go up and
ioinc wul go down.”
Cleveland Has Clianoe Win Prize
The city of Cleveland, is one of
271 towns in Georgia eligible for a
¥10,000 prize coute ; to determine
Georgia’s champ no towns, ac¬
cording to an announcement by the
Georgia Power Company , which is
conducting the contest throughout
the entire state.
I'lief 1 o.odo;offered by the power
company will be divided into ■ cO
prizes, to be awarded to t vVns
them-e ves, not to individual per¬
sons, and the money may be ex
pended fot mv civic, charifablejjoi
educational purpose for which the
winning cities decide to use it $
A l incorporated towns in Geor¬
gia Power Company supplies elje
trie -nr - ice. and in v iiich there #tre
25 or resin ■ 11 consuttars
of ele ty, are 1 cred in tjie
colu¬ ch v,' 11: dn Novein
ber 1 and c : ; ne for o tu¬
year • - wirin', be t hdse
tow I gible for t contest which
show the best recor in t he ‘ use bf
electricity and increased use .til
electricity' between November f b 1
his year and November i,
The starting point lor each'trntn
in the contest compatition will Be
its average kilowatt hour consulAy*
tion per residential consumer’’ fpr
the year up to November 1 ijhaR
Point scores, upon which finaride
ci.totr as to winners will be mad*
will consist of one point for Uajh
it t lo wait hour ol the average nnjtttjd
consumption p»r residential cot.
• unter at the end of the contest m
10 points for each kilowatt hour
increase in the average during
l 2 months.
Far example, if ,ClvvelarulN e°n
sUinption on November 1 averages
560 kiiowatt hours a year, and at
he end of the contest this figure
has increased to 1,040 points (one
joint for each kilowatt hour ol
ivernge consumption nt the end ol
the contest) plus 4 800 (10 points
for each kilowatt hour of average)
)t a total of 5,84a contest points.
According to the power com¬
pany’s announcement ot the cen
est, Georgia’s champion home
owns are Live ones in which life is
most agreeable, most worth while,
from the standpoint ol comfort al d
enjoyment of leisure. Because
electricity, of all the influences
which have couiribu'ed to modem
progress, has done rnosi to bring
about better living conditions, the
relative u-e of electric service Ir s
been selected as the st mdard by
wInch to measure Geoogia’s cham¬
pion towns.
The contest is divided into font
groups, according to the number o!
residential consumtr.. Cleveland
is in the class ol those towns hav¬
ing between 25 and too residentia
users of electric service. I owns
m ibi- group will compete for tin
following prizes: First prize,
$750; second prize, $500; third
ipiiz.:, loo; four 1I1 ptize, $300;
and sixth prize, ¥too. In addition
there aie two sweepstakes prizes ol
$750 mil ¥250 tor the two towns
raga rd le - s ot size, having the high
*^t avers ges at the coticlu- ion ot
the coute
I, C 1 rare,' a ■ 1,r ot Cieve
i: u id, f > here . nci.-iirn a
iiolida r Gieve’a oil Ft id ,y
Nov. - , r he day 0
dent, Fr 1 nkSi 11 D. K - ostve'l, will
speak io A' lantu.
I trust (hat everyotl d fro to Al¬
iar,ta 011 that (1 ty that can •
C. C. Jarrrard, Mayor
Dr. L ,G. N 'it! lias been named
Chairman of White for the ex-ser¬
vice men at the Roosevelt Home¬
coming celebration in Atlanta next
Motorcade Plans Perfected
The White County Roosevelt
Homecoming Motorcade Celebra¬
tion Committee met at the court
house Wednesday afternoon, and
several districts were represented,
It developed, however, that the
leaders had not betyn able to pro¬
perly canvass their real DemockaiL
hence it was suggested, that tlrey
be given an extention of time to
Monday, Nov. 25, to submit to Mr.
Robt. Kenimer, Sec’y., of tb*
White County RooseveltMolorcade
Clebrat'ion, other people who they
had not been able to see and d*
cuss with them tins great day
Georgia for Democracy.
There will be ample transporta
tion facilities for all Democrat-*
from White Conty that wish to go,
according to Hon. E. C. Hefner’
chr’nt. of White county at $1,
round trip, Further, if you vviVh
to drive your car, you curt ernc-.i
the motorcade and fuel a great deal
safer than making the trip on any
other day, as you will be escorted
into Atlanta and out by capable
police authorities.
It you haven’t a car and want to
go, see your committeeman, or Mr.
Hefner, Mr, Kenimer, or Sheriff
Vandiver and they will secure you
a way, but don’t delay in seeing
one of them.
Sheriff Vandiver will lead the
motorcade from White County.
II you want to go you must see
them NOW.
The motorcade will leave Clave
land promptly at 8 A. M.
The following were 11 lined to
nave charge of the plans and nil
rfrrangement#'from their district;
A. H. Henderson and Sheriff Van¬
diver, Mt. Yonah ; R. L. Kytle
and W. J, Presley, Mossy Creek;
J. K. Kenimer and W. B. Robin¬
son, White Creek ; VV. L. Jackson
Shoal Cravk ; J. II. Stovall, Blue
Creek; C. R. Crumley, Town
Creek; Rev. II. M. Edwards,Bhn
Ridga; (). W. Howard and B. M,
Hicks, Test) a tea ; T, B. Hender¬
son and W. 1 . Stovall, Nacoochee ;
B. F. Taylor and (J. N. Maioof,
Cleveland News
Mr. Torn Henderson, of Nacoo¬
chee, was in Cleveland on business
Wednesday afternoon.
The many friends of Mrs. I). G,
I'leadjwili be g;ad to learn that site
is improving,
Mr. Bart Taylor, of Roberly
towu, was in Cleveland W e it na¬
ff ay.
There weie 51 ill Sunday Scho 1
Sunday monting. at (he Bap-lib'
church. Let us have 102 Sunday.
Pastor C. E.Warren delivered two
interesting sermons Sunday at tin.
Baptist church.
llogkilling seems to be lire order
ol t lie day,
“S me ot the 'Big Boys’ down'
New England way are saying
Rooseveit is‘slipping.’ They have
not bean out in the agricultural
regions, where the loik- know they
i great and loyal friend in the
While House. Flit v -urely have
not ma le much of a study of tIre
despair of the standpat politicians
who continue to say to one another :
‘Whom have vva got that Can po
sibly beat Roosevelt?'”—Poitland
Oregon, |t'Urna‘, find. Rep )
Wanted to buy all the good
sound dry liu led black walnuts
that I can ge,. Bring me your
walnuts and 1 wtii pay you we’il.^
Dr. T. J. McDonald.
L" mm sail a.
* I
i 1 * y
H ! I)
aV, k.. J- '-t.
J." "' -. j ~ b " * .
&&<,fY'J ' \
1 Lq\\
\ „ J. .,
A L %
4 /. l ' , * u - ?&#}* --f.
■ ) ?
■%- •; ‘-"’A*-, -w*?'
-rfSs ^< 44 * &
- \r i 1 v: at! n tf">t ills
F:- ’ul ••rrts ay is Lc! i. tmit si hi, a i
any ■ ii -th , -.y lie,-a fi.-li
are ., ■ - to t i- 1'i.aate. i niidei'
usr. * ’ Of,, !. i ):d to t!i :
;■ a* ir. ] ovtT, yt u HU,'
K) : t I( io H,(>- iii ’■! Friday lish
dim, \ iii at you ei ”.6 lish in
verii • “v\ i\ VS 'iff ollier days of tho
Ay you iv •- 5 f he 1 1 ist of Hull
saia . ? la ' - ys of I"■ ait
cod ails m tit'-. . I ho it leal, ii
sain.... how foua.l a. very deflidiv
:n tin? tt’wuu. Salfi 11 and
tun, 8 h Jc ' lung been pupuh. •
aalaf i , ni rec o!> th
wave Of omlni' "’ciH !Vn- ,.-a, !■:■'■ '
has ealletjl the a thru run of
lovers that it, two, is :-•■
SillfTfi: .
“S: ;ip:nc Out'
Cra 'so* lofwtsv pr 1
Into •• ‘ i.'hv cla.-is. he,
often meet these two i; ;
are *' -owfi -y out." "la ■
toacoi * q£ them ■
ly lor art:; tMining, ho ,, '
you 1 , , them in van:
them ‘ui;-. wil.ii 1, i
cBiei et'H»u»bor, u
aerve i*eni f-n « do ed
aalHdJSM'’ BaSiiw vfil iN<' v un ;
ner ft"-. . - it fed
your ffiv' G,
Antigw" Mi» new r, iiittl:
ommetuB.ti,*'' will *-d is v ,, -,’c roc
Cro r* in del In:
Force kA «-ini*r , i'.i■- . 2 can
of tons^*-' M>‘ -■ ■ Add
on« le-vifusn. :ti£ tea
stioon. Ftiftsm-' Ui'.ips Cl'
bolfitt;o'* \\.6f w-'felpro . Kyat to
1 0 . rib 1 -, ipoon
*h • ^ '"'A s oils cold
\CI;JF, «. W»V« , ^ - v; . - . - - ■ «* v n the hot
toniN A - y*. C ■..mi . when
1 add the cm.
tenia *7 - ■ .'••e lertioa car: or juice era l>
meatA'-w t - ns
and - - . sj.’o! • • a chopr.-.el sweet
pick. .'slv-U y rh'. . stiff and
1 At ' "'afes: A AYlflfZL. ..........
An Ace-High Dinner
is )’ ?ur i vrsons F or One Dollar
T b- • you’ye felt
ju hr two acr and
dfew more? brat is rme
thmg liTu the hmt vile
has w e di covers m ace
tfigh vliie 1 she cai leal
to for ■>n' for one cellar.
Try th * . and you'i! see that
this is 1.0 blttfi.’.
Calbage a nil Tumaio au
Grntin 23 :
Sauh l 3ireei‘ t’jitali Slices 104
KuC tcrad llcri.i j|0 1 )
Sliced Cucumbers icith
Seeuonings 10 4
r Bread and fiunv.r 84
Fruit Salad 3l’(
CcTfee icith Cream 74
very cold, ui: ' , ■ i beds
* : a yarnfsh
'!"'!■ is servi ;, a
i..;,-tf!n , S';( 7 (lW :
| s' iili - fa' cu.ns of
diced V' in ■ nip dice,
on i 1 ™ I I hroe
unul' , Di and (hi fii.
four ■d srtring
!)■-’ 1,1! >a Fretjelt
• I one hour.' Add
a Loire run of
,-■; ti; fitiy. Moisten
I'aia aovve-'
, • , Well With These
• 10 iii Oucuvi her
■ mo on itef’t.s of ofio
a lmou. Koil f.bree
> ill V, ' WC‘l Je Wlicit!
v.vtrlve py'LU.jr' orns, !
• • tiwrii and or- -eigh'' !■
i ■ salt for two i f 10 • a. I ■ r
o,\ ■: the salmon"in . • 1
■:e\, >! hours. Dr.da am : . ‘
a., 1 cucuniber boat*;, n
icy : .riiishi a with -dee 1 ru¬
Tjnijf.ii'-: v«'“4 en <!e!Oe: Bis
■ prick > y 4 ; lemon gelatin
a »m and flu* ■ fourths cups bon¬
ing water. Coed am! let. it. get. as
i.!u- f. ns hnauy. Add oim-fcfu'rt'n
you mayonnaise, tte crartents of
aa o 6-0one- ,,f lohal jr which
of fin - djeed ly -ar cuermber .<*9r«dd'‘d, and oiie-haU cap
gup of diced celery (the last two
tao;: :■ ! . an : aiytcd irr Ti'r, ,-rj :!i
are- ia for one hour). Chill for
.-■■ v ■ a '.-■ ,■ iy ma'ils in the re-
1 r: • Sal', 1 . Swa O.L Ci'isp letttwo
vrrjti a parniali of sliced taicumber
aid I'udi.iL'.es in French dr tsiilg. ■
Teas serves eight persons.*
Cubbayt: ami Tomato au Gratin':
! Boil three cups of shredded cab
■•age until just tender, ted drab}.
; Add one-fourth cup of -water to
j the contents Put of one can of tomato
; soup. alternate layers of
j cabbage, soup ■: od oheCso
(using oiie < ed cheede)
into a baki ting ljghUy
with salt , - Cover with
buttered r 1 bake about
twenty - «, 875 degree
1 am the fruits
fro 'uned ffults for
one-half .up of
s ! one-fourth cup
0 .its. Mix carefully
a ■ Ph cup of mayon
servu on rrisp lettuce.*