Newspaper Page Text
Velciul Returns To Washington
Congressman YVhelchel wit
close his office on December zi i’
Gainesville to retai l to Washing
ton to take up hi; official dutic
there, after having rent the re
cess at home and : district,
terviewing the peer and Makuir;
after their interest*. lie has spent
two days each wees a Ins rffict
and the remaining *e
over the districts in r> effort to set
as inury as possible, tie regret*
not being able to see everyone,
inuites those he did not see
write him if there any nuittei
he can look after f them.
Mnul r m
Banker® Repo: ipottJ&lcL (atson-'Wide
Improvement'ia^Rii BankaL—CTuc&tiorial ikaAHTuc __jjtitude To
, .ward
Campaigns Pl^ty a Part
NSW YORK.— Ninetysli per cent
tg over 300 reporting cleariaghouses
throughout the United Staten find cou
erate evidence of favorable turns In
public opinion regarding banks, it is
skovm to the results ■ survey made
by Banking, the mo. .y publication
of the American Ban Association.
City and country distr: a every state
are represented, it is a :.ed out.
"Tb* ’’itstanding conclusion uipuuaiuu is is that turn
there has been a genuine nation-wide
improvement the last few months in
tie attitude of the public toward
liankjng icstitutions, the publicati' a
Mil. Statistical evidence on which the
Tuattkcrs base their cxjBeliisious Width
warrant this statement is as follows;
The Evidence
"How do bankers know there has
been an improvement in the public at¬
titude? They have certain statistical
evidence. They have seen their deposits
'{tierease substantially jn nearly glKUve
cases reported, and tremendously in
some cases. Many letters tell' of in¬
creases' of .-100 to 300 i ■ r cent from the
low point of the panic.
"For another thing they know that
fayver people are n; ; saf# deposit
boxes as a repository < their savtoge,
and that, iu many ii. ,.cnees at lm$t,
postal savings are decii; in?.
"However, many express the new
that thov could throw out the statis¬
tical evidence ana sirealize that the
public is in a better : mod where the
hanks are concerned .bun before. Tfee
best evidence offered on this point,
numerous hankers say Is to be found
in the acceptance by .the public of the
newly instituted servico charges and
the reduced deposit interest rates."
A Summary of ti Returns
The statement jfresen.-s the followiug
summary of the survey :
“We find on breakin; up the general
classifications of repl 5 ; to the poll that
the it5 per cent of those answering with
an unqualified ‘yes’ rt;.resent only S
partial measure oi ti - optimistic feel¬
ing. Adding the fa. hie replies in¬
cluded in other grou-' (i. e. Wes’ with
qualifications, ‘no 3b: and‘mixed’)
we find that tlie vote 's a definitely
healthy situation in r cent of tlio
localities rcportii,:: least some
signs of Improvement :• aofffer 12 per
cent'; a continuance of favorable con¬
ditions iu 2 per cent, ; a change for
the worse in another or cent. It is
nut too much to say . \t this is sub¬
stantially SG per cent ' ’arable.”
\(, ;U Wanted 1 i Rawleig
Rome of 8cio fumidi . Write ini
roediiOelv. R 'Wie 1 t Co., Dept
GAL--63-SA— M-' re phis, Tenn
Devo r;dl to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial interests of White Couniv
j Cleveland News
Quite a lew people from Cleve*
land were in Gainesville Saturday
shopping. Why not trade iu
Some twelve or fi: teen meu have
been transferred fr the Bota 1
cal Garden to Gain, vilie. for 5 :
Erosion work.
Mrs, Krise, of X oochee V ■
was in Cleveland May on
l)r. L. G llarc , f C
trustee, and family at thrm n
Cleveland Saturda nrolite to i> .
coochee Valley.
There was no sen ice at the B 1
tist church Sunday aiglit on
count of the rain and fog yu ft
mountain over which the past'
Rev. C. F. Warren, had to truv
tie gave a beautifi; story of
bictii of Jesus Snud ty morning
VVe wonder w!i is the nm
whh C eveiand. 1r we h
i be. rd of a Ch '.mas tree no
jXtns* j -.’inert inmc- for the chi
,* n 0 f our town, >ne of the *
■Jest i hiu>s 1 kr."i for a chilil
look for Santa C: and then t. '
to see him.
The box* in CCC Cam;
©f White County ,e m.ida good
Not only thut, b* iey haven*am
it possibh* tor tin jarents to
more of the nece* ,es ot life.1 hex
have worsen and idied so 'G le1 '
they come out of c: p they will bi
prepared fm w rk One younj.
man from anotb xumy said lit
was not by clioi-.. but that
might educate hit* a, sisters.
A Men Ci.r-:, r
New \ 1 ttr to Toe htor pi
good family.
——— win
Cobb Farm Agent To Be Replace
Marietta, Q t , Dec.' 16— (APj
J. Horace Hamby, county commit
*toner. siiid Mosidii'. a new county
igriculturat agent .auld be tm
j , d , Cohb c: :y f, J r I 93 °
■_ |, Cooper Mon j is tin
are sent ng.- t.
i A’, bis office it v stated thm
j * *is coiurnct "ad rntewci
no ueci;
j despite the fact, tim: two cuii*e*u
t Gubb r;uld j J u , s il!ive recoin
mended ... the work .
f o' county age -
.jftor ntiikii g investigation-’’
S. O. S.
Pay Your St. cription
l \\ r e Have GREAT DEED of
Money 14 JG 1 NOW
Have a art
Reliable Man YV: i.ted to chB o
fnrmers in White Cu -.t. Woitdei
rul opportunity. M:-.k«$S to
daily. No expenet -re or
needed. Write McNESS Co.,D !) p ,
3 , Feepor; r.Illinois.
One 5-100111 dw. ig, where
.V.?n live, plenty o: out building
gnujeo and ot her t of land f
ruck fq: tning, goo well iv a li¬
A ?o will sell a- ning 4-roi
ion -S and lot. 2 ; e s land utt
-act- liotiiju. Both . -ses wired t
iglit*. No w i* tin tunc to get
-eat bargain.
T McDonald
ifn-ad The ourier
OLEv ELAND, GEORGIA. DEC. *' ’ 98 fi
VI r. aid Mu W Utium
j arid Mr, ICknimee Moore, of Tecpo-i
j j vinited Mr. and Mrs. j. D Tatum.
Mr. and Mr* Grtwer Miles and
J chMdiun JJU- spent and Sunday Mr* 1 with D. Mile*- hi*
i amu, .
A r arid Mr%. B.-n McCollum
in . Miss Tula Bell McCollum
v sited Mr. ti.d VI;*, McCollum
Miss 1.,Let* ur11ft lias re
I turned home after spending several
i week* with relatives in Atlanta.
| Mr aod Mrs. j YV. Whttworili
tar, i Mi and Mrs. A C. McCollum
.,ip I -fiildren spent the weekend
1 w.HI: Tocemi
relatives at
j \,ir. filaude Tatum ha* ret.uiied ho
| Cleveland, Term., atteumoo a lijw
| dayst ^isil to his parents. Mr atf
Mr*. j. li>. Tatum.
fust from the Mountain*.
Mrs. Katie Brigmtiu i* now on «
visit, to her mother, Vi r* A. JN ,
fac ksou.
Mrs. j. If. Youngblood utidMi .*
. yyjjj !S |, &a wrote that they g
j trough to Commerce alright am
,e coming back Christmas. Tlipv
^ hills and the pcouife tji
j Jwell UnJretn.
Mr. Et.i- iw A i;uns ‘*1 utta Cav<
, Springs- has been on a visit to n
Utivc ^ ind fne,uis |,ere - Thev an
' to have a Christmas
I Several of oflr people have cof 4
| bowl The majority 'call it fiu
| Colds go into 'l.flu into pneum-imt:.
then yju'vu got .soincthii g. It tint
to bv /vUei's the poor people. li>w‘.
cold, it vvn- grip and when tl>o ri h
ptiOplo kati it, it. wit-j I-.grippe.
Your ‘ Ikiote Sii‘1 ” b.nfuW-mi
billion j billion to wage t
Wo fid war jixjd noii'jdy rasseii ,j
f °
o. -veiyhaod But now Roo,
n.-.,U ;s ttyi(ij> to help the forgotf.
« ;t nod jo 1 etp him live a mu I IT
COiiipl.te life -4,'ul the how : : :■
itig upJxortJ Tc-matne Gu t ;.. Gn!
tic * 11- 'll. ti.-:,; ;Ct Gene put .t
his i.;u '.u-apeuij,rji ijtuf ride on-'
.tilltlC: -■> t i:. pl'iHli. in-in iiiv pH
dent ini race t; luj sv j 1 . - o. It n
pc » lii'X,- light |, : ..hex j.illt)
wit < h rules iii .i i';-in, •■'<:io x .
jS}i. S* ii Scott, j -.-it out oi tin
* TP fix o' H.b r-ij..un with > -
r ri»rt iii light a» MatyN- ‘ *
ien o.Q-n visit to Mr h r*.
«U' Lr.ufoid. He te’is i,
iili of r/B, sectit'U .tfv "h ug ’ nr
\\ 1.1 lit; thx J uiclog i* '.mCuiug
v buttling and wher you uie s*Ax.-■
v-w tell a s'ory. You tun 'u-il tin
(.lid Story" io* u.dii by i"‘
propketi, iii dosvu the . itifc ,iv. a "
lolu'f, the foreratii'ier. it is Iu
si ,ni j the 3 ibe e.t Bet liiuhfeiii :).
: bi»‘,-, ? ca8ioi.....^ niuy v. c have th
* (lil o£ TuJV Tiul) a t,, U h ,,,* :
of Slim Jim. • While t!g-acsi
1 was cooking the Irorse .'he*:mats
n.i,-i«ing and tile apples splutturtiti
He said : ‘ God bless everybody.’
A few Bays befose Christinas a
men toop before the Governor ■
-i n oi Tennessee with a crud
fiddle is presented b> a mtserabl
.ouvict. 1 > b l'a* (or vx i - told m
■ list Ci.rislinas night io pipy 011
tone on that drude fiddle ;y In
pwn happy chi Id ret, 41 ud ibiok of
women iuid .so rut tugged i it cl*
■ibildreu up in tl>e hmimui.ns wit!
i wolf howling at the door. Tin
recwrft wu,-. examined on C'Ij rt.-jtin*■
hgUt; the-upuv ct iv *s ut hmnt
mid the g ol bi,- wife am',
•ildxen. He too.* tl vvn fils .arti
::dd ; e fr 13.1 .he « all tosi ,*ii ’he
N'aeooehee N« i « h
The nvuiv relatives left f t, id*
of Mrs Bill Rose«H and soir sytn
p,utilize witii bet in U.u? J<,s« o! t■ us
bi * ad :,H(i , ,the '
Mi. und Mis Buster vY rtgl,
and Mrs. Wright s r uin'/ motlie:
and, Mr. and Mrs. Camp.
Elizabeth, and Mrs. ,Vioa • h111
way spent Sunday withMr. Luther
Ritrnseur at his Uotue in the Y ..'ey
Miss Fioreuce Logan ta i.
cepted a job iu Gainetvir e
the WPA.
Mr. J-'iiiu Oakes ■ pent tile 5i.t;,
end m home with Ins w i’,-.
Miss Janie Met, ugln :u ; Mi.
Janie McCutchen spent ■ i-.rted t1:t
home over the weekend.
School classes Friday Dr.* i.
j for Ch ri swims hoddiy* not C(f.
i tm, 6
; Mr. and Mrs. ChIjs. ..if*!', (i, i
■Clermont, visited Mr mu Mx - i\
{ B. Mtiler Sunday,
Om.: i in-ill Jersey tieife. $ »pi>;
iu left ; cream yokt. Owner pieast
come and get it and puv
idvei m-aent
Bui C>. i n • 1
.U.olici tatow (i, G >
mrviei <:
Hunting or kiilmg p„urUige*
,. f , y }orbi;lde(> QJ1 lhe propeu
f •>« VY e,
j prosedute aii pdendao.
rS-,K. C* ,v K L Allison. R f;
W '*fnxoie n»d, t P. Thurm>.
W'.li- riuirmomi <.> tic, ’fume
E. Dor-sey, Crawford And J.
j (Dooley ic'-'i*;
i SSSi t"X~- ---
: VY anted tp I) u v fe’i Uu! VUM
sound dty till * bGnk ■■* fi:. ct
that L din ge. t> iirifj lilt- XI..U
I.W.lfiiUiS 11 :d T will j <iiV veil tvc'l.
D. 1.. . !\i. \) - it. ,d
ihiii Alien Killed B.v rfiiiiife Oil
im A Ten oirtil ■, r. tr ■■
I " tl r .. t Gil 1 . t Vi,; r- tie - . ' •
t<r falling ft%-m a ttuck, ;
rSv-.u by Y <, n'og '‘.ijg to 1 >.’fi ..*is 'M 1
toil from :h<- t-ru :k wtiu.. • e
which vs .a- fastflieJ y u vi :’t 1 . I
•r-okfc loose, aftil i-au.-e-' .-.v.i.
radu;c by (a- i g -.. 1 ; tm ... vi
n»-. lie. :iH*:i oexuu-ic '.li ;b > r Vi 1 ‘
hill about three mm rtf. ■ •
i il i J! -ViliB ,
M -. , I ilen w:. - y 1 ’ " - ( s o/-.‘i
tvn> a well known ,.V\ hits 1 ," ,j ; .
fm met. I’he f«».«ral >«. v.ce> ,v :
.eld Sii-mlay at-vsS IS .v tetnefery
lit- 15 survived by ’he f- -•< w-ng j
Three bioili«:r , Ch uii«- uni • . j
Aden. Cievelatid, Rome ; a f.
Flic k Alien. Helen; t wo Asti- }
Georgia W tig fit of rihoai Greek, ■
and Mi* Wiid-s Nix B ks . ■ <• .
Hunting or killing ol ; ;n. .-i
in strictiv fotb.dden on the. proper¬
ty of the. undersigned. We w,.
ptosecuie alt oftAodtts.
. Mrs. Pearl Palmer, iMu: Wo*
morelaiid, C. C, Blah ck. Mis
Linton Adams, Emory frecuiax.
Pat Westtnui'clumj. Hoy Chita. ,
Agt. O .venby Orctiaiiis.
lie bow u d v hi--' ■;:' : ! r
da 1.1 .'* u Aod y-jrei
W;.-*h pi,.- .. •. a;i
Every Young Man aao w ag Woman
Who lias Sill 1 I’utJfii, lirKt sI’ruM io us Cm! Ii > npumf ion t,i
hard work, thrift, honesty. d« penAal);.?,tml a tylean, t?j
right ohitr icf >r Hun plat-tuJ iht sc virlwus at*ov<i dor
and olhur ni t orial hinjjjs lh<> .-'tuts ; '.fi;si of a good
I THH F’.RST na won a- bank
Cornelia. G
at-" iv*-.
c* '
W A d
M 1 ,f «0
feyl : m
- l hi
\ very merry, bun ag, driuiitig.
Laughing, quaffing :mri unthinlitiiig time.
fflHR? J t.ipii is for pretty holiday much the ju -
par? n . A ,1
the fact that the mini m
sparkling with th* tang of pi;-..
apple juice instead of akolipl. that
the hot punch is spiced with cin
nshioa, cloves and allspim atui the
■egg-nog boast-s only brandy ex¬
tract, does pot, at all, mean that
the parlies will be less hilarious.
It lakes only good food, "good
lioliday dr ills and a goon dance
i orchestra to make youthful spirits
efferye.* e m jiiy holiday tw
’- 18 ® ^‘ r loti: ’ ’r'-'.ii'.-sCh.'iol-aud-i i-’
-cgt' cr wds ur fneine.1 a “i;. yh
lag iZil? O' q :.:: -i?m- jfitj;; and unthinking ; 1 * i r >. f 1:! -
D b* x p To-Date
■'siko certain howevei. that
your parties arc the very latest
thing, up-to-th* .c-otneat in every
.-sense of the %■ it you are en
tertaiiu'-g tbs : r set.. The) e
is no other gr ,;i mu intacrant !
of last, year’s sty!*. •- whether it be
detbes, dance steps, food or drink.
Ton eai! buy gaily decorated
glasses for your hob lay drinks at
very litth am! ig.'eed—glasses
with ptotui'i-n rm them vo that each
person can eai >*y his. pineapple
julep i n lor. Ft*- from vn > puoag i, ’ . i . ■, . rv • >- (able i • 1 . 1, ■ to 4 . • card oo *»,1
table and kw it wlum ho sees is.
glasses von I'e-nuifi'y numbered for
that cam purpi* . Roman striped
glass- . polka-dot glasses — all
kinds. But be sure that your punch
glasses are punch glasses— squatty
little mugs., and that your mint
julep glasses are authentic—tall as
a track-star u»d glamorous as a
Junior BronaMate ”
Here are several suggestions for
holiday drink* to fill the glasses—
they’re strictly there!
Noel Mint Julep; Boil
tablespoons, taint Jelly, four caps ‘
In . ... '^S 3 «
Ik j
£i TJ Ell * (dinner, a bird’s e-e view of *
so- i s more-than
et *ugh to “keep a bird
alive.” however— it keeps :,mr per
sons very much alive and happy
and costs only oil? buck
Crisp Radish Roses S<
Reviled Eggs in Tomat*
Sauce 29c
Hutiered Rice (if
Rea end Lettuce Sat ed i‘b‘.
Bread and Butter Sc
Strawberry Shortcake 2Hc
r Iced Tea 44
Devi, d fdtiqs in Tomato ftoCcr:
Hard cook six eggs, remove shells
and cut in halves lengthwise. P.e
tnove yolks and ouu season highly iusu;v
wiui battar, sait, pepper, paprika
mustard aad lemon juices Add
i d Com- cup* sugar utHb
h at! imbed. Cool. Adr
! ■ (oor ythr-apple ‘cinous. syrup Serve and th.e
j" vert
col ’ ; " a r fresh min;
in -.veil Instead of ice, cts*
giiii- r ale (lav.; -yd with the mint
syrup from .-".en cherries ;ijk:
ther. frozen iu • -be*- This fills A
: tail glasses
j obffee m'-om Mill rjtaiuibjue i»
c , ! - y'm one-tai;
cup maple svri 'nad ■ up even
orated mill, : ■? fourth cui
canned ' # • a up i*ha.K*
crushed weir*hi n if**- ■ " : , 1 . 1 mill
* __tit cold.
six tall g!
- Holiday un"te two
bananas arid add vwu cup. pine
apple syrui) one «up evaporated
niilk, i. v* >Wi*nj>i»u» fresh iiun
and juicy, one ilf cap orange . juice
one-! Clip crushed pine
apple. Sh well with crushed
ice. This fix' -.ail, glassu- ►
New Yt unlfi Llig-nog Beat tour
egg yolk i TI thick. i H i n fr Add one
halt cup a;m: aiui oneAhird cut
, rtro
brandy extra. ■. Add v'up*
eyapfitated t-lilt and two f»*>
tvium e»jnihi d Then fold in, £ou
o stilll 1 > ill , _ ! -.. . . t lies SpriuiWi
nu lian v»r> cole
This fill o - ,,,'paU cups
.'pin’/- i unch Boii out
qiart - 1 th the foBowAig
spi< or irmh piece of cinnsi
iupt ' no , ion whole cion
and cum ; vaspoou allspice. A ad
two. cut * f : nip from cam,.'*
ptoe^pt'-i-. reheat. Beat eg;
well,' aiiov ■ ",c-hal£ egg to each
glass'to fc served. Divide the egg.* .tin
among, ti e glasses' and pour
hoteponc* in stirriag well, Sdm
at once. 2 hh- makes about one anti
on-vtear taarta.*
I mnyo i.o nmision and stU
tmui *;ay Kcfill whites and
place il- viled eggs in ind!
x-:di.;;il '.allow baking dishea or
in a pie plate or shallow
Hiking dish. Pour contents ot
one 10Va-ounce can iomato eouy
sround the eggs, leaving the yolka
uncovered. Sprinkle with pm.
l. red crumbs and place ffi a hoc.
oven until the soup is bubbling
j and the envunhs brown, Server
four., **
Pea and lettuce HaUA; Drain
] one r.aie cup in of two canned tablespoons peas anti mail
dressing for at least French
an hour. Add
one-fourth cup chopped walnuts.
rhrtSe-fourths XU ctnuui LXID cup cup shreddpd HiU'eaQ^Kl CJlSB crisp
j lettuce aatl one-fourth cup iiiaytm
j aarni and miac lighrly to g&bM&*