Newspaper Page Text
Making or cancelling engagements
Is easy for the user of a device
known as the "Notiflcator,” developed
In England for use in railway sta¬
tions and stores and at large public
gatherings, says Popular Science
Monthly. By stepping upon a small
platform and dropping a coin in a
slot, the patron exposes a slowly
moving paper roll on which he may
write a message to a friend. The
message remains in view for two
hours. Several rolls are provided on
the machine, so that a large number
of messages can be accommodated.
Such messages include explanations
for unkept appointments.
A Law Every
Mother Should
Know and Observe
Never Give Your Child An
Unknown Remedy without
Asking Your Doctor First
According to
any doctor you
ask, the only
safe way is
never to give
your child a
remedy you don’t know all
about, without ashing him first.
When it comes to “milk of
magnesia,” that you know every¬
where, for over 60 years, doctors
have said “PHILLIPS’ Milk of
Magnesia for your child.”
So —always say Phillips' when
you buy. And, for your own
peace of mind, see that your
child gets this; the finest men
Safety fei fecruatut fe&ut6
You can assist others byrefusing
to accept a substitute for the
genuine nesia. Do Phillip.,’ this in the Milk of Mag¬
interest of yourself Ill
and your children
•—and terest in of the the in- p
public in general.
Afilb uf /IfacfittPAitt.
Many Are
A man can.go to college and still
be a self-made man.
Burni^with with Chills
Sure Relief for Malaria!
Don’t try homemade treatments or
newfangled remedies! Take that good old
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Soon you
will be yourself again, forGrove’s Taste¬
less Chill Tonic not only relieves the
symptoms of Malaria,, but destroys the
infection itself.
The tasteless quinine in Grove’s Taste¬
less Chill Tonic kills the Malarial infec¬
tion in the blood while the iron it con¬
tains builds up the blood to overcome the
effects of the disease and fortify against
further attack. The ‘wofold effect is ab¬
solutely necessary to the overcoming of
Malaria. Besides being a dependable rem¬
edy for Malaria, excellent-tonic Grove’s Tasteless Chill
Tonic is also an of general
use. Pleasant to take and absolutely
harmless. Safe to give children... Get a
bottle today at any drug, store. Now two
sizes—50c and $1. The $1 size contains
2 Yz times as much as the SOc size and
gives you 25% more for your money.
Wordless Poem
A picture is a poem that is with¬
out words,
Laxative combination
folks know is trustworthy
The confidence •thousa'nds of parents have
in Black-Draught good, ole reliable, nas prompted powtl^rcd Them .Thedford’s' to get
children. the new Syrup The pf';Black-Drau^Jitifor grown' folks?’ stick ,to their the
powdered Blacks Draught; the Vodntfsters
probably will prefer it when ^hey. outgrow
their childish love of s\yf ets. C. W.
Adams, of Murray, ‘.writes: j “I have,
used Thedford’s Black? (powder) bilious¬
abput thirteen /eats,' taking w.elT it; for. and I
ness'. ‘ Black-Draught With • acts am
always pleased the results. J wanted
a good, reliable; laxative for rny children.
I have found Syrup of Black-Draught to
be Just that.’*
RidYourself of
Kidney Poisons
nO Uf you .suffer burning, scanty or
headache, too frequent urination; backache,
leg dizziness, swellings loss of energy,
pains, and puffiness
under the eyes? Are you tired, nerv¬
ous—feel all unstrung and don't
know what is wrong?
kidneys. ;Then give some thought function to your
Be sure they proper*
ly for functional kidney disorder per¬
end mits excess waste end to stay in the the blood, whole
to poison upset
Use Doan’s Pills. Doan’s are for the
kidneys world only. They are recommended
the over. You can get the gen¬
uine, time-tested Doan's at any drug
oans Pills
Omens for Luck
Are Still Guide
Superstition Rules Many
Activities, Especially
in England.
Old superstitions remain and new
ones are added. When winners in
the Irish Sweep were asked to say
to what they attribute their good
mck, a heavy percentage replied that
they had a “lucky number” to thank.
(The number 13 was considered both
lucky and unlucky.)
Others attributed their good for¬
tune to spiders, “money spiders” par¬
ticularly, and one individual believed
he' won because he had carried a
piece of coal about with him since
the dawn of 1933. One gave the
credit to a fall of oak leaves upon
him, and another wrote: “Last year
was the first time that swallows built
on iny property, and my wife said
immediately, ‘Oh, don’t disturb them,
swallows bring good luck.’ ”
In England superstition is not con¬
fined to the countryside; it is to be
found even in the center of business
London. No member of the Roths¬
child family, for instance, will shake
hands with a customer in his own
bank or place of business. The
Rothschilds consider it unlucky to
do so.
Again, London’s Bush house has
eight of its pillars ornamented and
one plain. The idea, derived from
the ancient Greeks, is that God alone
can achieve perfection and that man
therefore could not attempt it.
1’tactically every, member of the
London Stock exchange carries a
mascot. One especially favored is a
crooked coin, a sixpence for choice.
But for tiie crooked coin to bring
luck it must have been given to you.
You must not have received it in
For the last 70 years, a well-known
diamond merchant asserts, the for¬
tunes of his firm have been influ¬
enced by a large and beautiful sap¬
phire. This merchant is K. D. Parikh
of Antwerp and Bombay, and the
sapphire, which came from the Kash¬
mir mines, was bought by his grand¬
father 40 years ago.
The gem is named “Shani,” which
means “Luck Bringer.” It is kept
in a special safe, on New Year’s day.
Once it was sold and immediately
misfortunes befell the firm. It was
bought back, and all went well.
“Shani,” which originally cost $10,
000. has gained so remark-.hie a rep¬
utation that $00,000 \vas offered for
it not long ago. The offer was re¬
jected.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
Sugar Causes Brilliant
Leaf Colors of Autumn
It’s not an early frost, as common¬
ly supposed, that produces the most
colorful autumn leaves, says the
United States Forest Service. It’s a
late frost—and the sugar in tiie leaf
—that gives us the brilliant colors.
Just the right combination of tem¬
perature and moisture is needed. The
best colors come when the thermom¬
eter doesn’t quite reach the freezing
point for several weeks during the
latter part of September and through
Silviculturists explain that be¬
fore the leaves fall a layer of cells
forms at the base of the leaf, which
ultimately loosens tiie leaf, and. when
it drops off, forms a scar, if frost
doesn’t arrive too soon, this layer
forms early and quickly. It holds
more sugar in tiie leaf and tiie sweet
sap causes the brilliant reds and
oranges and yellows that delight the
eye. This is not only true of the
gorgeolis sugar maples in the north,
but of most of the colorful hardwood
trees—the oaks, elms, birches, other
maples, sweet gum, .black gum. hick
ory, dogwood, and many others. When
frost comes too early the leaves drv
and lose their sugar before they
have time to take on high color.
Week’s Supply of Postum Free
Read the offer made by the Postum
Company in another part of this pa¬
per. They will send a full week’s sup¬
ply of health giving Postum free to
anyone who writes for it.—Adv.
Human Sacrifice
To propitiate their god after suc¬
cessive failure of crops, five men
flung Bhim?., a youth, into a fire as
a huntan sacrifice at Nagpur, India.
Two of the men, Adku and Tima,
wete sentenced to; death, the three
others to life imprisonment.
© 5 pM is a test of how you FEEL
"How do I feel. •..
Swc/f!— why do you ask?"
i T is all so simple, too 1 That tired,
run-down, exhausted feeling quite
often is due to lack of a sufficiency of
those precious red-blood-cells. Just build
up these oxygen-carrying cells and the
whole body takes on new life ... food is
really turned into energy and strength can’t help but feel and look bet¬
ter. S.S.S. Tonic restores deficient red
Insist on S.S.S. Tonic in blood-cells ... it also improves the appe¬
the blood-red cellophane- tite and digestion. It has been the na¬
wrapped package. The big tion’s standby for over 100 years ... and
20-oz. s’ze is sufficient for unless your case is exceptional it should
two weeks’ treatment... help too.
It’s more economical. you, © s.s.s. Co.
t 'I : .e
TON/C Makes you feel like yourself again
Conestoga Wagon Drivers
First to Keep to Right
Why do American drivers keep to
tiie right Instead of to the left .ns in
England and some Continental coun¬
tries? In the new Columbia Encyclo¬
pedia drivers of tiie famous Cones¬
toga wagons are credited with origi¬
nating the custom because they rode
the left wheel horse. The wagons,
often called “ships of inland com¬
merce,” carted freight over the Alle¬
gheny mountains before the rail¬
roads were built in 1850.
The Conestoga wagon originated
in Pennsylvania before the Revolu¬
tion, according to the encyclopedists.
It was pulled by a six-horse team
and was capable of carrying a- five
ton load. The bottom of the wagon
box was curved, rising at both ends
so that in going up and down hills
the goods would shift less easily ami
the end-gate be subject to less strain.
The prairie-schooner was a modifica¬
tion of the Conestoga wagon.
tv omen should
take only
TVrORE people could feel fine, be
■I” fit and regular, if they would
only follow the rule of doctors and
hospitals in relieving laxative constipation. is
Never take any that
harsh in action. Or one, the dose of
which can’t be exactly measured.
Doctors know the danger if this rule
is violated. They use liquid laxatives,
and keep reducing the dose until the
bowels need no help at all.
Reduced dosage is the secret of
aiding Nature in restoring regularity.
You must use a little less laxative
each time, and that’s why it should
be Ask a liquid like Syrup Pepsin.
Dr. Caldwell’s your druggist for a bottle of
it doesn’t give Syrup absolute Pepsin, and if
you relief, if
it isn’t a joy and comfort in the way
it overcomes biliousness due to con¬
stipation, your money back.
Ability Has Duty
Ability involves responsibility;
power, to its last particle, is ditty.—
A, Maclaren.
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
No matter how many medicines
you have tried for your cough, chest
cold or bronchial irritation, you can
get relief now with Creomulsion.
Serious trouble may be brewing and
you cannot afford to take a chance
with anything less than Creomul-*
sion, which goes to right aid to natuie the seat to
of the trouble
soothe and heal the inflamed mem¬
branes as the and germ-laden expelled. phlegm
is loosened
Even if other remedies have
failed, don’t be discouraged, your
druggist is authorized to guarantee
Creomulsion and to refund your
money if you are not satisfied with
results from the very first bottle,
pet Creomulsion right now. (Adv.)
AJIdpuiqllatui for
Dr. Hitchcock’s
r Jor}our Skin
The medicinal and soothing
properties of the Soap not
only skin, thoroughly cleanse beneficial the
hut are most
and helpful to it. If you are
troubled with itching of pim¬
ples or other skin erupt ion the
Ointmentwill quickly relieve.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c,
Sometimes a child will develop a
phobia or fear indirectly. A case in
point was that of a child who feared
rabbits, with' which it had played for
years, after being startled during
such play by the heating of a gong.
Another case was that of a boy who
grew to manhood with an intense
fear of confined spaces because, when
very young, lie had been frightened
by a dog in a narrow passage.—Col¬
lier’s Weekly.
Calumet sure gives you your money’s worth, with that
Big New 10/ Can!
“THERE’S a lot of good
Hickey. baking Calumet,” in “It’s that observes worth 10c can Mrs. of mm mm
more mm
than a dime any day!
“Of course, with my big
family I get the full-pound
can—and it’s only 25c now.
As long as I bake. Calumet
will be in my pantryl”
Grandfather Rommel,
who was a baker for 40
years, says: “Calumet takes
the guesswork out of the
job nowadays.”
A simple twist.. . and the Easy-Opening
Top lifts off. No delay, no spilling, no
broken fingernails l
WHAT makes Calumet so dependable? Why is it different
from other baking powders? Calumet combines two distinct
leavening actions. A quick action for the mixing bowl—set free
by liquid. A slower action for the oven—set free by heat. This
Double-Action produces perfect leavening.
All Calumet prices are
lower! Calumet is now selling at the
lowest prices in its history.. .The regular
price of the Full-Pound Can is now
only 25c! And ask to see the new 10c can
— a lot of good baking for a dime—with
Calumet, the Double-Acting Baking
Powder. A product of General Foods.
“23M! \f. V 5.3:? GEE, 3‘35“"‘EgigEgEgEgigigEgig;:§:§:§:1:3:5:I:::-:»:v:-:v:-:.v:-».-.-.v- oaocomemsrgmww “.7 "*‘W‘é-W RIGHT «2;,
; our AND SHOOT! ‘ WHETS :gdov U FEEL LIFE 50
Ry 3;. ms 5 VXSLEVW" M'SERRBLE ?
A 225.2523 ‘z'iél'fir ~
z ‘13;
4 EM“; "/2: -/A 4A
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. JIM V0 ) UST WlbH SEEKS? 1232:“ "‘53?
| MV
FOR ALL us Heaoacugs Lieu “Q -:
. WITH VOUR CROSS ) :5 y M ) 39 ‘ 5%: A6 MEAW f6
l R RITABLE -;.:.:,;.:.:.;x.‘..,...xéiigklRR‘mBLE wm's' TOO‘ fl" V O” ”C“ '
"I ‘
arm-x 5i;Eséaiaéssasszszgsgs:;:a:;.;.,
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A \z-g.
W; s. 3.1%” camouwfly "3%, 37.” kg"? VOURFUN)15N’T . firm 335%,}. w? 315 J}
GEE, SWELL To Go if? BEE-MOLD A NEW DAD MA” HA3 ”"1 5‘3 ’ ”I ‘
~ HUNTING wrm M swce HE CHANGED . ' 7/ ‘ ;
L {k ‘IOU .’ 6.4; ' T O POSTUM! w; ;
~ ,.
[53' z ”T;
$5,,» -
5 <3 @ 71:]. .975v2-r:;=5§‘:: '( ' ,. i
.1 ’1?” “km” 'M W ‘2’]! jug: ”(3“ ‘ ;_;:_,_‘2,:F,._ -' g [£42 v >7 , ‘ ‘
- LATE ., $3.)
How Calotafos Help Nature
To Throw Off a Bad Cold
Millions have found in Calotabs a
most valuable aid in the treatment
of lets colds. first They take one or two tab¬
the night and repeat the
third or fifth night if needed.
How do Calotabs help Nature
throw off a cold? First, Calotabs is
one of the most thorough and de¬
pendable of all intestinal eliminants.
thus cleansing the intestinal tract of
the germ-laden mucus and toxines.
Til set wtmg wl£¥iu josrTJJo
msM change POSTUM toji ? wrong are YOU /
A#HY was coffee
IS badforyou.Dad?
... I thought it was
bad just for us kids!”
“Oh, no! Many
grown-ups, too, find
that the caffein in cof
feeupsets their nerves,
causes indigestion or keeps them awake nights!”
• • •
If you are bothered by headaches, or indigestion,
or can’t sleep soundly . . . try Postum for 30 days.
It contains no caffein. It is simply whole wheat
and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. It’s
easy to make .. . costs less than half a cent a cup.
It’s delicious, too .. . and may prove a real help.
A product of General Foods.
FREE! Let us send you your first week’s supply
of Postum free! Simply mail coupon.
General Foods, Battle Creek, Mich. w. n, u. 11-39
Please send me, without cost or obligation, a week’s supply of
Fill in completely—print name and address.
(This offer expires July 1, 1936)
Second. Calotabs are diuretic to the
of kidneys, promoting the elimination
cold poisons from the system. Thus
Calotabs serve tiie double purpose of
a purgative and diuretic, both of
which are needed in the treatment
of colds.
Calotabs are quite economical;
only twenty-five cents for the family
package, ten cents for the trial
package. fAdv.)