Newspaper Page Text
Cleveland, Ohio has been select¬
ed as the convention plane lor the
Republican national convention
in-xt year,
Mr. and Mrs. M ice Ward, of
G linesville. wete in town Monday
Mr. L O. Burnett n bvvomt.
Ga.. visited Howard McAleeMou
Jay and Tuesday.
Miss Marjorie McAfee, of
Detroit, is on a visit this week
with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Mc¬
Chicopee opened with two shifts
Messrs J. M. Holcomb and J. F.
Glover went to Marietta last week
in the interest of lie money the
government has allotted to W hue
County for county roads.
Mr. Charlie Poland is now able
10 be out after being confined
bed for several days with tonsililis.
Mr. Robt. Kenimer and Col.
II, Edwards were elected
Cleveland High School last Satuj
Prof. W. L. Bcwen, formerSupi
,f Cleveland lligfi School, w
lected County School Supt.
Dodge County at the county 1
mary held Wednesday. Prof.
Bowen’s many friends in W elite
County are indeed elated over his
success and ttie popularity he has
in bis home county.
In the cotton farmers of White
County aren’t satisfied with their
present Community Cotton Com
mittee, then they should elect the
farmers they want and direct them
to elect the County Committeemen
The Editor >tiid 1 unn\ IA e ‘' -
appreciate the hog liver Mr. K. S
Price gave us this week.
Gsotgia should have Presidential
preferential Democratic primary.
That will put the “the gallows”
on the spot.
Mr. D. G. Head has secured
employment in the Railway Mail
Service out of Atlanta.
Mr. W. R. Ledford has been
elected Chief of Police of Cleve¬
land. Chief made a most accepta¬
ble officer at Helen.
We have had some reai winter
weather for the past week.
The merchants of CleAeiand are
having the be-G Christmas business
that they nave had since i9k’9
The boys and girls of Cleveland
and White County are home lor
the holidays.
w. A. Russell Died Monday
Mr. VVi'liatn A Russell, In,died
Monday night at bis home here
after several years ihness. He was
born in North Carolina, near
Franklin, but has made his home
in Cleveland for the past 25 years.
Funeral services were held at
the Cleveland Methodist church
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. J. M.
Gue-t officiating. Interment was
in the cametery here. lie is sur¬
vived by bis wile and son and the
following :
A brother, K. L- Russell, three
sisters, Mrs. J. R. Simmons, John¬
son City, Tenn. ; Mrs. S. L, Burle¬
son, Plum free, N. C. ; MissMarie
RusssU, Tampa, Fla., and his step¬
mother, Mrs J. C. Russell, Cleve¬
Price Ward, of G.iiuesvi le, was
in charge.
Meanwuile, the Comptroller of the
Currency has built up over the past
two years a staff of special examiners
for the trust department® of national
banks. All national banks are members
of the Federal Reserve System. Since
nearly all state-chartered trust institu
tions are members of the Reserve Sys¬
tem the new plan will bring about
what amounts to Federal examination
for the trust business.
State examining authorities probably
will follow Federal supervisory policies
al banking system and the Federal Re- j
1 serve System is expected to result in
! a uniform system of examinations for
trust departments in all batiks- This in
turn should produce considerable
standardization in the operation of
trust departments, the division d*
Notice To Ibolwile Groceries, Meat Packers
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed 'bde will bo received try the
State Highway Hoard of Georgia, 2 Cap
tol .Sijuai e Atlanta. Georgia, until lj
o'clock A. M. Dec 23, tti ',15 for fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed for
month of Jan to various convict camps
maintained by saiii Hoard. Hid blanks
and full i 111 irm.itiou as to quantilies ann
delivery points car. lie obtained from the
j Purchasing Department at the above a.I
( ] rws Our bid blanks must be used in
submitting bids. Payment to be made
JO days from date of delivery and aueep
lance of goods. Goods must, tie equal to
or better than that used by the Highway
Board and found satisfactory. Qualiti¬
es shown are approxim ate 1 nly 10 1 .
may tie increased or decreas. il as the
Board sees tit. Right is reserved to re¬
ject any and all bids and to waive all
formalities. Contract of purchase
awards pursuant, hereto to he binding on
the State Higlnv ty Department as such
and not on any employee or individual.
This notice is in accordance with the Acl
iif the General Assembly of Georgia, apt
provedA ug 20 1322. linvelope nms
be marked “Sealed bid to be opene Dec,
Stale IJigiiway Board of Georgia.
VV. E. Wlhurn, Chairman: lax L.
McRae, Memb r, John A. Has, Member
Dec. 2, 1 335
Georgia, White County.
To aLl whom it may c cern:
Mrs. Clias. VV. Whit having in proper
form applied to me foi '/ermauent Letters
of Admiuistration on tue estate of Clias.
W. White, late of said ounty, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors aud
next ol kin of Chas. W. White to be and
appear at my office within the time al¬
lowed by law ami show eiuse, if any
they can, why permanent administration
should mu be granted to Mrs. Chas, \V.
White on Chas. W. White's estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
uatnre this 5 th day of December IW 30 .
A. L. Dorsoy, Ordinary
Georgia, White County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. James Nelms, having in proper
1 form applied to me for Letters of Ad
ministratiou on the estate of JamesNelms
late of said county, this is to cite ali and
singular the creditors and next of kin of
Jamos Nelms to be and appear at my of¬
fice within the time allowed by laivr to
show cause, if any they- can, why per¬
manent administration should not be
granted to Mrs, James Nelms on James
Nelm's estate. Witness my hand and
official signature, this 2nd day of Decem¬
ber 1835.
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary
White Court of Ordinary Decern Lev
Term lifju,
The appraisers open the application of
Mrs. VV. I, Humphries, widow .if saidW.
vV, 1, Humphries tor a Twelve Months’
Support for- her herself,having tiled their
return; all persons concerned hereby ate
cited to show cause, if any they have, at
the next regular January Term of this
court why said application should .;u;
be granted. This Dec. utb, 1935.
A. L, Dorsey, Ordinary.
Georgia, White County. *
To all to whom ia may concern:
Mrs. W.I.Humphries, having in propel
form, applied to me for Fermtieuc Letter.
of Administration with will arnuXod on
the estate of \V. I.
Humphries, late of said county, this is to
cite all and singular the creditors alio
next of kui ot W.I. Huuiphiies to bt
and appear at my otlioe within the time
allowed by law to show, if any they can,
why permanent administration with
will annexed should
not be granted to Mrs. VV. I, Humphries
on W . 1. Humphries’ estate,
witness my hand and official signature
this 5th day of December 183 ft.
A. D. Dorsey, Ordiuary
Georgia, White County,
t o ail to whom it may concern :
J . K. Kemmer having in proper form,
to me for Permam ... Letters ot
Administration on the Berate of ' W,
Brutyster, lite of said counts, ti .6 is to
all arid singular th_ :reditors ai d
next of kin f J. W . Brew? er to be and
appear at my office within the time al
,owed by law and show cause, if any
.hey can, why permanent administration
should not be granted to J. K. Kenimer
i.iu J, VV. Brewster's estal , Witness my
iianu and official signature this 5th uay
day of December Jghfi.
A. L, Dorsey, Ordinary.
B orgia, White County,
i'o vvUom it may concern:
Notice i.s hereby given that Doc Dor¬
sey a.s administrator of Dave Dorsey, de¬
ceased, having applied to me ny petition
tor leave to sell the real estate of saiu
Dave Dorsey, deceased, and that an ol¬
der was made Uiere on at the December
Term 1^30 for citation and that, citation
issue; all the heirs at law and creditors
of the said Dave Dorsey, deceased, will
application at tne Jan, Term IW 3 O of th t .
Court of Ordinary *>f vVhite county, and
1 hat unless cause is shown to the o«»u
Dary at said term said leave will be
granted. Th s Jtyli uay of Deceinberl935
A. L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
Now Leads Group “D”
for Home Town Championship
Baconton, Darien, Chipley and Alley
also among the leaders!
The returns for the first month in the big Home Town
Electrical Contest are in — and Woodbine, with 2591.5
contest points, leads Group “D”—comprising those towns
having from 25 to 100 residential electric customers. In
second place is Baconton, with 2024.0 points; next comes
Darien, with 2007.7; Chipley follows with 1945.1 and
Ailey is fifth in the group with 1921.6 contest points.
All Georgia is enthusiastically watching the race to de¬
cide Georgia’s champion home towns. City governments,
women’s clubs, civic organizations and others are pushing
with vigor toward victory in the competition for ,510,000
in prize money which the leading towns will share. The
Prize Contest Point KWH* Prize Contest Point KWH* Contest Prve CWlfcpit KWH*
Ranking: Score Avert gre Rankins: Score Average anking Scor Average
1 2591.5 1960.5 56 Gibson —......................... 1129.2 664.2 11 Davisboro .................... 739. 571.9
2 2024.0 1590.0 57 Wrens ............................ 1110.5 965.5 i 2 Holly Springs .............. 738. 608.4
2007.7 1550.7 58 1108.3 807.3 . 13 Morgan .......................... 737.0 769.0
1232.1 59 1101.6 921.6 -.14 Carlton .......................... 724. 638.0
5 Ailey .............................. 1921.6 1480.6 60 Pieston ................-...... 1096.8 770.8 115 Rtvevtkile ..................... 717.1 756.1
6 Hephzibah 1323.8 12(57.8 61 Lexington ...................... 1091.4 960.4 116 Helena ....................-...... 716,0 642.0
.................... 897.9 White 710. 579.6
7 17C9.6 13 6 62 1088.9 117 ............................
8 AiHmrton ...................... 1749.6 1518.6 63 Vvilliamson .................. 1087.8 966.8 118 Willachoochee .............. 700/ 460.5
1712.3 1080.1 882.1 119 691. 557.1
10 1693.3 l:;:.7.3 65 P .-vder Springs .......... 1076.1 845.1 120 Suwanee ......................- 690. 501.1
11 167‘.2 1 '53.2 66 Br.rtcw .......................... 1972.9 940.9 121 Flowery Branch .......... 685.8 583.8
1660.6 1495.6 C7 7v Ty ............................ 1058.8 891.8 122 Turin .............................. 682.." 562.2
13 1657.9 1120.9 68 C ncord ......................— 1954.4 876.4 123 Waverly Hall ............ 681. 437.4
14 Lumpkin 1634.2 1152.2 69 Mdcna .......................... 1931.3 888.3 124 Taylorsville .................. 6 SO.. 500.1
....................... Roopville 672. 596.6
lo 1623.6 1381.6 70 Roberta. .......................... 1022.9 760.9 125 ........................
16 Rentz 1612.5 1253.5 Trenton .......................... 1018.2 829.2 126 Statham -...................... 670. 4.95.3
.............................. 853.5 Daeula 667.: 525.8
17 1609.7 1775.7 72 ...................... 1012.5 127 ......—.....-.......-
18 1602.2 1000.2 73 Vinlerville —................ 1610.0 807.0 128 Jeffersonville ................ 662.6 644.6
74 1095.3 771.3 129 Kite ................................ <«2A: 616.2
20 1549.1 1151.1 75 Stockbridge .................. 1004.2 828.2 130 Omega ............................ 661.3 709.3
21 Ochlochnae 1540.4 954.4 76 I.nftry __________________________ 1002.9 985.9 131 Broxton ........................ 659.6 525.6
.................... Lithia Swings 657.2 530.2i
22 Byron 1500.5 1148.5 77 Stapleton ...................... 1092.1 744.1 132 ............
............................ 840.2 '1 ofunsboro 644.5 545.5
23 Milner 1482.7 1223.7 78 Union City .................... 9S4.2 133 ....................
............................ 134 Canon 648.1 662.1
24 1151.7 1281.7 79 Harlem ......................... 983.5 740.5 ............................
25 1146.7 1199.7 80 Rising Fawn ................ 961.4 801.4 ] 35 Stillmore ........................ 636 .; 595.3
26 1431.-1 1281.4 81 Gienv/ood ..................... 919.3 832.3 136 PovUd ............................ 633 ’ 5H6.1
27 3390.1 1196.1 82 Unadilla ........................ 91,8.0 783.0 137 Sycamore ...................... 63fi- ‘ E39.0
28 Blythe 1388.1 957.1 83 Menlo ............................ 936.2 S05.2 138 Cleveland ...................... 601.0 559.0
............................ 723.9 Whitesbu 598-8 855.8
29 Leesburg: —.................... 1387.0 1203.0 84 927.9 189 rg ..................
30 Baldwin 1374.7 893.7 85 Pirehurst 926.8 714. S 140 Martin ............................ 595 3 670.3
........................ ......................
31 Smith v ille ...................... 3367.9 937.9 86 D-:anr-g .......................... 926.4 683.4 141 Fairmount .................... r,«9. 508.9
32 1330.4 1926.4 8? Lumber City ................ 925.7 782.7 142 Moreland ...................... 566 554.7
33 1336.9 1095.9 || Wc' 902.0 799.0 143 Garfield .......................... 564 444.6
...................... 450.8
1327.2 942.2 901.4 620.4 144 iernple ......................— j-7 fc
35 1 HI 7.5 1090.5 £0 830.1 779.1 145 Locust Grove .............— 542. 440.4
36 Fayetteville 1302.6 996.6 91 Kingston ........................ 878.3 837.3 146 Ken nosaw ................—. 533.: 531.4
.................. 757.0 Newborn 516. 615.1
37 Meigs .............................. 1300.7 10.71.7 Twin City ...................... 856.0 147 ........................
38 1291.2 925.2 93 Dnniflsviile 871.1 779.1 148 Avera. ............................ 509.7 368.7
39 1290.6 1050.6 94 ■I Ifn ....................... 815.3 943.3 149 1‘oulah .........-................. 507.H 447.3
5282.3 910.& f>r TwrtvU ................... 829.4 67 4.4 ir.o Hiram ............................ 502.7 371.7
41 1275.9 10:'6.9 96 VVbifj riuiir-j ..............- 811.0 559.0 151 Norman Park .............. 488.4> 547.4
4/2 125 5.4 832.4 97 1] 805.5 719.5 152 Colbert .......................... 479.9 451.9
43 Hamilton 1272.0 1146.0 98 Sharon 803.0 642.0 153 Siloam ............................ 474.1 365.1
...................... -............-............ 495.8
44 12<7.7 853.7 89 Crawford ..................... 802.6 719.6 154 Logan ville ................... 4 73.*
45 Junction City 1244.6 890.8 HI NMmls .......................... 797.2 725.2 155 Carnesville ..............— 462.7 462.7
............. Harrison 426.2 361JS
4C 1211.3 991.3 10 1 I nvinton .................... 794.2 704.2 156 ......................
47 Brooklet 1* W 'L1 f 57.3 1 I.vsvly ........................... 791,7 7 OS. 7 157 Tunncll Hill .................. 413.9 860.9
........................ 890.8 15> W aieska 411.1 462.1
48 1'77.2 869.2 105 788.8 ............—
49 Svwmcy U60.2 1016;2, 1 0 V Uvahla ......................... 778.1 CO 2.1 159 L>uhevsviHt ................. 408.8 352-6
.......................... 620.8 ICO Collins 393; 0 411.0
50 Means >:lle 11'0.5 767.5 10 5 vt „ T , ............................ 7~ 3.8 ..........................
.................. 611.4 KT Lula 393.0 331.0
61 11 '0.2 1139,2 i h: Bo'.vinr.h ....................... 773.4 ..............................
52 ryw 1012.1 ! 07 ?r%:<,iV£ .............- 7'” 5 .6 O-’HG 162 W oo ............................ 340. 1 425.0
53 1157.0 86-6.0 ! 'H- Horv-ocxi 76 U0 594.0 105 CT-rmont ...................... 335. 341.0
.......................- 306.0
li'',' 7 "3.6 r ’ r.r, l r:4 (.rrtYficn ..................... 318.
55 Byromvi-lle 1171.2 10 'v.7 ’' r < TV ,* , a .......1. 751.4 510.4 1C 5 rulkrville ..................... 233. 270.6
................... ..........
* Annual Liiov/a'i .tveragrp r cr fCSidt'Cfi.. 1 •hi fj- i-r 1? v.onlhs h* t r; ?tavember 30, 19".
HERE A V ' T • f T 1 * f ‘ r lEPSTi SES RACE *
•• lb- r •; xi rr •„ ti-c h ■ —? 1 iirtvn! kilowatt hour
< >*•••- ■ft.',-:.- ./•//;.•;. tht jlrtt *weepstake-$
X, . •i;-.' ■ •? -nr::
GE‘ RCtr ’■At Avprtic
Vf '. < IA *1 # 1 '....... .. . ........................................... 1739.7
i . .»• F< r m i .... ................. ................... KU3.S \ vyf?*«
•• ■;
• ■ ■ b
JlVifcitl .... uuvA
• wh. :ma * r . • -rf 4 v •
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Jl\\/g, ; '\ jfihae; 4,: HT—T' 1; ‘3’
f 1 \ 49/ 6 7/433"; 3'2! , {A ‘ 2;: ”I :Iifléffi ‘7§%&®,, £23 Q: 32: g}? I‘
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i; -=“é ‘ } ,
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K 1] .— \
The Cl‘efiln 0f UIXLADB C; Q - 'a,
ICe-Creams Made Wlth . MEAT
E: 1
.33, .
1’12: ."2‘ ~ 5
f? i:fif:"§:,',{‘ 1; ~ ' lip, \ /y // « 2 '
" .,.
‘ ' “‘o
\ a g :
t, “ ' 4 V . RV ,'..; f s :
g. . l
g '
J . -:
I". » - ‘ "La‘: i
g ,/ O :1; ‘ 3
g 15‘- ‘ r l v RVPAUT, ii V
NOW - IN v STYLE ' *1 :4 i” I
ONCE upon a. time, back in tho‘
utilitarian days when suspen—
.trs had a very definite use and}
hen women bought shoes io‘walk :
1n. foods were eaten because they,
tasted good. We didn't bathe:
much chem. calories or vitamins.
or even appearance Recall crash -
fallen bread puddings: nr apple
(sake crisscrossed and fiercely'
dotted with black raisins!
Today we consider foods (mm;
many angles. Take sauerkraut—-.
plenty of it. Even in the days 02",
the cellar barre) it had the stufl—q
the food prom- ties that made it?
healthful. Today, ,we buy it. in}
shining cans and serve it in a."
variety of ways that are good toi
look at as well as good to eat. We'
recommend for your early con
sideration these modern ways at
serving krauL ' 1 2
So Good! i
Sauerkraut» Shepherd Pie: Place
the contents of one 'No. 25% can of
sauerkraut in a buttered baking
dish. Boil aight f:‘;;2.l;furtcrrs for '
Lwcmy minutes. Then arrange
them on tap 0f the sauerkraut.-
1"ile four cups m“ seasoned, mashed
potatoes lightly ml top, (1% with
butter and brown in :1 hur oven.
This serves eight permnsz.
Sw'wiiu-rrl/ Zru‘lr Fails: Season
«mu pmmd uf Hush ground pork
“-311 wifh salt, pepper and :1, little
onion juice. Form into small balls
and brown thoroughly on :1}! sides
.in hut fat. in a skillet. I’m the
contents of one No. 2 can of sauer.
kmut in a, baking dish, place the
halls (vn top and cover with the
contents of another No. 2 can of
sauerkraut. Bake for one hour in
a moderate 0ven—375 degrees.
This serves eight persons!I ;
contest opened November 1 and continues through Octo¬ %
ber 31, 1936.
Below are the first month’s standings in Group “D”,
up through November 30. Contest points are given on
the basis of ONE point for each kilowatt hour cf average
annual kilowatt hour consumption per residential customer
and TEN points f ir each kilowatt hour of increase. From
now on it’s the INCREASE that counts most. lelp your
town keep in the running for one of the big cash prizes.
If there is anything about the contest you don't know or
understand, ask AL the nearest power company office or
write Home Tow's. Headquarters, 463 Electric Building, ■M
DO “keyizgsggfisaizf you like to explore? “a:afietzlaffsa; C‘nzm
at hesgrty mfte"? “'hf‘vliilk‘f,“
13:” crew} ace; :3 a‘n evfxlnfi, 8.1“- :an
1g E goo OMS “ en ‘8 ”U \ ”"5
IL Hotne.
he rte f' rlfieratox , 2h p 1d 5;: . Leym— -. ‘
fig . @163 S&;§;{—you m ”12 1]“th
am 1313 f c w en. (10:21?“ JLEL
and 0 er canned Iixi?(ltb'2'2-F}](Ab'é!
are thg floods that am}: Fwekt
glorefs “bs nftgr an. exfimng 9‘
ancmg or skatmg m Idlwmg m
Hie 01:81.1..“qused ughm: to‘geflie:
“1th cusp gzee’ns, F119). me nu.
only g00d-"th83' re dietetic.
Worth Discovering
‘ Meat and ('uvumb 1 .- , 5 1‘ L Qalad Loa‘ J:
Soften one tablespoon gelatin in
tvyo tahlgspoons cold water and
mato dlssolyg 33125? m .Whli‘h' on}: cup hflb‘ of been canned bmught t0<
pepper haghvir L1 1 to ,n. “0212“~‘-~‘:r Marc .3. :. When '2” cur“. .' n- a tmd 22
gap fmely 01‘ cut mayonnaise, two diam} cups of:
mean, one, cup cn
CPmbN‘S u-wmmd pwkk» .mul reh'w'h‘ UFO tab‘lvb‘vwns ('lht-J meat
3143’ be m cmuied 112ml:
Due (“11'
1"?” ”16 “Orlfenfs
DIHS m one 6
Euantmfg oum‘za. fun: 1:13 of§ chmkin, qr m2? (fqunl and
"“31 ““13 Bum- 2132,” “1"” ‘3"!0133
mph] zzlutmr. and 2nd. dull. .‘~:;u~nmh .'1ul‘n :Ls out despot]. gm :1
Y3?“ 4111.2; m ““0?“ 01;:le on p'ermns. (?I'WD lettuce.
"*”"2""" _;zer\'os "W ”‘7‘” “"1““ ““1"
1519 of two 6-meee
f‘“?~‘_\“~ Male 13"2‘3'2d? (1'12th ?NJW-h ‘3“‘1‘32
222$ 10" about an “0“" Add W?"
[hirdsflup _0f canned grapefruit
p}11p..tw02th‘1rds canny] diced
pmeapplg andyrgshal! (21m
91m nuts.
and nmmen mm mayonnaise.
Serve 1n popover or cream pufl’
Sheila Th“ WV“ eight‘persensy
Wm HEN th French ‘ant to ex
i: Egr‘t‘itcggaé‘i‘iafrip 60511539 83:32:23;
vivid imut not.
That’s i'ivid a express. expres-qic-n -the ,satisfaw
t'oo to infireally
tion to be lound fine ice
creams Your.summel‘
it fates Will be more
festive learn the of
you harfai‘é‘and wuvs
modem mousses and alga
other frozen gervinzthem creams and the
new wavs thém of .your phorch pérties lutro
“prettv duce at fi‘led in
highvin frilled paper ‘par‘f'uzt, ("1m 01' “as‘ses
colorful that} wil‘l mike‘ the:
H e re are two
dessert social regiqter'
L .
They y re Cooling TM 4}
Mocha Maugse; Add png-tpurth
cup of of strong coffee to the'cdntents
one Eté-ounce can of chocolate
E3?{1123:ffjggtcofiegopfiffefi:one“; ' ~ 0 ' x 2.: _;.« to: shw- si ,
; mceze " L A‘eiligerazorl’irays,
01' in 1.: ice and salt xiiix'ture. 0r
individual the mousse may be po’fired theh‘filaced into
paper cases,
m the greeziug‘ trays or in a con.
miner of ice and salt. This serves
eight I‘mr persnus. and strawberry Parfait:
Add sufficient water to thasYPup
make from one cup at camtgd pears to
two (ml); of liquid. Bfins
t0boi1ing.pnnr over one packagg
0‘ lime gelatin and Hi? untilagg.
Fnlved. (,‘001.Add theleMd,
and pour mm eight: +1.11 .gtasse‘s.
Ed in mm Lel'rsgemum to harden.
When ready to serve, beat em cup
of cream, add three tablespoons
coufectioners sugar, one-fourth
cup of crumbled macuroosu m“:
One—fmn‘th cup of sliced fresh
strawberries. Pita on top of tho
gelatin. Do beat fin
not cram
'00 Sfifl- Th!!! urns eight n01
sons! . u -