Newspaper Page Text
or,, xxxvili No. 22
•Just from the Mountains.
The candidates are getting plen¬
tiful as yellow jackets in apple
time—five were here Tuesd tyThey
all are very fine people but some
body is going to get defeated None
of us are not knowing who it will
Heard that something very rich
happened Sunday. Mrs. J. 11.
Youngblfiod took tire notion to
have iter picture took while riding
a steer. They had the steer tied
up with ;t broom string. The
gtuhs began to crawl in the steer s
back. It broke t lie string and
started down through the field
when Mrs. Youngblood was still
on bis back. .John Denton was
bolding on by the tail and Hilbert
Turner by the horns. But as luck
would have it. She tell off hi
the plowed ground no damage, ex¬
cept her Sunday suit was a little
soiled, Mrs. John Denton took
a motion picture during tfie ex¬
citement. They are talking ot
putiug on this moving show at the
Re-ervation apple house at tin early
There will a singing at the CCC
Camp oh the afternoon of the
Fourth Sunday. The public is
cordially invited to attend. Come
and bring your latest j-ong hooks.
Singers: Mr, Boh Gust ley, wit It u
choir of twelve, the Gowder family
Sam Jones and quartet of Gaines¬
ville, VV off ore and family
E. C. Hefner, of Cleveland, and
other good singers will be there. Mountain (jluartet Ha I
county will be there also.
II. II Humphries
Committee Bennie Sargent.
Mr. and Mts. J, L’. Brown and
children, of Cornelia, spent last
weekend with her parents, Mr and
Mrs. R, D, McCollum.
Mrs. Cfara Belle Satterfield has
returned home after spending a
few weeks with her mother in
Birmingham, Ala.
Mrs. L >y Sosebee and baby
spent a few days last week with
her sister, Mrs. YYtlliain Edmonds Ldmonds
at I occou.
Mr. add Mrs. John Erwin Ash
were the giunet guesas of Mr. and
Mrs. StevesAsh killahersluun Sun
Mr. Frank liiufinonu, 01 tht 1
CCC Camp, {spent the weekend
with homefolks.
Miss Lona Lee Curtis was tin
dinner guest ot .M iss
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Sosebet
and Misses Mary and E izubetb
Kmght, of Nacoochee, spent last
Sunday afternoon with M r. and I. Chambers.
Dorothy Jeati Shelnut infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lestei
Shelnut died Saturday morning,
Feb. 22. Funeral set vices were
held from Friendship Sunday
We have been informed tbutMr.
C, E. .... Barrett 1 has declined , j , to run ,,,,
in’ the present Primary for Clerk
of County Commissioners. Mr
Barrett gives-jbustness m tiers a
his reason for declining to run fur
tliis 1 tfice. He desires to heartily
tii aik hi- mends l. r utters of sup
port and it m the^ fume he Can
serve them he will he glad to do so
I a-k your vote and influence in
beiiail of my c uid'd,icy iorCorouei
o I White Coun.y.
II. II. Pliiliip 3 ,
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White C«unty
Tomorrow’s Sun
(Newspaper Features, Inc.)
By Roger Winter
If Governor Taimadge persists
in his refusal to call a special ses¬
sion of the Legislature, for the pur¬
pose of enacting a appropriation
bill, it appears that the Legislature
will convene themselves iu their
judicial capacity for ti.e purpose
ot impeaching him.
A dozen or more lawyers as able
as any in Georgia have expressed
the opinion to tjie writer that it is
within the power of the Legisln
tuie to convene themselves for the
purpose oi impeachment. They
cite tile case of the New \ ork Leg
islature, which convened itself for
the purpose of impeaching Govei
nor Lui/.er. The impeachment was
contested all the way to the United
States Supreme Court and was up¬
held. There have been other in¬
stances where Legislututes have
convened themselves for the pur
pose of impeaching Governors.
I'Le lawyers with wlioqi (he
writer has discussed the mattei
lake tile view that the impeach¬
ment power of the Legislature? is
inherent in that body, that it is a
judicial and not a lavv-m (king
power, and that were if not inher¬
ent in the Legislature, (lieu a Gov
ernor might become violently is
vatie or go on any sort of a rm
page, and still prevent ins removal
by the simple device of refusing to
call the Legislature into session.
They argue that inasmuch as the
Governor is subject to no process
»f law, such as injunction or mini.
the final and ultimate tirbi
ter of the acts and doings of a
Governor necess.f.ily mu t be, and
by implication plainly is, the Leg¬
islature itself.
When the Legislature convened
tn January, 1935 , Governor Tab
mudge bad the support of a large
majority of both the House and
the Senate. They promptly pass¬
ed bills carrying into effect his
campaign pledges, but when it
came to the general appropriation
bill, tlie House and the Governor
-plit apart. Their differences could
not be reconciled and the House
insisted upon a bill which suited a
majorisy of its members, ratliei
than a bi I dictated by the Gover
I)0r _ j n the Senate, however, the
Governor was able to hold a major
ity in line and this resulted wi a
-plit between the House andSenate
in consequence of which no ap
propriation hill was passed it all,
For the Governor to say that the
Legislature failed and refused to
perform its duties in the matter oi
passing an appiopriatiou bill is ah
surd upon its face. The authority
if apportioning the revenues of
he state among the v irious de
partments and institutions primar
,ly is vtsted in the Legislature ap
portions the funds in a mariner un
satisfactory to lfie Governor, lie
can veto the appropriation bsll and
-,end it back to the Legislature. It
two thirdr of the House and two j
thirds of tfie Senate vote to over j
ride liis vote, then the bill become
the low notwithstanding the exer |
cise of the Governor’s prerogatiae. |
L'lie constitutional and rational
course for Governor Taimadge ti
have followed in this matter would j
have been to let t lie Legislature
pass whatever appropriation bil
saw fit, and then if it did not
su u him, to veto the bill and send
back, and u'tiinately the di'ffer
e nces between him and tne Legis
j a ture would have heeu ironed out
j„ a S u. e , orderly way. Instetid
Jrrstead of taking that course.
which all previous Governors -of
Georgia have taken when they dif
fered with the Legi-lature, Tab
; ma< jg e simply allowed the appro
priatioo bill to go by default and
is now attempting to apportion the
revenues of the state as he sees fit,
Naoooehet* Nows
Mi*. A 1 . S avail, assisted Ov
h#r daughters, M's. C Courtenay,
Mrs, YV. A. R: - ; and Mrs.
S avail gave Roy K mboll, -a re
cent In ide a m iscelianeoiis show .
Tuesday ail erio-on al tile home o!
Mrs Stovall. A vei y interestin'.:
cuiite-t w is given, Mi*. R B.Mtf
lei winning ti.e- prize. Al-a eiu.'i
guest gave Miv KunbeJI -w-d* oi
her lavorde re e pis to go in a
lovely cook In• \ i. j vv hich iv s
indite igned t>y Mis. Connfioiy,
A clothes line , w a.- I.liog ill an
adj initlg I'vio, tie hi ide
a ,veil a clot he^baskt'l a ad mk to go ;
galhei the clot lies ..... a shower
Came up, Tliv‘guest were also a-k
'dad assistpici leti.askei . ,
to go was
filled from ; he line aim !l! '* vniom
places. Till gills wen | p. otd hj
the bride then everyone was invit
ed in the dining room. w lien ,,
'ovely salad course cookies, coffee,
candy and salted peuuuts w Ms
served 1
Miss Annie Lee Hood, of lla.p
well, spent the , weekend . , at horn*., i
ivilh her parent Mr. and Mrs 1
L. Jlood,
Mr. and Mrs. \V . Lniiwdcn
uni sons, Walter, Jr., and Tommy
-pent Sunday in Homer, with M ‘ s
Lumsden’s fuller and mother, Mr
md Mrs l urk
Mr, Bulbil, of All iota, \ isited
VIr. lames Ghm over the“weekend
Rev. undMrs.McHoweliRichard.
vieited Misses Annie md L , z«i<
Glen last week.
Mrs. O. W. Relkony, who bar
. , •
heuu very sick . . , is . better. 10 the
tight of herpnimy^frifci ds
Mr. utidj,Mr).fJohn T’artmn and
daughter, Sue spent the tvet-kan
tear Commerce with Mr. jPartain’i
f other.
Mr. ). \V. Lum-den celebrated
aer 84 th birthday last l'hursduy,
Her son, Mr. Robt, Lum den, of
Vienna, Ga, also Mrs. Marsh, ot
Gainesville, s i»ited thou moll)er on
iier birthday.
yy —............
Fie supper, cakewalk, music
program arid other entortainmeu
0 Cleveland Higl; School midi
mrium S iturday plight, March ) )
Everyone invited.
Jess I!tm(
in tlie face oi a con-titutionu
provision expressly providing ilia, no di• bui'.'-c-nieuis -lutll be
made from the St He Trea-ury ex
vept to pay appiopnatiou- atnhoi
ized by law, *
Although the K, vernor cornro]i i
ed a jn-jority of the Senate whet
the lygislatm 1.' was is, session, hi
itteinpted iina nc ;a! dictatoi slii j
has alienated a m j rity of tlia
body and if the llou-n and Senalt
convene themste'-ve^ for ine [>ui
pose of impeaching him, all indin 1
110ns point to h s conviction by
Seriate when is brou; Id tr
trial before ti• n inuiy up.m charge
preferred against him by tin House,
where impcaobuieut proceedings
must originate.
Governor T om Ige has con
mined politic il suxule. l’o.ilica.
,y speaking, he h„- hanged bun j
self by the neck, lie is not ye 1 !
dead, but lie is in the throes of tin
death tgowy. 1 I< will presently
ins vwltliuigs and hecoirn
still and cold and rigid. Then the
Legislature wil wef and cm
down the corpse, and the ‘NuGona
gi a who will fire a -hot or ihurst
bayonet in n i»tance thereof.
Notice To Convict CiGlbiiig
MamiJactnrers and Dealers
Seali-d hide wiH lie received by l.ue
Stale Highwiiv board ot" Georgia,
ajiilol Sijnkre, A Uanln .'On-rg a, Uioi*
10 o'eloek M i, ikt, 1030 I'm furnish-
mg six in ntUV supply of Clotting am'
- mg, r. ii. Ij, the following points'
be . Horteuse. lb arson, PuiversVille. j
il.ti Snipeiti.u, Nevvinui. Dallns, |
ijiduesville and Chnlsworth, Gcorgits. j
(ju-inlities given iviil hs approximate
i.'iii■, ’.ai d njiav' lie increased*i>r d.,ahasek j
as the U lira see.s tit, Payment to be
ia,i l> tl.i ,y dn.\s t'r-onp date of delivery j
a ad a., , [ilauiee of goods.- dpplv’tn Spo j
Grant. 'lueli isino Agent, al tin: ahovt
whin: — , tor de!ailed specilititUoi s or tiny
otllta - itih.onialion needed to submil 1 ,lids'
,] (1 te deliveries cm a be Right
is n > ved to n je: 1 any or all bias, and
iv vaiv" all formalities, Dnmract oi
!'•»' has.- awards hereto to be binding on
the State Highway 1 tepartment as Much
and not employee ot nnliv .. idltat. ,
.* 1 ; any
rl , iH notice is is in in aecordnine «, jrd ,„ M with whir tli the Ac
of the General Assembly of Geo.igia, ay>
proved .August Id.liyag. Mark envelop.
bid on L'niivib Clothing and
l-edoing l.o be i pencil nt II o’elnek A
VI , March 23. d. !%«,”
Stale Highway board of Georgia
A , 1 ; WiHiuiu, Chairman? Max 1., Me
Memlnr.Jobu A Heck. Member.
.Mapb 3rd, l'.-Mi.
The undersigned, as admiaislrators oi
i he estate ot Mrs. India Jones, by virllit
'fan order from the Court oJ'Ordin ry oi
tic UGH'-mnty, outcry, on «-«>rgi«. the first 1 w.H uesdny sell in a. A pub- pi '■ j I
Ul 3 < 5 t itUm court house door in said I lali
..., Minify, between Hie b gal hi urs |of »ak
'm ihe. highest, and best bidder Jfor cash,
‘the following described laadi
Alt Unit tn.iet. ot land, lying and tieir;
lu« t’oimly ul White. Statu 1 1 (jt’nrgii
1 describedja» follows: Beginning 1 .
•ruuk on oiigjiml line between Hal
.nil White.Bounty ^thence with the on
line Kast 'toja'.rock corner im tin
Uue ,,f SV ‘‘| le >' 1 l .' mp
c >uutic-s: UiuiH-e with th«s ony;\nd\ ]
f , N(ii|h eit , hl( ., ;ll HllJ one l.nlt
•ihaiiia, more or less, to a rock enrner on
original line; tln-r-iv wist to *condiUoiiai
line following li *e mennderiugn of a gully
about eleven "chains “and thirty links,
more , v h'Stst to a pine Btmup ot die vuail:
thence a straight line Sinittnvcsit o hem
of ditch twenty-two chains, mora <a less;
thence down saUl dituh eighteen eh*ins,
wore or less, to where the ditch i-repiies
into the Creek ; thence down crick
atiout twenty -!hn e clmhe, imna "t less,
to beginning 1:011 er, Containing uhou
fifty aer>'S, niorc or less, and heing I'-ut
of land lot No. bniysiveii (T y). More
fallV described in Heed from S J.!.Rogers
to C. A. Jones, dated August b, Ib 20 ,aie:
'sing the Maine projiurty deeded to Mrs ;
I mini Jones fi 0111 V. A,Jones,and record j j
d in Ho k , page > 17 , in VV ii it*
County Records j
Rosteaeioti of said prop ity vv ll be de- .
livered to purchasei on January ), 103 T I
Tliis bin daypd March, Hhili
V. W, Jones, 1 Vl.JoneH, li S./one *
Vdininistratoi'M of Mrs, India Jonci
E -tale.
Steady Work—Good Pay
K; liable Man Wanted to cad on 1
- i Will e County. No ex
eric.;. ore pttal needed, Write:
NcNESS CO., Dept- B, Freeport, :
I lliiiuis.
Ail who ire due ihc lovvu oi j
Ci^vei.uid pas? <iue taxes rusi ;
settle at once. Bv order id Mayor i
and Town Council.
J, 1*. Saxon, Town Clerk
Have your Dental work done at •
home. Help those who help pay j
Th;lt ke ep the old Ship of
State movi[lg .
All work guaranttKtd.
Dr. T. )• McDonald.
Adveitising I- I lie oi ■ that , ub 1
..-ites the macliinery ot buisness
Two of the three Atlanta judge
that set on the Hamilton and liar j
rison case decid -d on the I alinadge
regime Saturday. G-ns, i- now
coalempiatiog wuli d law.
Jbe. D - ter Brea vjilSlS - , - -A.
A GOOD breakfast is " n ' 1 h
fighting fur. Or ui lea ;t
that's Uie wav the Mpiirrel
and the hlueja.i sum. 1 iim-s ,
about it, If your niti 1 •• lias, fnught
the battle and won the booty
while yotTve sat back in the
feathered is .I, be sure that you
make the most of tlr: spoils.
Here is a breakfasi that you.
too, can gloat over, for, although
he has masterfully brought home
the bacon, have you not broiled it
to a golden crisp and turned the
pancakes to perfection? The big 1
moment, or this bieakfast, bow- i
ever. come. :■ t the a t—ro v.o’l]
give you the Ample recipe for mix
ing the milt drink. j
A word firs', ahouI tlie coffee,
If must r Hoi lily made, of course,
and you ill find the drip method
gives iho best results. It it is
-b'JiZ'. ■ '
Co i 01 fill
..•151 XT SALADS
Provide a “Lift"
|>RIGHT ik for n 01 r ! do thing rolls .
us mm
around. The., ■or spirits
for chilly da;, t a pagar
i nheritance g \ r a t. u r c
knows about tlis.t out- '
” s weaves
ot-iioors a fla; ; i.pesfry to
flaunt in tlie f Octob<:r
winds. Indoors, a a log-fire ;
and candle. wliii the higli- 1
lights iu our iv a Aigs and
draperies. It's . • sort of j
Friends drop ; r 11 game,
for a ch.-.l, or ju s he Cum¬
panionatde over lb ing nee
dies which arc w tiriglii,
warm winter tog. .d what
have y< n? What havi ito serve :
tor these pleasant tty mo
rm-a I s, when there’s time to
fuss over foods? I
We Nominate Sriads
If you're a good pagan, you
know how to pul bright w. rm col
urs and delicious exbilaratin::;
flavors into fruit salads. Ragans
weren’t salad fans. «i> far us we
know, but it is recorded that they
did worship the harvest gothic
They heaped up red : d gob! and
russet fruits and no doubt me.
glad them for the Hirer glory o>
bright color and lowin': llavoi
Autumn salad gav with (be
gold of pearlier tlie amber
pineapple and fin red of tonroo,
ran lit; quickly made in the morn
Jug, put away in vnur »-**fvi'-yc
tor all ready to enierg" t■ lu'*-’i
eon, tea- or -aved foi itiiiuer if j
there is no call Rxpe.'imeui f., 1 Ihc-m play be j
served sooner.
with some of the new < 'Joi-t' : -al- 1
ads, add and see how nnic.ii '« they j
to your autumn imaius.
For Example
Jellied Pineapple and Peach
Salad : Dissolve one package of
lemon jeilo iu one cup boiling
water and add one-half cup of
canned peach syrup and one-haif
vacuum packed it has retained
that fresh coffee flavor and that
, tediving aroma which makes
.rit the most inviting meal
.0' ?>,■> day and sends us forth to
Charries in Pineapple Juice
tr hale ft heal Vuncahes with
Canadian Racnn
Cherries in Pineapple Juice:
Drain the syrup from a No. 2 can
of pitted red cherries (reserving
syrup for future use in chek
tails, beverages, etc.) Sweeten
slightly lire contents of a No. 2
can of pineapple juice, or use it
without sweetening, if you prefer, Chili
pour over the cherries.
overnight. Serves eight persons.*,
cup of canned pineapple syrup.
When cold and ready to set, add
one cup of diced canned peaches
and one cup of drained crushed
Pirn-apple. Add one-lialf: cup
chopped nuts and one-half cup
chopped dates ami mold as de
oivd. Sai vc cold on crisp lettuce
with mayonnaise. Serves eight.
Tulip Salad: Polish eight me
ilium-size apples h-vilig bright
red skin . But a slici from stem
ends and scoop out the centers.
.Now cut down in wide points to
K-prevut tulip petals Mix one
' ulf cup diced apple from the cen¬
ter -me sup diced canned pears,
1 hi ■ ourtlis cup diced celery and
1 In , lUrths cup Clio oed salted
iltnoue Moisten vreli with may
onnaise. Fill the tulip with this
ind sci in nests of lettuce. This
,sorve eight persons.
Still More Fru ‘s
Peru and Tomato Sni d: Slice
i', iled ripe lomatoes rsd place
, slice iu each of eight imlivid
nests of lettuce. Place half of
a canned pi r on top of each, hav¬
ing the cut side of tins pear up.
him one cream cheese with three
table: poons chili sauce and pile
ui the pear cavities. Garnish with
.■-trips of canned plmiento and
erve with either mayonnaise or
Fi'i uch dressing. Serves eight.
Uanana Hunt %alad: Cut batja
nas iu halves lengthwise and scoop
■ it. the centers. Kill the cavities
with a mixture of diced pineapple
■slice.- ami chopped black walnuts
ued with mayonnaise. Gar
mL-Ti with several maraschino
cherries r/hh h have been dipped
iu m. vonuaise and then rolled in
cnan.-il moist cocoanut.
fruit Salad Dressing: Mix to
gc'l: r two tablespoons; lemon
juice, six tablespoons olive oil. two
tablespoons bottled r lime juice,
two tablespoons confectioner's
sugar, salt, and pepper to taste, a
little paprika and a few grains of
mustard. Shake until emulsified.*