Newspaper Page Text
Road Supervisor
To the voters of White county.
After the solicitations of many triends
from every section in the county, 1 here
by announce myself a Candidate forKoad
Supervisor of the Board of Commission¬
ers of Roads and Ravcnues of White
county, which is also a member of the
I feel that I am amply qualified to
perform the duties in an acceptable man¬
ner, to tee roads and the financial in
tercets of the county It delected, I
promise to put forth every effort to per¬
form and transact the duties of the of¬
fice to the beat of my ability.
Very sincerely,
0 , E. Allen
To the voters of White county.
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Hoad Supervisor of White court
;y, subject to the Primary to be belli
March IS.
If elected, I promise to perfo'm the
duties ol the office fairly an I to the best
of my ability
four vote and influence will be appre¬
Sincerely yours,
VV. B, Robinson
fo the voters of White county.
I hereby announce myself as a candi¬
date for Hoad Supervisor of lhe County
Jommissicners of White county, subject
0 the primary to be held Muich 18.
If elected, I promise to remlei dili¬
gent and faithful services in performn
naiicc of the duties of the office. Your
vote and influaneu will be highly appre¬
Very sincerely yours,
K. Webb West.
I’o the voters of White County.
Alter the many solicitations of nr>
friends, I hereby announce myself as a
candidate fo.t Hoad .Supervisor of lhe
Board of Commissioners of Hoads and
Revenues of White county.
After years experience in varied posi
licns, I feel that 1 am amply qualified to
aud transact the, duties of the
office to the satisfaction of all the people
Since it is impossible for ms to con-
111, t every person 1 respectfully aek that
every voter accept this as a personal ap¬
peal for their vote and intlueuce.
Jf elected, I will put forth every pos¬
sible effort to aud transact the
duties of the office to the best of my
Sincerely yours,
Charlie Sears
To the voters of White county.
I hereby announce myself a candi¬
date for the office of Road Supervisor
realizing at fcjte same time that I will
have other duties to perform, than mere
supervising road work, that of being a
member of the Board of County Com¬
missioners, uud having the financial in
i.rrest and management of lire county
It 1 should be elected 1 will look to the
liter, st of ihe county in a financial and
way as well as seeing that the
roads in 1 very section of the
are properly eared for.
I certainly will appreciate the support
influence of all the voters of tlie
W K. Ledford.
To lhe voters of While county.
1 hereby announce mysolf as a candi¬
for Road Supervisor of tire Com¬
of Roads an l Revenues of
douiity, subject to the primary to
held March IS
it elected, l will promise you my very
efforts to endeavor to give all the
fair, courteous and able of the
affairs and the maintenance ol
roads. During my past service 1
been handicapped aud could not do
1 desired to do for t he roads, but
I that, if reelected, that L will be in a
to do so,
Your vote amt influence will be ap¬
Very sicely,
j. 11 , Brown,
Superintendent of Schools
the voters of White county.
After much cunekiaration l otter my
If to the Office of County School Su_
111 nt. 1 have been solieinted by
able ami substantial citizens, 1
yield to their request. 1
,-by -solicit the v,.to and influence of all
are interested iuthe educational wel
of the county.
I will try to rend, r tlie best service
to the schools in the county. 1
appreciate your vote on March 18 th
L. M. Davidson
To the v> tois of White county.
Subieot io the. Primary of March IStlq
l am a candidate tor re-election to the fit
of County School Superintendent. If
1 be permitted to serve a second term 1;
will not be a candidate for election to
this office in ltMO.
T. V. Cantrell.
Mr. L. L Black, of Atlanta, is
visiting re'atives in White eoonty,
There is it Jprobabitty that tlie
General Assembly of Georgia will
convene themselves next week to
impeach Governor 1 almudge.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McDonald
of Atlanta, weie the {weekend in
Cleveland with Mrs. G. C. Craven
Mrr W. L. Purdue and sons,
vlio have been in Florida, have
returned home.
According to||Gene, there will
be no preferential primary in Geor¬
gia for President. Well, let Gene
deliver you !|
JudgesJones article in the as I
issue of The Gainesville E igle was
sure (illuminating against Gover¬
nor Tahnadge
Lumpkin county has set) May 6
as their primary.
Mr. A, i!- Tollison, timekeeper
i,t the convict camp, was in town
I’ue-day on Monday.
Mrs. Oscar Adams died from
in artjtrouble Monday •■1 rs Adams
was the elder daughter of Mr. and
Vlis. Tom Hunt.
Phis is the last issue of Fire
Courier before the primary on next
Wednesday. You people should
ro out and vote.
Mrs. Frank Coleman children
returned last week after a visit to
Atl inla.
Mrs. Elijah Roberts died Tues¬
day and was buried Tuesday,
War is very near in Europe,
Georgia, White County.
Will be Sold before the court house door
of said county on the first Tuesday in
April Ii)j6 within the legel hours of sal e
to the highest bidder for cash the follow¬
ing described property to“wit j
The life interest of Jane “McGee in and
to the following land; Parts of lots of
land number 2 and 3 in the Second land
district of said county, bounded as follows;
Commencing at a conditional rock corner
between this tract and that of the F. M.
Hulsey place) thence south a conditional
hue to a. rock corner on top hill; thence
south to a jock corner; thence cast a
st .right across the bottom the creek!
mice up the creek to a branch leading
down from theO'Jielluy graveyard jthence
E. to |n dry dith at the first hollow
where it crosses the big road ; thence to an
Id; thenccworth said old road nearly a
southeast course to a matked black gum
ee; thence with a marked line nearly
south direction to the original line: thence
west with said original line to a road that
the Brooks travel going to limit farm,
thence nearly north with said rood to a
branch; thence up said branch to a condi¬
tional rock corner; thence north to a rock
corner between tirits land and that of John
Brook; thence north to a conditional rock
e.tutor; thence south to a conditional rock
oner on conditional line; thence cast a
. a’glrt line nqout two rods to the creek
a conditional rock corner; thence a
ight line across the bottom to a creek
co "t er; thence a little north of east, to a
rock corner; thence up the gully to ilu
(i .«d in the farm: thence with said road a
no: therly direction to a fence; thence with
said fence in a northwest direction to a
conditiodal rock corner on the line be¬
tween the line between tliis property and
the F, M. Hulsey place; thence a marked
line east to the beginning corner, contain
ing about one hundred acres more or less.
Said above described levied on aud to
kind on and to lie sold as the property Mrs
Ja n McGee to satisfy a Superior Court ex¬
ecution, issued from the Superior Court of
sa 1 county in favor of R 1.. Kytle, execu¬
tor of the last will of C. H- Evils and
cainst Jane McGee and F. K. McGee
this March 5th J936
Lat Vandiver
Vote For
Fires on Morro Alaska, Castle Received and at j
Help of Red Cross
A number of tragic and unusual
disasters have recently called for
Red Cross relief.
Included in them have been a
flood in Kentucky, following a series
of cloudbursts in August; epi¬
demics of disease which threatened
several sections, including some
caused by drought conditions. Red I
Cross workers found much to do I
for the survivors of the Morro
Castle fire and for those engaged
In rescue work; and Red Cross re¬
lief went by airplane to Alaska
when the famous old gold camp,
Nome, burned in September.
For ClerK
To the voters of Whi’e Co.. Ladies
I li -i-eby arm mnee my.-elf a candidati
for Cletk of the .Superior Court of
county ,suI»jec|tto them in > ratieptimary
to be help March IS. Ibibi. Jf elected,
will give all my time and discharge the
duties of of the office fo the very best of
my ability. 1 earnestly sOb-st the enp
porj of all the voters of White county.
Clifford Campbell.
To the voters ef White county.
After soliciation from evera section of
tiro county, I hereby aun inyslelf
a candidate for Clerk of the Superier
Clerk of White county.
If elected I promise to do my very
best to perform the dune .- of the office
to the best of my ability, faithfully and
honestly. Your influence and vote will)
be appreciated.
F. A. McAfee.
To the Voters of White County.
J hereby announe myselft a candi¬
date for Clerk Superior Court, subject to
the Democratic Primary of March 18
Will appreciate your suppor t ami in¬
J. F, Glover.
To file people of White county, Ga.
Subject to the Democratic Primary to
be held in.Yia.tch 1336 , 1 hereby announce
myself a candidate for r e-election for lire
office of Clerk of the Superior Court ot
aid county.
If re-elected, I promise to serve you for
another term to the best of my ability
Your votes and influence will be greatly
Thankiug you for all favors extended
in the past, 1 am
Respectfully yours,
W. H. Hulsey.
To the voters' of White county:
t respectfully announce myself a cm
didale for Clerk of the Superior Couit
of White County, subject tr Jlie primary
to be field March, 18 , 11136 .
It, elected, 1 will endeavor to p 1 form
the duties of the clli -e fairly anil to tin
best of my ability t
I respectfully solicit lire support and
vote of both ladies and men and assure
that itjwill be appreciated.
Very sincerely,
Clifford Miller.
Chr’m. of Co. Commissioners
To the Voters of White county:
After much solieiatinh by a number of
prominent citizens of the county,I have
consented to off i- as a candidate for
fiiairtnuu of the Board of Commissions
of Roads and Revenues
Assuring you that I will render my
very service for you,
Very truly yours,
Jess Hunt.
Notice !o Wholosile Feed Groceries, and Dealers Meat Faoker j
And Stock Mills
Scaled M-Jg will be received by the j
Shite Highway Board of Ge u tfia,-’ Capi
A Junta, Georgia, until 10
A. M Fe b 24 , 10:05 for fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed for
month of April v*i*i jus oonvi t * ramps
maintained by Haiti Board. Bid blank
full information as to quantities and
lelivery points can be obtained from tlx
Department at the above ad¬
Oni bid blanks must be used it
imr bids. Pay moot to be made
day a fr -o date of delivery and aeeep
of pood - Goods must be equal to
i : belter than that used by the Highway
and found satisfactory. Quant. .’.re approximate only ami
be inor *ased or decrease*! as tlx
sees tit Right is reserved Lq re¬
any and *11 bids and to waive at
malities. Contract of purchase
iwards pursuant hereto to be binding on
be State Uigl. Y ly Department as such
md not on any employee or incUvidt al
notice is in ;x eordanee with the Ac
.f the General Assembly of Georgia, ap
A ug * 2 U Jb* 2 * 2 , Envelope ujus
marked i4 S *« l-u bid h> be opeue Feb.
State IJ i g 11 \v h y Board of Georgia.
\V. E. W lburn, tliairman; Max J.
Memb r. John A. ti ck*. Member
3, ih;>t>
Wanted Chickens and Ejlji s
Will pry iitgqc-t cash market
irlot shipping. Sea ii- a Single¬
warehouse, Giitle-ville, Gi.,
O Morgan
Changes in our money ou the scale
of about $ 800 , 000,000 are now going or
through the retirement of nationa
bank notes. This is reflected in iucreas
ing deposits in the Treasury of lawfu
money to replace bonds held agains
outstanding notes which will requin
some time for withdrawal from circula
The change in the currency will re
quire a considerable shift of bank funds
in many cases, but it is doubtful if sc
large a volume of currency Las evei
been retired and replaced in any conn
try with so little disturbance.
Believing that I might serve mv peo
pia in the education of their children ami
tiring about better educational condi¬
tions in my county, I offer inysel.f as a
candidate for County nupt, of Schools in
( , le C()m j„ K . 1)limai . y ; I believe that ali
children, county and town, should have
the same educational advantages a< to
teachers ah I length of school terms.
t promise my people at least seven
muni ha schools amt Imgcr if possible.
I see no resson, with tlie increased funds
from the State, why this could not be
1 will appreciate the support of all
the voters aud citizens of White m unly.
C. II. Edwards.
To the voterf of White county.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office County School Superinten¬
dent, subject to the Democrafic 1‘rimary
held March 18.
If elected, I promise to devote my en¬
tire time and attention to the office and
to work for a progressive educatioai
Your vote and influence will be ap¬
Bess Westmoreland.
For Treasurer
To the Voters of White County.
I do hereby announce myself a candidate
for the office of County Treasurer, sub
ji rt to the Democratic primary to be
he! I on March 18 , iffiiti, and if elected, I
promise to render honest, efficient and
conscientious service at ali times.
Born here in White county more than
than sixty years ago I have lived my life
here aud 1 believe that most, if not all of
you know me well enough to know that
honesty , uprightness and character lias
alwrys been sneb as you would expect
from any public official.
Your support will be greatly iippi-riat
ed and again I pledge to the citizens of
W bite county to discharge my duties in
a highly satisfactory manner and at all
times for the welfare and upbuilding of
my county and its citizens. Thanking
you most sincerely for ail your help,lam
Very sincerely yours,
it. M. “Rhode” Hicks.
Georgia, White County.
i hereby announce myself as a aantli
date for the office of County Treasurer,
subject tu the Primary to be held in said
county on t he 18 th day of March 1630 ,
I am now serving the people my first
term as Treasurer and if my friends see
proper to indorse me for a second term
t will retire ami not be in the rece again
for. this office.
1 sincerely thank the people of my
county for their support in the past and
if elected, to succeed myself I wi 1 in the
past conduct the affairs of the office
li mastly, etficieirtlly and in a pleasant
and accomodating manner,.
Your support and influence will lie
greatly apprecited.
Very respectfully,
Kzj). McCollum
To Hie voters of White county.
I lie eliy announce myself a candidate
for County Treasurer, subject to the
Primary to b r held March 18 .
Due to the wearher and had roads it
will be impossible fur me to sec every
voter peisonally, therefore 1 wish that
take this as a personal appeal for
vote and influence.
If el cteri. I promise to transact tlie
of tlie office myself in an efficient
acceptable manner to all Hie peo¬
Your vote and influence in my behalf
this office will be highly appreciated.
Very siuoerely,
C’ol man Seaboit
Tax Receiver
the voters of White county
l hereby announce myaelef a can ii
for Tax Receiver, subfect to tin
to be held rut March 18 . t
1 will appreciate your vote anp infltie
y utr vote and influence. If 1 should
the choice of the people I will try to
you all an efficient servant and 1
try to make it as eonqcnient as 1
can to all in making your re-*
Ver y sincerely.
C. B. Skelton
the voters of White county.
I hereby announce myself a carr'idte
Receiver of White county, sub
to the pi unary jo be held March IS.
If elected, 1 promise to perform the
of the otticie in an efficient in an
manner. Your vote aud in
will be appreciated
Sincerely yours,
J. M Black,
To the voteiv of White county.
1 hereby announce myself as ;t candi¬
for Tax R d iver of White county,
to Hie primery to be held Mch.IS
1 have never sought an office of any
kind of the people, therefore 1 trust you
will give this due consideration. Your
vote aud influence will be appreciated.
Very sincerely 1
R, L. Allison
mHE newest p ties—and those
X that are fi fun—are the
impromptu par: i . This doesn't
mean, however, lit your guests
must always floi a with a “Sur
prise! Surprise! :ul find yon in
ecstasies over it ,
It means, moi . that you arc
so well prepare! ■ on:eriii: : uv
that you are ■ ortaoiy equip
ped to give . of-ifie-riniuienf
parties and knew : hat's
the kitciien, all vo ii v. it.h •
cupboard. Once v , in a ft me tlfc
would have bn - intorpit ied ; .
mean that your ion <•! . v.:.
piled high with irrect naper..
your silver chest os replete, am!
that the pantry >■ I - .-.looked like
a corner delicate.
Times Have Changed
Not today. AH you need is some
bright peasant linens, Mono
wooden bowls for tads, or sand¬
wich trays for sandwiches, and
some steins for Ir-er or cider
depending on whether your spur
of-the-moment parties are younger
set or adult.
As for the pantry—keep on
hand canned sandwich -.)*.■< :td
canned fruits or tisr. for ulads. an
extra loaf of brea or which
can be toasted if it become slide,
some delicious salad dr -, ing-.
olives and pickles, vacuum-packed i
coffee and perhaps some mints.
Keep the ref; igevator well
stocked with canned beer. The
newest way to buy beer for home
use or for parti.-s is in cans.
You’ll be dciig! ' ! to find th s
two cans of th beer take up :
only the space n mired for one
bottle of beer ul tint your
party shelf in - refrigerator
doesn’t crowd oct the children's '
Grade A milk m . ueh.
No doubt, by ids tints, you
know all sorts of rod things to
serve with beer, wit since we’re
always scouting ; md for some¬
thing new for icse “newest"
the E-FORT
A HENRY’S v ali -nr tlr
V/« etf*-: t i; v iv i u>n ’
grant his bride request for a
peach, reminds i, hat brides are
tickle—but also, ., we are peach
lovers, we have a moling that the
peach was worth e effort.
Remember the lory?
“The bride sa in the rocker
with her feet i ing upon th.
world.” O. Henr :ells us. “She
was wrapt in ro dreams and v
kimono of the sn • hue” . . .
“ ‘Precious,’ sin- said, with an
air of Cicopati asking AnKmy
for Rome done u . in tissue paper
and delivered at r s
iden^e, ‘1 think I
would like a pea h.’
“Kid M c G a r r y
arose and put on iris
coat and hat. .
‘Airight. . . . i’ll • cp
down and cop ne
for you—see?’ ”
The story con¬
tinues with Kid
McGarry’s calling out the police
force to raid Denver Dick's
luxurious gambling house in or¬
der that he might procure one
last, lone out-of-season jjeach
which the place afforded, and in¬
cidentally emerging with a bruise
that looked as if he had falle* oil'
the Flatiron Building twice. And
“The bride waited in the rosj
glow of the pink lamp shade. . . .
And now he stood by her chair
and laid the peach in her hand.
“‘Naughty boy!’ she said,
fondly. ‘Did I say a peach’ I
think I would rather have had an
The story might have the til
effect of reminding other brides
how good peaches are when they
are out-of-season, if it were not
for the fact that brides of tods'
know how good canned peaches
are. They also know a variety of
ways to use them. Here are a
few garnered from a bride’s scrap¬
Peach and Fais Pie: Turn one
cup of canned si; d peaches and
one-fourth cup of raisins into a
sauce pan, add one tablespoon
l parties—here are more sugges
J j tions:
Snappy Come-Backs
Toasted D> riled Cheese Rand
idchrs: Spread squares or oblongs
of buttered toast with deviled
1 'iam. Sprinkle thickly with grated
hei-se and pi- ■ under the broiler
until t to cheese is me'ted
and browned. Serve at once.
Corned Be: and Celery Band
Chop sufficient canned
'-onied boot to till one cup. Add
••• 'Ml • up To dy-chopped celery
n«l • qo-tliinl cup chili sauce,
oad bedwe-o slices of buttered
Uoic wheat oread. This makes
! <itr. ,i whole-s’ice sand
T'cmn. San-':: i, es: Cut sau
■ m of Vienna sau
in thin rings and put a
< r , ! lltei’i tut bread that has
ii -mead v.ith butter and
■MyotiiMMe. ;• -..'inkle with a Jit
"lmp])-.'d sv '. pickle and cover
v i'li . ii her : ice of bread spread
with butter at d mayonnaise.
ee an ' 1‘imiento Sand
•• Dune. n and mash the
■ouB'i.-ts of Me; can ot sardines
tor id-" Hi: !; : eless and skinless
■mD"" i. Aril two tablespoons
M l vi - -:: ■ ,, and four table
iv'M nun vise. Spread be
IV c Tm ■ r.rye bread slices.
■ I ran: . Sausage,s and
i'h’rhing Aiiji : Heat the sauer
:i'aut from me l-pound can of
• tm ‘ kraut and pile in the center
in ; platter. Heat the
“Vovis 0 f one 9 -ounce can of
vtvna . iiii,and arrange on
“-P- Aro'ind :• edges place six
mall apples which have been
• pared and cooked in a
Vi 'up iiuide la boiling one cup
■ r, one and one-lialf cups wa
ter and a few red cinnamon
logetIn r. Turn the apples
around often so they cook and
ardor evenly v all sides. Let cook
until lender, - r not so long that
loey lose their shape. This serves
ugar and ‘ '-half tablespoon
ni- v :-.ed. . a n add one tea
:i 1 .. m .. v and simmer for
!ne a pie tin, one.
! th.- v-v „jze, with plain
.'■■-try. Pour the peach mix*
ur- . dot with butter and cross
vm top with narrow, twisted
vips of pav. Bake twenfy-flye itu^ hot
iven. t'O do'vaas, for
thirty minutes. This serves four
pi a h and Cottage Cheese
> Arrange the required num
:■ of ii: lividi: -1 lettuce nqsts on
..’larva salad sate. In each nest
“3“? far/"‘7
if: 4’ ":hn w "' M
puffs or cakes v Whip one cup
- an; and aid six tablespoons
fecti oner’s sugar. Add one
: cup eanrvd peaches, .one-half
up cairn 1 at icots which have
wi i v in fitv pieces and well
iimd. .and ru e-half cup halved
candied cherrii . Use as a filling.
P‘ : 7 Foil: Make a baking
v ,vder to-cult dough out of one
ufl one-half cups flou-r sifted with
t-aasp ■ s baking-powder
i o- e-half t. aspoon salt, three
vw r is o’..- tening and three
'v iv cup Ik. Roll into an
g shape. I :ain peaches from
i ' a 2 'i well, and place In
lie < aiiter, : rving two peach
aive- th sauce. Roil up the
vci . piro a. the ends and
ides careful a Steam one hour
r.nd servo with the following
a; To the peach syrup from
vie N 2 v ,. n 0 f peaches, add
he two peach halves pressed
Through a Then add one
ab'.- • ;• *.'U sugar which has been
mixed wirh one teaspoon flour,
'ook until somewhat thickened.
Flavor and use over the roll. This
-.srres six persons.*
P e a
tied peach half
v h the cut side up.
I” > cottage cheese
lightly in the center
of each peach and
g nish yrith Maras
c! no cherries and
Peach and Apricot
Filling (for cream