Newspaper Page Text
ol. xxxvin X o. So
Nacooehee .News
CemmencemeBt exercise# begin
Nacoochee High School Friday,
May ?3. #t 8:30 P. M. nod close
Monday leght, May J 5
The Wain 111X Club met at the
home of .Mrs. Allan \V ij-iums .nuf
Miss Mary Schaffer Williams last
week. The prog.atn was a Bibie
program, Mis# Mary Hood was in
charge and Miss Henderson and
Miss lesije Lumadeti gave interest¬
ing talks. Election of new officers
were Miss Mary IS. \\ illiams.pres.,
Miss Jessie Lumsden. vice-pre#. ;
Mrs, Allan Williams, Treas.; .Mrs,
Kobt. New, Sec’y. I’be hostess
served delicious salad course amt
coffee during.the social hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stovall speu 1 in Atlanta with their sis¬
ters, Mrs. Hood and Mis# Mar
garetie Coggins.
Mr*. Bill Russel!%iid »oi>,Bribe
is visiting her sister. Mrs. Harry
Williams in Flowery Branch tin
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller am
-on#, Robt., John, James and Phi
spent Sunday with lather and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. ). t . Can¬
Mrs. R. A. Williams, who has
bien very sick, i# better to 'he de
light ot her many friends.
Mr#. Arthur VVyies, ot W ashing
ton, 1 ). C., is visiting her mothei
Mrs. C. W. Oakes.
Miss Leona Logan, of Game
viiie, visited her mother Saturday.
blue hi due news
Sunday School will start tn
Aejroci* cliurch Sunday , May l/,
at 3 O’clock.
Mis# Mary Wink er, of Athens,
spent the weekend with tiomeloik#
Mr. Roy McCarter is working
vrit.h Robert Ayers in Fatinii
oouuty this week.
Mr', and Mrs. Howard Turtle
spent S iturdty with Mr#. Btanctu
The part t given by Robt-r
W inkier w .» «■ j tyed by all presen
>ci tr.l' from the churches <
Cteve'.ai.d aueinied the Sunda
S, hooi C rtivei tion : ’t Mossy Crcc.
S turday night and Sunday . Lhey
r«; o: t t good time.
(arm. s Telford uud Kiev Bat
r tt sgenl she weekend vvUti home
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Allison hav,
returned home after spending tin
winter in Atlanta.
Messrs. Will Bell ami lohnlioarl
of Flowery B', were in Cievt
i-md Monday afternoon on bu-t
(Jharhe t'reeinan is -lowly im¬
If a man can w rite a liettei
book preach a letter sermot
or build a better mouse traj
than bis neighbor even if h
build his house in the womb
the world will make a Iveatet
path to his door—Emerson
Go to Coleman Seabolt’s foi
good things to eat. Colemat.
gives you plenty cheap.
^Steady Work—Good Pay
Reliable Man Wanted to call on
farmers m White County. No ex
perieiice of capital needecL Write
NcNEtS CO., Dept. B- breeport,
Illinois. —
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial ar.d Indusr^iai Intoxmtm o i White Cough a
A. B. Bell Dies At Bishop
Gainesville, Ge., Mryi 2 , Augus¬
tus B Hell. 64, assistant postmaster
iiere for thirty-seven y«tus previous
retirement about six years ago, and
a brother of Thomas M. Be'!, tor
mer congressman from ttie Ninth
District, died early Tuesday at U)e
home of a sister in Bishop, lii.,
near here.
Mr. Bell was the #on of Mr. ami
Mrs. William B, Bell, pioneer res¬
idents of White C- unty. and wu#
educated at Young Harris College,
Prior to coining to Gainesville he
was principal of the Mossy Creek
School near Cleveland.
He was a member of the Firs'
Methodist Church in Gainesville,
and was widely known thoughout
northeast Georgia.
Funeral services will be heli
Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’cioc'.
from the 1 otne of his sister, Mi
E II. Kenimer, at Bishop, with
burial in Cleveland Cemetery .Cleve¬
land, with Newton & Ward in
charge of arrangements.
Besides Thomas M. Bell andM.i
Ivenimer, survivors include lw<
sisters, Mrs, E P.
Bisnop, and Mrs. M ude K Nor¬
ton, of Atlanta; ano'her brother
O'. C. Bell, of Montgomery, and &
mnt. Mrs. Martha Merritt, o'
Wiilhalla, S. C.
Battle?Bruch Gets High Praise
A description of the Battle
Branch Gold Mine it AurariaGeor
aia, is now available to the puffin
Richard W. Smith, State Geolo¬
gist, announced today. The de
•icripuon-is an article published in
lie currant Lsue of “Keonomh
reology” and is written by C. F,
Park, (c , and Roy A Wilson
.*bo investigated this mine in a
tody t f Georgia’s gold resource#
or the U. S. Geological Survey.
Mr. Switb stated th it the Battle
Branch Mine located'in the Dali
"lifigu »ttea of Lunulkin County is
1 splendid example of profitab!t
1-0rd rock underground mining ii
jeorgia "Its conservative and
Mtieut development lots brought i
profit to its owners while man;
etiier mine# were being worked at
a loss or without adequate letinrns’ 1
he State Geologist -t ited.
1’; e mag mine mi isle describ.-.
lie relotion of vtrue'tiu' to oie dr
•..sit-and suggested that certaii
ninerals are somer-imes u elui a
miicators ot the richer -wilionsor
oe ore bo iy. l'iie aiithors co«
ude that a better grade of ora i.
found where the quartz vein# uu
greatly fractured Tim-s stages 01
nineraiiz ition are distinguished
t’lie first st ige was cl).it'iic,ierze<
iy l he formation ot Coarsei
•rystailine silicates. The seconc
iage n;c l uded deposition o'
uikerite (iron-lime carbonate)
juartz, and pyrrh tite. Hie third
aid final st ge saw the depositio.
if chlorite, galena, and'gold. Ill
re-t indicators or rich shoots as
a den 1, red garnet, and anker,f*
■ot it is uncertain if this rule h i
; applicution.
A ‘urficid oxidized zone a
nuch us SO feet deep consist# f.!
juar'z stringers in suproiite. It i
included that the goid in the up
er part of the sa} roiite has beer,
mrichedenriciied tnech tn'caily bm
he'deeper gold ores are considerec
0 be eatirely due to ascending not
-oiutior.s, and not enriched by
lownward-percu lilting waters, ^
lefin te statement can yet be mad
■,s to possible chan 3 e in grade ot
ire with depth for theBattleBranch
.■nine, only. 130 feet deep, is the
ieepest accessible mine in the deep¬
est accessible mine in the region,
Mr. Smith stated that copies of
this article can be secured through
his office, 425 State Capitol, at
cost of tea cents.
CLEVELAND, MAY. 16 , l“£ 6 „
-linnTOWi#- 1
nl€aft£r ‘J
Recent!) the Bib Jones Coilep'
had as Chapel #j eukers for a We- k
M r. and Mb. Saloff-Ast^khoi?^
The#e people are native Ru»#iai)j»
l’l ev are lovely Christians, '’They
wore mi icul usiy d.-llvored ' from
death at Die hands of the SovC
Raider# in Ru'.sia, They feed t^i ,t
it is their Christian duty to worn
.America against Communism movement*
When it,a Communi-gic
first Joeg;in in Russia the evaugeJ:
mi Christians thought They wi'oh
enjoy religious libertyf Jt ( rldiad of
religious liberty, Chri»tii*fiia were.
murdered by J the t house iris
religious liberty was dest/rpyed M
ms XIre. AstukUoff skojtvtd pic.
t liras of the Russian pqfs&c.tion
Starving clnldren were thawn eat¬
ing the bodies of their r *vi%> parents
n ‘8 were ebowti estui^ th#
b.nltes of their own cbiidreo. The
writer who has visited Russia am
who knows somethfrom per
iqna! expenenca of tire Condition#
existiug under the Soviet. Regime
wisbes t'o warn our leaders of tWv
dinger that thrpateas oar own
him'. The g eat danger In Amer¬
' from laboring .
ica u not men.
danger larks in our colleges end
universitfoi where trsined psyc4ot
ogists are wptkiag to breuk down
respect tor America* instilutiof #
and at the mo#t subtle and Sffc
<esri ve way'fires* 'eacberd
'.(jut Cojmnun sat ^is possibly tht
.#o:ution for world problems..
The only thing that stand* be»
ween A n*|rcu and oornrr.iu;i.t!>na it
the \Vord‘of God, Communistc
cf»f>uot coatrol'this gyvernintent ut.*,
til respect forauthorit tive religion
.lie#. AH cnii tsters in pglpits ni di
ah school 'teachers in school room#
who are raising -qjjyation marks ir.
the miuds of the youth about
authority s*f tliq Bible ur# paving
tha way IMr Co■ntnunii-a. T' t
I’ea C rrunaudibent# rscogaiee id
dividuitl* p f o: erty rights. ‘’Titov
sfcr.'t not steal.* 1 This 100013* tbr.
a man has t right t 1 own propert
and no mao has a right to talie it
iw q from him. "Thou #inri. t,o -
;uvet 1 hy neighbor’s' ox or t-i
i#s~.” Thi# meins ih.t a u «
ias .1 right tv ow 1 property nr,
ot tier Ii *s n*^it to stein ™
io _u.,i 11
*ud right id even covet it. '%
ippenl of theliib e has alwaybeery
to tire kidtviduol The appeal of and a o-l of out
ntio vein eats Is to the
U r o tv k alibnt convert
>ig 'pet,pits ”et sr.-isse.*’ W» speak
tbout upplyi g i.e eithcni toacli
eg* <-f Jesus to human society
ieivus #nid', ■ 'Ii .ny w ut will come
sfter in-.” Hr did .Hot my, “It
my nation wi : borne after a>e” o
if ar y :.;ruup will ctane,” U
-aid; “Extept a utfn be born
igflin,”" 'Alt uf ti ess Jura#* move
meats that are antugotiisKic to io.
jividan) i igiith tiud to . iudiviJua. (
cveiopmetit are ' Lot from God nature is just tlw ' Sgoi* as
t hus'-Twnys b.'-on. In rise oic
j«vs we ept ii e lid ou (ha “tir
j;:cj can bee I'JAa'e kno* x hat,
urn. 1 fKitu.'e w. I'i’mse niuJcC
mov- tents defy hanlau uat^'a
•;.»ko- he lid off the garbage dsn oi
mra a depravity. "Expre-Sj-youir
•elf ” Live your own bfe," 'VTsse
jra mo.detn slogans. If
natu f t uu rest r .tried and usrffsgen
erateci expresses itself it means the
destruction of civi isttlon ti»d the'
Overthrow of established govern
nieut tdrosgh ut the world. Great
danger threate: • the entire world,.
W T . riust get get buck t*»
EMt In$ Tflstsi
j n,,i " t
Here fs a toc^ue twister you cm
tch ev-efi hie.most- fitser.t knlke 1
i ( Mi Ti almost t «Jy
BtS^vEL'i ^G-.dyt myRV'BBER BUGGY
c*d repeat it last
- v. er .1 tiv- s
WaufcEl^(iltickons and EL:I
vViil pay higqe#t cash 11 1
-.jariot shK [Rrfa. Se» ba a S j
to- ws.'sUouse, liuesville, W- .
C. 0, - Msrga;t\.
kh;ad i
WQtOrre- '■*«# • r#c » * iiaj g»#-."
Advertjsing is the oil that U:fc
the machinery of Lu. 1
Orm small black pig. F'eus,
.noujy Df. J. McDoon'.d
Have your Dentdl work done
vsie, yi-elp those Who> help pay
^is-. Thai keep the old Ship v‘
State njovidg.
AH work |uttttuU*red.
Df. IV J. McDonald.
ij}itf|aiK JDoei Paj
leo.oo*, ^Freddie jonen
fad# to GiT la
papsc tffut .it pajft ca advorti-o. H
vss callt 4 Ids teuclmr ><>'
wtite a tttjaoaa ahowisg bow we d>
osRct help of ampul# ‘or
umb how sogb t*o {
mil mills ; worked for m U». After fct:c
he handed la l*s pope* whr
feicludtd the fo low:rag pa-ngr pi.
k *Cousidgr tF« ben. $be give
a» eg#*. Af-tu she lays an
ktee C«ckks»to teiijtbe -wvfld. aboiii
at. t)aska iuy sggs, t<?«, b>al d'.
cackle, io Atic!<»’ &•'
#»ot wor.b aear s* .much uU fbi
£&;#»'*« H> h*B»' slg-’.”
A eouuqy esi-tcr hi his
p per 1 “Tk« « na fat
tasnsr w#(tt, Sk* -wb#c'iuer p»*
eth, lend t'fe i,< rd >00weth, that
Vv’C 'T 9 ’ll UCt (J of dues corn
n.aciiin’ err *« go p-gutinio', tin#
li- a (tiiiig of dim it k/ gives us lE
blaes, editor wfio wr*te thi
t«-ds i-ery much like w«
tfc-.—meyh.u ijouu.y News.
Hot »•’ 9 B000
.ATlie povn . f w«it-dirted public
^ ' ,-n 'i- - > ! ‘'#X *howa u few
' Y° ’* statement' Uiade by
Hi-; oura* o. tls* fl#uret)CkiU Itofe:,
S :l hificac, L a., one cf tire g re n
report- liuld#. fn which tie said that
on rvcv’-t oitpeudittjfe of S/i
th- oukffi {kisteru papers he had ■***
rv-niii Ouokcff .;e‘etvyto>n 9 to
amount al ^3000 for tbe corai. ,
W/ ; nt«. And yet we presume Hi,,'
tit 1 b u o-Vy u pact cf the go
vvvfl> ut '' 1| Ch «dv#rtifceme.i • :
wiii*t>vi-ig Advertwlis^ rbrth biter on, v
wucctfiaful rr.n-i
',’c *x)pil» .^oicriiunrV 4 JswJ^pI 'ie sj'.!0i pri*e
TU* in one svay 0
AOotlier rr.u-'C ® klr ;.4 vou$fa.,’ ;
t»l'6r« the Cientry. S me adv -
b't g iipnaediate tetuih.;
ras b’ir-g Cutcralati ve rnsu.ti
uRrggh ttv ttioutltf and ti« jreuf»
ta C(>me. In the long ruii u a .
if judgwent |%> whatever n
u’eii pays any
th the placiug'oj th* 1 dver
is'9tnentso-*-^'.nufi«t«rer# Record
sod to tire app^tii to the in¬
dividual K®®*t-or- we shall have ;
blond , COOliBun'ttlo revcipiU'ti h
Amejr m sod jirwibly ®d ;bs fc w iiol
Jlvt.d Psl/ fly tfotl<Wico Co?"'*"uctHd ' ov.s ;jj
’ -stiau S#"'op' ■ 'ilos.’i >tr
• ■wrwiosct h .-!:"y : rr
h f J! r<) "* wor’t? qt", # Sat .* rot exploii ,,t!
f-A. ol. Mcu lAe . >na. ••Th* ? ' ' ’ V r T»"Vi's rt'" «t «t gliif..
! ^*yj §*kr. It tnrwstldi: — 3 « 0
c f«. • I'd ! the fj/mit} fj
Y.'o 7 f, 5 . wrhlen Hy .‘sprit ;
ftfeiel pdfi .J problems ea i?ti «Ai
. v. vroaid affair®
Th* C^rlstfaa " • S
0 ;ii, Norway S;r?ct, Los..', ?-.r- i <i 3
let’fpSbfoi* my ’ ,a -Cumsttai* Saixset Komtm
Qt year 39.00 H s : lostis r to p J Ii; a.- ?,> 25 □ I month ? 5 t
we,"esday arae, • J.g X j Jca , w 6 j su(si i5e
s/.xrts co?y o.v request
■ i-'OOt
7 .Z 2 Z
Pas Sir sasoiijiioa daw
r>NCB upoa n ti’fl.e, back t* t&s
W u'.ilitortaa day* n-h*n snspra"
■’fs had 8 very (’-'dipt* usfl sad
•'hen wonimi bnoebt tbats ft vrailt
t, foods were e-, au livcsapis ttoay
noted EOOdc "V : ilefi’t hotliet
■Qur’i r lout rait- rtes or rft&jsbes,
X alien even brntl enpeare.-.e?. esiwh
ii'te nrtsn-sToasad poc'ding* or ftrrsoiy apjjl*
raisins’ and
■io >.?•' with bleck
%% y v,c cou-idor foods trow
ir ny nn?!es. Tnka saudrtt4.nt—
S; nty of it. Hv a to ’Os* day* of
Oeil'.r barrel it bad #h>> stuff—
tt» foot! propavttes tluu »*i» ti
•SR'Etsd. Today, vr« ^jjy It is
-•sdtf- us caus ifvd s*rvo U to a
vat. sty of ways that sir* seed to
look a" a;, well ng rood to oat. W*
recocriM-uij tor your urt)r «g 0
eic 1 ™ Ln tbsse .nodvoa WKft at
S0t". o*5 irauti.
** SffioeaJ ^
SmtfrkrcifBheTkeri giti Hum
the wftjtssits of onp No. li& mei st
slocTkaoit idjht te a uusar*® bakixx
dtist- Bill li-an.l ty.n*rs far
Iwj Udnvtts.. Tftsa arr*a*»
their on tap at the siv-sneAcaat,
Flkdraar liifftty cupj 1 it seasour.iL tnasbos
r»ctatoe 8 on to®, act w‘tb
butter sad krova to a v«saa
Thl* serrts eight parsosm,
&mOl&ered ?<yrk Si'll!)' SeosiBi
one pemd of fresh
well 'arl.Ok salt, pep tw-r aut a UUl*
onioa Ttffca. Fvrfa t^txi malt iulh
and brar,tj tirossaghiy oa sji «i2s8
io hot fat la s tkftlet. ?’ttt
contents vi -ihi Na t eaa at *avw
Irraut ia. a baking ancT d*h,
bOlis on tap cornr wttft tie
nor,tents vt anotfeer No. t tan cf
nanarkrsot., .0 iioderoft* Bake && ^ aus l».r 5 .a
e cum— 4 4 *tprea*
Ittit lerrs* sight parsnna* y
tod"* -ir;! r., • ", *x** ■
if. at pep. Oof- ' ni..% - - *»
bon:-* bf plgaiy-' .n '•■ •• v-rn, ul>i
sy!.b- l« ha* an? ..i-asto* -? *
gar. / for tiudear# •.•. *’ ry
For. vur-Sw peotjH v->, ,
vriseJ. asd w.*»- ar~ «•' — 1
pep* s'id st*ei,;y
Sf yoTvo lazily' ii: .■? ti.'- c„ e
r-«r storing up a' of ii .
you csv.'d aV orb. vo star
energy fix v-a bo ,' : -v.- n
tt&dBfi. T o <xt tie. a'-: ri. # ••
•list in the s» aini -,af *l*o s.
smif c. -'fis? to replenish a;
clous Kejp ?l--i VsDM .j'jOf csr s ■: *.»•.
so i »:—n n yrru
..try she r.-s, Venhy «t»d eel Let rr- M .
whietf* 5 »i • oi sne'a a
food. Hr V) <ue eor.e for 1
' .ray'’ IA#'
They’re Tes- rc:
Com Bv.rfifspft: Bp.pM - or
la’-row’. - Jidpped gr®o bsttf • - .
, a two ' ablusp'MKS Md s a
. 'W r:tnui‘-s. the cs. . a '
i,M 3 Job of cresan-ecyto c-.-; a
-v*4 wa cn to taste w;Ui s*tt MR,
?'v. Ctok gen fly fvr a ftfw
:-..cites ug -,53 soiiie af the male
’ pooU* Koll
' :o br-3 cway. pastry 4
t .in,'cut fn .uaunres spocffft or row» a.
p.a;e a hu.'ft ' i corn on
vc.. v , t,wet tbs ei*r .# a iittle
one fold, pinch:-. -. toe in <15
v'?!. fy tegetber Eako a
degree oven for about twenty
mlnmoi. Those art . good -.erred
with ir .. '-*C3 chicken. Tbs* eerve
eight versons. unj Qn"3r.<s.
SatlLi two taialc'T’og , sl'ccr.f.twlps
and? tbs ; -i ; '.',!rooj' i ' tri al o*a» i
prn.j can*of ac irr'.onia tc oac
PPblespoou baiter .» eevvrU
ac« 3 . A'iU th: for orate cf one No.
3 can cf < V" .• • cyie eora, itusw
fo<a: • v s rr . r-tod ,'*«w»s. tisrr-s
"ou he cm - ,i;: ssrace, suit and
.j* * ■ r .1. P’u U- a bntctsred
,r*.~ ■TO. 1 ’ c i a ' 3'5 degres
en t?r aDait thirty rninutss.
,i selves six persona* •£
Your Asparagus
i EiTARAGTS is too yood. for
e eitance acquaints ru -
tt in on* of thone foods that
J*u Uk» tt* know, said which like
^wl or gfxnl music. {1.1
9 rsr«j with acquaintari'i-i.
K**w, ffksa, th it there arc two
vafirtias of canned arfaragu-j—
the white and the groan. The#*
are planted from the same seed,
Lii tin?? pro picked dffterently.
Green a*|VarM;ua 5 ;t gr :-u b-J.auno
tfiw tfp# of tire jjtrclar # have been
allowed to poke tbroti"-’' the earth
ai 4 m tho 8MH for a GUL V/hito
uparvds pkked remains because
H ip bufero taij.g or posed
to tt# sun.
From Giant m.Tiny
a boot grades. . »t. uagus ts
*Kde»i nciofoing to size and it 13
PUtod both, ue «ar.'.*.t9 naa. as tips.
Spears aro esp;-: 5 nl|jr nice for
oOQkod dishes? and tiya are often
protemd i’rtsm tar sai&ii:?, ennewiches-,
eto. gin at fu tny—here are
th* grades: OR-nf contains eight
f» twelve apeara .,-• ••> .Vo. dL-nan:
Oclost-,i conta»’.u thirteum to aix
■{*de; .vlssruriot i cotjtias seven¬
teen to twenty-four; Large cun
tefas .w-rvtj«i;ve to thirty f*pe,
Jledir? *.>* conia : s Ulrty-Jlv<j to
fotriy- ■ "a., -iiid SaTaJd contains
fdhj 'lvs to ftlxi/. The grpdcs of
Uj» -’."J Uu; a except that
JCoauooth is ibo t aad Tiny
■t thy rmiLUe st.
Kat, these Jaets about aepara
|u». a: . fjf you , 3 a careful
•oyer voa can y wits r?s
pwagts vriien it is «:s saL, *UOal ru.d
WM t ' khll-S SliC ■ ♦'
ai«pte< to yiiur 0 ..••is*
A f T. ;•
T A ;U, botwran#
I h Lie LI game, to
!’"6 oir -4 ‘ 'tor boy 3 will
1 ;> ». ‘ r tiu-i otld-gTaffj
W;' ’ Uieir U3 or Bta*
('.-Si • <on coats.
1 ,,1 1 sw>' 'a »• sing, also,
bct-ria so i T ; l< /}•» die., - art o r»f 107 whi Vi cm
tr.mdi i« <jo tnVte in gay
izlag dish®.''. Ttiora't
h«r pan do yvtUdk talteh
ai -I- 7'in ujuh^rsided your grooery atot® the
’ l»y
.-ft . toiuence o? a drain JE*d«r
b- iv ■ c'-'nsribele*#.
From Ik>«ipot to CHent **
a .1 ti.-.'b utie pn-ode ef eannett
- . of a'J siae.s—tmpoi tear*, to
bqjiuwiic i'c-r h«r varltsw
,ic 'r. DW ram kr.atr. for-exasisde,
to oi Jawt s,r» feVf .LeKe both
# 'ivsi.cil mil s«n.oet&-skltaed m
rioii'ss ef jcdus, as well as pee*
fscied ty niztix whteli number
from 1 t® UT Nu.asbar 1 is the
ainaUSat irtee pc*. They are more
-jBQic.Bslve Lr.-s ’.'-sb • f»war of them
t##- oana’cd, bbeartae it costs more
iv car, them—and sot because
Shed &*r*r !i rapedtv. There'S
Mostohfrg fo-r #ao tAoKutn who
Pudecte to keep la mind! ■„
ft*,/.# pfccicce ora * blond ot
nteM. J, i sted S, oelied "run cf
tee pad." The eonibW 1 size pea
jwifcsz a uiee garnish for steiks.
«bos». otto whercad the larger
are better for regotable
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See.ii ■ s > and aiees, thma
»n g. adas o: pe«s—-Fanc7, Standard. Fo
I 3 xiri!. s.v> (itarff and
?.£ - you go a'toiiptrg for
-Ti ,.twice uofore yon
‘-pa.ii:. Git the sort of peas beet
wiaptod for your particula/ a«v 4 >*