Newspaper Page Text
L@<sal News
A m m that likes lo read The
Courier and able to pay for it and
borrows his neighbors, is *o elingy
j lie wilt stop it from bit clock wearing. at bed-lime
J to keep
' Judge J, D. Bradwell, ofAthen,
! was a visitor to our county last
' week in the interest of bis candi
| ,iacy for the office ot Court of A t >
| eats which is being made vacant
| by the retirement of Judge Frank
I ;enkiu6. Judge Bradwell was for
| sight years judge of the City Court
* f Athens and has m ny triends in
his county who are \ cry much in
crested in his can i icy.
Master Alex Da< -,un returned
•Saturday after a it with his
ancle and aunt, D> id Mrs.Evan
Taylor, in Athens.
Mr. and Mrs. Keg Myrick, of
Atlanta, visited th a sister, Mrs.
I. H. Davidson, Sunday.
Joe Louis and Max Schmeling
.vi 1 fight in New Y< rk City on I
1 glit of June 18.
Mr. C. R.JHammond, ofGaines
ville, will be a candidate for State
Commander of the American
Legion of Georgia in Athens June
2 i 25. I
Mi. and Mr®. Pan! Muuney and j
the children of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
P Davidson visited Mr. and Mrs j
C. II. Nelms in Commerce over
j the weekend.
Homer C. Parker is Talrnadge’s
choice for Comptroller-General
Congress has adjourned until
after the republican convention.
Mr. Walter Brown of Washing
con, D. C., purchased the old R
W. Ash place in Tesiiatee district
j last Saturday for $850.
Janies W, Arnold, national
| publican committeeman from Geor- •
;ia, states that he will nominate
Gene Talmadge for vice president
on the republican ticket unless the
party get-together at once, Well,
that’s alright, we don’t need him
in the Democratic patty,
Col. Sandy Beavers, of Gaines
ville, will probably be a candidate
for governor. Sandy is a strong
Talmadge supporter and has just
plenty of money.
Miss Leona Saxon returnedTues
day after a visit with relatives
Sweetwater, lenn.
President Roosevelt is visiting
in Arkansas, Texas and Indiana
ihis week,
Judge John S. Wood was in
Cleveland again Wednesday in the
interest of his candidacy for Con
S res5, j
Air. Clifford Campbell is dili-J
uentiy laboring compiling facts j
«.ad data so us to wrile u history of !
Vhite County. Clifford is doing j
i this work free just so the the peo- j
;he of White county may know
ieir county. It you 101V of uuy
,uug that Cliff shoui have of a
.-■torical nature per iiing to the
c runty in any way y<. should feel
it a privilege to give to him in
and assist him in every possible
way. He is to be : ngratulated
f .i' undertaking bucli a inomentu
0 is job.
lion. Hugh Howell, Chr’m. of
t .13 Stale Democratic Committee,
w■ '.11 speak at Danielsville, Ga.,
S ..turday afternoon at 3 45. His
Idress will be broadcast overWSB
;.fe has beenGene’s right hand man
.id is most likely he will “tell
- imetbing.” Listen to him.
Mis. Frank NichoL, of Dallas,
Ga,. wits visiting heife Tuesday.
Rev. Marvin A. Franklin, ol
r_. irmiugham, Ala., who was hern
a i ruii-ed inWhite county,preuch
elthe commencement seimou at
,-e University ot Georgia Sunday
The revival closed Sunday night
it theMethodist church with sever¬
al being added to the church roll.
The veterans of the World war
r ill get ’heir bonds next Tuesday,
une 17. No one will be permitted
sign and receive these bonds ex
„pt the Veteran himself. Don’t
ell those bonds unless you need
them very b; d y.
Just from the Mountains.
All the farmers were glad to
the rain.
Messrs HoytPulmer
Warwick spent Sunday night
the writer. We are always gin
to have these boys for they
have a little story to tell.
Messrs Gordon and
Leonard are building a house
Mr. Muudlin at the Ingram place.
Miss Wiilie Youngblood
visiting in this section recently.
The Holiness people hud a
washing the other Saturday
Mr. Elmer Blalock, who
been on uu extended visit to
Holland, was here Sunday
gave us a boy hair cut.
Mr. Riy Robinson made a
over to Toccoa, Demurest and
nelia last week.
The irish potato crop is a
in this part.
Messrs Fred Gillstrap and
Turner are running a sa saw
over in Lumpkin.
Mr. Will Blalock is working
a saw mill for Mr. joe Ash at
Mr. Albert Hefner has
working in this part.
Mr. Ed Miller ho- moved
to thisjjjsection.
Mr. Jesse Thurtni .d is
build the road through
Mr. Harry Williams, of
Branch, was just passing
last Sunday.
Let all that wants to run
Governor. It now looks like
will be quite a few.
The big republican show
uow on at Cleveland, Ohio.
^ the g d the Democrats
have ll)eifS „ t Philadelpllia .
Nacoochee News
Mrs.Hoard und
i of Atlanta, visited their sister
aunt,Mrs. Fred Stovall, last
Dr> and Mr8 . Turk and
j\’e wton & Bobbie, of Atlanta,
on a vacation staying at the
Miss Virginia Heod, of
sity, and Misses Alary and
Glen, of Piedmont College,
ed home last Tuesday for the
in o f -
Mrs. C. M. Courtenay
hist week with her sister,
Htrry Williams, of Flowery
Air. and Mrs. R. B t Miller
son, Phil, visited their
and Mrs, J. F. Cantrell, o\er
Miss Mary Littlejohn, of
cus> S p en t the weekend
Annie and Lizzie Glen.
Airs. Arthur Wyles, of
sngton, D. C., who has been
ing her sister returned to her
er, Mrs. C. W, Oakes, last
day, Also Miss Mazie Oakes
visiting her mother for the
Air. and Mrs. John Henry
non, of Helen, spent Sunday
with daughter, Mrs. John
Mrs. D. B. Black, of Atlanta,
v’sning her daughter, Mrs.
White County has hud
and in certain sections rain
our last ssue. We are hoping for
real ground soaker oon.
Georgia delegation is actively
gaged with Secretary Wallace
qet the necessary reiki for the
mers. This drouth hi , set mi
time record for many sections
Georgia. In 192 $ it lasted 62
A Democratic meeting will
Held iu Macon juoe j ic lS o
tie ‘‘people choose the r own
didate tor governor”
should be represented.
Staves, of Clarkesviile, is
district chairmad.
Mr. Isaac Juckson left
;or West Viagtnia where he
ro secure employment.
Unied Stales of America No. 14fi At Law
V. Proceeding to Condemn Land
118.10 of Land in
White County, Ga,, M. L.
Vandiver iiml E. R. /anoiver,
et a I,
The following persons, firms and or
corporations, who are known and who
are said to reside outside the State
Georgia, to wit:
II C. Crumley, Canton, N. C.,
Mary Roberts, Hastings, Sussex County,
The following persons, firms and or
corprations, whose residences are un
known and who are themselves wholly
unknown, to wilt
(a) The following persons or
heirs at law, the following corporations,
or their assigns and or
names and residences are unknown, to
John Martin, George Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Joseph Harris Roberts, William
Wall Roberts, Arthur Turner, Joseph B.
Westmoreland; Mrs. M. L, Vandiver,
widow of M. L. Vandiver; Mrs. J. ,B,
Sosebee. widow of J. B. Sost-bee;
(b) Heirs at law of the following
named persons, successors and assigns
of the following-named corporations
whose names and residences are »n
known, to wit:
Miles Abernathy, John M. Calhoun,
Julia Anna' Westmoreland Crumley,
John J. Ivimsey, John Martin, Charles
Roberts, George Roberts, Joseph Harry
Roberts, William Wall Roberts, John R.
Stanford, Arthur Turner, Billie West¬
moreland, Christopher Columbus West
.norelaud, Reaves Westmoreland,Robert
Westmoreland, Susan Westmoreland, J.
t>. Sosebee, M, L. Vandiver;
to all and every person unknown or non¬
resident who claims auy right, title, or
interest in said described lands or the
funds which may be paid into the Court
as result of this proceeding, whether
under m in right of any of the above
named or othei wise;
quired and admonished to take notice
that the United States lias tiled petition
in the District Court of tiie United Stales
for the Northern District of Georgia,
Gainesville Division, to condemn 118.10
acres of haul, being a part of lot 1, sec¬
tion 1, district (3, and part of lot 12, sec¬
tion 1, district f>, of White Countv, Ga.
and known as the lands of 'll. L. Vaudi
ver and F. K. Vandiver, et al.» all o
said lands being in Whit j County, Ga.,
and aggregating 118,10 acres, more
This matter will Ire heard iu this Unit
od States Court Room at Atlanta,Georgia
on the 2oth day of June, I9Jti, at ten
o’clock A. M. If you or either of you
Have any rights iu the premises or de
sire to be heard in the matter you art
required to then and there make known
your objections, if any, your claims as
to the value of the property, or youi
respective interest therein, iu the t'und.
arising therefrom, or any o.lrer matter?
material to your respective rights iu the
property sought to bo condemned; other
wise, the Court will proceed as to law
ami justice mty appertain.
In witness thereof, I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed rile seal of the said
United States District Court, at Atlanta,
This 8" day of June, IA36.
■ J. D. Steward
Clerk, United States District Court for
the Northern District of Georgia.
By C. A. AlcUrew
Boys wishing to apply for CCC
Camp please report tor registration
at old Depot before Jmy 1st.
Vera VV estmoi elttnd
County Welfare Worker.
It there’s anything worries a woman.
it’s s> mething she ought not to know
But you may bet she’ll find it out
if she gets the least kind of a show,
Now we’ll wager ten cents to a farthing
l'his po,-m she has already lead—
vVe knew she would get tt somehow
It she had to stand on her head!
Advertising is the oii that lubri
• ries the machinery of buisnets
Please Pay Us NOW
Huckleberries (Blue Color) Wanted
To hear from parties who can
furnish fresh buckle berries. Will
pay highest local in -.rket piice and
will accept any quality up to 00
oushels. Three times weekly.
Write us and we will call and see
Will be in (Jieve rnd iTth.und 2oih
June. Let us Lear at once. Bar
ries must be clean and dry.
T. T. McNeliey,
Turner ville, Georgia.
O OME foods are always win
riN 'nlng popularity contests. Of
course they don’t get free
trips to Atlanti.- City and Holly¬
wood. Nor do the y parade through
the streets in rot . -decked chariots.
The only way you know what
favorites they are is when some¬
one says: “I c -rid eat a whole
meal of--” wi -lever it is. Peo¬
ple often say tuat about straw¬
berries, about stewed tomatoes;
about corn on the cob. But
perhaps ofteneri of all, you hear
them say: “I could eat a whole
tneal of asparag .!”
Asparagus wit. drawn butter or
Hollandaise sat; -a is only the
beginning of ways to enjoy the
mellow green goodness of this
vegetable which was a favorite
of the ancient Romans and is so
full of flavor that in some parts
of the world it seeds are used
for coffee. Here are some new
tested recipes—enough for a real
asparagus spree. Not, of course,
that you will want to use them all
at one meal—even the most ar¬
dent asparagu devotee might
well shrink from that!—hut we'll
wager you’ll want to try them all
before long.
C A Soup and Entree
Asparagus Soup: Cut off the
tips from the contents of one tail
can of asparagu t and set them
aside for a garnish. Turn the rest
of the asparagus, cut fine, and the
asparagus liquor into a saucepan,
add one quart ot soup stock and,
boil ten minutes r??-, - v
low costs mean Low costs mean
greater savings greater pleasure
i a
is tljjs most economical car to own
Owners will tell you that the new s: 'Othness of the famous Knee-Action Ride*.
FOR ............... ECONOMICAL Chevrolet for 1936 is the---* most I alone brings you the more hi allhful comfort
TRANSPORTATION economical of all motor o! Genuine Fisher No Draft
And, in addition giving cars. Ventilation—the
equal, it also gives to enjoyment economy without without equal, A. f J ter it alone chiving brings comfort of Shoc kproof ned~ Steering *.
you the combi perForaL
because it’s the only complete low-priced car! ar e and economy advantages of a High
It alone brings you the safer, quicker, C i mpressio n Valye-in-Head Engine— all at
smoother stopping-power of New Perfected Chevrolet’s remarkably Tow prices!
Hydraulic Brakes, and the maximum overhead See this car at your Chevrolet dealer’s—
protection of a Solid Stee l one-piece Turr et tod y!
Tog. It alone brings you the unequaled gliding CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH.
NEW PERFECTED HYDnAUUC BRAKES (Double-Acting, Self-Art! atlng), the safest and smoothest brakes ever developed
• SOLID STEEL ONE-PiSCE TURRET TOP, a crown of beauty, a fortre -f safely • IMPROVED GLIDING KN. E-ACTION RIDE*
Ki« smoothest, safest ride of all • GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT FNTILATION In Now Turret Top Bodies, the mod
beautiful and comfortable bodies ever created for a low-priced cor • GH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HE* 3 ENGINE aivina
even better performance with even less gas and oil • SHOCKPROOF ‘RING*, making driving easier and safer than ever before
'495 AND UP. List price of Nnc Stood,:. Coupe at Flint. Michigan. With bumpers
spare lire and lire lock, the list price 20 additional. * Knee-Action on Master
Models only, 120 additional. Pro .mated in this advertisement are list at
runt, Michigan, and subject to change „ thout notice. .4 General Motors Value.
Barrett Motor Go»
a sieve. Saute ty¬ chopped sweet
red peppers in •r tablespoons
butter about (lire •llnutes. Add
four tablespoons nr, and
until thick and ru; uh. Then add
the asparagus a: stock liquor,
stirring constam until smooth
and creamy. Ac ,alf a cup of
cream, season, add paragus tips,
and serve. This y ves eight.
fialmtm with Cv> led Asparagus
Saiice: aiice: Heat con is of one ]
pound ound can of tali 1 , and divide
in eight serving ’caving in as
large pieces'as po ile. Place on
small plates and •ur over the
following sauce:
Curritd A spara : Sauce: UTelt
t.wo tablespoons ter and add
half a teaspoon cu powder, half
a teaspoon ceier\ it, two table
spoons flour, and smooth. Add
slowly a cup an . liree-quarters
of rich milk or am, stirring
constantly until 1 tiny. Season
to taste with salt . pepper. Add
half a cup of ca il asparagus
cut in small pier, Tins serves
A Main Dish id Salad
This is a deli- ■us dish for
luncheon or for 1 umday night
Scotch Wondcnel • take a sauce
of four tablespoo butter, four
tablespoons flour, .) tups milk,
the juice from our n asparagus
tips, salt and pey ■ Add four
chopped hard-coo eggs, the
asparagus tips, at one chopped
•'*' »-y« * 'i r» * o r PJi j pp 's eight.
Asparagus end- Cream Cheese
Salad: Drain a can at asparagus
tips and marinate them in French
dressing for an hour. Moisten op*
cream cheese with cream, and
shape in the form of tiny carrots.
Dust with or roll in paprika, en¬
tirely covering the "carrot.” Put
a sprig of parsley in for th* car¬
rot. top. Arrange several stalks
of asparagus and two tiny carrots
on individual lettuce beds.
A Salad and Roast
Asparagus and Egg Salad: Cut
six hard-cooked eggs in half
lengthwise, ai d remove yolks.
Masli yolks and one cup of canned
asparagus tips with a fork. Add
two teaspoons lemon juice, half a
teaspoon salt, nil eighth ef a tea¬
spoon pepper, a quarter or a
teaspoon celery seed and three i
teaspoons chopped nuts. Pile
lightly in the whites. Serve' qn
lettuce, garnished with more as¬
paragus tips and a few nut*
sprinkled over the top. This
serves six.
Asparagus and Mushroom Roast:
Peel six large mushrooms, remove
steins, and place cavity-side up in
a shallow pan. Put a piece of
butter in each, and dust with salt
and pepper. Lay two asparagus
tips across each mushroom (one
lOJa-ounce can of asparagus tip);
is needed), and sprinkle thickly
with grated eheese.f Dust with
paprika and place in a hot Serrfe oven
for about fifteen minutes.
with steak or on rounds of to>
as an entree. This serves aIXT