Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial end Indutvuun inter ;sm j: vrhxte County
OL. XXXVH 1 No, 85
Afrit Nil Refuses To Run For Goiernor
Abil Nix, gratii master of Geor¬
gia Masons, said today he will no 1
be a candidate for governor tnis
fie urged his friends to “accept
my decision as final.”
“For the past several weeks
hundreds of Georgia voters have
communicated with me, urging
that I become a candidate for gov¬
ernor tn the approaching primary”
he said in a statement announcing
his decision not to run,
“Last October 1 was accorded
the highest honor at the hands of a
great fraternity which i am serv¬
ing as its executive head,” the Nix
statement said. “These duties to¬
gether with my personal and pro
fessiouu! duties compel tne to fore¬
go the public service of becoming
a candidate forjjgovernor this year'
—Atlanta Constitution.
Fourteen Tons of Paper IJsea By
Republicans in Literature on Conv.
Clevelan^j. June 14 .—(AP)—
Theodore Huntley, publicity di¬
rector for the national Republican
committee, Saturday announced
some staggering statistics on party
literature issued i during the conven
t on.
His estimates were:
Paper used, i 4 £ tons.
Individual releases, 6oo.ocx>.
Bundles of literature, 7,500
Printed words, 2,otto,000,000
“We proceeded,’’liesaid,'* along
those ancient;, lines—‘Cast your
bread upou the water—’”.
So lfve 7 *Kat! when' yon come to
die die even the undertaker will
be sorry' !' —MurkTwaiu.
Matin I# Wholesale Groceries, IMt Packer
And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
SesJeu bids will be received by tb«
SUM Highway hoard of SsoiffitMU-nff
tol Squme, A.Lnta, Georgia, until 1°
u’cionk A. M. Jan*. So, 1936 for fur¬
nishing groceries, supplies and feed fot
month of July various couvict cauipe
maintained t»v said Board. Bid blank
ami full information as to quantities atm
delivery points can be obtained from tin
Purchasing Department at the above ad t o 11 bid blanks must be need in
submitting bids. Payment to be mad*
30 days from date, of delivery and accei
tune* of goods. Goods must be equal'll
or belter than that used by the Highway
Board And found satisfactory. Qualiti¬
es shown are approximate only atm
may be increased or decreasml as tin
Board sees tit. Right is reserved to re¬
ject any and ail bids and to waive at
ormaliticB. Contract of purchaei
awards pursuant hereto to tic binding on
the Slate Highway Department as such
and not on any employee or individua
This notice is in a, cordance with the Ac
of the General Assembly ot Georgia, ap¬
proved A ug -M. 1922. Envelope mue
be marked “Sj, led bid to be Ojieue June
25th’. Board of Georgia.
State Highway
W. E. W lburn, Chairman; Max L.
McRae, Memt. r, John A. Heck, Membei
dune 2, 1 93 b
Ha* Ice Cream now on sale. VV c
invite the public to vi-ir our store
,V'e also carry a nice hue of Foile
articles and Proprietary roedtetaes
Cigars, Cigarettes and Candies
Paper plutes, Sanitary drinkidy
cups. Ban} 1 ’, Violinund Guim
Strings, Jews and French harp>.
We appreciate all patronage
Everybody should trade at home a
much as possible. Help build you.
home town.
Wanted Chickens and Egge
Will pay higqest cash marke’
larlot shipping. Seo us a Stngle
warehouse, Gainesville, Ga„
1. O, Morgan.
Ted Howard, of Cordova, Alas¬
ka, appears to have a poor
of a certain uuknowu person in
that commuuity, according to an
advertisement in a local newspaper
which reads: “I want the skunk
faced, fulminating, decaying soul
on, ingratious, gall-infected, vili
pendent, gleeking, sibilocious,
odious, carping, jaundice-eyed,
spawning, salmon-belled caval who
swamped my boat to come and see
me if he as man enough.
Publicity Taimadge leaders say
that they do not know whqit Gene
is going to run for, or who he is
going to support for governor, but
Tultnadge men are canvassing the
state to get a line on how the pres¬
ent governor would stand in a race
against Dick Russell for tbeUnited
Slates Senate, and what chance
Hugh Howell will have in the
governor’s race. When that big
rally comes off at McRae on July
4th, if these two men are not put
forward we are going to be badly
fooled.—Pickeos County Progress.
Dr; Bot&b's Name Takes Lead
Among G. 0. P. Drink Titles
Cleveland, June 9.—(UP)—
Governor Landoo many not have
most of the Republican conven¬
tion totes, but if you want power
—try a Borah special. It’s the
latest drink on convention front,
n uned after one of the nation’s
The drink is sweeping the town.
Manufactured by Bur-keeper Har¬
ry Venu,6o, and hearty, with forty
years’ experience in concocting
fancy drinks;
Tbe juice of a half lime,
Dashes of grenadine
Plenty of brandy
White of egg.
Dashes of cream.
It’s a reeling good drink,
The Borah special is not the
>niy one. Governor Lmdcui has a
drink named in his honor. It’s
comprised of one-rjuarter of lack
coffee, one quarter Cointreau and
Talt brandy. It’s a cocktail.
London, of course, is governor
>f dry Kansas,
I'hen there’s “the elephant tail”
This is the official Convention
irink and it’s entirely impartial.
it is three-quarters gin. The.
other quarter is cherry brandy with
the juice of a half-time and gren¬
adine dashed in.
The Welmer convention that
assembled in Macon Thursday
choose Judge Blanton Fortson, of
Athens, as their choice for gover¬
nor of Georgia. E i Rivers ran
second. It is hoped that all differ¬
ences between those two leading
candidates will be iroued-out sat¬
isfactorily and amicably atid that
there will be only one candidate
against Tal tutdge, or the man he
-.elected to run for Governor. It
that is done then there can he no
guessing ns to the outcome. “Unit
d we stand; divided we fall.”
The undersigned has several
mail farms in White county that
that be will setl cheap. Any
soldier boy who wishes to buy a
farm will do we.l to se me. I will
give time ou part of the purchase
price at a low rate of interest.
J. W. H. Underwood
Fa 1 m For Sale or Rent
Our farm lying in Shoal Creek
Dis rict of White County, Ga.,
containing 120 acres more or less
is for sale or rent. If interested,
write me at I09 W. Cherry Street,
Wiqslow, Arisons.
(Signed) A. O. LtPrade
14 Reasons
Why use new son per
Thomas F Burt,hart,
specialist and associate p'uftmx of
Jaurnidism at the Vmwrttiy
Minne*oiu gives fourteen pen 1
reitsotr-. T' -ey ;<tfo ;
1 Newspaper rending is a tun
versi lv,bit. Nowsunper advert
rising therefore, reaches virtually
all who reftd and buy.
2. A newsp per a ? >vertisemerh
sun always be seat, by Mu. reader.
3 T Toe newspaper advertise
meet, as pint of the
paper, into the home a* a welcome j
4 . The newspaper advertise
i:ieut c in Iwtve o much tu j wj value
and reader interest •'» the ue*»
5. The amount of rev used hi
pewqpapet tuivert isemeot-; is ,.le
pet,dent only upon tire size of the•
jfpace. 6. Newrpeper i>
• advertising
7. Newspaper t
quickly coutrulh 1
8. Xswsp . . . er ;,dvvrti»i»$r wi.ty
b« adjusted to i-ff.-r* condttivus,.'
9. Nevysptip 1 ..r;vertn-iog en
ables ni.-muf.tct ;..rcrj dealers *'
ssete waere their products may be
10. Newspapaper advertising
is inexpensive. Merchants havt
learned hat it cover* more families
{'pf less money thui. any other form
11. Newspaper circulation is
kftown and is cnitpartively uoaf
feot'CM by daily charge.
Jt 3 . Nearly till of a newspaper’s
cisculution is concentrated m its
cr«icetitrated in its own market.
If Newspaper advertssiog re~
cuces selhug cot u> because it etr
tails no \va=te in circulation. Thi
helps reduce costs tor the consume.
S. S. Q. j
Fay Your Subscription
We Have GREAT NEED NOW of i'. j j
Money RIGHT •
Have a Heart
as-v ■ ........-r. !
read the c; jL'uieu 1
FO R S A i- fc
House and lot. iters; J TP.v/ hve, i
has # r*tins, wired of for outquildUigs, lights, gar- j
age altd plenty j
gqod well water, 2 -acres of iat.d.,
Ai»* will sell 4*rob'.n hous 4 . vu rtu- •
joining lot Has gar tgr. barn and j
stuok-hanse. This lot also cor- J
tains 2 items, and wired for lights.
Will sell this property niasom-He.
Als0 will sub my car Ford door
seday. Apply to
T, j- McDonald.
Jasper is the sm ille-t town it
state laving a Gc^rgi ». Povvtit-.oiT.i j
p my store iocateo 01 it, *- ; '■ '-v f iet |
it comes to customers iu i.-ioput-j
tioil to ^opuluu-a. it r.lllks. <:t*TOt.lgj
Cite leaders ,.f ini e towns .mved
by tlie company, including tbv*- j
with md wti -■•ut 5 -ta .es. With !
po ?V U.on of 563 by ...e 103 O eetU
s-a», it has l6j power customers
whLb is eqa .i u> owe for every
person living ,n J as. per.-
Pit kens County Progie^s.
fUne H me Comfort ratige^ it.',
excel led t condition ; good v.irity oi
household and k.tcheti furniture,
cabinet V.ctrola, v\ ill pt; ll clieut
fot cash.
Mrs. \V. Ash
Miss; mikt Weds Dr, Key l::l
Cordial interest center* in
on , 1<lUnteJBWlt n)tUie t , )d , y 0 , , ,
l(Ifttrj 4 M »e Heori-lt. M 1 c:
^ vv y- iU ,. ct .. It .
wMeh p |, ic , j„ Cfc.-.-.t
noi'gn. Tenu.. June 16. r — i h>
on .
rites wore solemnised it •.: pit*.
tor’s study of the Cetmury Mitlio
uist. church, with Rev C K
go officiating-.
The Iwride is the youn/eM : li¬
ter of the late Mr. jt)J. air-. J. -Vi
Miller, of Cleveland, li . L/r
is a prominent At; nta <by
u . (n> „ rj( j j JU . IUK t Mrs Kh <•
,,„ e a host of fr««ui« sod ucqutriut
unces throughout the state.
Upon their return from rla-ir
vvtiddiug tripi t-liey will re-'do tr.
46!, Moreland avenue, N. 3 ,— At
i.ivita Constiti.tti .iii
Fay Your SuLsorip^ioa Nov,
Gainesville, Gu , jf«nr 12—Mi*?
Vi art hit Ipve’yu <.’.t.irisfb'pher bt
cugae the bride of VVilliatn Yu- i<-r
Keheley, Jr,, of A tin nta, at u qtti 1
ceremony soienHiU-ed this ev,-,,: j
at the Fust Methodist cii ired': lu r
The ce»emony was pefiorinVb by
Rev. John F. Yitiborough in the
inesence of telatis st- and a limns 1
number of friends. The bride uta
bridegroom were unu.aended. T-n
•viler was beautifully decorut01
with foliage joferspersed vvn!
The irrtete wtj a'tiitd in
traveling costume, a three pitc.
ensemble of alio .marine blue crept
ail'd v. wore a brow 1
straw ,t onu blown
a ' '.-.'.ater cf white gardenias.
EoGowiug Uox- ceremony p„ .an.,
Vir». " *- 3 F. -- Hvicovab -- enfert»
ait- intoftna*. reception for ':1 k
wedding guests. They wen. '-as
>isted in receiving by the bride ,'di(
.Uri.dcgroom and Mrs, J . M.
Roberts, si-ter of die bride,
Mrs. .Kebehy’s; early educauVr
attmied in G itnecvi c, D
former' hotre. She later ten.-u
S'.’.l-'- Teucher’s
in Athens.
Mr, Kehelo) is the son o Mr
«ul Mo. *V, iv.l, KAieiiy . •. .
H.f aftuuded Gcor;- hi .
Tecbtioiogy- fie ■- now : .
wil 1 ’. Gbevrolet
Mr, Kahv jey-old 1ns bride K
by ojotor for <..'biitti*n<tog- . 'Jp.
their (hoy wilt be at hy,v 0
on Frederit a c-Geet, N. £.. At. ' .
ftefld The Court,
perjv- , •,»»----- s;
with bank failures fi:fs
.upon Um who’s At¬
it.ari In e.lo.ifcd hanks will got a s aic
what Mirger peiveatttg* taw h.
ttu« in iHtittJt failure? aver « r-r'ind <
s*y twenty-Ave years,” Mr. fo'.oe sr...i
"Hsrutolor* tiiey have gottsu a ;cut
**“* 151 wtoie-sala bn\ c
turn, ms estimate t* tu«t they will,
■j;y«n >he got about 45% of
their deposits.
“suvther thsi point worthy ot moatlon
Jb a 4epo«Ucr iu » closet’' otu
l.,>afe* only a part of WSjdepusl iv’j.’p
the huak stcnirhoWer loses &t 1 , plu* t
stock ftssswsrncBt.
“No tona at iavissqimt, exoept n«v
e’.'c.iuoiii bo.utie, has atatferod us .itix
V> « u* deposit* in doaod t«« £.-<*
ffesxaos for Change - 4 I’uuJk- Cpin.oji
A 3 to reasons for the changes ta put
tic oirinion regarding banks re-vj-.-ted .>y
the ctesringhouses more thaa uae or¬
ganization has a word to say about tic
American Bankers AssooSaticu adver¬
tising and educational n>at«riat,” tbe
magazine aays.
it mentions in addition tbe benaf: -
of the Federal Deposit Iirsurancs Co:p
oration in the ewnrrfceuey, improvemedt
ia the general business sHua.tlon. the
weeding out of weak hauls ft and tba
hankieg moratorium,
“The response to the survey can be
put down as encouraging .-ind inforrna
tire,” the magazine concludes. “It ko:d3
out the definite hope that with a cou
tinuaace of a cooperative, education?!
attitude oa the i>att of the bankers the
rest ol th* Journey buck to normal may
well be co-Jiplsted in the u.ot too dis¬
tant future."
fiaiMsifil? Business College To Mi
2 m in Civil Ssruice
We Atr- -loingf to give in udJi’ion to our regular
Oomnrerciul c -nr e a C nnpiete .« tidy to C Service,
The text will cover in stm :.fty, practic t ly \ -y
•v >“ ination given mid r Gi It wil e
you to make a much b 'gher rating. Yxnow you must
1 •• some ivh,a, near Hi? top • 1 ard-.-r to .. -t .1 : <h Tios
"'id mean in turn note t- you tb;ri it, >et it -.h rough
Me are standing on our rocor-J \’hr past ,-e: ■ -n
helping to pl«..-e ..tucents who li ci . ; d :
in our schoo 1 .
We Veneh l irejjg > f j > i;r ;
Box 237
( »ai»n-.Hv(l!e; Ca
;-'W If fils
f i Fh?L Ft) if Jr iinoap T!
l The Bank of Heler* closing:
is out its bo.sinr-ss and
has a number of good fertile favaas for sale at a
1 cheap price.
j There farm: ace all well locatsd and are L-ras
Ifut the made loans on and have taken them over
Now is the time to buy -- good farm at a low price
Bank F/eier
W, A. WHITE, Liquda ing
Bv L tf Wisfia?Y SOS1
0 p t<> nit* t r ist—13>tic ‘ a n
W with u» ot* the date beioiv for the oarpa-c examining
»d fitting glasses. Taise ncs.iing his -ervice tie invited to see
Saperioi ■mM Wcos
ALL v. of;.* GU/.TA *T£CO
In Offtee \s th
Dr. t. j. McDonald
ThursidaYp ^ Jld’v m* slid
Don't Ih« £>atc—u*. -f-c EuTl v
- DR:. '."GD
I Printi li
is fhe master ; ;oy oi >%; c:...ization,
the means through which we Lave
achieved arc, education ar.-.". : ;,u.s:ry.
ft is well worth the very high*.*
efforts >f its c.artsmen.
•/. The Cleveland Coliush
1 Commercial Printing of Hr J:;-criptum