Newspaper Page Text
f L®eal F'ews
Hon. Clark Howell, editor of
>hi Atlanta Constitution, stated in
nil address before the GeorgiaPress
Association in Miiledgeville hist
.veek that everyone should take j t
their home newspaper if they could I
not take any others. The Courier, |
your home new»piper, is continu¬ |
ously being asked t render some
personal or cointnunl.y service, yet
t is appaling at the like of support
given us. The sen ices the pro¬
fessional man gives you is not done
free, yet many people want us to I
work free. 1
Ex-service meu who desire to:
enroll in the CCC should file their j
application uninedi teiy.
Homer C. Parker has been ap¬
pointed Comptroller General by
Governor Talmadge. He appoint¬
ed G. B. Carreker to succeed the
late Paul Doyal on the state reven¬
ue commission.
The ex-service men of White
county received their bonds Mon¬
day afternoon and Tuesday.
We are requested to state that
there will be a singing at Crescent
Hill church the Fourth Sunday at
2 P. M.
Mr. O. B. Keeler, of Atlanta ' j I
spent a short . time in Cleveland , i
Phursday and paid The Editor '■ : j
Hon. ,, and , Mrs. ,r, 1 hos. u M. Bell] u ,,!
were in town ,,, luesday. j rt,L lhey were ;
accompanied . . , by former , Congress i
man 1 on of f Florida. r-. - . Judge T 1 v 1 on
spenj few . days . at t theGIenrlouse i
1 a 1 1
iuNacoochee Valley.
We are requested to announce
that Mr. Elmer Price will open a
cream station in Cleveland next
Thursday, June 25 th, and will pay
highest cash prices for cream. 'L’he
station will be located in Mr. C.E,
Head’s store.
Little Miss Katherine Purdue
visiting her aunt in Danville, Vu. j
Mr. Charles Black has returned j
to Atlanta after visiting his sisters j
Mrs. Awdry Allison and Mr-, j
Myrtle Taylor. 1
The republicans endorsed , , less! , 1
‘ no
than . half-dozen , ot ,. .he , major . and! . I
heretofore controversial policies of j
the New Deal. j
The closing date for candidate
f#r sjute 4th. house offices will clo'-e j j
Mrs. ... W. T L. Bowen „ ..... 1
ss visiting m :
Atlanta . . this , week. ,
Sunday is Father’s Day. |
A Jones child, whose parent .- 1
were visiting trieuds at Helen,died;
nt Downey hospital Friday O j
meningitis, j
Mrs. J. M. Guest has been very j
ill for the past week.
It must have been a particularly j
-ad occasion for all those news :
pupermen who assembled in Cleve
snd, Ohio, last week to report on *
1 ne procedure, doing- and wholly j
ack of enthusiam among the dele
gates who gathered to nominate
Governor Aif Lmdon, of Kansas,
as their standard-bearer for Presi
ient, and Col. Frank Knox, a for
ner employee of \V illiam Ran
lolph Hearst, as Vice Presiceut. j
Many of them state they have j
lever witnessed such a convention
U.ail their many years of experi- |
It dull, dry the |
eaca. was as i
Saralia desert in enthusiasm, and a
Athetic gathering. A large major
ty of the delegates staled that
President Roosevelt would be over¬
whelmingly elected in November.
wonder they could not stir up
loise. If you have been reading
i'he Atlanta Georgian und have
read the republican platform you
veil know William Rahdo'.ph
.Team had lits say in writing it,
Will Cleveland get waterworks?
Caterpillars have invaded Onta¬
rio, Canada, arid stripped forests
of foliage and even slopped rail¬
road trains. They are so thick in
-orne sections that the earth ap¬
pears to be moving- They cover
on aeru ot nearly b,ooo square
miles. Nothing stops the advance
of the insects.
Sheriff Vandiver and JMr. ELS.
attended the Welter meeting
Macon Thursday to ohoose a
to run for Governor.
Mr. Noah Taylor was in Atlanta
a day or two last week.
Neel Gap CCC Camp will rnpet
|( , Clevelutid boys here Siturdax
.. baseball game.
Misses Henrietta and Barbara
Davidson rre visiting their
and aunt, Dr. and Mrs
Taylor, in Athens this week.
The Monarch Wine Company ot
will buy berries, grapes
fruits to man ufacture into
Senator Flecther, of 1* lorida.died
Washington Tuesday night.
Dr. and Mrt. L. G. Ne;u and
Jean and ... G., made a
to Blue Ridge, Ellijay. Tate
other points So iday.
Lelaud Harvey and Robt. Wil¬
captured June n at Nash¬
Term. They wete brought
to Georgia to be tried a'.
in Federal Court for trans¬
a stolen car into another
The White County Democratic
Committee has set the
day for Representative on
20tn ' Everyone that want,
run had better get * busy and get
hut the •_ The
i,lto ru, S- 118868
is $25.
Any J sane man knows that the
ot Roosevelt admtnis- ,
J years
has been so highly ' betien
industry . and
to agriculture, ”
that no one wants a repi
. of .n«» republican n administration d ... m leiefrntioi
as Hoover deuit out,
Tne Democratic National Con¬
will meet in Philadephia
week to nominate President
for another term.
Editor Harry Graves and son ,of
were in town Satui
Mr. E. C. Hefner requests us 10
state that he will be a candidate
for reelection as Representative.
Mr. Bonner has turned theGold
Nugget Cafe over to Mr. Shubert
of Helen and gone to Lakemont to
operate .
a tourist camp,
Johnny Morris, who has been
an inmate of Hull county chain
« a " g ’, is n0W in Clevel “ ud 3 ait on
8e ' er ‘' 1 ci .urges.
Judge J- W. H. Underwood
taught & the Bible Class at the Ban 1
. church , . Cornelia ,, Sunday. _
11 et in J
Mr. J. \V Robetts, of Dublin,
Ga., and Mr. A. M. Loti, of At
was at the Price farm Tue.-
y j u the interest of a cream sla¬
for Cleveland,
Mf> and Mrs , X T> Satterfield,
_ und Mts Bunion Satterfield
Miss Bonnie A»o spent Sun
with Mr. atul Mrs. Homer
on Mossy Cieek.
Xhe Ninth DistrlctCongression
Executive Committee meets in
today, C. E. Head
j a8> Davidson are delegates
White county.
Governor Talmadge now states
will support the Democratic
100 #>. Don’t that make
laugh? What has he been
for the past year? What
to his “grass root” con
in Macon? Who contri
to it r You can’t kid lire
Gene. If you should be so
at to oppose Dick Russell
will need lots of Liberty Lea¬
dollars. Dick is a real Demo¬
and will be overwhelmingly
and Gene will w : t! go back
bis farm us the most despistd
hated man to ever hold a pub¬
office in Georgia. Murk that
Dick Russell is one
the biggest and ablest man in
United States Senate and
is most pronii-iug, He has u
chance of being Presi¬
of tlie United States some day
We will accept from farmers any
of produce grown ou tlieii
for renewal of their subscrip
or to be added to our list as a
subscriber. We trust this
will appeal to every
United States of America No. 149 At Law
v. Proceeding to UondemnLand
118.10 Ac. es of Laud in
White County, Ga., M. L.
Vandiver and F. R. Van-liver,
et til,
N O T l C E
The following persons, firms and or
corporations, who are known and who
are said to reside outside the State of
Georgia, to wit:
11. C. Crumley, Canton, N. C., Amelia
Mary Roberts, Hastings, Sussex County,
The following persons, firms and or
eorprations, whose residences are un
known and who are themselves wholly
unknown, to wit:
(a) The following persons or their
heirs at law, the following corporations,
or their assigns and 01 successors, whose
names and residences are unknown, to
John Martin, George Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Joseph Harris Roberta. William
Wall Roberts, Arthur Turner, Joseph 13.
Westmoreland; Mrs. M. L, Vandiver,
widow of M. L. Vandiver; Mrs. J. 13.
Sosebee. widow of J. 13. Sosebee;
(b) Heirs at law of the following
named persons, successors and assigns
of the following-named corporations
whose names and residences ate un¬
known. to wit:
Miles Abernathy, John 31. Calhoun,
Julia Anna Westmoreland Crumley,
John J. Kimsey, John Martin, Charles
Roberts, George Roberts, Joseph Harry
Roberts, William Wall Roberts, John R.
Stanford, Arthur Turner, Bdlie West¬
moreland, Christopher Colnmbus West
luorelaud, Edmond Westmoreland, Julius
H. Westmoreland, Mary Westmoreland
Reaves Westmoreland, Robert West¬
moreland, Susan Westmoreland, J.
B. Sosebee, M, L. Vandiver;
to all and every person unknown or Don
resident who claims any right, title, 01
interest, in said described lands or the
funds which may be paid into the Court
as result of this proceeding, whether
under or in right of any of the above
named or otherwise;
quired and admonished to take notice
that the United States has tiled petition
in the District Court of the United States
for the Northern District of Georgia;
Gainesville Division, to condemn 118.10
acres of land, being a part, of lot 1, sec¬
tion 1, district 6, and part of lot 12, sec¬
tion 1, district 5, of Whitt Gotintv, Ga.,
and known as the lands of M. L. Vandi¬
ver ami F. R. Vandiver, et al., all ot
said lands being in White County, Ga.,
and aggregating 118,10 acres, more or
This matter will be heard in this Unit¬
ed States Court Room at Atlanta,Georgia
on the 2oth day of June, lSJti, at ten
o’clock A, M. If you or either of you
have any rights in the premises or de
sire to be heard in the matter you are
required to theu and there make known
your objections, if any, your claims a>
to the value of the property, or you!
respective interest therein, in the funds
arising therefrom, or any o.hi-r matters
material to your respective rights in the
property sought to be condemned ; other
wise, the Court will proceed as to Jaw
and justice may appertain.
| In witness thereof, I have hereunto sel
j my hand and affixed the seal of the said
j United States Dislrit t Court, at Atlanta,
This 8” day of June, 1 )86.
.), D. Steward
Clerk, United States District Court fm
the Northern District of Georgia.
Bv C. A. McGrew
Boys wishing to apply for CGU
(Jump please report lor registration
at. old Depot before July 1 st.
Vera VV estmoieland
County Welfare Worker,
If there’s anything worries a woman____
It’s S' teething she ought not to know
But you may bet she'll find it out
If she gets the least kind of a show
Now we’ll wager ten cents to a farthing
This po.-m sh« has already lead—
>Ve knew she would get tt somehow
If she had to stand on her head!
Advei Using is the oil that iubn
cates tiie machinery of buisues:'
Please Pay lis NOW
Hflcileberrles (Blue CoIoFTwanted
To hear from parlies who cm
furnish fresh buckle berries. Wtb
pay highest local market price and
will accept any quality up to 00
bushels. Three times weekly.
Write us and we will call and see
Will be in U>eve rod iJtiTand 2 oth
June. Let us hear at once. Ber¬
ries must be clean and dry.
T. T. McNeliey,
Turuerville, Georgia,
rt. tfi. 5
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OOME ^ foods are always win
nlng popularity contests. Of
course they don’t get free
trips to Atlantic City and Holly¬
wood. Nor do they parade through
the streets in rose-decked chariots.
The only way you know what
favorites they are is when some¬
one says: "I could eat a whole
meal of—” whatever it is. Peo¬
ple often aa-v that about straw¬
berries, about, stewed tomatoes;
About corn on the cob. But
perhaps oftenest. of all, you hear
them say: "I could eat a whole
meal of asparagus!”
Asparagus with drawn butter or
Hollandaise sauce is only tire
beginning of ways to enjoy the
mellow green goodness of this
vegetable which was a favorite
of the ancient Romans and is so
full of flavor that in some parts
of the world Its seeds are used
for coffee. Hero are some new
tested recipes—enough for a real
asparagus spree. Not. of course,
that you will want to use them all
at one meal—-even the most ?v
dent asparagus-devotee might
well shrink from that!—but we'll
wager yvu'll want to try them all
before long.
t A Soup and Entree
4>iprtras;a.t Soup: Cut off
tips,from the contents of one tail
san of asparagus and set them
aside for a garnish. Turn the ic
of the asparagus, cut fine, and
asparagus liquor into a
add one quart of soup stock
hoi! -tn- *r>- *
been reduced to where you will
take it if you w mi a car of lliL
low price. Special sale price of
only 8175
A real buy. In excellent running f
condition. llere : a real buy8250
CHEVROLET U TO \ TRUCK -220-80” Base Good running
Here’s the real bargain. Look tt shape Dual \V .eels. Fairly good
over. It’s what you want if you tires.
are looking for a real bargain ,850 $r 75
practically new Cbrevolet and yt u
will prefer it to anything the mar¬
ket offers at anything near t he
price for only 8075
COAll tqdb. A real aiitoniob:le ;
drove but little, and been well car
ed-for. Backed by “an OK tlnit
count-.” Spiciul sale pr ce of only
Look i-t over N O VV 8400.
Barrett Motor Go.
Should PAY NOW
a sieve. Saute to. hopped sweet
red peppers in r tablespoons
butter about thr niuutes. Add
four tablespoon. and stir
until thick anti si :. Then add
the asparagus : -lock liquor,
stirring constant until smooth
and creamy. Ad. nilf a cup of
cream, season, ad paragus tips,
and serve. This wes eight.
Salmon with C d Asparagus
Sauce: Heat coi: of one 1
poitnd can of sal ■ .1, and divide
in eight serving- earing in as
large pieces as p- ile. Place on
small plates and -ur over the
following sauce:
Curried As pan Sauce: Melt
two tablespoons : .ter and add
half a teaspoon ; v powder, half
a teaspoon cole ■ '.It. two table¬
spoons flour, and r smooth. Add
slowly a cup and three-quarters
of rich milk or <■ earn, stirring
constantly until creamy. Season
to taste with salt and pepper. Add
half a cup of canned asparagus
cut i« small pieces. This serves
A Main Dish and Salad
This is a delirious dish for
luncheon or for p. Sunday nigln
flipper: r
Scotch Woodcock: Make a sauce
of four tablespoon butter, four
tablespoons flour. I so cups milk,
the juice from one .an asparagus
tips, salt and pen per. Add four
chopped hard-coo 1 : ed eggs, the
asparagus tips, a.- one chopped
't-pic 9r ■ ,, ? i , p f
Asparagus end Cream■ m. Chetft
tips Salad: and Drain marinate a can them of ass
dressing for an hour. Moisten aifed 4M
cream cheese with cream,
nbiipe in the form of tiny carroU.
Dust with or roll In paprika, #*
tirely covering the “carrot.” Fat
a sprig of pars'ey in for the car¬
rot top. Arrange several; status
of asparagus and two tiny 'carrot*
on individual lettuce beds. 1 :
A Salad and Ro«?t
Asparagus and Egg Salad: Gut
six hard-cooked eggs in half
lengthwise, art! remove yolfca.
Mash yolks and one cup of canned
asparagus tips with a fork. Add
two teaspoons lemon juice, half a
teaspoon salt, an eighth of a tea¬
spoon pepper, a quarter !• of *
teaspoon celery seed and tfcra*
teaspoons chopped nuts. , Pile
lightly in the whites. Serve; ofc
lettuce, garnished with more as¬
paragus tips and a few w»t*
sprinkled the ' ^ TJhiA
over top.
serves six. 1 -
A spa rag iargo us and M rtthraom. Roast:
Peel six mushrooms,, remove fill
stems, and place cavity-aide up
a shallow pan. Put a piece ot
butter in each, and iJast wltJt 'saH
sad pepper. Lay two avparagus
tips across each mushroom !(6 m
10*i-ounoe can of asparagus tip*
is needed), and sprinkle thicker
paprika with grated and place choose.* in -Dust hot Ttfih
a Ofpn
for about fifteen minutes. 8«fV4
with steak or on rounds of tofat
as an irntree. This serves