Newspaper Page Text
THEPCLEVELAND ou «fc- 1 A . 1 TV. *2f" "*<
Gainesville, Gfi., June 19
Congressmun B. Frank Whelchel,
who returned to Gainesville Satur¬
day from Washing, reopened his
offices here this morning. lie to¬
day qualified as a candidate for re¬
nomination for congress by paying
his enteranee fee to the chairman
of the the ninth district democra¬
tic executive committee.
Congressman Whelchel, who is
serving his first term from the
ninth district, state? in his formal
announcement released to the pres
of the district today that he is ask¬
ing an indorsement term on his
Wrights vilie. G. —A militant
political campaign for the office of
Public Service Com nissioner is br¬
ing waged by Editor Chas. I).
Rountree of the W-ightsvillellead
light. Campaign b - idquarters are
being maintained " its newspaper
office in Wrightsville for the pres¬
ent but lie plans opening up else¬
where at an early date.
During the past 28 years Mr.
Rountree has edited three news¬
papers in southeast Georgia, all
told, jone at Gruymont, one at
Swainsboro and the Headlight in
Wrightsville for the past 2o years.
tie was born in Emanuel county
on a farm and after his schooling
was a county tea::’ for several
trails, having taur fit in Emanuel.
Bulloch and Coffee counties. He
is past President f the Georgia
Press Association. He served as
Mayor of Wrightsvilei ttnd was
one of the three men who conduct
ed the 12th District A. & M. Col
lege at Cochran, now Middle Geor¬
gia College, a state institution. He
war a delegate to the National
Convention in New York at Madi¬
son Square Garden in I924.
Mr. Rountree naraied a daugh¬
ter ol the late Dr. Daniel E. Gay
of Garfield, Emanuel county. They
have two children, Carl Rountree
ot Wrightsville, an Mrs. N. Cecil
Hill of August.
Contrary to popular belief, a
person cannot be poined by merely
going near the plant, but it is en¬
tirely possible to g r the poison
from droplets of the oil on the
animals or in smoke corning fsoni
burning underbrush where the ivy
is growing.
If the droplets of “oil have not
been absorbed by the skin, an al*
cholic rinse, or even better, wash¬
ing exposed parts with a rich
lather of ordinary laundry soap
will remove the poison
It the skin has absorbed tno oil,
use a 5 per cent solution of ferric
chloride dissolved in equal parts of
alcohol and water or a 4 per cent
water solution of potassium per¬
manganate, the old snake bite
remedy. Also recommended are
calamine lotion, or si mb ir prepara
tions of zinc oxide, I >'me water, and
dash of carbolic aci: —Prof. G.
Albert Hill in The Progressive
Has Ice Cream now on stile, \Y e
invite the public to vi-ir our store.
Wc also carry a nice hue of Toilet
articles and Proprietary mediciaes,
Cigars, Cigarettes and Candies,
Paper plates, Sanitary drinkidg
cups, Banjo, Violmand Guitar
(Strings, Jews and French harps.
We appreciate all patronage.
Everybody should trade at home as
much as possible. Help build your
home town.
Wanted Chickens and Eggs
Will pay higqest cash market
Carlot shipping. See us a Single¬
ton warehouse, Gainesville, Ga.,
C. O. Morgan.
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and ; ictustrlal Inte sets ot White county
Atlanta, July 3rd—With Bflly
Winn, world’s dirt traot champion
and the sensational Billy De Vore,
west coast speed king, topping an
eight-event AAA auto racing dtird
at Lakewood Speedily Saturday,
July 4, the management is looking
for the largest Independence Day
crowd in all history, tor the thir
teenth annual auto races.
There will be four feature races
on the program, topped by two
free-for-alls, one special southern
title race and a three-heat, three
cornered match race between De
Vore, Winn and the winner of the
southern race and also a semi-fea¬
ture dash.
All in all there will be 73 miles
of motor madness dished up in the
thrill menu with Kmg Gasoline
and O d Man Speed, the chefs,
providing the benzine victuals of
From Florida will come Dan
Murphy, Ray Gast, Floyd Hunt
and Bill France, the Carolines will
send Will Bill Sock well and Foss
Lemmoml. Alabama will offer
Speed Goff, Tennessee Jed Bryant
and Curt Blackwell, Maryland
dashing Norris Frie), Virginia the
diring Will Moore, while from
Georgia will be such favorilfes as
Red Redmond, Sneed Goff’, Fete
Craig, Cordon Bracken, Hilly
Moore, Gene Sowell, Bob Jenkins,
Dick Jenkins, Buster Reardon and
Red Singleton.
The far west, midwest and
northeast will also offer its share
of money seekers with Tod Wal¬
lace, Buz Warke, Jan Moore and
Chic-k Yost.
Gates to keakevvood will open
at 9 :3d o’clock, Csntriil daylight
time, time trials will start at 12 :2o
o’clock and races proper will gel
going at 2:30 p. m. Picnic facil
ities and midway fun will be avail¬
able all day and at night there will
be a big display' of fireworks.
S. O. 8.
Pay Your Subscription
We Have GREAT NEEL) of it
Have a Heart
Shoe Repairing
I am prepared to give you a real
job of shoe repairing. I guaran¬
tee that ever piece of work will be
fully satisfactory, and assure you
that I use only the best grade ot
of materials.
You can leave your shoes atTay
or’s Barber Shop and I will call
for them every weekend.
Reasonable prices.
Powell Shoe Shop
Julian Powell, Prop.
Gumming, Ga.
Examination for county license
and renewal of certificate or license
will be held at Cleveland school
luilding ou Saturday, Aug. 1st
Pliose interested in renewal should
see or write me for list of Reading
Course books.
T, V. Cantrell, C.S S
Mr. Joe K. Tefiord has moved
to Gainesville where he will prac
ice law.
If you listened-in or read those
vondertul speeches of Senators
Barkley and Robinson and Presi¬
dent Roosevelt you certainly are
not for a return of the Republican
regime to again permit our people
to be ruled by Wall Street.
Tomorrow's Sun
JN wsp >-i Features, Inc.)
By Roger Winter
tiug-me Ta' — 'dge cannot make
himself eligit) • a third term us
Gover> or by r -.ig dog prior to
expiration »f bis second term,
cording to ieve' il eminent
Lawyer* of the writer’s qua: a
•teniinr e wh. have na.h- air e
hutitive stud- ,f the q-c n, f.’V
langu tge oi fie C-ms-rtnfion o,
Georgia in r. c.-ence t > fire fern of
office of the Governor reads as fol¬
lows ;
"l C v -nor shall bold his of
fir.e rit. term of two years,
and u- successor shall be
chosen mb qualified. He shat!
he ehg :>’e to ft election, after
expiration of a second term, for
•t'-e per" »d of four years,”
Uud.>r this langucge, Governor
1 nia ye is p'ainly ineligible fo
a t ad term, Newspaper
ve fid he may attempt
- c aoeible by esign
July 4, when tl.e «n-
1 for the Dumofratic
rte t.t and then putting
use .1 a candidate for re
c ettOf ;: j ..h ti device has been
. :n p. • i . in«ut two times by of
• he . . in Qeorgtit uiui b>>'
. :o over ruled by the
L' 'e t A- i-.e Coiirt, thelawytn
pv .dll L Dne vr>z in the cusv ■>'
J- 7 a t-t v- J laoti. tci Georgia. P.
i- h a -. ; h.e other w is in the c st
■.I ■: vs. Tuck, 1I9 ®&oig
F SS-.
In tk:* i ; 'er case the Supreme
Court 8.11 d : “It m iy b tfoat resig
uaMOQ m.v. tbs TEa 'JRS; , fep,
it doe* un enti the TER . 1 .
Which i- equivivent to saying- tin.:
if a Gove -nor c* V end a serouo
term by resigning prior t* its ex
pirat on, in order to qualify for .
third .erni, such a subterfuge could
be ca< - -ad > * indefinitely, thus
anakin > a fat ^ of the Constitution
In a speech delivered -0 u joint
meeting of the !oi : ad Senati
during toe itjfiy ses-' the Leg
islature Governor fi . . dgt mudf
the state lmm that he was mt eligi¬
ble to ser ;n third term, and. would
not be mi de eligible, eve by tin
Legislature passing and the pcopi
ratifying bis proposed Constitution j
imendftnent estjtb’ishing a
year term for Governor. What
was then 'he lav. is st’ll the law —
altbmigh, of eooiR -. when a trivv
thing fikt: file la w nr the Constitii
tiou fails acros- unv purpose of
Eugene Tahnadg *, ic conte iptu
ously kicks it a-i His theory
of a government .,.s s'uccintly ex
pressed “f by the French King who
Readers of the? column Tray re¬
call that it was ..mein pt.'meted,
fi ve weeks ago, iat Ilnfi. L lark
Howell, editor i the A .-.n' ; Jon
stitation, would » nan * a Phil
idelphia as D - o crtrti . N ttioua,
Committeena- t.-om G 0 g-u, and
further ptedicted that iu naming
Mr. How :I « Georgia delegation
would be :• sous. ,}
That ho i,v come to pass, and {
it places Ce. mg in in a very favor
tble and pos tion with the
Poo adininisiratioft. Mr.
Hc.^H is veteran nn Den.sciatic
national a firs, having serve., on
the Xa i. fi Cox mi-tee lor 2 fJ
yea;- t u-rtnore, ho is a veifi
warm fr ■ President Roose
^ye’t llundrect Per Certt
in li ar : , with She- New Deal
nd .vut'. a p’.iiform adopted by
the Phil.u; ■1 . 1 conventioo.
G orgia' a tkly press was sig
11 :i,' . ul1< in st appropriately,
lion i d b . be Georg!*: delegation
inn aiug ’is. Virginia Polhill
Prtc oiTi.i and edi or of the
Lou.c.ille N'ctts <E Farmer, os
Democratic N torut Cotr.mittee-
V i' ary \V in be- ad coo
Horn Ferguson. > f Crawford,G
are. ng a few days with bom.
T 1 ett are Ijav'ng some sweh
fox r » ■ in tii-.s jn.■ t.
burner of Cleveland U-.o
itt ’timbe his we 01
C. * Turner’s pr erty
Dillard Afiison tv.i family :
*st week with R Ganup.
The pariv given fiv Mrs R
Wuixler Ti b.iv night
• 1 \! sent.
Tom J 3 e.i 'I; uit oem
«rpd wit): h s ister Mr.
Rev W.N L'ur w
tegular appoiit imt- at
Saturday >md Sunday,
A hale ofYutton tb ,t h-.s
D!e(jied Jojjk ^ well, you
se.n a girl go into a p;-.
evening to ntee* her
noticed that she was lo
well. If you liave seen
girl at two a. in., stand r
us she let the squeezing
out doors, as ti e old tr- ..
standing at tin tie id of
tu hist stock'.,0, t-t, von
somet hing - de« *f ■•.!
ance of a bale i.t cotton
been ibrough the pfill
County Progress.
.i — irt tfa i tcyia^m . *.
MEN WANTED for F. i: w
Route cf Sou families. V« *
day. Rtiwletgh’s, Dept. Q. •63
SA Mempns, Ten u
fi (
The Kespihs .fi aeeurate r. -crus ",
•titutee an essentdel ptnet »a sc .
fnl b fines? management, vireti?-:
mnuufaeturiasi, mer<'huidtsiay . f»*t
Ing. It i« quite -'euemlly eooef .o& ths
any gotta bc-.Men* concern k.- .ps
tjuate record.;, anb this proeeocr
mlly important ia Ue baciaess
f jfmluy eesle.Te* «u BnUwffi ot V
A eerie .a ftanker* Aisoclation Asri
culture CoramtssSom,
Ifitrurj For Sale or Rent
Our farm Ivin iu Shoal Creek
ls’ricr of V te County, Ga.,
containing 120 acres more or lew
is for Mtk. r vent. It ir.tere»-tec.
write in. :* I09 VV Cha ■ Street
Wins 1 ■ . .riacoii.
(I igoi.u) A. O. L; Prude
Hou>- - . i lot wti-.rc r now li-e, ,
has 5 1 , wired for right?, g.
uj'ti ai p’ei-iv of t»utquild!o
rood «■ tl wtitcr, 2 tier a of !.tr
fi is . wiU sc!’ p’oom ho isc or
joining lot. Has g :r bans r
stnok-bouse. T'hU lot also .<
taius 2 acres, •- .1 wired for .i;
Will sell tilts : . a \ reus
Also will se . . Car, Ford .•
-eduy. Apply o
T, T JicDom
.voitnut, Bus is t t fib rr‘.
-ucccssful eaitcr, a splendid c ;
f her community and t-fiite a > a
mid mother, ;uui .1 Dtmoca-t tu tic
tips of her linger;'. The de'< g t
lion also honored the weekly p
by naming Harvey Kennedy .(• <
of the Burnesvtlte New -
0 serve at their secretary.
Oue mere thing, an I 01 -. e
more, remains »o be iotue :o - e
Georgia completely in accord
the Roosevelt administration-— 't:
•a a that is, to elect a Go' ar
who is One Hundred Per
This the people ; a going t-
1 nd they are not going to skit -l.
teY/ii: Busiae: fill ' d
Col. : i la
We are pm tig to g . , n iddi'tos) t-o out regular
Commercial con - c a Com dv in Civil Service.
1 he text w ill cover ia • altarty practically every
ex-imit ation giv . ... v de.r () :V Service. h will enable
you to mak n rch irtgher r it '. You knovy you must
be some wl • i r t ! e top ih order to get ir job This
will m m 1 rrore to am than t*r lug t; get it through
We , star b m oi) our record for the v .;s year in
helpi; > - ce stu. •H • .vho h ive completed i. ir work
tt our
We 't Gregti Shorthand
Box 237
Gainesville, Ga.
lhv BEAM’
i j>AB.DS ua more of old splendut could have svibjeet. tfurjvg
sins than the low!, brown beats,
sspeelally if it were served in s.
fi’f brown : st, fragrant with the
.'fi J gleet crisp go-xi/sees bom of brown sugiir
bacc-il Itr-.gled
1 it are romintsec-r.-'f s of the
, . ‘.fl&t the pint t;\. fing out
1: Maine woods who- „re
a tea by woodsmen v >v , ;
fiertb, ot long hours oi v eg in
earthen ovens.
Sing tise bean then, and rapeat
1 i-crus of r*ry good bean di-bes
-'hicJ* you tar* tried anti found
ot wanting in universal mpsa.-.
ore are two rec.'v -;s whlc.'i will
art you off singing in tvaet
Encore! 'fir.sort!
and ViC :
C’ca tour slices o? 'racoa mu fia
<r* -p. Remove. Drain off ;r.os- -
•i - '-’ar add one-fotuth cup meat
brown gently. Add at. ' '
Viced ebr <■.':> coals
- -can of . fi,! eail fee
j--;ed beans, 1 --a.tcn. dx< d
-ait to -tastt*. *ocr into g:
Individual cue? ;rotes. Cut
shoes of bacon ... halves ami rfi . >
a piece ot bacon on top cf et b.
3 ake in the even until the ’aeon
is crisp. This serves four pt aion.a.
flaked Befin .5 am. Ham.o , er:
Chr*) one onion, add one-half
poind 0’ hynburger -teak n-nd
brown, u two taUesp.-.-oas of t
fi-'r ff. > coatee; s of one c». - ol
nato soup *nu rh ' a: •> .i o ’
0.1a ear. c ! oven-bake j Salt
f c taste and heat .•i-ujfcly.
:ve pi&- a or over sli ot ‘10%
earned h.own bi-ac serves
■x. pt:„cao.»
t €
JL. r 1 ~ 1 i &~~*L
tAe master key of pur civiixzat on,
ciie means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry,
it is well worth the verv highcs>
efforts of its craftsmen.
Tk s Cleveland Cour ier
l Commercial Printing, of Et inscription
K 3 oi ; ■saroiis
why n« ■' tsxhi?
is be "a use ;> b. n eSiSS
gre fruit md t pjfmlt
-■fi . has ■, vod rip nor. in
fit • if well-ear-f ‘ir
fi . 0:. >1. aid? ted > ifit'i »r
yen vn :* p'ai a l. sr si
cciv-i-se or in one o.. . .’so sr.y do
li : unebeon o . er • fi er
n.i 1 w ; th this fnr 1 ,T r '..p
at?- once ; aat ic ' Id
Fiona grapefrui --------” fauio.
’> / These
<Ji r< - Cup: Cut ' - • * tr m
a No- in halve , • ; 3 d the ffOfD Gv-!.D Ab. d con,
leavin- a Jarir?* pi»»c2. Dirid*
into %. If :b© fmee of one
lemon tire ..ip-wrult and ap¬
ricot es, aad . :ut ovc:. C^riil
vtsry ”• - Spr ' iber -. rritb
tinety-m.v : < mrut a.uu serve,
fhiB serves e.gmt persons.
Orauierry and ,Qte;>e!>-*R las:
«.*v- tawsy-JOBt goJaii*. ia
four t»K, podbs c-V.-: waler. Mash
the -.n,ui>-.-y satiio fnm a 1.
pound f-fiu- -, ear, add ims
vestw and t drti! meUtd fi-.d
sugar p.rvi boil tor
two Oi .1 fi. minutes. Dlvro’ro
the v' in “ hfit liquid <
and . t" . i . n- '
can Juice Free 0
in. ro - ivs, stirrin/ o.'
ten. . ■ person.
Che. - and la'od:
SCa fi . ve peerages of -fere?in
e i "itb e-xngh cream to
wikti refit. Make a holly ring or
circle .1 the center of
each a s-gamiished. salad plate.
Dr-in - No. 2 isca of pitted sod
cb-ir • and using halt of the
cherries, plH them inside ibe
cheese rings. Err in one No, J can
fit grapefruit and ar airge three ot
four sections arotand the oatside
it each cfheem ring, ifirv- with
iffoneb dressing. Serves eight.*