Newspaper Page Text
Tear Ga» Systems
“Tear gas systems have their advan¬
as self-contained protective units
where outside aid is Inconvenient or
remote from the hank to be effec
tiv*. One dejection to the use ef tear
preventing holdup is the need of
prmfiriBg a lever or button action to discharge |
It 'Although this necessary seams
too much to expact of the victims in a |
where their lives are In jeopardy,
the fact remains that tear gas systems
have defeated bank robbery. Its de
terrent value Is also Important.
"Different styles of bandit resisting
enclosures are available. The lock man¬
ufacturers also produce timeJocks
which can be set to open at intervals of
five minutes or longer. These locks are
especially adapreW for attachment to
small safes or Chests'for safeguarding
funds while the bank Is spen
for business."
Steck »f Central Banks
* Usually Privately Owned
mcistinjpdiere Of aj^the central banks at present
are only four whose stock
ts owned fcy the government. The new¬
est ceiftral bask ts that of Canada,
whloh opened 'its doors onJy||^i few
monthkljago after a most exhaustive
study had been mada of the experience
of all nations with the result that the
stock of the Basik of Canada is privately
1 Agrie ulture and Ind ustry
Returns for tha first quarter of 1-935
for industrial corporations publishing
quarterly reports show net protits 2 !
par tent more than for the same in 1-934
Tha total farm value of ah Important
crops, exclusive of livestock, rose In
1»34 to $4,782,423,000. as compared with
14.114,205.(100 In the previous year and
f2,882.4 95 ,0U0 In 1932,
Court or Finance woien, wuu .....---
wlitiral appointment of exceptionally
competent men, should constitute
if the greatest forward stops in l/uHii
ljng a sound banking and credit system
for this country."
f A in Banking
The Government
Another resolution said:
“We particularly emphasize the d-c
sirahility ef the rcl.l-rcMent of govern
ment from those fields of extendin:,
credit.! of various types which can lr
adequately served by privately owuei
institutions. We reanpiize that th
exigencies of the now passing tie pro
slpn mails necessary a large pnrticipr
tion by government for a time in tin
task of meeting the public's emergoiif-;
financial nooiU.
“Those conditions havo been largejj
remedied ami -he obligation now rest;
upon ths binks and other financial
agencies to demonstrate to the peop'b
Of this country that they are fully abl
and wilting to meet nil demands upoi
then for sound credit cooperation. It i
our duty as bankers to facilitate lr,
every effective way the retirement ot
government agencies from credit ac
tivIHes by promoting public under
standing ot the proper function of prl
To Wholesale Groceries, Meat
ind Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed Id-la will lie received by the
Highway Board of Georgia. 2 Capi¬
Squat«. Atlanta. Georgia, until Id
A. M. Oct. 26, T.lfiO for fur¬
groceries, supplies ami feed for
of Nov various convict camps
by said Board. Hid blank
full information as to quantities and
points can be obtained from thu
Department at the above a.I
Om bid blanks must be. lists! in
bids. Payment to be made
days from date of delivery and accep
of gouiL. floods must lie equal to
better than that used bv the Highway
and found satisfactory. truant -
shown are approximate only ami
bo increased or decrease I as tin
acr e lit Right is reserved to rc
any and all bids and to waive at
Contract of purchase
pursuant hereto to be binding on
State lligluv iy Department as such
not on any employee or iudividi al
notice is in xeioidani e with the Ac
the Genera! Assembly ol Georgia, ap
tig 26 1932. Knvelope uius
marked “S*. lul bid tf> be opene Oct
Stale Highway Board of Georgia
\V. K. Wilburn, Chairman; M.k L.
Memb r, Juhn A. Heck, Memto-i
i—-~‘ — . e — rm . v — 1
limning 1 or Dinner)
i ns American ^likos Assoeiat+on
bce«. active fiT many years train
young men ami women In order
they be duly qualified for t'.ie
of banking. Standard coorr s
furnished with abl* and exp. ri
teael^erSj Tbla work is -ion* nn
the dir.ettjpa of th* American la
of Banking Section of the isto
Qver two hundred ehapters. or j
* baalyng schools, in
are active
tln-oughout the country and
of* ths 'rounder generaitrw.
batVaa* »re heiag graduated eat-h
These "itndems are »anpht no
banking priatic** tad pohea-a
HyD are nk*> well ssoaeded in the j
idea!* and atanriarda ef busi
jtirlc*. A jtaoposal ia ntm Hadet j
wide ration to establish a centra: !
h eoi. Which wig ogee adv wxced o
w ork t* a eelecilve liat taiq*«'
those who have completed th*
courses—F. m/lsw, Presi
American Bankers Association
Loffisl flaws
Mr.,. K. S. Price states that lie
will produce ten bales of cotton on
8 acres. Tile cetton farmers of the
county should see hit field, Cutlle
growers it the county should see
his silo and discuss with him the
proper feed, to grow.
Court closed W ednesday after¬
noon. Many cases were postponed
because Col. Henderson was un¬
able to be in court.
The White County Fair will be
hgld Oct. 30 and 31st at the school
auditorium in Cleveland.
Senator George, Senator Rus¬
sell and Governor elect Rivers are
on speaking engagements for Pres¬
ident Roosevelt,
Mr, John Davidson daughter,
Christina, and son, Frank, are
here for a few days. He will move
bick to his house here next week.
Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Fefidiey,
who have made their home in
Denver for the past few years,
have returned to Georgia and will
make their home in Athens,
Dr. ]. 15 . Jackson, representa¬
tive of Habersham county, was in
town Wednesday and stated h e
was very much interested in seeing
a contract let at and early date on
the Cleveland-Clarkesville road.
Mr, Aaron Westmoreland wit
painfully injured Monday when
a large rock fell on him while at
work on the county roads.
John A. Gillstrap is in a serloiu
condition suffering trom a wound
received when he was unloading
an automatic shotgun and it dis¬
charged. He was curried to (lit
Gainesville hospital where it is re¬
ported, his luft hands was amputat¬
Governor Tulmadge has fjrctl R.
E. Gormley, head of the Slate
Banking Department and ap¬
pointed Robert Tippins, of Ciax
ton, Ga.
Major G. C. Dugas is hard m
work trying to induce capital to
establish a packing plant in VYbiu
county for the truck growers. ll
will require at least 5OO tons ol
beans during the canning sear-oi
besides a like amount of other
Friends and relatives deeply
mourns the death of Mrs. C. E
Nix, who died Oct. 13,having been
in ill health for several month*, atn
constantly in the cure of her pin
siciun, Dr, Neal, for whom she an
her bereaved husband had a most
exceedingly high regard, as we!
as Airs Neal. She was a lovnbh
old lady of generous nature win
will be greatly missed. She was
interred 111 Cleveland cemetery
Oct. 14. Rev. Guest officiating.
Route Man wanted for Whit*
County. Over 600 customers.
Average earnings week. Mai
must have good references. A|
plicants age between 24-4W. Wit,
need car. Write ). R. Watkiu
Co. Box 2447, Memphis, Term ,
ittention Rural Dept.
Sr .......J- - - "in—..*—
We will accept from farmers ativ
vind of produce grown on their
arm for renewal of their subscrip-
1011 or to be added to our list us 0
lew subscriber. We trust this
proposition will appeal to every
Desirable Changes Proposed
• Careful study by his organization.
Mr. Hechl said, had resulted ia a num¬
ber of suggestions for constructive re¬
visions in the bill which he submitted
to Congress. On the other hand, he de
tore or me country nas never Deen in a
launder, stronger and more liquid con¬
dition than K is today. My authority
for that itatement Is the Comptroller
of th* Onnancr. No longer is there any
War or Choaght of bank run*, neposi
t«r* we*« more know that their money
is fate and th* banker, thrice armed t&
the knowledge of his own strength, is
looking forward.
White County.
whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Mrs. C. Vf.
administratrix of C. W. Oakes,
having applied to me by peti¬
tion for leave to sell the real estate of
said 1 . IV. Oakes, deceased; aad that an
order was uiadi thereon at the October
term J 9 B 6 , f.'- i- citation and that, citation
issue; cl! the bei-B at law and creditors of
tile said C. W. Oakes, decease ), will
take noth -* that J pass upou said ap¬
plication at 1 be November Term 1936, or
the Court o f Grdi uarv of Whtte County;
and that unless canse is shown to the
contrary, at saiu rime. Said leave will
be. granted. This theffth of October 1936
A. L, Dorsey. Ordinary
White County Georgia.
Georgia, White Cout/t.
Because of default in the payment of a
loan secured by a deed to secure debt
executed by Frank Turner to the Hand
Bank Commissioner, dated the 4 th day
of August, 19.39, and recorded in the
clerk’s office of Whjte County Superior
Court in Book X, Page OiM, which deed,
anil the note secured thereby, were trans¬
ferred, to Keck-sal Farm Mortgage Cor
p* ration by Act of Congress, approved
January 31, 1931, known as the Federal
Farm Mortgage Gm-peration Act, the un¬
dersigned has declared the lull amount
of the indebtedness secured by said deed
due and ppayable, aud, acting under
the power of sale contained hi said deed,
for the purpose of paying sa-il indebted
ness, will, on the 3 rd day ot November,
1938, during the legal h -nrs of sale at
public outcry t‘o the highest bid-let for
ctudi, the la,ude described in said deed,
to wit:
All that trai t or parcel of land eon
taiuuiiug Thirty (30) acne-- Jn tie. second
land district of White County, Georgia
land andlilairsville State highwiiy about
one ami oue-balf miles from Cleveland
Georgia, and bouuilep as follows On
the north by the lauiis of Hillyev t'an
ti-JI and Mr*. Anna Nichols, o* the east
by the lauds of Allison Brother*, on tit*
south by the jaruls of C. R, Turner arid
on the west, by the lands of Mrs. BuIh
A llison JOabat,; and lambs sold off to J. F,
Millin', as is shown by plat on fi-le with
rile Federal Band Hank of Columbia.
A deed will lie ,executed to the pur¬
chaser as authorized by the aforemen¬
tioned loan deed.
This 2Sth day of Sept. 1936.
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation.
U. II. Edwards, Attorney
ieorgia, White County
Because of default in the payment of a
loan secured by a deed to sen it re debt
executed by W . I„ Pardue to the Federal
band Bank of Columbia, dated the 0th
day of April, D.I 3 I, and recorded in the
oleik'h oftine of the White County Su¬
perior Court in Book A A, Page 191, the
urulersigiged bus declared the full
irnonnt of the indebtedness referred to
due anil payable, ami, acting under the
power of sa'-« contained in said deed, fot
the purpose of paying said indebtedness,
will, on the 3rd day of Novembei, 19-36.
during the legal hours of stile ji th*
court house iri said County sell at pub
licodtcry to th>* highest bidder for cash,
tin* lands described in said deed, to-'wit:
Al! that tract or parcel of land con
tain'mgTwo Hundreii and Forty (-240
acres in the 4th., land district and in
Blue Ridge Militia District, Whit
County, Georgia, known as the \V, ]._
Pardue Home Place, located nn the pub.
lie toad leading from !*" udsville Camp I
Ground in a northern direction lolleb.r !
Gu., about 5 miles ninth ofCicvelaud,Ga
Ga. anil bounded us follows: On the
north liy the lands of John Bedford and
R. H. Ledford, on the -last In the lami •
ofW.C. Hood amt Bufor-1 Ledford, on
he south by the lands of Ge‘- Sims and
on the west, by the lands of B. A. Baikcr
John Thom s and being parts ot'
of land Nos, 4 & fl in said 4th. land
district, and more particularly deserihni
according to a plat made by It. F.
Nichols on September 31, 1933, as fot ;
lows: Beginning at » rock * timer 111 !
stump hole common to land herein i
lescrihed and lands of R. it. Ledfor-l ; j
ilienees >utlt 3931 feet; them e svest 3300 '
1626 feet: th. nee them north 3009 feet; thence west j
e north 13 degrees \yert 1
U><> feet; theuce noj tb 20 dig! VtfS \ves**t
ltf .1 feet; thence nf'rth ; dugrv-. > WthS
feet; thenee «t»rtb M .legrces wist 2,1
tlienee n<»rt h ' t degree >, west Mil
j them** north b-S degrees east bm!
tin nee nor* U Oejrrecs e?iet 152
thence m.uth uegj ees i set 238
thence r.oriii decrees east 373
thence n * th 50 deg'i eee 1 ast I 30
theatre u^rt-U 56 degnvrs »<n?t 1 (M)
eel; north Si> deg:? eee 120
thence north 75 <U*^ r 4 *Ci s east ICO
t hvnee m>i t ii SO degfi^es- cast 100
theiie+‘ north OS east 344
north S 4 degrees 8 ih
north ♦ >5 degrees iiiSI 1 -5
thence north bO de- kcc^ cast
K- evk corner in old stump h- i-S. j
point of beginning. Copy of sc,,-,
now being on tile with The Federal ,
Band Batik of Columbia.
The undersigned will execute a ike -
the pmehsser as authorized by th
loan deist.
This 25th day of Sept , 19 ^ 6 .
The Federal Land Rank ef Columbia
If. Edwards. Attorney.
i lie Oldest Bank
Tbe oldest oank in the country, which
is in Boston, was chartered February
17, 1784.
In the 64%. ol banks that are twen¬
ty-five years pld or older is lodged
a major portion of the banking re
sources of the nation. In commenting
recently upou the stability of a great
majority of the banks in the United
States, Dr. Harold Stonier, Fducationai
Director ot the American Bankers As
sociation, said:
"The fact that we have so many
banks that have been in existence b
long period 6 f years is an eloquent
tribute to the genius of American man¬
agerial ability, for no other country
has experienced such wild gambling
eras and resultant periods of business
stagnation as those through which ou.
country has passed at. frequent inter¬
vals during the past century."
New wealth which comes from the
soil is of special interest to those to
whom falls the responsibility of main¬
taining our credit structure.
Unless agriculture is successful farm
borrowers cannot ultimately succeed,
neither can the banks they serve. Fore
closeure sales are not a sound basis for
good farming or good banking. Bank¬
ers, therefore, are as much interested
in the permanent success of the agri¬
cultural Industry as are the farmers,
whether the deposits come directly
from farm patrons, or indirectly
Hirough the ordinary channels of bust
ess.—D. H. Otis, Director of Agrieu!
->•€- American Bankers Assoc is tion.
Tl&lf (Q ETW
Pti£ (^omalete n
Complete tt| eur
' Georgia, White County,
Pet ill 1 ,u lor -iii'-,rce While .
i Giiui-I , Oetoaer T.-Ult i 936
; Mr.-. OH it: Thomas
i Jew it- Thomas
To Jew i 'i'lK.-irutS
; l ■ -u :i re io -1 eby re, j - ’’ ^ ' ii'i.
i by attorney, to be and j-i-e.ii ,i- h
j County the se:‘4>toi Mtinjiny : *>• i*
t n
! next, jo answer the de!‘. UonfiV. lii.-e!
in (It'ta nil ( i ’/} ,Jt;
will proceed itr> to jv\s. d * HI'-"' 1
! VVitiieuA tii-' Honorah:’ '’'*
\ Judg<* ot' said OolIH. Tiii
! of An .193*
\V I!. *' 1 ' ‘ “ cl!
-....... 1
I Georgia. White i’ouniy.
fetit.ion for" divot - Wait
!Court Oct. term i 9 ,6
; Torn Kuykendall
i if re. Tom
j To Mrs, Turn Kuyki. - l.ti.
Volt sre hei sl-r . j : ■ i -* I, pm .s
I or by atfi-riiey, to he ipp-ar at
j next Superior't.'-aifl ' - i.e held in
for said County -n in s.i-.-nd
in Ot'/ibii) next to ansu ei-I lie pet it
libel for divorce. Asia oelanlt
tin - ,,-irt will proceed as io justice
pertain. Witness th*q II■ imniable B.
Gail lari • Jr , Judge .-t, said Court,
Tnis the lOtb day of*Aug. 19;6
AV If, I) ulsev, Clei s
1 Notice Ij Convict Clothing
Manufacturers aBfl Dealers
s-rjii-A Lida vvili be received by ths
State Highway Board of Georgia, 2
! I apito! r-.juare, Atiau 1 a, Georgia, untii
Id o’ci- ok Cot. (i, 1936 fur furnish
i ing six nontb's supply of Cloteing and
Bediliiig, f. ,- b, the following points:
i Leary, F.:u S on, Mu.-ella. ilermlon. So
: al) { Oaiv»4.e \ ilie. Georgia
I Quamitiue given wiiJ be approximate
1 ; unh aud oih-. be m. l eased hu* di erhased
1 : n Hie I- mid secs th. layinenf to be
, !n>l ... , Uxrt v days, ti-,m date of delivery
■md ace- pta-u" of goods. Apply to Geo.
Smith, Fo.n-li . hi, Agent, at the above
; a-ltireK-, tor irUuled - : f-11 i ■** t i * - 1 , ei or any
! otbfci io lr- 1 matior n-edod to submit bids
31-H'* date deliverii-s can be made Right
! i* I'esri ved u, ieje -t any oi alljri.j/i, ami
tu "«i'" all i -rmaiiltes. Contract ot
puri-hwsc awaviia hereto to be binding on
; the Stale Highway Department as swell
, »>"* 1 «»> employee or individual.
1 his n-. Tee jin a*:c -id mi;, e wilh tile A<-|
; df tile bun-rtil Assembly ,-f Georgia, ap,
prov- d August J-». Iy 22 . -Murk envelops
j ’'h>-«h'd hid on Convict Clothing and
Hebiii : t-- I "|ened at 11 o’clock A.
M., (Jet. t'-tli, l9y;l»,
; Stale Highway Ibiard of Georgia
! W, K WtIHurn, Ciittinnau; Max L, Mi;
! Rue, Member, John A Heck, Member
n-pt lyi-i. t;).‘F