Newspaper Page Text
December 7, 1936
J. H. .1 arrard's Store *•* to 1 jO A. ■" ]
Robinson Mil! )<> < ,° “
W.N. Turner’s Store 31 «' i :3<* “
Jim Palmer’s Mill 12 lo 2 ; 45
! Shoal reek Ground • to i T.l
Ashtr.ore’s Store 1 AS ,0 :, °
| J}. T huuiViler’s Store * : 4S i0 - : 5 f '
Hogai'a Store 3 :, ° 1 3 43
harlie Hamilton’s .Store 3T0 t<> /,:t0
[ Meldcan St.-.non 4:20 to 4:10
W if. Hamilton’s Store 4 5o
December 8
Black’s Store to 8:40 A •
(.takes haji 1 School!louse 9 to 8 : 15 A >3 ■
Stovall’s Store 9:30 to 10: “
Leaf Post Office lo;10 to 11 “
barren Mill 11:10 to II :20 “
Tomlin’s Store 11 2s to II :40 “
A. U.
Smith’s V, ill 11 ;00 to <2 :20 **
White’s Store lz;3o to 12:40 “ !
Presley's Store 12.00 to 1:30l’. M. ;
L H. Alexander's store 1:3s to 1 .50 “
tlolcom b Store 1 : 55 to :20
Hulsey’s Mill’s 2:40 to 4:20 “ i
Wofford’s Sidle 8:30 to 4" j
December 9 !
(Mover's Store 9 to 9=3° A M
Teanatee Law Ground ® : 45 t0 tw
Mrs. Merritt's Store ton 5 t0 l0: 3°
Henderson s Store ,0: 45 l ' J 3115
Maloof's Store 11 - 20 to ■
kimsey’sStore 1 ;j :»5 fo 12:30 P.M.
Hickory Nut School House 1 to 1:30
Stovall’s Mill 2!,s 2:S0 “
U. B. West’s Store *3^48 to 2:50
Mrs. W. L. Hood’s Sum: 2:55 to 31I8 “
Sautee Post Office 3 : 3° lD 4
p I. Hood’s Store 4105 to 4:80 “
C M Cooley, 1 '. C.
We will accept from farmers .in
rind of produce ifrown 011 tiiei
' irrn for renewal of their subscrip
ion. or to be added to our list us ■
icw subscriber. We it Ust tin
proposition will uppru' to ever'
Tear Ga> System!
“Tear gas systems have their advan
tag os as self-contained protective units
where outside aid ts Inconvenient or
too remote from the batik to be eftac
ttve. One objection to the use of teai
gas til preventing holdup Is the need ot
pressing a lever or button to discharge
It Although this necessary action seems
too much to expect ot the victims In s
crisis where their lives Rro in jeopardy,
the fact remains that war gas systems
have defeated bank robbery. Its de
terrent value ts also important
•’Different styles pf bandit restating
enclosures are available The lock man
afacturers also produce tlmeloeke
which can he set to open at Intervals ot
five minutes or longer. These 1 » ks are
especially adapted for attachment to
small safes or chests for safeguarding
surplus funds white the bank Is open
fbr business."
Stock of Central Banks
Usually Privately Owned
ift alt the etwunl at praaeni
«t*tetias ther« ar» o81jr four whssc sitor l
6 «wnad by tt»» govornna'iMn Tho a«w
mu central b««k is that «f Oan.rd.t
Hifklcb ope-sei Ita 4«nr» only a few
matMilis ag« aftw a most sxhaustdvi
ftsMQr had b«e« ( wa<t» ftf tltn fliperlen.’e Che j
4 aTt oat-tone w|4* tlw insult that
dtak of the Ba«k sf Ctmed« Is nrtvntelj j
Agrlc . . u'tur. ,, »mt , Ind . 1 ustry , i
Returns for th. ini g.iBiter of MS.!
for iatlust: ial .wporuttons publishing
agarterly reports show net prottti 2!
per cent more than for the same In 1934.
The total farm value of all Important
erops, exclusive of livestock, rose In
1934 to $4,782,423,000, as compared with
f4.134.265.000 iu the previous year und
*3.882.195,000 in 1933.
Local Mows (
Miss Mary Rice, frraudu.uo'itei
Mrs, H. II. Huff, was a guest 1
relatives in Cleveland recently.
She is u inernb.r of the facu'.y s'
River Bend SC- 1 .< ori near G >iiiet
Mi-- Susie Lumsiien, Miss Lizzie
..nd Mis- Je-tiie Lumsden, of
N'acoonhee, were snopj ii g in
icvelaud one last week.
Miss Eula Hulsey, a Crammer
school teacher, of Winterville, Gj
, s at home for the weekend.
Messrs jack liusstili, Powell
Dean Miller, James Cooley and
Riley Barrett, University of Ueor
oia Students, have been visiting
homefolks recently.
Don’t forget the P. T. A. meet
jng in the Cleveland High School
auditorium Thursday afternoon
3 : 3 a
Mr, (jeorge Mauuey. of Atlanta,
;s home for a tew days.
Miss Ruth Maynard, of Winder,
was the gue-ts of Mrs Joe Pci I on
over the weekend.
Prof, and Mas. C. C Blalock
.pent the Thanksgiving holidays
with Mr. und Mrs. lUibtM Lenimer
Several people front Ulevdaur
utended the funeral of Mi-. Join
Naglicb at Mossy Creek lasiSalur
I «y.
Mrs. High, mother of Mrs. She
has returned to tier home at Pal
uietto, Qa.
Dr, L. ( ', Neal is ill at Dow lie , ■
Airs. Bill Russell and son spen
rimuksgiving with parents, Mi.
nid Mrs. \V. 1 Stov.1,1. in Nacoo
Messrs James Telford and Ralpl
[arrard, University of Georgia
students; Messrs Sherman Dixon,
Dewey Palmer, John T Head and
Tom Mauuey, students. at D.dt
lonega, wcic visiting l.outefol,
for Thanksgiving.
Miss Janie Teiiord, teinjhvr o'
Home Economics at WmterviMe
Ga., is visiting her parents.
Mrs. Otts Gastello „ spending .
w is
the weekend with >er mother in
Mr, Alex S. Beasley ^returned to
die home at Dewey Rose, Ga., lor
Cleveland is to elect nMayor ant;
Councilman on Dec 9. Who will
you select (
Presidcut Roosevelt is nowSouth
America attending ^ 1 peace con¬
ference there.
Justice of Peace and Constable
election will be held Dec 5
War clouds in Europe are .hover¬
ing closer than there we in 1914
Book out any time.
Col. J, B. Conyers was elect*.
Commander of Roy Head Post
American Legion Su'urday night 1
llr c E
‘..d l'rof. Shell. Adjumnl. 1 >,
Neal had Ed O’Conner, Slate
Commander, Stanley Jones, State
Adjutant, and Mr. Kelley, 9th
I)i--tj'Ci Commander, present, who
made speeches. They* were well
teceived by some 2o odd veterans.
II 1 You Get Only The Best I
, i J I
I 1 Service as ours is required .it a time when only the *
♦ best should be considered. Ycu get that here. At
I ii I able thesam charges, etime, you will be gratified by the reason 1 i ♦
[Phone 479
1 8
’WhiteCount y,
By virtue of an order- of the Court of
of »aid county, will be sold at
on I cry un tl.e liisl Tuesday in
.1086 at the court house door
said county the legal honrr
of sale to the highest bidder for cusl.
all that tract or] arced of land lying am
being in raid county and in scribed ;i
follows: Part of lot of laud lUHli! vv 75
in the, third land district .1 said county
containing about seventy (70) acre,
more or less and bounded as follows,:
On the north by the land of Miss An¬
nie Glen, on the east by the W. It. C,
Alley farm, on the south by the proper
tic-8 of R. W. New amt the W, li. C.
A [ley farm arid on til - west by the prop¬
erties of Bill Hood, Miss Annie Glen ami
R, tV. New. Said juoperty lie ng ad¬
vertised a? the property of the estate of
0. \V. Oak -8 estate and to In: Bold for
the purpose of paying debts of the estate
and for further distribution among the
heirs of the saitf C, W. Oakes, This
November 5 th , 1938.
Mis, C, \V. Oakes,
Administratrix of C. W. Oakes,dcceasi d
Georgia, White- County.
There will lie sold at the court house
loor in said county on the first I uesda;
in December 1836 within the legal hours
of sale to wit: (bin; blank mare
weight about 1000 lbs, about six year,
old known as the G. B. Bariett inula.Om
No. 1 Gainesvill - Saw Mill known m
lie Mart Bell mill and the lumber ou tin
yard of said mill now located at Tom
Smith’s house on Ge, Tower Co. land.
Also saw timber on lands belonging tc
the Georgia Town ku,, ' v " as lh ‘
•idspei lustier Tomlin, i Martha lomlin, J.m
Pritchett and L:-!cy Moms p area aim
located in Mossy Creek and White < -«ek
District8 of White county. Said pr- per-
13 1 vied on subject to a mnrtgsge nch!
!,y W. J. Tiedey and recorded on page
4()f of book 10. lb cord of Herds
jf Clerk ot said comity to satisfy an exe
oiljon issed from the April term 1986 ot
White Superior Court in favor of Keni
tmer & Trceman against NV. A. Toiuli
this 81st day of Oct. ISjf, Vandiver, Sheriff,
(ieoigia, White County.
YVillhtf eohl at the court house door
in Maid’cnuuty on the tirst Tuesday in
December lt):lt’> within tin* legal lo lira ot
8 de, pi wit: One-half undivided inter¬
est part of lot of land No. 33 in the
•2nd land disu.iiet of Wbi e County. Ga.,
formerly Utu wu ■ s the VV. k
Mill tract, containing 82 acres, more 01
less, bounded ns follows: beginning at
the 101k of the brauch just nortli of the
mill on this tract, thence tip the menndir
,. n(fb of tire l ight baud brunch or < reck
between this property sup that ot W - 3 ■
Allwon and W. H, Bell u«ct te the
bridge on raid said tract, thence neatly
south with the road to the-original Hr*’
to tll „ IK .rib««Bt corner to the branch
Mck, thence down said branch to the
liegitming corner, with all improve¬
ments thereon. Said land levied on as
the property of Mrs, Hattie Nix to
fy an execution issue oa 18lh day ot
October (63t! from the Superior Court of
White County in fawr of O’ H, Edwards
an d Titop. T. Underwood against Mrs.
Hattie Nix This 4th day of Novembw
liijti. Lat Vandiver, Sheriff
Georgia, White County,
Will be sold at the court llOttae <}oou in
said county on the tirst lursday iuDeieui
bet 1836 within the legal hours of sale t
Au undivided one-half inteiest in 11 tract
of land lying and being hi White Omit
ty, Georgia, ooutat iug 884 l 2 acre!
more or less on waters ot theCbuttaiioo
cliee rivet known as the Josiaii Jarraro
farm amt more fully A scribed by deee<
li- ml. L. Met lurry to W. K, McUurri
and Raney McCuliy, dstcd.lamtiuy I9H
1917, und recorded in otftoe or the Clerk
f the Superior Court of White County.
Georgia, in Deed Book page 48 aim
41. with the iinpryivt ineutB tliereou San
land levied on as the property of W. K,
iluCurry to satisfy au execution issuer!
fnmi Halt Superior Court, Hurl County
Georgia. He.:, l*ltb» 1935, in fuvot otMt.
Amanda MeMcMulian, and against W
B 1 MeCurray. Terms of sale cash. Thu
ltie 4th of Nov . 1936.
Luf Vandiver Sbei iff
Georgia. NV bile County.
V. Jj. Meadeis, guardian <>f Tau
waven and Mary Craven Wilson ic,
applied 10 me for discliarge fimn in
guar iiansbip. Tiii» is ttieiet a-e 1
notify alt pel's ills eum-eriied lo tile tllel
objections* if any they have, on or t>e
fore tiie tirri Monday in Heveiaber, iu-x
else said guardian wpt be itiscbar-ei
from his guardianship as applied for
this 2nd day of November ISkiii,
A. b. Dorsey
Gwg’ia, White C uniy.
Whereas* W. B. Meaders, aduiinistrati i
of the estate of Frs. tienelia Cra\ ci
represents to tae eourt in his pelitu*!
duly led and enteied % ou l eror nhat {
it . fully adniiuislet ed saitl vsiutr |
therefore to cite all persons roucem. {
e*i, kindled and creditors, t< show cause I j
it a ns they can, why s id aifidnisti aft-i J
should noi be discliurged from his ad
ininisti atiuH atid rc'N>ive letters oi A d¬
mission i>u the tirst Aiond&> in Decernb- i
1936, This *2mi day of November 1 djO, *
L. Dorsey
Ordinary of Whitt County, Georgia,
Georgia, White County.
To whom it 111 ty conceit,:
Nm e is hereby given that Mrs. (
H . V it~, administrator of C. AV
'Vtiiie -ceased, having appl ed to me
by p-tition furleav to sell the real es
-it*. ,.f s , id v'. W. While, deceased, ar:,i
tiiai an orrtci ivas imele thereon , t
Jiovemliei* lllytj tor citation aii'l tliut
citation issue all the tieiis a: law an0
orediti - of the said C. W. White, de
ceased, will take notice that 1 wilt pass
upon sc . application at ihe itecernber
l ■ •- m lli'ttj of the Court of Ordenary of
Whifc county, and that unless cause is
shown t<> (Jik contrary at said time said
leave will be granied. This November
•2dd, 1930.
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary.
I wish tor the pee pic ot tliis lec¬
tion to know iiiuc they can get
their shoe repair work done t m\
hop while von y Wait. I h, - e one
ot tl.e most im-to-ibite , slice
f 1 re
J pu'ci.Ru iu this section and. I*.tv.
teceiiUy employed an expert at
1 repair Your business wiii be up
j : ,jj-, Mted
Uleveland Shop Shop
V\ . J. Tow, Prop.
1 The Roy llend I’.-st w culling a
, , 8 V
, ,penial meeting Sox. *2l M.
| 11 1 ile Gourl House. All tilt: L’X
service men are quest eJ 11 at
(coded. .
j v-'C%a*e:»s.‘ee:
fesue Book Describing Causes,
Ravages and Means of Pre¬
j vention of Erosion
MADISON, Wise. Under the title
, “Protecting Investment
; Values in
Land," the American Tankers Asso¬
! ciation Agricultural Commission has
j published a booklet dealing with the
conrervation of soil resources as a
j pressing “Careful national pnddem. indicate
estimates that 750.- .
j OOO.ijuo solved. are tons carried of soil, off suspended to the sea and each dis¬
j year by running ater,” the coin mis
j v.
j slon’s book declares. “An equal amount
j removed from Us source Is left en route.
This means a total of 1,500.000.0(30 tons,
equal to approximately one ton for
cacti acre of land in this country. The
Soil Conservation Service estimates
1 that 35,000.000 acres have been ruined.
"There aie 125.000.000 more acres
j that ! wo lost the valuable topsoil, and
i It Is estimated that still another 100
j million acres are being converted into
narg cal or sub-marginal land, bring
, | Ing disaster to those trying to eke out
a living, from erosion enfeebled soil,
j and oration, threatening since these ruin destructive to the next forces gen
are going on at an increasing rate.”
In a chapter devoted to control and
: preventive for soil losses it !
j j describes terracing, strip cropping,
wind tregion control, gully control and t
th*> cor.trol of losses from leaching.
• Other chapters are devoted to soil ‘
j resources, the toll exacted by soil ero¬
j sion. methods for keeping soils produc
tive, state and national uses for non :
| agricultural land, forestry in a soil con- j
j j serration program and wild life in a ;
land use program. The booklet de j
rcribes in detail the marshalling of I
many forces which is being brought !
about under the leadership of the Soil j
Erosion Service to meet this national !
problem. i
Soiiee To Wliol-iile Groceries, Meal Packer |
And stock feed Mills and Dealers
SesieG ‘-Ms? wi!; Lo receive-1 by the
Into H iyhw ay 1> 'at I *»t Gooryia - Cap I i
a’;*.. until ](• j
pM*k A. M. aSov. t ti , 1.‘t* f«)j* fur
niMhing ^«*o.u;*ricJs. «u].»[*]io8 and food tVn i
luonlh <>i Hed vuri*ms couvit t o.ainpih j
iiHiintaiiD d saiii Board, bid Mauk
4ti«i fall Hit •! iaati<oi at> t*» qiumtilior* aiai !
*eiivo!\\ points cat: tw obUuneo from tlu j
Puiehasiuj, iiojuu tinoi»t at ilie ahovt- ad- !
dress. Cm f>\x 1 bliiiiks must tw tistal ii i
submittiu: unii?. Vii\ mu i a to L.e in jit n
30 tr**» viat t* of 4 ifllV Ji lid JiCCtij
tatter <0 j.Dtril • G<)4>l iu Hist be etii ini i*
or btttter than th at UN «d h v th e H tg i; w ay
Boa 1 ti ami toiim 1 s;iti>taul A TV • ^ ) a t j t -
shown W*' ’Ailii ate* t l* Iy
iHitv bu incr ^ . t r dtmi 1 t’HH ot a» th
ihnu ii sees ‘ ' is 1 V.itT
ject any und ;;ii : Tiui to w ii i v. e ; t
tV*i malitiv s. C DIllVJi .Ul ot l-Uit ■ b .ae
4wards pur'su.i■ here totC » b< bnuin li fc 0! ‘
i Ht? feint m : iii. L \ Ih 'I 'lil l Hit* HI ;tS so ch
nid not o; hmn employee nr individi ai i
ibis notice is in aceoro nee with th« Act |
d the General Assembly vl lieor^ia, aj>
proved A iig - -6 t-’--. Kiivelope uius
be marked ,k > l-d bid t»> be opene Nov
State Ui^Hwav^Board of Georgia.
\\ . K. W ibufii, v halt man; xhui i,. ;
McRae, Memb r. John A. 11* ck, Meud>4 >
Oct - 30, i id;6
’< -i
"•^-0 .#/:
; %' ■
ftHERRIES v> round in this ara cowirry. cyten m isrind- ya*r
; ing February, but (ten jpeat oi
their consumption pr•)»•'*ly <y »m
in this famous *orv*k »nt tmly
because it is the naoUi oi 0*er?t r
Washington’s birt.hauy m« we are
reminded of the s4«ry oi Ms
truthfulness about the dMi .y tree,
but because “red” is a pretty
color to put in parte S*o4* for St.
Valentine’s Hay *i*l IdwcVn s
birthday. A National Civarvy Week
is held annuallv. foewi Fefcmary
fifteenth to Febrawry twenty
second, thie yea», at a Ha»* whe*
housewives are > i»« w » too, tr
putting bohi'- trait fate tka diet
to offset the tfenrt* of tk« m«w
sarily heavii wtotwr
A Thrift Sewortuwity
with the «trre»; mUm of
c; . ■ rh*f»*es it ts a »*eti time
i(-i « txr "‘v "iwieewife t* stock
ot a w» .-;♦•/ of tkoat. There
an* two prwiosjw i t»e« ef 4 - »w and itmi Thn e
are b' h We e k uni white twee
ckwiTi.x. B u rnt otmrim are red.
'file in net abaadent tea-jt tv*» !
oheorie* am the Biajf a»d Wtnd
sor, asst the aeost tnimims wiw«
ones are the Reyxsl Aimes. Sher
otbarrlee are awaaiiy efcfher Rkh
meed «r UnnbmommLcr. Swewi
♦herrie* am waned aafitted. Scan
cheeria* ar* «Jways e«a»#d with
the pita r*niwr*d_
This Is a good ***sfm. loo. to
cheek up »* rear etierry roripea.
and in eh* sure them iaetude xome
of the best ar,.-s «l xerrfag theae
fnitte. The iron fhorrtes arc de¬
licious rjeri deooratiye for is«e in
salads, and the soar are grand
for making cherry puddings and
also for serving with meats when
their tart flavor is needed.
Hera arc two pew eberrj
# A £
** ‘Si -J.\P
jtW. t
kyD ?:i
TT'S just an old Amor., in c
-«■ tom, this Thanksgivinc ritual
but it's one to b* poor, i of. T
long may it endure! And <u 4’t !e,
any modern dietitian talk : 1 o..
substituting baked fish for .<fti.ii
turkey, or fruit souSes for ; '
kin pies. S- rve a on -i andr
percent Thanks*tying dinner. 5 -
select foods which can be .
also for a la*»r buff >t snpper.
For no matter how adequat
the dinner, there’s going trj ■»,- ;
supper. You know that. You
know that akw.g lat, in me e -
ning, memories of >hat iei 'er.
savory turkey and Shat me i
spicy pumpkin pie are, going j '■
lead thankful foBts toward the u
frigerator—for just a bito more.
Ways and Means
If you have simplified you”
menu so that one cooking wiii;
serve both meals—the dinner nnk
the buffet supper— then insten':
of being the harried hostess you
can be your own guest for supper
You can linger by the filekerinf
candlelight ove. good food ant:
good talk. linking up memories o' ■
other happy Thanksgivings with
these fleering ones, and you cai:
l '1 y honkful.
'■ ■ > ’ wn to ways anc
Bier ! i ‘>e turkey of
cour. Then order a turki thai
is sufficiently large so that yin
will have two cups of diced cola
turkey left over ttf mal e a deli
clous turkey and rice assorole
as the main dish for your buffet
There will be celery alsfi to add
to the turkey dressing. Reserve
the celery hes 'ts to use as one of
the appetizers for the evening
There are many salads that can
be tossed together with remnr-nts
®f the Than, sgiving dinner, but
perhaps you would like to make ■
a selatin salad a whole aajr before
| I rear pee which you will be glad t*
add t* y?m r repertoire' line:
Baked Cherry Put Cream
together tour ta»ie*ipoens butter
] ami add three
r mo' enp '-uig.ti.
timrihe tup oC milk alternately
with tbe falovria^ ifted dry in
jgredtwits: one aad mc-hait of baking cups
Sour, twv* fe.»*^e*Ba
powder aed oae-dmrUi teaspoon
sait. Pour iutu x battered baking
dish. MeauwhS* boil together Tor
5r« niaute- !«.» uentents of one,
j No. 2 wi «i wlhted red cherries.
| oae-hsirf ta# swgar and two tea¬
spoons -rated < range rind. Pour
, rhis on i p of the batter, and bake
fer :i Seat Ikirty sainutes in a
mod m vm—359 degrees. The
wifj. rise to the top, the
'ids and synp sink to the
* SstaariMr i soij of sauce.
oh* uwstoo down and serve
with pfcmtv of cream. This
•f ■ « *145411 perRctj*.
j ■ *> y '>« r h M Puddings:
J' vtr t-mo ot hot milk over
»p neg of dry bread crumbs
which ye fairly fine. Add one
alt c%;i nt *u*ar and two table
por»-» -urji t«r. Let soak for five
.jrhutU Ti>en . add the lightly.
' -aten -'ks. of three eggs, and
■nr k 0 a buttered pudding
d.-sh. K ;« h» a slow oven—275
■n WW , , ->ia»—for from forty to
fifty ml rrtan. or until a knife, In¬
ferred. xwtea uat clean. Mean
j w'flle 2 of t*e pitied eentents red cherries of one
:v n
witi i >e-£ourths cup of sugar
usttl t ryrup is thick, then cool
When the ptldding is
done *«j 1 this cherry mixture
on >* y -v«r with a meringue
made hreo egg whites and six
:abiw* s of sugar. Return to
ihe r» 'nr abo’it iftaen minute*
or unt ,he meriague is firm and
delii blown. Serve cold. This
orvfcs ght persona*
>■' ■ ’ i and put ft in the ru
igera a ready for Thanksgiving
veil” •/.. A very delicious recipe
* t hi . sort of salad follows.
Preparedness Counts
Y'v tart shells for pumpkin
• - r be made a day in ad
Go. Then when you make
■ ' i-umpkln filling for the din
: • v pie. make sufficient to fill the
:rf shells for the buffet dessert,
lobo’ving recipes serve eight
r rsons:
Celery Hearts
It aferitrelon Pickles
Pur key und Rice Casserolm
t -olden it an >1 Salad
fluttered flatter Rolls
Jellied Pur ;>kin Tarts
Co pee. Cider or Hot Chocolate
i ir'key v f Pu r Casserole: Put
, ;• >te i.iyer-; of rice, turkey
lia ’ a 1 a iseroie, starting
and ein ■ wiib rice. Use three
I>c:!ed rice, two cups
'3*3 tun! “v and one-half
Clip -aid ham. Dust the
buy* '■-tly with ,a 11 and pep
per, " "ve; the t: ntents of one
Ipo cart of cream of mush
"P. aiid cover with but
' :rt ainbs. Heat until well
-cil in a hot oven. This
bora! -d ings tor eight.
(j PCa Harvest Salad: Soften
me tai'U •;:<;»on of gelatin in four
.’.blespcK.ns ^ of roll water. Dis-.
•> w’nil one-third cup of sugar
: • and . 0-: birds cups of boil
waici’. Add one-fourth cup
‘gar. three-fourths teaspoon
• r .ud p-.<d until it becomes as
it V as Ip-nay. Then add the con¬
ic of . .. j 1-ounce can of diced
r.-;-. -half cup diced eucum
c rs an;! -vo tablespoons diced
rev .> ers. Turn into eight
adividua wet molds and chili,
erve or -i s p lettuce hearts and
irnish ' Ji mayonnaise. Or you
.ay serv on the same plate with
ihe turkey casserole.*