Newspaper Page Text
AnJ Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
Sealed bids will bo received by tjw
State Hhhway n mid of Georgia.!! Ch|»I
t >1 Sqvu-1'W. AflatYfu, Georgia, IJ'.]til lb
o’<]|oc.v a! M. Fob, 24, 1W.7 f"<- fu>
nUblng g-r u-er ies, Btijqdies ami fowl fo
month <>f Molt. v'.U’i'uiH uufivii t -
maintain'*! by said Board. bid blank
.nul full inf >1 malion aw l" q'tanfilh-B avo,
delivery point* «*:i bn obtains* from «'•»
i cliaaii, g 1 )epa'1ment ad he iduive it ?
iIk ss. Out bbi blank'-, mum b« use!
submiltitu' Ill'll fu - mont' I" "t! i:ni
bib days fr.'i-date.-A d.div<-ry nul m
tonne of (joct-. Uoo.t" must bo eipi'i l"
bc.lU*) than tbai n- "! fbo High
,;,,aid au>l f"uvi Mt" i 'lory, yuan!'
,\6 shown aim a|<|iro*tiuate Only a*"
may bo ill or -need or d- i t-at-. b no t b>
Board scon lit Bight is reserved l <»«'•*
ject any arid all bids and to waive a
ormaliti-.H. Cimlrm-t. of 'purchase
awards herein v> bo binding on
t no Hint a Higbwty Department as with
and not on any employee of individual
fiiia notice is in a-v-ordaiu-* with the Act
of thr General Assembly of Georgia, ap¬
proved Aug M im. Krivelop* must
!>«• marked **» ■< )-<> bid to beupeno Mch
Stine I Iignwny Board of Georgia
L. Mill it , Glir to., /. L All.s, Jo><"
A. Heck, Meiub- Fell. 6, lfai7
Georgia, While County.
Pursuant to an order granted by ih
lodge of the. Superior Court oj mod
jOUltfy on the pe'i ion ol ileleu L.itik lot
partition will be soht before the eourl
House door in slid county on the briC
I’oeaday in April JSM 7 witltiu the legal
tioare of sale to the hi. Ii-'hI, bidder for 1
ash the following described property to
wit: Parts of lots of laud Nos. 04 and
75 in the Third land dislri, t of White
C.mety, t«»., fontui K known as the
,reel! hotel property but more recently
known as the Alley hotel property in
V*c tielte« Valley containing fourteen
1, ret! more or leee and whereon there is
a hot -1 and outbuilding eonnetpud there
with, eaid property fully desert lied in a
deed from Lit Vandivi-i Sheriff to R, L,
formerly Sujd. of Banks representing
■Vhite County Bahk dated Sept I t, HKhi^
ind rec n-iled iu ilesd book ll AA" pages
t.,j 1 and 41 1 Clerk’s Office White C'ouniy,
Li. Said eale is subject lo dm confir¬
mation of tbe Judge of theSupei iOiCoi. t
,,f White county, Hn. at the ApiU term
tiieroof 1 »U 7 . This the Srd, day of Al<
U 37 .
, 1 , M., Halcomb, W. House, J• U
>V bite Com mlesionere
MltjorDugu-i exj< i.idt i in Heart
newspaper. The ,Su«d;iv Anieri
c tit, The Sunday gVtneritfun,witirb
w is ttgiti st President Roosevelt
a id Gover nor Rivefs, VV but were
b . trouble? What were a* reasons?
Did |he ... Rivers
not support :tt
\\ idle C unty r \V by the changer
What Is Due on JSubscriplioii
Please Pay Us Now
C run try D at: ter Gives Sinipll*
i c,’ Picture of How a Bank
Vi or! s to Help Other
Pcjp! i’s Bu*‘nes*
Hi rot’NV.". Y I) '■ ■, 1 recently pro
f - pared the- Li’-lowhig simplified
s *:i er.iont ‘nr i r. ‘.''b-or.s op Just
1 , c-\ u )>• k 'toes .-mont helping them:
;; i> <hv* r-n-.u li'tpiiii'ant part of a
■ !■ "ss to ban) money. Of all
mom - i ■ p.'cMi'it in a tiaiilr, fits
av.- requlr-', th-.t a ".M'ain percentage
>„' It-'pt on ban.! as a r -rarvr to merit
(, e.f (b-p.i.-itoi-s. ft. ts the
v-i.uiv.j, of its offlt-.ers to lend the bat
.. e eon rvattvely and safety.
rtu» loans .? a pro!)' rly managed
,:,a- luvarfnhiy made <0 those it
..,,j ;i ' ( iv- to repay, an.I always
m;< . not: inn thru they he repad at *
.<•. mtutlc'l time.
■: .(, .. of an individual te re
■ ." a Umo 10 a bank o~- •' certain date
,, . u . r . ;>y tnviobi do as the protn
n t» it-. n :o repay Its depositor* on
jr it::;ist, or. tn the rase of a certificate
u cr- ,;s for the ehuttsca tn pub¬
lic .:i 1 ording tonka reported by
.. ,.s -more than one or
i .is a word to say about tha
.'• 1 ., ; .•;;!! tgutiiors Association adver
U 4 irg "J edit!-rDtonal material,’’ the
r.'Pt~s'ii» says.
it :.;us in Uduitiou the benefits
d the . - .’ Dc.;u.sit Insurance Cotp
o.ab-.j in u v e.-aergency, improvement
iu the ,* • : business situation, the
wee Rug ou- of weak hadks and the
h; -ling 4101 Atyrtutn
“Tar respond to the survey can he
put down as ea>enraging and intermit
.ivc." the ata Jin.- cotv ados. “It Uoiill
out the di unite hope that ivitb s eon
t.huaaee of a cooperative, educaiiinat
attitude on the part of the banke t the
rest 0: the journey rack to normal may
well he completed in the not too 41 a
U-at future
In The District Court Of 'Die United
felatr* bn Th i Northern District of
Georgia Gainesville Division
tJ oiled Stfit.ii of America No. 181 At Lav.
714.00 A itch of Land it.
White County, Gh., B. 8. ■
Coker, and Mis. K. 11 . Bbaw
;t Prom-ed ing to Condemn Laml
X»ti. to the following persons, arms, j j
Mid or (.’.upMalians who are known ami
Hail to .v»ile ou'siie Of the
Sia'.-i of l-SuorgiH, to.vvit:
M, I'.. U 8 •«» -»• Ur ' ,wn
n,e f.,lb-wing perwma, firms, and or
portions, whose resiliences are i
known and who are themselves wholly
unknown, lo-wit: |
N The following person*, whose real- -
don-res am unknown or their heirs at law,
who aud residences are wholly
Ma y Canvtp, William W. Craig, Join.
8. Fain, J. V. Fain; VV. M, Haynes 5 K.
K. Kieist-f, John K. Ledford; Nancy Led
ford; Chari I, I). Mattli ws, Jr., Charles
Roberts; Louis Robinson; Mrs. Carrie
81 aton SeaLdt; Williuu Slaton; White
Comity Bank stockholders i< Credit- rs.
lb) iLdr* at law of the bob.wing n.un
j'eti jwrsouB, succ.-seors and assigns
, lj{j , w| (jorporattons, whose
j names and residencee art uuku /\<n.
! 10-wit:
Thomas Allison; Sarah A, Alien; Fran
eb, Bird; Jam s Carlisle; C. 8
Arnbros' H.iinmon*; iijiekud Hawkins.
ICiijab Rowiion : George W..Slabm; ISritoim
y purloek ; .Janies Stephens; Georgia W. !
A N J)
1 , an an ; 1 very person unknown or
kti.avu, vvlio clniina any right, title o»
uitts:eat in deseril.ied lands 01 U>*
iuiids which may bo paid into the Court
as t he result of this proceeding, whethei
under or in right of any of the above
minimi or othorwi-e,
You And Ketch of take You arc that reijuiied j
and admouir.bed to notice l.iie •
United States Inn til- d 11 petition in the
District Court,of th« United Stales fo)
Northern Hwlnct of Georgia, Gaines
yille Diyiaion , to eondemn ? 14 fill Wires
.if land, baing liuid_ in parts of Lots tiD
uni ho, District ;l, parts of Lotn 30 and
:t, District 4 , iinchpaut of lot, 5 , District
t| Section I of White County, t.l< orgia,
aggregating i' 14 . 1 ? 1 ) tvem* of land, more
or Jess,
This matter will be heard in thel'nitcd
Mutes Court Room at Atlanfo, Georgia,
h i the J 7 'lay of Mill'll, T‘ 37 , at K'.OO
o’clock, A, M, If you are eithei of you
lave, any lights in Hie premises or di
sire to-be beard in the matter, you are
r, quired then amt there to make qnown
,0111- objeutfdns, if iiny, your el.iiins as
',0 tlie value ot the property <>r >our re
,,p ctive interests tin rftin, or ii> the. funds
arising therefrom, ot nny other mutters
material to youi respective rights tn the
ptoJK-rty sought be condemn,..Jp.ith-r
wise the Court will prni-i-ed as law tit a
justice may nppeiUin.
y, m will, Therefore, Take Notice.
in witness whereat 1 have hereunto set •
liiunl and ... nlhxud , the seal . ot , the ,, stud . ,
iu v
i; nited Statins Distiict Court, at Atlanta,
'Hits 25 th day of Felmiaay IbliV,
J, D. Steward
tberk of the United Slates District Court
for tlio Northern District of Georgia.
By C. A. McGrow Deputy Clerk,
(S al)
Georgia, W hie i
By virtue of an order of granted the Court of j
,intinary of arid county, upon j
ii.,' applii:ilion of F. it. Alton, at uil
miuistriit.oi' of f.ha estate of M, 0. Allen ,
d. censed, la, e of sajn county, to sell the
binds of skid M, C, Alien, deeeaecd, for
tins .purpose of paying debts and distri¬
bution, there will he sold before, the court
house door, at public outcry, to the high¬
est bidder, it the tovvu of Cleveland, be
»'!»-u the legal hours of sale, on the first
Tuesday 111 Apr ip l!lj7 as the pi ipe.rty of j
eart dc, casco, tiic following describee!
Un is to wit: Furls of lots of land nutr
infra 63 , fi'J • r-7, and 68 in the fourth land
oi-'.i'ii'.t of-aid 'tounly, containing about
ph* acres mo te -r less auul bounded as
lotions; m. the north by the ‘lands ol
u i e. Brotheis mel Mis. Ida K Ftn.w,
> jiiecast i>\ v . \V„ M b . 8 . b and I- .
t' Vilen, on the s-iutlt C. W. M t... *. .S.,
„ud F D. All. n ami on tde west by ■! . lb
\\ inklm. containing about. 200 acres »i"je j
. less and known a- the M. (’• Allen
liomn l’iac< in Blue Ridge diat'kt ot
u'bitt! t ouitty llentgia. Terms of sale
b 1 ti. Tilts 'he loth day of March 1037.
F. J). Allen, •
A luo. the t-Gb.e of U. C.
it,, gk, W.. • County.
■ whom .t- may coiiOi j: >.
\otice is hereby |gtvtn tbst Paul
ti is administrster Of J. B. Dyer, dv
.-ed. having appli-d to me by j»e- j
1 ion for leave toned the real estate of
1 Dyer, deceased; vud that a:t ordecr
s made thereon ‘ the March 1 t-rtn,
for citat:. an-: that ^ itatiou issue;
' o I'.eb-s at dm .,r,,t cnCdu-s :-f vhv
,i,.i. 8 Dyer, deceased, will take
,.,. t that 1 w-il pass upon sciit npduca-
1-11 at 1 he April I'm 111 HR;, of the Coutl
q ;iua v f County ; atm mdcss cause is
o .,t u to ue central} at said t:u,c, said
u w.U be graiuep. This the 1 st day
t .j.tich c'h<
A. L. Dorsey. Ortiinsty
E s •* \n 'w<ai.. ,2 , I] /kws
M«| ■ r«tul Multi IV V >* 1 . .i w
ployVrd 4f i'u the Highway Do;
men* ■ MticSt'ii
Ytr, F. Mott. e I: t
W e?kvr>ti -wt>l. i.D 1 i y.
Alujpf !>..«'.* nod l.tmt f
Wl-ek-tlul J., f. ttvortiui.
Ml. Marvin Turner Ml V, ,.|*
“ay lor '.Vest Vtrg:...i. .
h/.»- secured employm, ;.-•
Maunev .
f°‘ .. P'.rt weeK wk . ra.,
M r . R ,lph Jirrani -peuf u
weekend ia Cleveland With f
Mrs. j , C. Patiduii ;;u4 vJ
of At hens, art* «pending thtf , W et
witii iter tuoU-er, M1 a. Al«». D
sd n,
Flic C, VV. O.tke-, * om in
coocbee V alley was sold tdt*>r
to Mr, Kufii .tmi of I-*n'itir>“e--;.
ilie bij^luvny m tci. ttnecv u.w*i
Unicoi Gap cotivict cuctp bus
;novud to ' Ki,bu » K ” 1U ’ >’ 1
! > ; »ve rem lined in .Wl-tte t
It takes ac- m fo Ret i n.pnow
lie U . O. VV . wu ;am
isc and 3rd Saturday surLi 111
Vinf>oi)io Hull at J> P. \i.
Mr-, fi. D. Rivers bad
with Dr, uiiii Mrs, I., t> \ca;
iiay last week.
Mr, Frank M, W oilord. .-if (. n
tutioogu, Teim., is visttmo
otother 111 daw. Mr I. Wright
:ll Shoal Creek.
N itiottal Commander liar:
Cniutety, ol the A met> I. gt.ra,
wilt be iti A1 Innta M ti,tb jot; ,\il
veterans .oe uiv ited.
According to the Pn-t Cotrtnturi
•let, Col. Conyers, those pre-eid
u;ted on ;iiu foliovvh.R: Voterl to
buy and pie-i.nt a li tR to tin: schoo
v .ted to sponsor the nevviy >..-t
gantzed Hay Scout l ump inl'ieve-
111 ( 1 ; voted lilOelit'Rs t" be bold
8 :3c) P. M. im J 1 .mo t>r,u Sutttr
day- at tile Cieveittml H'gb Schoo
V our C'ltmnunot-t i- a
a'ontletnan mul a most eflictenj of
ticer. You slioulal utteud tlicse
iiu-etiiiRs a ltd criopera'.e with yum
’ nninaiider,
Please pay u- im mediately
tlat we can pay puopie vve ovva.
A , ou have . jalht , u d y< vr crop -ami
received u spiendid price, -n p ease
i-ni’t hesitate in seet"g it- at. once.
\V e need ttie money utd a-k that
come mound and see us m
once. Pit-a-e don’t tty to ii in
irm,lid the router- to nils- u
White County
Will be sold before the « -urt
>u H aul County cm the ii' -t lit. --Gy >
April lilt$7 within the ie'gal bolus df,
to the highest bidder for va.-h cast ,
following described property >" wit
Tne mtneial interest only ir. pm is of
Nos, 1!*2, iGO, 1 c,I nr Mie^tbiid ianu
of said I'suutv , amt parts ot be
imbers 2 and 2 Jn tin i'ourth bind dis
of said coiinty, eoutaiiiin;; n, t e ag
egate :‘d" acres more r : - a...
metal inter i-rein adven :,-e : b t !„ j
is fully dt"u '. died iu Uie the toliovv* j
Deed from If L, Hat per !" U A dger,
! :i, the t,'leik's tifii: e <-f said j
in deed recorded Book *'f‘ pages '
I 5 -U;! Deed itvuii W T. Clark to R A.
rheordetl as above in IX.■ d *
-1 pages 133-534, Ret c . ,. i ,i
k to t" R A. Alger re.-e:,1 1 "i
in tleeti tv.-cd b, , k *'i ' i ,.t
in e deed from J. !.. PiU'd'o- :■ 1!. \.
Ugcr tecoftled as above in vb-o,: r-
»"'k "1}’, papgcs 4 op yiiti.
All tin' above deeds c-urcev be'
ir,-crest only and will lie to ■ , m
refered and by Jefcr ii e ts ruie !
part nt Uie description of t r pi-i'] rt v ;
Said mmeriil iutereal Icvit on a the ;
of R, A. Alger estai to s: i> is |
ti fas issued by G. M. v ‘ 1c V .
Hector of said nouuty fo- Stale
taxes for the years It* t: 1 ;, ,r
Hits Mai :h tb t»j7.
Lot Vnudiver■. Sheriff
Court of tirdinary, >i, a. iotn,D'.;7 j
ibe apptaisers up. ti up;b ... e , j
G. \V. (takes, tt Hi >w id sat.; G. t
widow of suiti C. M do- ~ i, ., ’
uioiiUis’ support Tot berscl., nm-i
tiled their ieturn; ail perso:..- - -r- i
a".od het ’ \ fete citert to slo-w , ;. -e. it .
they tiaur, ;l the next ripiiiar A; ii
of tliis Conn, why su'd applica* j
• t 1 should mb be granted..
A, L, Dorsey. Onnuary. j
; al) advantages—you
VATVS.IN-H^AO EHGSNI sacrifice nothing when BRAKES
— you (With D<niblp~ArtleuJat**i Shoe Linkage) 8r**t
NIW ALL-SUINT, buy 1937 Chevrolet
(With Solid Steel Turret Top and with New High-Compression ALL AROUND
j Unisteul C'MTatruetion) (at
no extra cost)
(at no extra cost) (at no extra cost)
feturral Minors Instaflmtnt Plan CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION *JCne»> Action and Shockproof
m—tntiiUhiy pay 11,ruts js> jiitf ytfiu General Motors .Sales Corporation Sirtr'nf an Master f>« I.h*«
purge, DETROIT, MICHIGAN tnadcls only.
Barrett Motor Co
Farmers, Housewives, Employees £
Protest Chain Stor r< r?n i ax
'■? WE-!
|#|# IS St
- • ; u f 'A mi I
s ’ % ■ b: tm Y-My"-5
! *
at. m
«- mm k *"
Jgfilai :
a • >- - m&mii
Biggest crowd in State's history . wins Senate Chamber and overrn ■ «tr Capitol, protesting ugain.-t
passage of proposed Chain Store Tax bill. Farmers say they will ’ -se h market. Housewives say
»ill increase eoet of living. Cb3in Store employees say if Chain Stores .cstroyed, they go on relief.