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And Stock Feed Mills and Dealers
| Sealed bid# wiil be waived by l
State Highway 0»ar.l <d (<isorg-ia.2 Cat
r, >1 Square. A'Urdu, Georgia, until 1
o’clock A. M. Pel). 24, 1037 for fur
n lulling groceries), Biippliea and feed foi
month of Mch. various convict camp*
maintained tiy naul Board. Bid blank
tmi full inf nmation a» to quantities an.i
lelivery points can be obtained from th
Purchasing Department at the above a i
dress. Oui bid blanks must be used i:
suhuiittinc bids, Payment to be main
l HO days Irani date of delivery and aceep
! :ance of good :. Gwiiis must be equal t>
| ir better than that used b) the H/gliwa>
j Guard and found satisfactory. t-juanl'
I is shown .re approximate only ami
may lie increased or as tin
Board secs lit Right is reserved to re
ject any and all bids and to waive al
oriualilKS. Contract of purchase
awards pursuant hereto to be binding on
toe Hlate Highway Department as such
and not on any employee or individual
This notice is in accordance with the Ac
of the General Aswtmbly of Georgia, ap¬
proved Aug dti mi. envelope inns
be marked “Sealed bid to be opens
State Higuway Board of Georgia
\V. L. Mill r, i lii-'m., j LGilles,
A. Heck, Me>nlies Feb. 6 , 1H37
j ieorgia, White County,
j Pursuant tu an order granted by to
1 fudge of the Superior Court of said
jouuty o>i the peli iou of Helen Bank to:
lartitidh will be sold before the court
louse do n- in s lid county on the iirsi
fuesday in April 1937 within tlie lega 1
(Ours of sale to the highest hidd>*r toi
ash the following described property
.vit: Parts of lots of laud N-- dp
,"5 in the Third land dietri.-t. of VV
druety da furmcrl.i kiuiwn as lie
ireeu hotel property but more le.—ni!,
vnown as tils Alley hotel prop - ty :i,
fftc locnee Valley containing t
lores more or less iiu-l whereou tliere i.
. iiol -1 and out building cornice 1 t.d Uiei
vith, said property fully deco-in 1 in n
iead from Lat Vnndivei Sheriff to it. L.
formerly Supt of Banks represent y:
Vhit# County Batik dated Hep! l-i,
tnd rec .riled iu dead book “l -V pages
.pi an I 441 Clerk's Oiiice W nito County.
4a. Said sal is subject. u the r. u'i
,ia icn of the Judge "f tlo Snpt-i it * , 11
White county, Ga. at the April term
hereof 1937. This tile 3rd, day of Mch.
J, M, Halcomb, J. Vf,
V kite Commissioners
ieorgia. White Ib.unty.
Will be sold before Uie con-l
lour zu said Louuty on ihe first Iu s lay
n April D. 4 J 7 within the legal hoots o'
He to the high'‘#i bidder lor ca.- 1 cask,
t, re foil iwing de. crioed property to wit •
The mineral iiL.ei eat, only in parts 0
UlidNos, 1D2, IfiO, 1<H in the third Dri :
listnet of said csunt>, and parts id l-' ,: -•
j-imbers 2 and 3 Ja the tom th laud dis
rict of said county, containing iu the ag¬
gregate 517 acres more or less, Sa
uineral interest herein advertised 'if i.-.
>obt is fully described iu t.he the ioiiow
ng deeds:
Deed from IL L. Harper to R. A.Alger,
v erded in the Clerk’s Ottice ol sai.
county in deed rec .-riled B ok “I" pages
115-413 Deed irom W . T. Clark to li. A.
ylger recorded as ab.-ve in Deed Record
100 k “I” pages 533-534, Deed from J ■ J
diLktoto R, A Alger reeetded as
»: ve in deed re-.-oul Book “I 4.13-434
,nd in a deed from J L. Fai-uue to K, A.
tiger recorded us ........ x:. deed record
baok*‘IJ’, pnpgoii 45i>-4dO.'
.aR the above deeds convey the miner-
1 interest only and wdi 1.-, found in the
ecort’.H z efered ami by jei. . »nte i.- madt
part of the descrzptzoi; of the pz iperiy
ie.e,ln advertised,
Said mineral interest J vied, on rt:-tlie
iroperty of R, A, alget estate to satisfy
.’at fi fas issued by O. M. C.-i lev. 1 ax
J .’lector of said y.o|e-y Slate and
Jounty taxes for the years ’ 4- H‘35 ,D0
lii .'iii.
This Mai eh fi. tfiyT,.
Lot Yaudiv •->-, SherHf.
White Court f Ordinary, -■( 1
The appraiser*-: upon a,.pi cation
Mrs. C. Vv, (lakes, widow ut said C. VV
)■- widow ot t • tv. Oake* tor a ;
welve months’ support for herself,
ng filed their return; ail persons CO 11
:« 1 ned hereby are cited lo snow cause,
any tHey baur, at ihe t.ext . ..-gular
Arm of this Court, why said
tion should zioi be granted..
A. L- Dorsey. Ordinary.
What is Due
Please Pay Us Now
R ad The Courier
In The District Court Of Tie United
Slat'-s For The Northern District of
Georgia GaineevHle Division
\ Untied States of America No. 1S1 AI Law
7 1 4.HO Acres of Land in
White County, (hi., B. S.
Barker andMrs 1J. 11. Shaw
I j «t, al. Proceeding to Condemn Land
Notice 1o tlie following persons, firms,
mil or Corpt'oations, wiio ate known and
who in sai l to reside outside of the
| Slates Of Georgia, to-wit:
Mrs, K. II- S aw and Walter J. Blown
the following persons, firms, an 1 or cor¬
porations, whose residences are un¬
known an I who are themselves wholly
unknown, to-wit:
(a) The following persons, whose resi¬
dences are unknown or their heirs at law,
who names ami residences are wholly
Miry Canup, William VV’. Craig, John
S. Fain, J. V. Fain; W. M, Haynes; R.
F. Kleiser, John F. Ledford; Nancy Led¬
ford; Charles D. Matth -ws, Jr., Charles
Roberts; Louis Robinson; Mrs. Carrie
Slaton Seabolt; William Sutton; White
County Bank stockholders & Credit' rs.
(b) Heirs at law of the following nam¬
ed persons, successors and assigns of
the foil >wi:ig nam al corporations, whose
•.names and residences are unknown,
Thomas''Allison; Sarah A, Allen; Fran¬
cis Bird; Jam s Carlisle; C. 8 . Guyton;
Ambrose Hammons; Ezekiel Hawkins.
Elijah Row son; George W. Slaton; Briton
Spurlock; James Stephens; Georgia V\ ,
To all ani.l every person unknown or
known, who claims any right, tills or
interest in sc id described lands or the
• uuds which may be paid into the Court
is tlie result of tills proceeding, whethei
j I under m in right of .any of the
named or otheiwise,
V ..u A ml Each of You are required
I ind adni-misned to take notice that the
I Li.ited A>a", s has til, d it petition in the
j i.sti-'C Court of .the United States f >t
! \ or them Dislrict of Georgia, Games
j i ie Division, to condemn 714.60 acres
f land, being land in parts of Lots t>5
ami d."), District 3, parts of Lots JO and
Jt, Die-rict.4, andjyart of Lot 5, District
0 . Section t of White County, Georgia,
..ggregating 714.60 acres of land, more
or less.
This matter will be heard in theUuited
states Court Rppru at Atlanta, Georgia,!
on the 27th day of March, 1 J 37, at 10:00 ■
o'clock, A. _M. ff you are either of you!
have auv rights ir, Ihe premise? or de- 1
sire to be heard in the matter, you are j
required then and there to make known I
your objections, if any, your claims as
to the value of the property or your re¬
spective interests therein,or iu the funds
rising therefrom, or any other matters
material to your respective rights in the
! ; :v.perty sought to be condemned; nth r-
1 «»se ■ the Courl ----- will J proceed as law and
i j u ' ' ,l ' *‘ L L- A "
You Will, Therefore, Take Notice,
in witness whevet f I bavt hereunto set
hand andjatiixed the seal of the said
uited States L'istiiet. Court, at Atlanta,
i his 25th day of Febi unay 1U37,
j, D. Steward
lerk of the United States District Court
I U),; Nonlu;, ! ' " f Qeur t“’
j »?. U ’ A Mc ^ rew
"’^ _
. :, iWhit th ue;y.
By virtue of an order of the Court oi
iiditmry ot srz-i county, granted upon
o* ;:'.q,-Ucation ot F. 1). Alton, as ad
. s-rntor oi the estate of M. C. Alien ,
d used, la.e of saz 1 eou*ity, to soil the
. n is of said M. C..Allen, deceased, fm
purpose 1 f paying debts and dietri
. 1 , i 11 , there, will be sold before Hie court
•muse door, at public outcry, to the high¬
est bidder, it the town of Cleveland, bc
. ween the legit! hours of sale, on the first
fuesday ir Aprip as the property 01
said deceased, the lollowiug described J
rau Is to wiz: Farts of lots of laud uum- J !
hers 53,54 , H7, and (58 zu the fourth iand
dislrict of said county, containing about i
joy acres nuMC or less and bounded as j
follows; On the north by the "lands ol 1
White Brothers ami Mrs. Ida K. Shaw, i
oil ;ize cant by C. VV., M.C., 6 . S. and F, j
t) ^llen, on the souih C. VV. M- (.!., B.S.. j
j,-. ]>, ^llcu An .. 0 n tde west by J. B.
tinkler, containing about 200 acres mojt'
„ r leVfml feuown as the M. C. Allen
; Hiim.e i'iqct. i:. Blue Ridge district pi
White L.esuntv t$«s -tgia. Terms of sale
Cash. Tbfy '.he l.Otii day of March 1087.
F D. Allen,
Arimr, pf the es#atf.>L Q. Alien.
- :
j Georgia, Whie County.
; l’o whom it may concern:
; Notice is hereby .given tbtzt Patti
1 iyer, ns adminietrator of J. B. Dyer, de
least-d, having applied to me by pe-
1 : dm for leave to sell the real estaie ot
; J, B. Dyer, deceased; and that ».n ordeer
vas made th#-j-eou at the March l'erin,
j i ! ->37, foz citation aed yhat citation issue;
j ,.ll the heirs at law ana creditor? of the
1 • . I )• li Dyer , deceased, will take
1 ui. e that I w-li puss upon seid apdiica-'
:.z at the April Term 1 O 37 , of the Court
J.-binary of County; and unless cause ie
dwwu to the centrary at said time, said
■ ave wfi be granted. This „tbe 1st day
•> March 19^7,
_ A L. DorKjtjr, Ordinary j
They Will TI irive With
Care in Rc nvs Alongside
Veg eiables.
Flowers and Vegetables Together
Flower’S in the home, on the dining
room table, in the living room, on part! the i
verandas are now an important
of home life. The great wealth of ■
this material comes from the annuals.
Many of them while useful for provid-!
ing cut flowers are not particularly j
valuable as decorative garden subjects j
period in beds is or of borders such short or their duration blooming that j
they are not good material for a long ;
season planting.
Americans have taken very kindly
to the European idea of the cutting
garden and the old continental idea of
interspersing flowers and vegetables in
the garden. Growing annuals for cut¬
ting in rows in a vegetable garden
with the same culture as the vege¬
tables is a most practiced plan giving
: better results often than the flower
garden beds which will not receive
j as good cultivation as the vegetables.
: Alternating rows of vegetables and
| flowers ,s the commonest practice. An¬
other is to have an occasional row of
annuals or to reserve space at one
side of the garden for them.
All of the common annuals may be
grown this way. The principal pre¬
caution to be taken is to thin them. \
Usually they are sown directly in the j
rows where they are to grow and the !
sorts zinnias, that African make heavy marigolds growth and such j
as cos- ;
mos should be thinned to 3 feet apart. 1
The failure of tire (jutting garden is I
usually attributable to-the fact that the [
seed was sown and the plants left to i j
struggle as leaf lettuce and radishes
so often are, only a survival of the j !
fittest being of am value. This is a
waste of material and the results are
not adequate to the good space plants occupied, and j i
It is easy to get a
good crop of flowers or vegetables by
thipziifig and it is. certain that best j
results will not be attained unless they S
are thinned.
Five Foot Square Will Produce
Many Fine Edibles.
Lack of available space causer
many families to forego the pleasures
and benefits of a home vegetable
garden, but the family which has
even a small amount of backyard
space, cazr and should utilize it, no
matter how small it is.
Any space from a 5 foot square up
may be profitably tilled into some
kind of a vegetable patch. Thought
and planning must, of course, go into
such a tiny undertaking, but with
careful consideration of the crops
most suitable to succession, a sur¬
prisingly large amount of fresh, suc¬
culent produce may be grown for
the table.
This problem of succession, which
mean to follow one crop by another
A Small Kitchen Garden Takes Up j
Only a Corner of Your Back Lot. ‘
in order to get two or even three j
ground, products is from fascinating the same piece of i
a one. For in¬
stance, one row may be planted with
radishes early in the season, and
when they have been harvested,
beans may be planted. Also a com
pafilon planting, early pea; in the
,coming s^Bjf ,row ftp .with .and .used carrots-, before the. the former
^for car
fats pre . ready the table. Mix a
packet or .early aanish^ with a late
variety, hav?' t.wb ’crops in the
same row.
As an alternative gz> early crop of
spring vegetables may be grown and
used, paving th*'' ground available
foi’ antziisJ flowers. Radishes, leaf
lettuce, young onions azzd a row or
two Pi greens (spinach or mustard)
are good .suggestions. zt&fe They will Be
ready for tabiu quipjdy^ *Voi' and
leave the ground ui firze coucilttoa
flowering plapts or ;bulb.t~ *
Dahlias in the warmer part-i ot the
Sozzth may be planted now.
wjsafiver u $p«de the ga-don and let tlie soil
for two or three weeks.
Where Blast Killed Hundreds of Children
'« L,. ••
P7 »- ,A ■ ' ■'■■■■: ■
General view of the New London Consolidated school, New London, Texas, after the explosion that
the ichool and snuffed out the lives -of hundreds of school children in the worst school tragedy in all history.
Many Times This Scene Was Repeated
Volunteer rescue workers bringing out the body of one of the victims of tbe school disaster/
’ i
After Struck School *
Death in Texas
Amid crumbling masonry and steel, rescue workers and frantic parents hunt for bodies of children
killed and mangled by explosion.
Dig and Cut Away Their Path to Dead
■, Zi
;* ■afe : aaife .5 »
J sB*EXP ;.
I: $ .. • -^fuslL 4
i w
; a iii m
Rescue workers at scene soon after Texas school was blown up, c .aged in hazardous task of bringing
pul tiq. dead.
/ -1 ■■'Jl.'', ImI ■*
, .
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