Newspaper Page Text
’ ’
I i. .
Devoted to tfce Agricultural! Commercial and Induatnai interests* m white County
a ,. KKKVUjI No, 52
i«/w. •WW-*■*>•* '-mB
Editor Canri-UuUcti t *Wky all
of. {this hullabaloo ia the Union
about dictatorship5 -llavbn’t we
got now already certain two die
jtotors, Mr. Green dictating to one
branch of labor, end Mr., Lewi*
other? And t.ometimOs haven't
we get five mot s, :n«kb.ig seven in
Wtieo Chief Justice Hughes de¬
cided v;ieh the governmental poli¬
cies, didn’t we he ,e seven? Cer¬
tainly ..we had three, anyway.
When Mr. Justine Roberts alleded
!y changed hi-; views overnight,
and vsted with foot of tiis other
justices, did y,,i not then have
seven dictators? When Mr. Van
Devautet voted with the four other
just ices, wo stii 5 hod usven dictators
Wham should Js '.rust, the con¬
gress Jof tho 'United States, the
the United States senators and the
President, or just a few met ?
The people may be slow*to act,
as in all democracies, but finally
She masses will Ins vs r, hat they
“J, VV IT. Underwood.
Cleveland, Ga,, Sent. 6, 1937,—
Alhurfa Coosfiluliou Sept. 8,198?
The County Agent will discuss
tire JXJpper Chattahoochee River
Soil Conservation District «!. the
following places:
Shoal Creek School 8 p.. -m. 2.1
Woo diawn School H p. m. Sept 22;
Mossy Creek Sept. 23.8 p, in.
Chattahoochee School Sept. £4
Nucaochee oehool Sept. £7 8 p m,
Mr. Carl Darnall, of New York,
has jbeeu op a visit to bis father,
Mr, J. L, Darnall, at the home of
Mrs. Neal,
Mrs. Paul Mauney spent a few
days last week with Mrs. Claude
Mack at Copperhil!, Teen, Mi.
Manney went over for toe week¬
The engagement of M;s'j Maiy I
Moore, of Dahloncga a former j
teacher in Cleveland appealed High School, in hist | j
tu lorn Killiam
j?!tnd«y’a papers.. I
Mrs. F. A, McAfee andv son,
(Saoege, visited her daughter, Mrs, j I
R, T, Magahee, in Greensboro, N.
C., and relatives- at Forest City,
N. C M last week,
Mr, A. L. Mauney's.-mother andf
Miss —rlene Totoat. if F.drnrcnU .-J
Gsorgia, are visiting Mr-aud M«s
A,'L. .Mauney. I
Man Wroittd v.^ighRon,,’•) j
4.1'f oCO fiiRiiii",!. • j
*vaw.l*igo-fl, Hep*-, l,
Memphis. Ten 1;.
Please Paf Us Mow
*uK*iC «» - -.-«« v•*nocm^ g^at v• 'W* f«>.
M For Bale
r i.he F. Mi McMillan, estate,eon•,
stating of Willis the M- ' iiliun Crni, immaplace j
pnd the ' Havre approx
imately 35O aefec. Good tiousea, j
outbuildings and pa-it uicfi, near -
church and r-choo,. i
Fart® contain . original forest •
timber. Will sell all or parts.
F ar details see s
B,;A. McMillan, Cornelia, Ga.
R L„ Dorsey, Lula, Ga,.
F, 0, Staton, Clermont, G%
’Mr, S. A. Chastain, of Upper j
NacoocheaY alley, ijied from a fail;
Monday from the- porch of his!
Lexrte, Funeral services were held
Wife as tee country nas never Dean m *
ipewi.'ier, .mitiba strongei- and- more lRiUid authority con
than if to today. My
jior that statement -to tho .Coiairtvoiler
ji»i tko Currency. No longer Is there any
;t*tr or thought of bank rw^i. Depoal
[l»r* osu mowteipvf that tbWr money
M vAa and the i.ankdf,\thricaanned stAmdh. J*
iMtd knswiedge M > 6 *. Is
K ^ ri a g toi fwsN.
School Fees Banned
Atlanta, Sepl. 17 (GPS)-— City
or-umnty school Systems charging
entrance tees hr other pay requite
mentis Jroay NOT participate in
State school fund® it ha* been rul
by Attorney Genera! M. J. Yeo¬
mans. The School Department
ruled ip its own behalf that school
systems must not require use ot
paper and pencils sold only by Ihe
schotfi, c>r di&criminaie against
pupils who do not buy supplies
from the school system.
Plans g^igEEHPEgiiBeag the annual convention S S
of the White County -Sunday
School Association which is to be
held at Cleveland Methodist church
on Saturday night and Sunday,
Sept, 25th and 26tb are completed.
The meeting is being sponsored
by the Georgia Sunday School As¬
sociation which is a state organiza¬
tion that .promotes Sunday School
non; among' all the churches of all
denominations in the state, The
workers oi ail Sunday Schools are
cordially invited to attend, but the
program .will be of interest to all
churcli people and they are urged
•to come and bring a pionic dinner
and stay for tiie entile session.
The young’people. will have a
large part in the Sunday night
program,’ Two playlets *are being
planned, 000 by the Cleveland
group and another by tbe Helen
group. Now you are to plan to
attend this meeting for not onjy
will yen* enjoy it but you will an
courageJbe young people, The
Sunday prdgraui will include dis
cushions,' denjonstratron, addresses,
as wall as materials and posters.
The old gospel |viH be presented
in an attractive way. AH phases
ef Suuday School work will be
taken up and the small church and
her reeds will be kept in mind.
Mrs. W. B. Shipp, elementary
worker for^ tbe. Georgia Sunday
g^oo! Association, will direct the
oaiaveatlon and tell you what it
cai( mej j 0 you. Mrs. 0. H.
Terry, a joiiior-iDtermediate^work*
in {the City of Atlanta, will
present the work of that age group
Mi, Lonnie Smith, who is certain
one one of of the the best best Sunday School'
in the state will speak both
Saturday night and Sunday morn.
in & tie is « to,cefu{ aod iutsjest *
****** a,ld ^ I4eed 00 io *
Doductiou to White pounty. It i®
by special request that he is com
Rj aare to discuss this meeting
with your friends and above all j
r g e yopi ehunih to attend. 5
Bum-m.* ttimt f
1 lease pay -tJ» immediately so j j
that we ean pay people we owo.
Y„ ^ a .d j
rece j ve{ { a riplendid price, so please
don’t hesitate in seeing us at once,
^ ajsed theitioney and ask that
y OU come nrs»uzidl and »m us at
once> {'Jease don’t try to dart
around the corners to missus.
jjge .SI - S a
Used range cooking stove f<
ea ] e cheap, het me at once.
MA., Alex Davidson
Wore Prince Alberts
irniied ia the “nifty., nineties,’’, most
States tsnstors wore Prince
AlbcHg. W The coat was a syat
Df statesmsmeWp and a benM
Was the tnark of R inan'tif maturity
aM'fwbs Unoe. ■ ■
First Ptomi of Tree Bnuh^
The-fftst farm plows were «ptide
of crooked «k«* branches and
ygjs..aj5ua«t l ,
l ; I
Back in 1917-1918, during
sale of Liberty Bonds, a
ed artist painted posters which
came famous and helped greatly
the sale of these bonds. This
James Montgomery ,Flagg, did
create any more paintings for
Cloven: went until this year.
After f i'T through our
Regions. ,1 1. .itw the havoc
by fire. F ora this creative
a poster T-.r-tiued to become
as famous aa th.ose of the
War depicts the story ot
lighting lire in our Forest,
the bottom of this poster he
placed these wo, ds :“Ycur Forest
Your Fault, and Your Loss." TD
has been framed and hung in t
post office of every
where all ;.sh see and vlsualkt
what fire.nuians in our Forest,
The U. 8. Forest lands
to tbs citizens of the country
it is jroor responsibility to see
fire does not destroy this ptopetiy.
Won’t yon help the li. S,
Service ke-sp theFoiesf game? -
W, tl. Fischer,
v- - neat Si; per vis0r4
Dr. j. N, Miller,
H.einotrhc.Hs {pile®) a specialty,
Office days, Monday, Wednsadjy
and Saturday. >;oi jfack-son
GaiuesviHe, Ga,
5 a= 5 ^^»“sr;
Veterans Urge CCC
As Defense Corps
Buffalo, N. Y„ Sept, 3—(A»)
America’s Veterans of Foreign
Wars proposed today that
Civilian Conservation Corps , I
trained for nntionai defcnr.e,' '
A resolution to this effect
adopted at the V, F. W. national
convention which ended tonight,
It “demanded” that
3000,000 CCC youths be enrolled
in a permanent corps mid
recognized as a complement to our
national dsfense.”
They should be trained, the vet
erans naid, to “serve their country
more effectively in he event of “
national emergency,’'' Tbs reso¬
lution suggested training m map
reading, bridge building the use of
radio and conwmnii cat ions.
A companion resolution urging
further development [of United
States «ir fences also was adopted
at tha cloaffig session, Earlier to¬
day retiring Commander-in-Chief
Barnard W. Kearney told
veterans the next war “will
fought almost fentirely in the
and declareii vt.'-i United
should sUtmgthos t.h : 9 wing of
The yeteiafis elected Scott F,
of Oklahoma City,
manaer-in-in-chief late today.
4s to reasons M^avdioy for the changes In pnfr
He opinloa banks reported br
Aiaerica* Bar kis a Association ad
tising and educational aaterfa!," tb*' -
masazlna s»y«.
It meatiene Jn addition the henellts
at tKe-FeWoral QcposJt fnsurasi-e Core
Oration Sa the emergency, improyement
In the genenal bustnm tituaUco, tin
weeding oat of wi-nit lianlva anil the
banking moratpriunj.
“The response to the mint oau he
tut down as encouraging and in to raj a
IN,’ the magasiu# ecmclatles, “It holds
eut the deflhito bops that v;Kli a con
tlnuanee of a cooperative, e-.taationat
attitude on the part o£ the bankers the
r^st of the journey buck to normal mai;
wftl he compJefM ffi tie not too d.i»
bant future;
isagnaa wircheratt
.Osartag*ike •wr««tH century htw
acede ef WMtee, usually innocent
spy easBMttan with the black art.
kwt this witch##. '
*n in coawtry as
Many p eeg te bngiiM that Witchcraft -
!M ent ledg hut that is by ’
ego. no ■
swans the ease. Tn i-emotc country
dtotodsts it k still poeslblt to
Am s “wie* wmBan” a love potion
chat will m'ake you irrostoitMe to the
gtei upon whom you have Set your af
tsetiOBS, or a Charm that will ward oft
the attache of disease. You may even
pbtflb t, at a pries, help in casting the
-mm mtim m - w * s u ■»» •~* r> «ew <
,W»(lv -rjfct ii>,*n,nn> i'-.- .-tti
The FinaneoCommit to-•- of
county will soon aur? (,:
their report We are only
***bnt Jdst how rm ill money
they; have spent ? for ALL
people? We 1 !, fi t is not for
Cohriec or that Honorable body
to shy. In other words, it will
tail a story bv report .Lot viill
*' i - : D D*'®
^ umui -’ s, ' t?ne ’ !5 ) ■ g'vea you? t:v
t turn hist what %n#y iiav: gi
1 other sections 0. county •’ The
i-'i wholly and eulitely- up '3
-•i >e ®P-- : 10 yov. hkt
|- 3,rig; t
W.'.trc is Em ,; y Freeman?
are v/oiv.’ering i fiar A’captursd
that w"; a'.uii!
{ ) r>. has been
|. CriUcu h • , fofjl{ , , few days,
Wa a(i . , u . ■is. Vv ii v
wll , .. be
I vvith -i- r-*m
M-s; f. os. A. Davidson,
EHljay., has returned home after
-visiting relatives in Cleveland,
Shoal Greek and Athe‘.
Bill Meiritt has get to worn
with one of the be--.. , if**’ shops
I j.',:; Atlanta.
.... Ghas ... R. Dorfy®
Mr. qu. has l
rvi: It tag wiv.'i his meth, ■ for a
|days. | He will rea; to Detroit
M-r,;.ks accoirpaol : -i fir George
| liicvin McAfe %
| I f4r3 : - VIr F ( Erpsnler M* ‘ Edp end - ui-1. j-ir;-. uighDrs ’ogar
' ;
| 1 s-ndlgmaddaughtcr.-.-: Siting -d‘ Los
Ere reh:tv< ea • r. i . rBpds. i..
• n-cd.-Co-;c..ty, Mrs, Ldgu
f ? splendid health, i The reiativi
j atl:l •'« i-Ffi') Z i0 see then
j Mr J, N. F-ngkr.d, of Dei • inn ,
who will in a. ! ! prohabili.y L.
| resident of White county soon,Was
town Thursday,
m? OUIDjXX jwi-iit- tluillediif you had & kitrlioB jUk« this one?,**.-- ReaRy
y v another room an,.’ i>jio as beautiful <te *m> j.vr your Isome. Tho kind <.p£
kitchon. ihfti makes worKqilay ami inspires new ambition to cook atui. brake.
Not just a “happen-so” kiteben, hut one planned for its purpose. PI. umod. to
save time., toil and steps.; j}{ It. Planned Kitchen, -is compact, practical with #1?.
the modem etonvenieuces. Generous storage space sad a convenient amnpM
aoent tihx nighout saves yen thousands of steps. 'We’ll help you. plan year
'“dream kitchen. .-You eua. easily have it The local member of unr Home
Service Stuff has been varefuMy iudneil in tlie ajr*; of-practical Kiuhen Han
ring. Her service is free. She has .nothing to evil.- SSe will glade; 1 come to
ytRir h< /sit down with you and help you plan yo»u kitchen in every detail
•— .all the way from the floor covering to the kitchen curtains, ft A wonder¬
ful kitchen like this costs very little.... you can hr.y it on-easy terms. Some
day you will have ,♦ Plauned Kitchen, Why not begin now? Call oor-nearest
office, and our local Kitchen Planner will oamo help you plan voor kitchen)..
XT; .
i A Sign of Wise Investment
•fortunate ?.re the co-amtmtties whore a .htghwar ih
closed for paving vritb concrete- Tr-mporary sno.m-?'
•»veak-ace .b quickly turned into .lasting satiWacuW;
I >njb means the end of spring break-up ills--frost
I md iboIJs, tbe mud inconvenience and rats,- .Seasonal load rettiicriocs, dust
1 o£ constant rA»4 rinke«’lng.
f«n be forgotten;' ’ d
(Concrete .wetjther. - standsnp tmder ail kgal loads
dx permits speed with safety, Ircufs driving
f&Q*'* R>*orisi 5 ;'»It reduces road utaintenartee
t, .
Fes '-Concrete Facts, irM/v.jta
% Hw Fidg.) Atlanta
j fts lour jtfsMi m
«aia»W'-" rsnswji