Newspaper Page Text
Tairotite Recipe
ojj the U/eel^^
Friar’s Omelet
10 apples 1 egg
4 tbs. butter 1 tsp. lemon juice
11 cup sugar Soft bread crumbs
Pare and slice apples. Stew to
pulp. Stir in butter, lemon juice
%nd sugar to taste. Allow apple
sauce to cool. Then stir in the
beaten egg. Spread cold butter
rather thickly on a plain tin mold
and cover with a thick layer of
bread crumbs, pressing down the
crumbs to make them adhere to
the butter.
Pour over the apple sauce and
put on another layer of crumbs.
Bake in a moderate oven (375° F.)
until the crumbs are brown and
come away from the mold.
Put plate on top of mold and in¬
vert to turn out. Dust with pow¬
dered sugar and cinnamon and
serve hot.
Yield: 6 servings.
of constipation by a
Many folks get such refreshing
relief by taking Black-Draught for
constipation that they prefer it to
other laxatives and urge their friends
to try it. Black-Draught is made of
the leaves and roots of plants. It
does not disturb digestion but stimu¬
lates the lower bowel so that con¬
stipation is relieved.
purely vegetable laxative
Anxiety Is Useless
Anxiety never yet bridged over
any chasm.—Ruffini.
MOROLINE ifs'FUt&i-Fuie" 5SS
On the Way
What I am to be I am now be¬
Brings Blessed Relief
from aches and pains of
Try a bottle . . Why Suffer?
*VT O matter how much your
IN back aches and your nerves
scream, your husband, because ho
is only a man, can never under¬
stand why you are so hard to live
with one week in every month.
Too often the honeymoon ex¬
press is wrecked by the nagging
tongue of a three-quarter wife. The
wise woman never lets her husband
. know by outward sign that she is
a victim of periodic pain.
For three generations one woman
has told another how to go “smil¬
ing through” with Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound. It
helps Nature tone up the system,
thus lessening the discomforts from
the functional disorders which
women must endure in the three
, ordeals of life: 1. Turning from
girlhood to womanhood. 2. Pre¬
paring for motherhood. 3. Ap¬
proaching “middle age.”
Don’t be a three-quarter wife,
Go “Smiling Through.”
When you have decided to get rid of worms,
use ‘ Dead Shot,” Dr. Peery's Vermifuge.
One dose will expel them. All druggists'.
Bit Peer m’s
Wrights Pill Co.. 100 Gold Street. N. Y. City
of Health
Don’t Neglect Thera!
Nature designed the kidneys to do a
flowing marvelous blood job. Their task is to keep the
stream free of an excess of
toxic itself —is impurities. constantly The act of living —life
the kidneys producing waste
the matter blood if health must remove from
When the good fail is to endure.
Nature intended, kidneys there to function as
is retention o(
waste that may cause body-wide di&*
tress. One may suffer nagging backache,
persistent getting headache, nights, attacks swelling, of dizziness,
-under the up eyes—feel tired, puffiness
nervous, all
worn out.
Frequent, be scanty or burning passages
may further evidence of kidney or
bladder disturbance.
The recognized and proper treatment
is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys
get rid of excess poisonous body waste.
Use Doan's Pills. They have had more
than forty years of public approval. Are
endorsed the country over. Inrist on
Doan’8. Sold at all drug stores.
Doans Pills
WNU—7. 37—37
666 checks
in three days
SALVE. NOSE DROPS Headache, 30 minutes.
Try “Bnb-My-Tisin”-WorW’s Best Liniment
JV. Y. State Police Lift Mask
from Hollywood’s Wonder Man
John Montague Beat Bing Crosby at Golf
Using Baseball Bat, Shovel and Rake.
«OHUCKS,” said Bing Cros
Oby’s burly golf partner, “I
could beat you using a ball bat,
a shovel and a rake!”
Now, if you have ever seen
Bing Crosby play golf you will
realize that this challenge
would not be unlike telling Joe
Louis, “I could lick you with
one hand tied behind my back.”
The dreamy-eyed crooner’s aver¬
age is about 74, which is golf of a
professional caliber. The arrogant
gentleman had been in the habit of
“spotting” Bing a stroke on each
of five holes and collecting with
withering consistency.
“It’s a bet," said Crosby, and it
was decided to play one hole, for
$ 200 .
Bing, using the regulation bag of
clubs, took two shots to the green
and two putts for a perfect par
four. The other party to the ar¬
rangement strode to the tee, gave
his ball a little toss in the air and
whaled it with a baseball bat,
swinging in a manner that would
have turned Babe Ruth green with
envy when he was in his prime.
The ball traveled 350 yards into a
trap. With an ordinary shovel this
remarkable athlete played an “ex¬
plosion” shot to a point within eight
feet of the cup. Wielding the rake
like a billiard cue, he hold out the
“putt” for a “birdie” three.
“That,” crooned Crosby, “is
enough for me.” He wandered un¬
certainly in search of the nearest
psychopathic hospital, poorer by
$ 200 .
Wonder Man Shuns Publicity.
Some screwy, magnificently
screwy, stories have come from
Hollywood, where press agents have
the imagination of an Edgar Rice
Burroughs and the conscience of
Baron Munchausen. But the screw-
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Bing Crosby, radio and screen
star, who got trimmed in the re¬
markable golf match, but befriended
the victor in a time of need.
iest thing about this story is that it
is true. It happened two years ago,
and since that time John Montague
or LaVerne Moore or “Bull” Moore
(depending upon your point of
view) has been the most talked-of
man in the golfing world.
John Montague, as the film colo¬
ny knows him, came to Hollywood
three years ago. His ability to play
golf was astounding. He was
handsome in his burly way. His
manners were delightful. He was
chivalrous with women. He appar¬
ently had a bank roll. He had two
Lincolns and a Ford. He could drink
a fifth of Scotch and eight gin fizzes
for breakfast and never bat an eye.
Montague shunned publicity. But
as Greta Garbo proved, one sure
way to get into the limelight is to
try to stay out of it. No one in
Hollywood knew who Montague was,
whence he came or where he de¬
rived his income, not even Oliver
Hardy, the rotund comedian with
whom the mystery man lived for a
while. And apparently nobody
But a man can’t do the things
Monty did and remain in oblivion.
His feats of strength were as amaz¬
ing' as his golf prowess. He held
up a heavy automobile while a
friend changed a tire. With one
hand he picked up George Bancroft,
husky moving picture “heavy,” and
stuffed him in a locker, upside
down, dufing a moment of horse¬
play. He could even lift Ollie Hardy
in one hand. He ate a dozen'eggs in
less than half a minute. He (it was
whispered) had whipped from three
to six men at one time.
Drives 400 Yards.
But these exploits pale beside
Monty’s feats on the links. He
drives straight as a die, and con¬
sistently from 40 to 60 yards far¬
ther than the longest drive Bobby
Jones ever made. Driving balls
into a slight wind he has averaged
more than 300 yards per drive. With
the same slight wind in back of him,
375 to 400 yards per drive!
He seldom putts; his approach
shots are so perfect they leave him
putts conceded by his partners. To
win a bet he drove a ball from the
firstt tee of Lakeside club across
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Dead Canyon road—three quarters
of a mile—in five shots, with plenty
of room to spare. George von Elm,
a member of the club and former
national amateur champion, testi¬
fied that he played with Montague
for a month and Monty never was
over 68; such golf could win any
championship in the world!
At Palm Springs, Montague broke
the course record four times in four
consecutive days. The last day he
turned in the unbelievable card of
61! He wears out the exclamation
marks on a reporter’s typewriter.
Still John Montague preferred ob¬
scurity. He refused to play in tour¬
naments. Only once, after much
pleading on the part of his friend
Hardy, did he consent to compete.
That was in the annual club cham¬
pionship play. He sprained his an¬
kle on the sixth hole, but finished 18
holes anyway—with a 64! Then he
dropped out.
Turns Down $20,000 Offer.
He refused to talk to reporters.
He would never allow himself to
be photographed. Once when a pho¬
tographer, concealing himself in
bushes, managed to expose a few
plates before Montague discovered
him, Monty smashed the plates and
paid the man $100 for the damage.
Offered $20,000 to demonstrate his
ability in a moving picture “short,”
he said: “I won’t permit one picture
to be taken of me; why should I
pose for a whole reel?”
Despite Montague’s reticence, a
light like that simply can’t be hid¬
den under a bushel. Grantland
Rice, the eminent sports authority,
was reluctant to believe the stories
which came via the grapevine from
the Lakeside club. They couldn’t be
true. For instance, the one about
the time Monty, calling his shot,
picked a bird off a telephone wire
170 yards away with a brassie shot.
Or the one about how he didn’t get
a wink of sleep for five days and
five nights, then shot a 70. Or the
one about how he could hit a dozen
balls from any distance within 200
yards, bet $100 on each one that
it would stop within 10 feet of the
flag, and win money. Or the one—
but why go on?
He Couldn’t Prevent Fame.
Rice determined to find out for
himself. He went to Hollywood and
played a round with Montague. He
decided all that had been said was
true. During the round, Monty
“picked up” on the eighteenth hole,
where he could have had a 64!
Impressed beyond measure, Rice
told of John Montague and his golf
feats in a syndicated sports col¬
umn. Westbrook Pegler wrote a col¬
umn about him, describing him as
a combination of Paul Bunyan, Pop
eye the Sailor Man and Ivan Ska
vinsky Skovar. Soon there were
other stories.
These found interested readers.
Some were even fascinated. One
such fascinated reader was John
Cosart, of Troop D, New York state
police, Oneida, N. Y. Somehow this
thirty-two-year-old Montague, with
his golf genius, his strength and
his huge 220-pound frame, seemed
Cosart reflected. Wasn’t this
Montague a dead ringer for La¬
Verne Moore—“Bull” Moore, as
“the boys” called him—whom the
policeman had known seven years
ago? Moore, the son of a steel
worker, had been a mighty youth.
He, too, had been able to lift one
end of an automobile with one hand,
could lick three men at once. He
used to smash dozens of cue balls
while “breaking the rack” in pool
games. He had been a prep school
football and baseball star—once he
John Montague, strong man golfer
of Hollywood, equipped with the
“clubs” he used in taking a $290
golf bet from Bing Crosby.
struck out 19 batsmen in a game.
Young Moore’s golf had been
good enough to land him a job as a
professional at the Clayton, N. Y.,
country club. He once had played
the nine-hole municipal course at
Syracuse in 28.
Moore Had Police Record.
Moore had a passion for making
records, and some of them were po¬
lice records. He got a six-months’
suspended sentence in 1927 for pos¬
ing as a policeman and taking $50
from a grocer accused of selling
On the night of April 5, 1930, four
young men held up a roadhouse
near Jay, N. Y., taking $700 from
Kin Hana, the owner. When Hana’s
father-in-law, Matt Cobb, objected,
they gave him a vicious beating.
As the robbers made their get¬
away, one of their cars struck a
culvert. One robber was killed. Two
were captured and got 16-year pris¬
on terms. The fourth, believed to
have been “Bull” Moore, dis¬
The New York state police sent
Moore’s fingerprints to the Los An¬
geles police department. On last
July 9 Hollywood’s strong man was
arrested in the Beverly Hills apart¬
ment which he shared with Oliver
Hardy, and charged they with the New
York robbery. When took him
to jail he admitted that he was
“Bull” Moore and that there was no
longer any reason for avoiding pub¬
licity. He posed willingly for pho¬
tographers, but refused to discuss
the charges against him.
Arrest Shocks Hollywood.
The arrest was a bombshell to the
many celebrated friends of “John
Montague.” To a man, they backed
him. Dozens of them, all influen¬
tial, wrote pleas to Gov. Frank Mer
riam, asking that he refuse extra-
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Guy Kibbee, screen character ac¬
tor and friend of Montague, who tes¬
tified to the golfer’s good character
before Gov. Merriam.
dition. Montague—or Moore—they
said, had rehabilitated himself and
was “Monty now an is admirable citizen.
one of the finest fel¬
lows who ever lived,” said Hardy,
who arranged for John’s $10,000
bail, “and I’m here to do what I
can for a friend.” Bing Crosby said:
“He’s a great guy and a grand fel¬
low. We’ll all back him 100 per
Among Monty’s additional spon¬
sors appeared such names as Bert
Wheeler, Spencer Tracy, Charlie
Chase, Guy Kibbee, Frank Craven,
Andy Devine, Gene Tunney, How¬
ard Hawkes and George von Elm.
Nevertheless, he went back to New
York to face the music.
The one mystery none of them
was ever able to solve was the ori¬
gin of Monty’s bank roll. He ad¬
mitted he bet $200 a week on the
races. He was always flashing a
handful of hundred-dollar bills.
Some rumors had it that he owned a
gold or silver mine in the desert,
to which he returned when in need
of fresh capital. But anyone who
ever attempted to follow him was
lost in a cloud of dust.
€> Western Newspaper Unload
. Here's WhW]
I My
J": [“3" ,* 1362 «I?
W ‘ r I ”I y 3' \" "\ -
‘ . . , ‘95; fe’ V ,5 y' g l h
,1” \I 6. I .. 4*. a ' . . , i '5' ,4” f ‘1’} y / l y y ‘ /, / ' j €‘ya \ E; 5:; 3” "If;
V a ’ “A V -" / M y 7"; “ t 13!: w r
I ; 4 not a wishing-page, Mi
lady, even though it is from a
book of exclusive fashions by Sew
Your-Own! You can run any one
of these frocks through your ma¬
chine in short order. The patterns
are so easy to follow (even the
simon-pure will say they’re sim¬
All-Occasion Dress.
Here is one frock that belongs
in every woman’s wardrobe.
You’ll look prettier in the kitchen,
more comfortable at work—and in
your silk crepe version—prettier
in afternoon leisure or shopping
on the avenue. The shoulder
sleeve-in-one construction makes
easy sewing, and the full cut skirt
with two kick-pleats serves well
when one’s in action.
Simple ’n’ Charming.
A lusciously feminine frock for
you, young but knowing ladies of
fashion, is the model looking right
at you from above center. You
probably can’t remember when
you’ve seen one you’ve liked as
much. That vivacious charm plus
striking simplicity are the things
about it that will make you re¬
membered as the lady in red, or
the lady in black, or the lady in
what-color-have-you! It is espe¬
cially easy to sew, too, thank you.
New School Frock.
You cute, little lady of fashion,
this is your lucky day. You and
Mommy will agree on this dress
just like two pals should agree. It
buttons down the front, the way
you want it to; its waist is snug.
Makes up attractively in either
cotton, silk, or light-weight wool.
Pattern 1267 is designed for
For Basting Roasts.—Leftover
fruit juices, especially those from
spiced fruits, make excellent'bast¬
ing liquid for roasts, chops and
harrr dishes.
* » »
In Preparing a Chicken Dinner.
—A live chicken usually weighs
a third more than a dressed chick¬
en, Allow half a pound of dressed
chicken per person.
* * *
Save the Curtains.—A finger cut
from an old glove and slipped over
the end of a curtain rod enables
it to be pushed through the. cur¬
tain hems of the finest net with¬
out catching and tearing the fab¬
WNU Service.
LIFE’S LIKE THAT fiy Fred Neher
It’s that kid who knocked my hat off with snowballs last winter!!”
sizes 34 to 48. Size 36 requires 4
yards of 35-inch material, plus 1!4
yards contrasting.
Pattern 1362 is designed for
sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 38 bust). Size
14 requires 4% yards of 39-inch
material—with short sleeves 4%
Pattern 1213 is designed for
sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 years.
10 requires 2V2 yards of 35 or
39-inch material, plus % yard con¬
trasting with 1% yards of 1%-inch
bias binding.
Send your order to The Sewing
Pattern Dept., Room 1020,
211 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, 111.
Price of patterns, 15 cents (in
coins) each.
© Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service.
Speedy Relief of Ckills
and Fever
When your teeth are chattering
with chills and your body burning
with fever, you want quick and re¬
liable relief!
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is
the medicine you want to take for
Malaria. This is no new-fangled or
untried preparation, but a treatment
of proven.merit.
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic con
tains_ It quickly tasteless stops quinidine the chills and iron.
and fever
and also tends to build you up.
This is the double effect you want.
The' very next time you feel chills
and fever coming on, get a bottle of.
Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Start
taking it immediately and it will
soon fix you up.
All drug stores sell Grove’s Taste¬
less Chill Tonic, 50c and $1. The
latter is the more economical size.
Worth of Friends
True happiness consists not in
the multitude of friends, but in
their worth and choice.
for WOMEN only
CARDUI is a special medicine for
the relief of some of the suffering
which results from a woman's weak¬
ened condition. It has been found
to make monthly periods less dis¬
agreeable,, and, when its use has been
kept lip awhile, has helped many
poorly nourished women to get more
strength from tlieir food. This medi¬
cine (pronounced “Card-u-i") has
been used and recommended by
women for many, many years. Find
out whether it will help you by
giving it a fair trial. Of course, if
not benefited, consult a physician.