Newspaper Page Text
■ft', !y • »ij :* flaws
in o?i.r !«■: oc “Watson
Frc'daeo''' -R« DM fail to give
the $i,.fi«pat . . ay Board credit
for «U gindia. ,* /;f {.he higway from
Cl-reland tw A. r -. Bowen’s and
the giadirg of the road from Helen
to HacoocH t a: & placing of the
that smaltb ; < hf &«*vel on the road
from Helen to Hecooclree and the
placing cv tht s/AieU bit of gravel
on the rot.:’, frcu jHclen to Unicoi
Gap. informed the
If w © cssreuHy
' gofcrnr....rvt i- jiving the entire
; esjisuaa of grading and top-soiling
j ! of. tho thtd -.iit-R it the Cleveland exception to Mr. of
sup ; oi.".''i sC'u’h.-io 1 he other two
projects for bj the state.
About si-; ivtUhs of grading end
that, bit of stone placed on the road
from Helen to Unicoi Cap will mot
t...-y to satisfy wa. We s hall not be
satislipd with anything other than
the survey and completion of the
| road from Cleveland to Nacoofchee
i rim people in White county have
j been given # dirty deal long enough High*
Sand f/c ask that the present
way Board carry out Governor
Rivers’desires. Mr. Watson
our member ou the Board and it is
his duty to ses that immediate ac¬
tion is started, or else resign.
It takes money and time for peo¬
ple to go to Atlanta and only suc¬
ceed in ^pouring “promises..”
Weu-haU Have p'ooty more to
relate in latf-r *<3oes. Watch for
Notice of Xleartxg 'Uptm Organization
Of Propsod tipper «Tuittaheochee River
Soil. Conservation District, Embracing
Lanp Lying The Counties of White,
Pumpkin, ITa! ;! .; D'BhcTuhnmand Forsyth
Whereas, on ;$,t 7l« day of September,
iOj’/s there xrzs duly fllt-d in the office
->f the State Sts toaacrvation Committee
a petition sigucii by r ; t least 25 land
camors pptauan to .'he provisions of the
Soil Conservation ','<.?t?iots Law, Act ap¬
proved March Sj, JS'47, requesting te es¬
tablishment of tl; s Op pot Ghattahoochee
River Soil .Conservation District, and
Whereas the land;; sought to be in
eladsd "a the said dialrlct by said peti
tioii ccvxpriss eR that land lying within
tho boandxrias of'Widte, Lumpkin, Hall,
Hibers'.-am : a-ayt!r Counties,
Horr, Then-fore, noij.-.s is hereby given
jUv: a public heaving w.Ui be held pur
hearing wi ,; ' held pureoant to the
•md, or tU q'.vvMion of the de.
iirability ar.d •a.’scnS. v in the the inter¬
est of the public Ke/b.tb; safety and wel
arc oftheereatktt of such district;
the question of tele e^proprlute bound¬
aries to be assigii-r? to- such district; up
•»a the propriaty id the petition, and
ail other proceed-.*:..-,* token under the
said Act; and up: / &ll questions rele¬
vant tc such Lkvu: "if-::-, The said public
hawing will be held by the State Soil
Conservation Gear -dittos ou the 88th day
of September, >.9Sy, banning at ip
o'clock A, M , at th e Oovx&j Court
in the Br,v>fy o'FaU, Gaineeville, Geor¬
Ait. pmieius. f.ur<» ai:d corporations
hr. okalli hoi: 3 : tltis to, or shall be in
poB303sl.on of, any lev do lying within
tl" lim-a'i'a oftlso she v'o-dcECribed ter
ritority, vrhethej as owners, leesses,,
tenant*, otherwise, and alfectheas in¬
terest ad ere pavrito ir.cited to attend and
will 5>o given opporiaatty to be heard at
the time and place hereinbefore specitieil
State Soil Consedvfttioa Committee •
By F, ),. ASBURpf,
Bxceutire Secretary ....
Dated: 8 i*. day of Septoml-cr; 198?,
, I UMiteq ^ tk*? best -lowtd features
0 *«KW
E Gin wtil fade Into tM
SifmlwwK SUUSmLU
'Swi&m «tel* «rf anciont vehicles
fern* HfHniflHv andS-inee which has already
iflayed to &* .sf room tfen
»-? WMfc, is wh«ra
a, gjfcflt ttwno*
I Insittfe- (M 00i - 2 ^» Lk* ruSSttrtes ‘eutertaig- «f
i ! TZvH'msgtdS* <4&> waiter carnlviG
i and ci<x«gi irt tk« Sam. lagoon thetta*
i • 'hurt
&‘id&aospi Kefl-'Corfil ikiwayv
Ii -that ;Hofcjf??eiy tenant! for-jew¬ always
Ua# wiSct"fcTittoim/
elry init sis'a charm to
bring WfchliU : md secrete not
, reveatetf'io jthe pt&laswy: person. As
\ ! anciad battle, GaUh they tii'sltri'iheir xwdum headlong safety in- to
i their 4 Wor&$ . nUvogth and the
I 4
1 “magic” cor.*i besteided in their
shield* or helm#? Is. Many Italians
and Indians srogturf. -k«aI as protec
tiop against tb,.-- '‘evil eye.” The
reefs world’s off red the Meth^rraxieah osifal Jnbncar. ranjifc^fi'om coast the of
Africa, and is obtained says* tie Washington by Jtaliana. Post,
MVBIJO?» CQITPTO, Cr,BVTB 3 uA,m\ QEQfl.Gra.~ 3 *
of Georgia, White Cc-i-in : ;
all to whom it may v;
Mrs.JobeTomlink.avr. g3« P
to me for Permr.rtret i.r.! ' ' "•*
’ :i a ■
of said county, this in v.o cite & t> »
[obeTomlinto the creditors be and fl-pin.-ur and u«a« at M'J of !i in 0 a' ?j
the time allowed by l.v.v,‘ • v
cause, if vny they «■«», why yv
manent administration nUre-i-i ■ i
granted to Mrs. Jobe TcWAlli-!, so. 7
Tomlins estate.
estate. Witness my hand awl °7n»o _ ^
signature, this <fth day ©CSepUsoF ^.er..J. t,
A.-. Ii, or uinwy
State of Georgia, White 1'.» at y*
To ail whom it may emsr » ;
Mrs. Fannie Dorsey l>av ^ i;J Pt'ejpoi
form applied .. to me fer * !Asij _ s , ; , 0 , •
of administration on th% <«.„4e 4, o£ w ^
Dorsey, late of said co -Cr,. i: , v j
all and singular the os^alit in. „ a-., j
m, offiee within it W fc
and show cause, any ;;^\ ,?
permiHMBt ftdminiatrti',:.... r a & - , .,,! ?
granted to Mrs. Punni^D/- ’ '
F. Dorsey’s estate,
Witness my band cud offi * ! ftiguatsivc
this 6th day of September %v ( ;.,
A. t.. Dors:;;, O: '.ins.r,,
State of Georgia, White A-.tisxty»
To all whom it may cone/* n:
Mrs. Mattfe York haviru; lv, p-voper i
ferra, applted to mo for pomr.m ;
of administration on the tc1
Holcomb, late of said ceiv: t- , i’r,.. {- t» i
cite all and singula.- the creditor* md
neat of kin of J, h. Holcomb .n U and!
appear at my oifle within tin, v , ■■. i;
cd by law, and oho? onufo.., ll they I
can, why permanent c,dmiaUt-.aiion |
should not be granted to ?,£■ . .Jlattie f j
York on J. L, York’s,
Witness my band- and offibfo.*. c.i»').•• •
ture, this 6th day of SeptcmVe;, ?t ’7.
A. L, Doraoy, Ordinary j
... ——, .. .........,
The undersigist.d, cj> r,.l niolatn'ldt of f
the / uiiare estate ui ol «• J. j.-'* D. Cooler,. v* l < - n. i l>y vhrii.v vi .ii' -v off pi, :
an order from the Court of Orti’vary oft
White County, Georgia, first v.fll) sell at pub
lie outcry, on the Tuesday i: Ueto~?
ber, 1987, at the Court Xlrvcc doo- t D
said Coouty between tho legal iious-y of)
sale, the following described 1" us: f
(Tract 1.) All of that t.ael of ivnd l.e
ing parts of lots of land i umt-ei-e fit and \
54 in the 2nd land ^strict of W? Be [
Connfy,Georgia and conUirisg 400 oc-rea | |
of land, more or leav., awd forme?}’; I
known as the old Willi G, Goodvum
place, and being the tree prom-rtf' de- |
scribed in a dead from V. “Goodrau
to J. D. Cooley dated - 32 , JS87, R
and recorded in Record i.r Hcedu.
G. page 373-273, Clerk's office,' White
County, Georgia, June l'i. IS 88 f refet' 3 nc'j
to which fe; hereby made fora full and
complete description of naid property.
(Tract 2 ). All tract or parrel of land
in the 426 Militia District,
era portion of the old A. it, Alexander
lauds, containing 125 acres', more or. lere,
being in the 2nd land district of White
County, being parts of lots 44 and 43 be
ing conveyed to J D. Cooky by A- R.
Alexander on the 4th of November .-;T;, i
recorded Georgia,BookoG, in Ulerk’c folio office 21 and rs 22, z3 jftu H, 1
1888 reference to which in hereby »asde|
for a tall and contpleta dt.aoriiy.i.oE
said property, \
(Tract 3) All that tm<. <■. r j .-. { c r l
land being in the 2 nd lard Aimi-kt* 74 , j
containing 140acre?,m /c ijsa, and!
described in a deed frour. f. - , Reap j
to J, D. Dooley,executed. «»• tv .3 of ‘
December 1900, bounded r - s; • SarA f-y \
M. L, Dean, ou the South')),y V. K;:v;ere 5
and A. 51. Dean, on (bs V': - V,
Goolay and L. D.Carpesdar, :? r ,CiVs* r
uy : J. D. Cooley tends, rev,' l.r-mg G-.? f
lower portion o£ the |. M. Dc-*!. 1 off i
(Tract 4} All that 1 ,Tact ,/r v-: ;
land known and designated ... r y f j -f.
lots 77, 76 and 62 in thA’vd .V ,1 c::d;v,t, I
originally of Habershav. t 1 i, .-5 ,
White Dounty, known as ta,; "V : y Tar
wick plaoe, containing M il mors |
in or less. deed Said from tract Thomas umre fr.Ty J.:..-.dltea, d-.-srcR.-yJ |
a t
Sheriff, to J, D. Cool ;r.:-..>,3ed ins *
Clerk’s office, VVhita Con :?y,. ■; ,cc <:':h,
Hook C, poge 497-498, to which refemace { ^
is hereby made for a fall r.r.d . naplste
Also that trs -,-1 : ; -ot i! jj
5 T..‘S!? 5 ffi;SJr 7 r' r te,
lands deeded by J. M. Dean tamo |
to : U. f,
Coolel This beiug on the the 12th old home day of pbw, jn,'ocf.v ; IfiST, j I
ing 214 acres, more or leas. Tor Cash, l
This the 10th flay of Scpi,, 553;*, J
t&Sifi, l, L. Oakes J i
Administratrix of the Ifstcte - i J. J>
Cooley, deoeased.
Lawrenccvilie, On. *
Georgia, White County,
To all whom it may ©oncer :.:
Notice is hereby giver- that Auv, 0, K.;
Cox, as administratrix of 8. ii. Gov, iln- i
ceased, haying applied to me by petition i
fer leave to sell the real J»fat -3 of S K.
Cox. deceased, and that an order was
made thereon at the fiopleml» Tai 1
1937 for ciution and that cilafi: a iasao;}
all the heirs at law and creditem cf the]
said 8 . K. Coa, deceased, will take i -otice
hat I will pass upon said application at i
the October Term 1937 of the Ccur-: « f.
Ordinary of White County, and that un -
less cause is shown to tho contrary, at
said time, said leave will be granted.
This September 6 te, I 937
,,- A ^ Doraey.lOrdipary.
j»r*n. 4 .sn oca, tirmn wT' i: a xvmxvmKMnm.
?U. Write County,
■'•ssv. to a a order joasr^f V? A. 1>.
»ifo «?•->*• July Ordinary ‘Sim aaid'so/;fty,‘ pared
. c„ WWIU .„ w
ary o" uafej oov.rdy. m ',j b* sold
bK ; (v» tb.« Court Hoa4 daur is oatd
. Cw-ly
; oa aret tneadsy in ©ctgter
J Be V, wltal&the Dgal fcoum of sals to the
j j highest bidtHd^r hr card, the following
rswl estate Ur wit: ’
f 48 thvl i/ect or iwrasf f; itv;>d to
i gotiw with tltveiling' nud adhuiidings
1 ^ i«tha Tcwu of Close.
t. 5a^s2, Cw-.gli, p.4i
. end bting of lot of
l lR «« ; ^nrwbar ay in ifji Second Laud die
| fr? ' 5 ' •••‘dd coimty, fainted fa ihe'South
k ‘ }:0 ClY-:elftndxj,d.; '.tarkesvilte pub
( Fo, i!A rilS* luow i ftnown ae Stole Aid (Hoed
on the 3»stasi(U- «, u “ t>, 108 e ( cW u
, '
w5u ^
j'’ jf«» ,w,t '"«* *»n4arju:g set ^ :
...... . ’ »-'»«
i yf5c{»U,or: Mrs. .i« 8 nlo C;
0ma! j C'auuing an evo;. iBdfl. of .ol
- : j,'.u.;i3riu.'.!ely fiouiu of A: ■ ’;■• jc a i
pj. sps/'ty to the eastern houndary V of tl. is i
the-balance k ,t-Wl4 vd
e-howi shie aore« to be add 1» c■ p ody, ;
:•• '<' '• Sim . advertised and to b. ; idd as \
the in i.piii't.y ftf the ests-tc ••••; K , -i.-J
.'.'utt for the *.<£ : ’
jvurpese -,«ay. -„.-- J
the cswite a«d dir/iv.i/.'ntica.
Sef!®mbef k lOiif, ''
Hre. L, (i,m &i Aamialel-- c.h r.v
-.b ? estate of Mrs, C-anth hi. >o.;,
^oikc to Debtors and Cr«TU.. {
Georgia, White Civ ::tj;
~ '•• -creditors of the estate
f;c4; !cy, iata of White County, ■ -jc. •: ■ :d, 1
tt0 h BV ch ,y n ; niaeity rende;:
rnaads to llut undersigned to ■
ar.d all peowma iadebte }. t. ,.j
required :.j malro 'r-xmcf.Vte
payment to ms.
Mra. I., .h. Dai:cs ,
•' • *h- -‘cc:, ■ :
1 ;
‘ i: - ! - are - u: • r- ,vrencev:.tte. G--:.
., "' * dhs a .... >h ^ . .
--a-q-e, ,
., Vmto . ! ,
' cmt Ut **' :A '’■•'
Bomer K. f-tcrvgH dcfc. l d J u 1 t:
^ 0,1 CI '•• j' fire ^ ? eoiahiandcrt. la lie. av .1
car G “ 0:vi ' term of the Sni/ei-ior j
^ ct ’ Ocrady, Georgia, tv re¬
en the ktouday /Cat •a^er,
I98? and 11: *** 7™' answer ^ the aqo ,v j
ttMBCd le order « n< c * ‘ sU i V;d ^ o«we* Q° wt ,IS WHwonrt required ■- the; by j
-’ -
) Superior Ti. r.^aiiljvyd, Alii ,fr„ Judge of|
t xa court, 18th. day
1937 .
®> Hulsey, Clerk of fc-iporicy Co >it. j
ttfbk.'-Ad’.cUjlaf©-' --^
r --v.-sr_
Mm smfmi •
-r--^wrs/rrT^vr»wn-n t-r-n- -r-tr»r,ri wrw v ivw»MmmMthvt,-r»<i
ran 3ms- A
CH|viioi.iT Mo'rpR division,
0Eta<'ir^,M£0Hi<'iAN #dltf KcrpoteiUm,
Gcnpai p /;•
*»«*#* mtolintint **&&&&'pwt*, • >*«,-•. : ; » s i
mbnthlx'mirms .
~*~"" . ,---- nil - 1 .. tii ........ -urn ‘ I ^l----- 1..... TimwIB wmljiujiffi n i l i| l m *• : i
! i ii ■■
if g :! • better
•- V.f. £■
morc-cA&^flr(ifele; 4 ;ar
Bob Boberts Chevrolet Co.
, V'SlsOt- ■
.*-T BMt -rrm ’ • *: vnnanvtirMvwr is;:.* • *twiirjvjv! rt • v; >a n 9 vni
i j
| ]
J. P6* : PRw
M.BtST to te&iSg,* lea-i-s «a
•odfef»..flt«r-n: a-v, fisrdsa.oj is laJin^thsi A place Jsonse
Wh«w» Htor:!-«v.»rjiS4» twttve
; ao u^tiUv
nwathl/ r.'ii?3 voriing: in. p'ood
Wlto Sue fcul badll; i-hsut
•••that v~?‘, »•• fi.>r.K,<!us ress: tPrn.
kay, wjf. tint JPkny Sf,o. vm
well wof'Si 'n"nf:\ Sx cost. Ckda
— tr«.v, .vrerpere lik.-,, Mow
olothes, : >.n aspect, to pa-f
i’-f. then, ■".:••« flas -blHs, itget
-"Us, laiiti,..f /iis •- how /■uiky
.-.-re •wav, ••.-. that she to
r; ; . to bed r: sewsi,
why ac. ss-re a bit on
choking, > :i, tto :;v.;.ter, whet:u*ir
r>- happens tv. so <-;aa, oioctvle, coal
oil? /-. ' rj, the canned
treats whies: .v c;. /- f-iajl'ty li&ehaat
tttu'-! plan ■•.■•:< voirco often tdo
r.';.-’!' fitter. JtasKs^ I'afc tTMch. ,i: that yeqj r.%
Bn-ow pa; con.s.-':
awr.r, yinr. r-.y for only a'
xnlabta i t: ,t-L a;v3bing theu,
baud, y°h-. •» t-$'»:4 recipe.'
ou ihia • f'fk AiU 'its* '«'J fee apprised l.>w. jiaA 4043 W bv
asjst dishes
K!,-.sSi- j -»<■! Fr'ccs
-, r a - :: :,«..•■? . ooi. the
' vvy ."a'jrytwi-.ire cv&r.e'l beef—
'■.clwT.iL. ua—to
teihAi Jkft ,hj3M S&Sc .tis.*;.-:-? iC-Sfe-,; /sLuviren -seats iMi in
c?>v«-. i-.v-u vs.:;or bake,
stJo oi a fet; v'j,r -1 - .v-t'two
hs-.jrs. as vise slcii..
■-.' 10 . hi/,,i* w ;Vf - vjiw, ;:tv -wo-uid
W<-a uo rNC’ *. asav , oa caa'
L"j; co-cSeu, la.ill* at .1«66. y Cijif, rtgdp
Then jv: v.-c/und.
uicdart !.c: ■'.-?•/>;: .--;?c of fuel
fourfiiitg- >'l£ira -S3.d- •:;--. -you? t; A
Here socd‘;riic.; n -;.- 4
Heef'irM are goods, seat dishes.
. .'u, > f»fq* Drain
and reserve'.tic !.!»-.■ - ivopi a 4 -
ojiEco can el:siv. Slice the
Inuahrootsa auo. ;-•? -A for five min
tates_ia"three ter.-* enbugh tablespoons ©t but
Add water to the
siushrcom liquor to make two and
Pan Ittur Sntsciiailoa lew
cao-foarth iM-pa crtdiiiatd. Smooth
tfcm taWe,T5j:.<««w» flour to a paste
siWh tin® I'h'tid, add slowly to-tha
mi'teV fn<i& mskrooms and cook
rr.ji ojj^aiy, , Add »one bouillon
j fsa.U. MtltoM-efua’saia gjpwjialf teaspoons
lEcaali/'.iofsJo. ^e.BPd balls one-half cups of
tttio tuwdents'of or cubes and,
/cA.rcast wfech one 12-ounce can
-iiwaf has been cut
fr,-«ibi9. Fror into a baking dish,
,«7rsr Vsakft^poweei- Trtth a wart or with’ maaii
Mjcuite-and bake
t'.'i a- bit -w»—t«o degrees—for
Ito T.b5a .s*^*s forty-fivs minutes,
el-sH pmr-om.
Ci'carxtd Meats V
-C:m: Orpacteii Ohicfcsn and
ti 4 t-pta:.M.c.aiJ. iglj^fi the ol mnshreema mushrooms.froxa from
‘Wh.tiSi'tho fJuuor has,been drained.
sxr.'... •I'v.served. 'Cook snsabrooma
A Jb>AjShet 5“:. cnsdiaK ctp chopped
-itiiiatmda In three table.
bu'Uar for five minutes, be.'
«aw»tni earetui not n,.t ■-!/> to imW, brown. Add
tt.-.T- - tftblc yjeoB-d flour and stir
(IKir i.J smooil;. Add • slowly the
/•n-idtroom--- f i;fK--v and-two cups
b-iiifc, fiJrrJ.”-: constantly until
find ai-c-xtiy. Add salt and
to.-ts'Et./-:, one' cap canned
•ttarit, - one-ifimace / can of chicken
Sav b&sji eat up, and one
iniBtcrB. tgg yolk. Have
very hat. This serves
2P6S90BS. Omiitei
Pr^ficJi vMh Creamed
fMelfc two tablespoons
ciltBti Md (wo tablespoons, flour
stir -.until fsinoth. Add one
f-i-nd oawtkrrd--. cups mtlk slowly,
fad-areamy. BtfrrlEg-consianviy until smooth
Gaautsu with salt and
rspper to tefcfe and add tvyo tea
»I«»a 8 Icrnoa Jaicav Cut tho con
iR fcats small of a dice- 7-oftatw and can of liam loaf
add with one
hhlf *cup diced celery and one
fourth cap sliced stuffed olives,
Reheat.and serve around a rolled
French •omelet made in the nsual
.way, .This eerroa four persona,*
Mv.r«r» frwxwip *.•
t ires bn Mono tastle a*so «t.
Nome, Alacku, Rec«s£v«4
Help o?’ fled Cvos*
„ A number of tragic awi ufiushW
disastera Oror'djrAflc-t, Inivt vtcentljr called tot.
Jjacludod'in" them have .gftn *
flood In Kentucky, folloiy.ipg AtjctHd^^yP a gerfes
of cloudbursts in tfirSntM^A
dontics of disease whloh
eovoral" sect ions,, inefTudlng «me'
caused by drought conditions. Hed
Cross the workers found :,of much the Morro t^dp'
for anrvivors
Castle* liro .and^ those engage ;ed
in rescue work; and ItM Crosrr M*
l|af^jwent. by"airplane to ^iaskft
•when the famous old gold camp,
4, Increased continental prodoctiea
Where no domestic surj/lus exists
will increaiie the employment of
American labor on hn Americas
basis (the highoBt standard in tbs.
world), increase industries the demand oB
capital goods and
make available tho existing
wealth of the State of Florid*
through the development of My
natural resources. •
The richly fertile Everglades «P
Ficdida _ constitute the natun&l sugar
; j | f ! 4 owl the of present America. quota It is restfictiona estimated that
; American or,
, ; jtfea alone sugar were removed, thi#
[ would be capable of pro*
j • dqcing 600,009 tops of jugar a year,
; pOO i«ad ako .American of giving ompleyiflent to 100^<
! / workmen at i iqMe
L wages as high if not higher tkfep th^
i 'average farm wage paid hi tfie Unifoi
i States.
- The United States consumes a &
.rBiqch sugai- as ell the rest of the
but is permitted by^quota re
.A'criotiooe to produce only twehty-ftv«l
per cent of its total sugar require
;/]entg, and a bare fire pgr cent of the
’ can's used in this
sugar country.
Raw sugar is extracted from sugar
: 5 *ne grown o« the TJMWO-acfe dev«I*
' opmept ti. the Florida Everglades by
[passing the cane tteough a twenty-roll
i tandem. The refuse, or ‘'bagasse/' is
r delivered to the boilsr plant and used
®s fuel for the production of necessary :
j ; power. After the cane juices have
j 1 been extracted, they are. passed
j | j ;lizing through operations various purifying the point and crystal- j *
to where
I ! the raw sugar is loaded in sacks of'
I! 825 pounds each and shipped to tile
; i refinery, where it is refined, for tabk 1
Oa the unemployment protest),
( Clarence Si. Bitting-, heed of the vast
sugar cane plantation .in the 5 Florwi#
Evergladas, says the removal of pr^
sent sugar quota rrefriotiomt >?oqW
enable; than his organization 100,000 to at- evhplqy
, more men,
| equalling if not exceeding fchp aveta «4
■1 jd farm wage paid in tie United Stettrel
j'j- . The process of gathpilrig the
j | It cant* to in the the sugar-house Everglades and at Clew>. conveying :
If Fla., where ixtaMfol^. 9 tqb;
j ■; the raw sugar is
j 1 j tors, requires 412 117 Diesel ftnti burning all equipp^Sl iruq»j
1 eaua wcgoiw,
i iv’ritli --hidings crawler-type with trariab,' 10 raifrofid^
! cine hoists to load that
' /rtiao tane ■ jiiiAv., from field _________ wagons to __- railroad I
««•*„ 246 raflway curs, and 0 locom*.
i vim. •