Newspaper Page Text
XXXVI N’o, a6
Continued from Puge 4
!aata for the purpose of (a) im¬
proving, repairing, constructing
and reconstructing, ranking addi¬
tions, extensions, alterations, or
improvements, in its Water Works
System, and acquiring the neces¬
sary property therefor; and (b)
improving, repairing, purchasing,
installing and constructing incin¬
erators cr crematories for the dis¬
posal of garbage, refuse and waste
by its ; mi: iy Department, nnd
acquiring tSerefor, the necessary property
either or both, may, from
time to time Issue interest hear¬
ing revenue certificates to be paid
solely out of the revenues derived
from Water or Sanitary service
charges respectively, and to pro¬
vide for the payment of said rev¬
enue certificates by settiug aside
in special funds to be known is
•Water Works Department Reve
nue Fund’ and ‘Sanitary Depart¬
ment Revenue Fund,” a sufficient
sum, not to exceed ten ( 10 %) per
centum of the annual charges, fees
and taxes received from the water
and sanitary service charges re¬
spectively, to retire the certifi¬
cates, Said percentages shall be
based upon the total annual re¬
ceipts from each of said services
for the year previous to the issue.’)
AN ACT—No. 388
To amend Article 7. Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following;
And except that the Board of Ed¬
ucation of Fulton County, In this
State, shall, and is hereby re¬
quired ro, assume and pay, with¬
out any election, and without re¬
gard to any debt limitation, and
as its own obligation, the school
bonds of the City of East. Point,
outstanding on the date this
amendment is ratified; and the
principal and interest, according
to the provisions of such bonds nnd
thoir interest coupons, of Mayor
and Council of the City of College
Park, outstanding on the date this
amendment is ratified, said College
Park School Bonds being of date
March i, 1928, aggregating Sixty
five Thousand Dollars principal,
and beating interest, from their
date at five per centum. The tax
levying authorities of Fulton Comi¬
ty shall levy upon the property sub¬
ject to taxation in the territory of
said county outsido the corpor¬
ate limits of the City of Atlanta,
such tax as may be necessary to
provide a sinking fund for the re¬
tirement of said bonds and for pay¬
ing the principal thereof and the
interest thereon."
AN ACT—No. 340
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph I of the Constitution to
add tho following;
"And except that the Town of
Bowdon in Carroll County. Geor¬
gia, for its present or future* bond¬
ed indebtedness may Issue aerial
refunding bonds not in excess of
tho legally authorized outstanding
unpaid bonded indebtedness, which
includes principal and interest, for
the purpose of refunding and re¬
tiring any bonded indebtedness for
said Town of liowdon municipal¬
ity and provide for the assessment
and collection of an annual tax
sufficient in amount to pay the
principal and interest of said re¬
funding bonds as they shall fall
due; the proceeds o. ;uch refund¬
ing bonds that may be issued as
herein provided to be. used exclu¬
sively for the purpose of paying
and retiring said bonded Indebted¬
ness that, is due, or that may be¬
come due, and unpaid on any fu¬
ture bonded indebtedness and pro¬
vided further that said refunding
bonds shall be issued only when
authorized by a vote of the gov¬
erning body of the Town of Bow¬
don and then shall be validated as
is provided by iaw.”
* 4 * * » *
Rivers. Governor of said State, do
issue this my proclamation hereby
declaring that the proposed fore¬
going Amendments to the Constitu¬
tion are submitted, for ratification
or rejection, to the voters of the
State qualified to vote for mem¬
bers of the General Assembly at
Die Genera! Election to he held or
Tuesday, June 6 , 1939.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.
The Coram dity Division of the
State Department of Public Wel¬
fare uccessfudy reached l4S
fumihes in White County during
April with surplus commodities
having a total V; ue of # 103 !.14
Athens, Ga., June 1 James
Coo lev, of Cleveland, was among
tpe l6 University of Georgia
students last week elected for
membership to Blue Key, national
honorary le dership fraternity.
Public initiation was held for
•he new members Friday.
Oevoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial interests of White Countv
Local Mews
j f‘ether’s Day is June lS
Watcb out for a timber of peo
pie )o announce for the tmtuy
county offices next year.
M-iss Madge Conyers has re¬
turned home from College.
Col, Claud Brackett was in
town Wednesday in the interest
of bis campaign for Judge of At¬
lanta circuit.
Mi. and T Mrs. Tom Davidson, of
Llltjny, .... 1 J spent the , weekend
their mother,.
Mrs. \Y« A, Dauforth, of Coo
cord.N.H., is visiting Mrs I
t;, Stovall,
Mr. Noitfa Taylor, former bather
id Cleveland, died of heart trouble
at ids home in Ditlilooega last Fri¬
Policeman Knox Segars was
placed in jail at CJarkesville last
week after witnesses said lie
robbed the bank at Clarkesville of
between $30*0 and $500 by holding
1 gun on the bookkeeper who was
the only one in the bank. $288 of
he money was recovered.
drove to a filling station and offer
ed to give some of the money „ , to a _
mend, telliug Him he had robbed
he baufe. it is thought some
tiling is wt. g with his mind.
An honest, industrious man
wanted by nationally known
mineral feed company for work in
;his locality, Duties will consiB!
of calling on farmers fand render¬
ing valuable livestock service. It
doesn’t take high pressure sales,
tnanship to do this permanent
work, and no special experience
| ‘ is needed. do this job. If ypu .For have full a car, darti you
send your name and address
i to Box---, care of this paper.
Nfaine............. ...........
Governor Rivers narrowly eu
jcaped serious injury Saturday
i while horseback riding op Blood.
: Mouutaiu Vogel Park, He with
a party of others were riding
when his horse slipped and tell,
* In a letter read at a junior Jack
| | son Day dinner, President
veil culled oa nil Democrats to get
out of the party unless they can be
• loyal” to his New Deal principles
j That,-it would seem,
* the meaning ot democracy.
would like to feel that Mr. Roose
1 veil was misquoted on this parti
| cular statement, after ail. he wroD
! it ia a ietter,
Elberton— Not only are thert
new and modern trends in the
women’s hots, but we find they
a iso in the hitch Inkers
nent. The other day Policeman
Hal Fortson of Elberton, picked
jp a hitch hiker who was standing
by the side of the road with a fi'v<
gallon can in his hand. Thinking
the mah had run out of gas he of
fered to give him a lift, After the
man was situated in the car,
itniled and showed the officer how
he had fashioned the can into
nutcase that held his clothes.
said his invention never failed
get a lift fot hsm because few
^ t ; vers w0U ut pass man
they thought walking to
car with a can of gas
Wore Prince Alberts
In the “nifty nineties,” most
United States senators wore Prince
Alberts. The frock coat was a sym
bol of statesmanship and a beard
was th® mark of * man of msturjty
« nds#stspg»,
j Georgia, White County.
{ To whom this may concern:
• Notice is hereby given that all legal
j requirements relative to calling an elec
u ‘•fence ‘ “ iu or BaiJ no Count feuce” >’ ou base the been ‘i uustk>u compiled , w f
with and the < rder of calliug the elec¬
tion having been legally passed by the
undersigned Ordinary. Said election
having been called, as the law directs,
same being a-jcounly-wtde election to de
termiue whether or not White County
sljall qave "fenoe-law or stock law.”
That said election will be held in said
County at ail the voting precincts tbere
in on the. 1st Wednesday iu July 1939,
"* m * being the 5th day of July, tl3»
That said eisetion will be held as the
law provides . . and , notice . . , hereby given
that those desiring to vote f»r “leuce”
m saht County shall have written or
on their ballot “for fence” and
those desiring to vote lot ‘‘no fence”
shall have written or printed on their
ballot*’uo feuce,," Alt qualified voters
* H ti1,5 CoiUi,} are legally entitled to
vote tn this election but ail voters will
be required to v, ta to vote tu their own
militia district.
This 31st day of May, 1939.
A, L. Dorsey, Ordinary
t. is a sin to do iigtimat-e
[ )usuiesg without having u God*
conscience .
...............................................- -
the interest of the common owners. 1 he
undersigned commissioners will °ffor
these two tracts separately , m l then will
offer them two tracts and if the entire
tract sold together beings morn than the
tracts sold separately, the deed will be
made accordingly ■ Terms cash.
This 8 th day of May. 1939.
T, V. Cantrell, J. H. TcHud and J. H.
White, Commissioners in partition.
isaaUz— "v’F
Popular ‘TREE Pi EC.. TRICITY” Savings
IMMEDIATELY effective, begini i •.-• v. Hb meter
readings of June 1, your resident; eleelrie rates
take another drop— -to the Iov.tM j 5rtt in all this
Company’s history.
Already Georgia is known from ccai! to coast fot its
cheap electricity. The Georgia homes we serve now buy
their electricity al an average price of 2.9 cents a kilo¬
watt hour, 30 per cent lower the national average.
As a result, they are able to enjoy many electrical com¬
forts and conveniences which the average American
household cannot afford. ,
It. will pay you to find out how 1930’s extra-low rate,
makes possible the electrical modernizasion of YOUR
home, it is the same type of rate you have had for five
years —only BETTER because it is LOWER—so very
much lower than the old one that it offers potential
eatings of $520,000 a year to our residential customers.
fn a nutshell, the new rate does these two things:
(1) It offers you actual “FREE ELECTRICITY,” a
certain number of kilowatt hours which you may use
in addition to your established normal use without in¬
creasing your hill one penny; and then (2) when your
“free electricity” is used up, any additional electricity
you may want for a new electric refrigerator, range,
washing machine or some other home improvement
But,” You Ask, “How Does the Now R. ? ME?”
Say, for example, your family ha-; been
paying (under tin- old rate) from .7.50 to
$2.75 a month —for Ii*JiU, other ir.n, to: ter, per¬
colator, fan and maybe ninal? appli¬
ances. Now —under the new rate — you can
add the electric refrigerator you’ve wanted,
and the additional electricity to run it will
cost only about 2\4 cents a day.
Maybe you already have an electrical re¬
frigerator but die hot weather has made you
yearn for the coolness of electric, cookery.
Your monthly bill, under the old rate, has
been about S4.15 a month, for example. Now
— under the new rate —you can add thc
electric range you want for a cost for elec¬
tricity of about five cents a day — and that’s
economical cooking in anybody’s language.
In other eases, the current cost for electric
cookery goes as low as three cents a day for
a good-sized family’s three square meals.
Georgia, till hi! 1 County,
By virtue ! a order pf the Judge ot
die Superior o' it, p ud-county and a
commit!.ion,issued- to f.s by the Clerk of
the Slide riot Court, said county baaei
cm an applh ation for partition between
the entnmon owners of th-- land herein¬
after described, will be sold on the 1 st
Tuesday injiW, (989 between the legal
hours • ; ec.le at the usual place of public
Wles at^the court house In tfhs^, Town of
!i 01 t> (la.,; the following lauds to
| wit: wit: '
I j *‘A!l “All that that trkef trie! or-pareri ov-part-el of of land land lying
| and being injtbe 4tb land district. White
County, Ga,,. being parts of lets of laud
No. 8 $ lying on the side of Town
Creek, except that pitht of said lot
the Mast, side of Creek which known
as the Jower of .Jane Dover. Excepting
also one artVe pit Kits' side of said th
lying and adjoining the mill tract of ,1 J,
Logan hei etofdre Bold off to said Log in.
Also pat ’1 of lot Nt'. (58 lying on the
side of Town Creek. Commencing at
the East corner of lots Nos. 85 and 88
running South with the line of lot No. 8 <i
to a conditional line running Westerly!
through said lot, No. 65 along the old 1
White County Turnpike Co., known an I
the Tesnatee Gap Turnpike road where |
Said road crosses Town Creek, thence
up said Creek to the line of lot No. 65, i
thence East, with stud line to the be
ginning corner. Excepting also one aud
tme-half acres known as the Hearten j
tract, Also the East, half of lot of land j
No. 80 containing 125 acres, more or linej less i
; Said lot divided by a conditional
agreed upon by 11. J, Reach aud Lewis !
Allison *'' which ’ conditional ’ ■' — * ” line begins
on an MU agreed rods corner * on V... the ,flQ SOUth 1
j 01 . iffina , of <(| Baid said lot No No. . 8 80 „ and J
‘ direction until it
nhlff a Northern
8trikes the N „ rth orlfi i„ ttI U„e, of said
Saip iiBe running on the West s id, of
Flag Pond branch. All of said 1 ami be
ng kuown as the West side of FiagPorei
brastch. All of said land being known
as the Lewis Allison laud, lying in Blue
Ridge Milita District.”
This being a partition sate to adjust
oom»6 to you at the LOWEST r. 1 ail our lustOi ..
before The “free electricity” plan was v 2 0 ! : n Georgia
worked, 1934. this more-for-your-monev When people ieam v> i! actually big*
p ( started liie
gest rush toward home ituprovem-.n* .-.J : ‘:>.Fiii!zalion
our state has ever known. Literally ))$arde < f homes,
where back-breaking drudgery was < • ru ■ live years
ago, now have electric refrigerators, electric ranges,
water beaters, water pumps, vacuum el an re, washing
machines, better lighting for young » . • and oi.i Other
thousands now have eleclrie service oho cubin': afford
it at all five years ago. in these five yr :rs. ihe number
of tomes we serve has increased from IKK) to 170,000.
Th i number of rural homes ter sen,- has mere than
do. bled. The average price per kilowatt hour in the
homes on our lines has dropped from 5.16 resits to 2.9
cents — a decrease of 43 per cent. The n-.erage home we
serve now employs over 70 per cent MORE electricity
tha it did five years ago -and pays LESS today for
the I igcr amount tiian it did five years ago for the
snux; 7 >r '
Bright r, pic ssanie; homes by the thousands, all over
Geoj ^ gia, are the tangible proofs of what the old rale
aecertpitshed. But now EVEN CHEAPER electricity
has arrived! “Free Electricity” is again available to our
yuetomi r.s tor the usiu?/. Now uo family need deny itself
the electri al improve-! -nls it so long has wished for.
f ind our. how the new rote trill benefit you. Begin using
V mu ‘I n Electricity” TODAY!
Those are just sample*, based on averae: .
In your owu case, the eo?t wight vary a ,1
tie, up or down. Rut, in all eases, eleci. u iry
permies-o-doy. is now so cheap, its cost can be measured 1
“Free Electricity”
Means What It Says
Under the new rate, you can make ;»m (
increase in your use of elect -icily, v knout
increasing your elect tic hill all. In 11 . iv
instances, you tan add siriaii pplianccs, ard
your allotment of ‘'free elec: -By” will
Witt come to yew horn-' every day through
Am Itttemntiwl Path Kettn Xiptr
n.MOOrUa toe yoc the work?* tiean, :enBtraetlve doings The lion Met
woe* aot **Pt°W crime at sensmic: neither & ' it Ignore teem,
but anile correctively wtte thew. Feat rqs for nosy men and all Uw
fanilr. tntfmMn* tha Weekly Magazine Section.
U» CfcrlDttan arteries FabUafetng Society
Hof way street, Boston. Maasacliusetta
riuee* enter ear antuverlpWon to TT>c ‘hrtstSai. Selene* Monitor tor
lt«»r *18.00 e months $C06 3 rr, ns ] month JhOO
vredneotey leaue. la«u<ttng*fcma*»ne Section: t year 18 so, s (esoee 2Se
j Smtpta C^ity oh Kegami
M fit Svbipiioa hw
is the master key of out civilization,
the means through which we have
achieved art, education and industry.
It is well worth the very highest
efforts of its craftsmen.
The Cleveland Courier
Commercial Printing of Every Ueicriptum
Here Are Money Savers
ply tin* current you need to run them.
H t lout have to buy new appliances
in - : • get thi* benefit. You can have
tr,..: ing, or put into use appliances
that h:i ,j‘ ui laid ou jive shelf, or merely
enjoy aeo of mind of not quarreling
with t ,1 dren about “Turn off the light.”
To; ■ iuijib-— The smallest “package” of
“Free Lie..-: icily” we are offering is two
kilowatt lie. ,, and tluit "is ysnougb eieetri< iiy
to rou a good-,1 zed electric fan for forty
hours. £ 0 , turn bn the fan —r fbe cool breezes
art on us ihi? time!