Newspaper Page Text
The following summarized de¬
scription* of proposed Amendments
to the Constitution of Georgia wili
be voted upon at the General Elec¬
tion to be held on Tuesday, June
6, 1939. All persons voting at said
election iu favor of adopting the
said proposed amendments shall
have written or printed on their
ballots In the proper place for
each Amendment the words: FOR
RATIFICATION. All persons op¬
posed to the adoption of said
amendments shall have written or
(Printed on their ballots the words:
the people ratify such amendments
by a majority of the electors qual¬
ified to vote for members of the
General Assembly voting thereon,
each such amendment shall be¬
come a part of the Constitution
of this State.
Ry His Excellency,
E. 0. RIVERS. Governor.
'I Stats of Georgia,
Executive Department.
April 1, 1939.
AN ACT—No. 296
To amend Article XI, Section
111 of the Constitution so as to
provide that in the County of Ful¬
ton a chief clerk, or chief assist¬
ant, or chief deputy may be ap¬
pointed by the ordinary, Sheriff,
Clerk Superior Court. Tax Receiv¬
er, Tax Collector, or Tax Com¬
missioner, and County Treasurer,
as the case may be; further, that
the General Assembly may pro¬
vide that iu the case of a vacancy
In the office of Ordinary, Sheriff,
Clerk Superior Court, Tax Com¬
missioner, Tax Receiver. Tax Col¬
lector, and County Treinsurer,* and
that the person so appointed as
chief clerk, chief assistant, or
chief deputy may fill the unex¬
pired term of the officer making
the appointment; and Snr otfcjer
AN ACT—No. 308
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution,
by adding the following: That In
addition to debts hereinbefore per¬
mitted. the Board of Education of
Fulton. Floyd and DeKuib coun¬
ties may make temporary loans
from time to time to be evidenced
by promissory notes signed by the
President of the Board (it EUucar
tion and by the County Superin¬
tend cut of, Schools, when such
loans and notes have been au¬
thorized by a majority of the
Board. No such new loan may
be made after January 1 of Rny
year until all previous loans have
been paid, and no new loan shall
be made which wiH bring the ag¬
gregate amount of loans hereunder
outstanding at the time such new
loan is made to an amount ftt ex¬
cess of the balance of the income
that the Board of Education may
be or become entitled to receive
from the State Appropriation in
the fiscal year tn which any such
loan Is made, and the balance that
the Board may be or become en¬
titled to receive from taxes In the
calendar year in which such new
loan is made. Such loans shall be
payable out of any reveuue.
AN ACT—No. 166
To amend Article 7, section 7,
paragraph 1. of the Constitution by
adding the following: And except
that the Kile Consolidated School
District of Johnson County may is¬
sue refunding serial bonds not lit
excess of the aggregate sum of
$20,000, for the purpose of refund¬
ing and retiring any bonded In¬
debtedness of said school district,
outstanding, past due tutd unpaid
on January 1. 1939, and any bond¬
ed indebtedness of said school dis
trid outstanding and which be¬
comes up to and including May 1,
194-1, and provide for the assess¬
ment and collection of an annual
fax sufficient in amount to pay ths
principal ami Interest of sttld bonds
as they fall due; the proceeds of
nil such refunding bonds so issued
by said school district to lie used
exclusively for the purpose of pay¬
ing and retiring said bonded in¬
debtedness that is or may become
due and unpaid ns of May 1, 1944.
Said refunding bonds shall bo Is¬
sued wheu authorized by a vote of
the trustees of said school district
and shall be validated.
AN ACT—No. 370
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution
by adding the following:
"And except that the Reidsviile
School District, of Tattnall Coun¬
ty, Georgia, may issue refunding
serial bonds not in excess of the
aggregate sum of $30,000.00, for the
purpose of refunding and retiring
any bonded indebtedness and in¬
terest thereon of said School Dis¬
trict outstanding, past due ami un¬
paid on January l. 1940, and any
bonded indebtedness of said School
District outstanding aud which be¬
comes due up to and including Jan¬
uary 1 . 1980. and provide for the
assessment aud collection of an
annual tax, sufficient In amouut to
pay the principal and interest of
said bonds ns they tali due; the
proceeds of all snoh refunding
bonds so issued by the Reidsviile
School District to l>e used exclu¬
sively for the purpose of paying
and retiring said bonded indebted¬
ness and interest thereon as sped
tied above. Said refunding bonds
shall be issued when authorised by
a vote of the Trustees of the suld
Reidsviile School District, of Tatt¬
nall County, and shall be validated
as provided by law.”
AN ACT—No. 380
To amend Article 6. Section 13
Paragraph 1 of ths Constitution bj
adding the following :
"Provided, that the County of
IVKalb from and after January 1
1940. shall pay from its treasury
to the Superior Court judges of
the Circuit of which it is a part
in addition to the salary paid each
judge from the State Treasury, the
sum of Twenty-Five Hundred Dol¬
lars per annum to each judge, and
said payments are declared to be
a part of the court expenses of
such county.”
To amend Article 6, Section 4,
Paragraph 8 of Us Constitution by
adding Hu-, following:
"The judges of said courts may,
on reasonable notice to the parties,
at any time, in vacation, at Cham¬
bers, hens and determine, by inter¬
locutory ov final judgment, any
matter or isaOe, whore a jury ver¬
dict I# hot required, or may be
So that said paragraph, as
amended, shall read: Superior
“Paragraph 8, Thy
Courts shall ait in each- county, not at
less than twice Ja eaoh year,
such times am h?.te been or may
be appointed' by, law. The judged
of said courts Amy, on reasonable
notice to the parties, at any Hate,
in vacation, At chambers, hear and.
determine, by interlocutory of fi¬
nal judgment, any matter or issue,
where a jury verdict is not re¬
quired, or may he and has been
AN ACT—No, 302
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph J of tiro constitution by
adding the following:
“And except that the City of
Pearson may issue refunding serial
bonds net in excess of the aggre¬
gate sunt of $20,000.08 for the
purpose of refunding and retiring
any bonded indebtedness of said
City outstanding, past due and un¬
paid on September 1, 1939,, and any
bonded indebtedness of said City
outstanding a nth which may be¬
come due np to (and including
March i, 1950, and provide for the
assessment and collection of an
annual tax sufficient in amount
to pay the principal end interest of
said bonds as they fall refunding due, the,
proceeds of all such
bonds so issued by exclusively the City, for of
pearson to be used t
the purpose as specified above.
Provided further, that such indebt¬
edness shall not be incurred ex¬
cept with the assent, of two-thirds
of the qualified voters of said
City of Pearson at an election or
elections to be held as may be pre¬
scribed by law for the incurring of
now debts by said City of Pear
AN ACT-t-No, 410
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following: ‘‘In addition
to bonded Indebtedness bounty now au¬
thorized, Grady is author¬
ised to issue bonds sufficient to
reftmd, and retire existing warrant
indebtedness of said county, Includ¬
ing interest, as same appears of
record In the Treasurer’* office on
the date determined by the Board
of Commissioners, but not less than
t«u days and not more than thirty
days after this Amendment has
been proclaimed ratified. After
such date, the County and its au¬
thorities are prohibited from is¬
suing warrants and deferred pay¬
ment orders, aud the County shall
bilk operate on a cash basis, paying
monthly or as specified, but
wiWi no checks to bo issued without
sufficient funds in ths bank. These
provisions arc not to impair the
validity of the uuld Warrant Re¬
funding Ronds, which shall ho is¬
sued with Bbch terms and provis¬
ions as the Board of Commissioners
of Hoads and Revenues may pro¬
vide, but must mature Within
thirty years from date of issuance.
Said bond? ah a 11 be issued tinder
authority of the Board of Oom
mkjslonera without, the necessity of
a vote, and ahull be validated es
provided by law.”
To amend Article 7, Section 2,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
“And except that the City of
Blackshear, it) Fierce County, Geor¬
gia, for R» present or any future
bonded mdebfednerfa that is not
phid at maturity may Issue serial
refunding bonds npt in excess of
the unpaid outstanding bonded
indebtedness, including principal
and interest, for tha purpose of
refunding and retiring said bonded
indebtedness of said City of Black
shear and may provide fqr the as¬
sessment and collection of up an¬
nual tax suffidiAut fn amount to
pay the principal and interest of
said refunding bonds as they shall
fall due, the proceeds of such
refunding bonds ns may bo lssi^d
as herein provided to be used ex¬
clusively for the purpose of paying
nnd retiring said bonded indebted¬
ness that iff due or that may In¬
come due and unpaid and said
refunding bonds may be issued
when authorized by a vote of the
governing body of the city of
Glachsbear, now the City Codhcii,
and they shall be validated A* is
provided by law."
AN ACT— No. 295
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
"And except that the City of
Carrollton may issue refunding
serial aggregate bonds not of In Sixteen excess Thous¬ oL-the
and ($16,000.004 Dollars for the
purpose of refunding aud retiring
any bonded indebtedness of said
city past due and unpaid up to
and including January 1, 1939, and
providing for the assessment and
collection of pu annual tax suf¬
ficient in amount to pay (he prin¬
cipal and Interest of said bonds
as they fall due; the proceeds of
all such refaudlng beads so is¬
sued by tin? City of Carrollton to
be used exclusively for the pur¬
pose of paying and retiring said
hooded indebtedness that is or may
become due and unpaid as of Jan¬
uary l, 1939: Said refunding authorized bonds
shall be Issued when by
a vote of the Mayor and City Coun¬
cil of Carrollton and shall be vali¬
dated as provided by law.”
To amend Article 7, Section 8,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following: The Govern¬
or may issue in the name of the
State, Highway Refunding Bonds
in the sum of $2,650,000.00, payable
March 15. 1946, the same w be sold,
for the purpose of refunding to the
State Highway Department that
amouut paid on state Highway De¬
partment Refunding Certificates
coming due and paid by the High¬
way Department on March 25, 1939.
The Governor may likewise issue
Refunding Bond? In the sum of
$2,650,000.00 payable March 15.
1947, for paying Highway Certifi¬
cates coming due March 25, 1940:
and may issue Refunding bonds in •
the same amount for paying Cer¬
tificates due March 25. 1941. Such
Refunding Bonds shall bp a direct
obligation of the State, $1,000,60, sjjail be
■ issued in denomiiintiona of
and shall be paid from revenue and
rages allocated to the Highway
Department. They shall bear in¬
terest of 2% per annum.
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
“And except that the City of Ma¬
con, by a majority vote of the May
qr and Board of Aldermen of the
City-, may issue notes or debt cer¬
tificates to be executed by the
Mayor and Treasurer for the re¬
tirement and payment' of the defi¬
cit and current indebtedness of the
City of Macon as the same may
bo at the date of such Issues, pro¬
vided such issues be on or before
a date not later than ninety (90)
days after the holding of the elec¬
tion at which this amendment is
submitted for ratification, and oth¬
erwise In an amount not exceeding
the said deficit and current in¬
debtedness outstanding on such
date not later than niuety (90)
days after the holding of the elec¬
tion at which this amendment 1?
submitted for ratification. Such
notes or debt certificates may be
issued iu such denominations,
bearing such interest and failing
due at such times as the Mayor
and Board of Aldermen may fix
and determine, but not to exceed
five (5) years from the date of
their issue.”
AN ACT—No. 247
To amend the Constitution of the
State of Georgia by adding the fol¬
lowing to Article 7, Section «, Par¬
agraph 3:
"The General Assembly shall
have authority, however, to onact
laws authorizing tba County of
Fulton and the governing author¬
ities of the schools of said county,
to create a retirement and pension
fund and ;t system of retirement,
pay for county employees, and for
county school employee*, and to
levy taxes for that purpose 1 and
to authorize the said county and
the said county school authorities
tions to enact the Ihjve, qualifications rules and of regula¬ xtidt
employees for benefits from such
To amend Article 7, Section 7.
Paragrajih l of the Constitution by
adding the following;
“And except that the City of
Quitman, in addition to the bond¬
ed indebtedness heretofore author¬
ized by the Constitution, may is
sde refunding serial bonds not In
excess of the aggregate of $35,
(100.00, for the purpose of refund¬
ing and retiring any bonded indebt¬
edness of said city which may be
outstanding, past due end unpaid as
of January 1, 1940, and any bonded
indebtedness of said city outstand¬
ing and which shall become due
at any time up to and including
January 1, 1950, and shall provide
for the assessment and collection
of nn annual tax of sufficient
amount to pay the principal and 1
Interest on said refunding bonds as
they become dye. Said serial bonds
so issued shall mature in seven
annual equal amounts beginning
fire year? from date of the Is
suanoe. Said refunding bonds shall
bo Issued and validated when au¬
thorized by the Board of City
Cbmmisalouers o” Quitman who are
empowered to fix the rate of tri
te.rdet. the date of issuance, nnd
other details.”
That Article 7, Section 6, Para¬
graph 1, of the Constitution of
Georgia be and the same is here¬
by amended by adding at the end
of saul paragraph the following
language: "Provided, however,
that the City of Fitzgerald, in Ren
Hill County. Georgia, is authorized
to levy a tax on all of the taxable
property therein, not to exceed on”
mill, for the purpose of securing
a fund to be set aside, used amt
appropriated by the City of Fit?
gerald in assisting, promoting, an<i
encouraging the location of new
Industries therein. And which may
also be set aside, appropriated and
hted by said Ciiy of Fitzgerald
tor the purpose ci advertising said
City and such fund so raised shall
be spent iu such manner foi such
purpose us the governing body of
said City may provide. Said tax
and appropriation being in addi
■1on to those now authorized by
To amend Section 7, Article 7.
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
“Exeept that the City of Quit
man may obtain loans to supply
casual deficiencies of revenue, to
be paid out of the revenue received
by tho City in that year, said loans
to be evidenced by promissory
notes aftc first heing authorized
by vote of the Board of Commis¬
sioners. The aggregate amount
of said loans outstanding at any
time shall not exceed fifty per
cent of the total gross receipts
of the City 0 f Quitman from ad
valorem rt.--.xes in the preceding
year. and no hew jouus shall bo
Obtained in any year unless all
loans obtained paid tba previous year
have been in full.
“And except, also, that the City,
by a majority vote of the City
CemmDsi'uw-jrs. shall issue notes
or debt certificates for the re¬
tirement and. payment of any defi¬
cit i» current .'ndeotodness of the
Qity of Quitman aa the same may
be at the date of such issue. Such
notes or debt certificates shaft be
issued as the Boaid of Commission¬
ers may fix and determine, but not
to. exceed five years itbra ibe date
of their issue.”
AN ACT—No. 279
To amend Article 7, Section *.
paragraph 2 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
The General Assembly shall
have the authority, however, to
enact lawe creating a Civil Ser¬
vice Commission and esOBblishtng
a Civil Service System and/or
Merit System for county employ¬
ees and employees and deputies of
egunty officers of Fulton County,
including deputies and employees
of the Sheriff, Tax Collector, Tax
Receiver, Treasure?, Clerk of the
Superior Court and Ordinary of
arid county, and In connection,
therewith to define sn.d prescribe
tho powers and (ftit-i** of such
Civil Service Commission and such
employee* ana deputies: and to «n
act laws defining the relation, ob¬
ligation, duty and responsibility
of employees and deputies under
civil service classification with re¬
aped. to county officers, and fur
ther define (he reir.tiob, responsi
IjJjltv obligation and dt’U of of¬
ficers el Fulton County with, «•
spent to employees and deputies
coming under civil service classi¬
fication, to enact lawe establish¬
ing tenure of office for such em¬
ployees and deputies and to pro¬
vide In what manner and'for what
reasons they may be removed or
suspended from office: and to pro¬
vide exceptions and exwmtjtiona to
the operation of said law?.”
To amend Article 7. Section 7.
paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following: of
“And except that the City
Greenville may issue refunding se¬
rial bonds not in excess of the
aggregate sum of Sixteen Thous¬
and ($16,00(1) Dollars for the pur¬
pose of refunding and retiring any
bonded Indebtedness of said City
outstanding, past due and unpaid
up to and Including January 1,
1940, and providing for the as¬
sessment and collection of an an¬
nual tax sufficient in amount to
pay the principal and interest of
said honds as they fall due; the
proceed? of all such refunding
bonds So issued by the City of
Gm-uvifto to be used exclusively
for the purpose of paying and re¬
tiring said bonded indebtedness
ilia), is ox may become due and un¬
paid as At January 1, 19-10. Said
refunding bonds shall bo issued
when authorized by a vote of the
Mayor aud City Couuail aud shall
he validated a? provided by law,
AN ACT—No. 190
To, amend Article 7, Section T.
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
"Aud except thar die City of
Savannah in addition to tho bond¬
ed indebtedness heretofore author
ized, may Issue serial bonds not
in excess of the aggregate sum Of
One Million Dollars, for the pup
pone -of acquiring and establish¬
ing an industrial mid domestic
water supply for the Cjiy of Savan¬
nah and vicinity, aud shall provide
for the assessment and collection
of ap annual tax sufficient in
amount to pay the principal ami
interest of said serial bonds as
they become due. Said serial
bonds a? issued shaft mature in
twenty-five annual equal amounts
beginning five years from the date
of Issuance. Said serial bond? shall
he Issued and validated when an .
thorized by (he affirmative vote
of the requisite two-third? of the
(inaUfied voters of tho City of Sa¬
vannah in an election to be held In
accordance with a*d in compliance
with the law. The Mayor and
Aldermen of the City of Savannah
are authorized by a majority vote
tf> fix the rate of interest of salt!
bonds at le^at thirty days next
preceding'fbe date of the election
AN ACT—No. 217
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following: The Coa*tai
Highway District is hefeb.v con¬
tinued as a political subdivision
and corporation for aiding construc¬
tion of a four-lane highway Florida from
the Savannah River to the
tine. The District shall include
i tatham, Bryan. Liberty. McIn¬
tosh, Glynn and Camden Cotmtes,
•and shall be governed by ten pom
ipidsioners to be selected by tip' tax
levying officers of said county to
serve five years. The District
shall have authority to issue two
additional sets of bonds not ex¬
ceeding $4,500,606,00, of which a
first increment -of PS to $560,000
may be used for rights of way. and.
a second increment of up to $4,
000.000 for widening and construc¬
ting the Coastal Highway. The
first Increment shall be paid by
the District from gasoline taxes.
The second shaft be paid by the
State Highway Board within tw elve
years. The indebtedness shall he
incurred' only after a vote of the
District, wi-h two-thirds majority
apd a majority of total eligible'
AS ACT—No. 230
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
PararrariJ 1 of the Constitution by
adding tie following:
"And except that the City of
Sylfahia. in Set-even County, Geor¬
gia, may issue refunding serial bond*
not iu excess of the aggregate sum
oi twenty thousand ($20,000) dol¬
lars, for the purpose of refunding
and retiring any bonded indebted¬
ness of said City outstanding, past
duo and unpaid up to and inelud
in January 1, 1916, and providing
Tor the assessment and .collection
of an annual tax sufficient jn
amount to pay said' fire principal and
interest of bonds as they
fall due; the proceeds of all such
refunding bonds so Issued by the
City of Sylvania to be nsod ex¬
clusively for the purpose of pay¬
ing and retiring said bonded In¬
debtedness that la or may become
due and Unpaid as of January 1,
1946. - Said- refunding bonds shall
be issued when authorized by a
vote of the be Mayor and Councilmen
and shall validated by law.”
. AN ACT—No. 226
To amend ’ Article Section 7,
Paragraph 1-of tha Constitution by
adding the'following'-.
“And except that the City of
Ociila, Georgia, may* issue refund¬
ing bonds not in excess of the ag¬
gregate sum of $28,000.00 for the
purpose of refunding aud retiring
any bonded indebtedness of said
Ciry of Ociila outstanding, past due
and unpaid on January 1, 1939. and
any bonded indebtedness of said
city outstanding and which be¬
comes due up to and including
January 1, 1943, and provide for
the assessment and collection of
a tax, annually, .sufficient In
amount to pay the principal and
interest of said bonds aa they shall
become due. the proceeds Of aft
such refunding bonds so issued by
(he city of ‘QclRa, (Georgia, to be
used exclusively for the purpose said bond¬ of
paying off and retiring
ed Indebtedness that is now or may
become due and unpaid .as of Jan¬
uary 1, 1943. Sard refunding bonds
shall be issued when authorized by
a vote of the Mayor and Council
of the City of Ocitla, Georgia, and
shad) be validated.”
To amend Section, Constitution .7, Article 7,
Paragraph J of the by
adding the following:
“And except-thatf the Willie Con¬
solidated School District, of Lib¬
erty County. Georgia, may issue
.ic funding serial bond? not In ex¬
cess of the aggregate sum ot $15,
000.60 for the purpose of refunding
and retiring any bonded indebted¬
ness and interest thereon of said
School District outstanding past
due aud unpaid on June 36, 1939,
aud any bonded indebtedness of
said School District outstanding
and which becomes due up to and
including December 30, J947, and
provide for the assessment aud rol¬
ler tion of an annual tax. sufficient
(a amount to pay the principal and
interest of said bonds as they fall
due- the proceeds of all such re¬
funding bonds so issued by the
WilHe Consolidated School Dis¬
trict to be n$ed exclusively for the
purpose of p,vying and retiring said
bonded indebtedness and interest
thereon as specified. Said refund¬
ing tiojula shall be issued, when au¬
thorized by a vote of the Trustees
of the said 'Wiilia Consolidated
School District, of liberty County,
and shaft he validated aa provided
by law.”
AN ACT—No. 383
To amend Article J, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
"And except that the County of
Bacon may Issue refunding serial
bonds not In Excess of the aggre¬
gate sum of $90,006,60 for the pur¬
pose nf refunding and retiring any
bonded indebtedness aud interest
thereon of said county outstand¬
ing past due atld unpaid on Jan¬
uary l, 1939, and uny bonded In¬
debtedness and interest thereon
of said county outstanding and
whjch becomes due up to and Jn
cludUJg July 1, 1939. aud provide
for the assessment and collection
<?f an annual tax, sufficient in
amount to pay the principal aud
interest of said bonds as they fall
due; the proceeds of all such re¬
funding bonds so issued by the
County of Bacon to be used ex¬
clusively for the purpose of pay¬
ing and retiring said bonded in¬
debtedness and interest thereon
that is or may become due and
unpaid as of July J. 1939. Said
refneding bonds shall be Issued
when authorized by the Commis¬
sioners of Roads and Revenues, and
shall be validated as provided by
AN ACT--No. 405
To amend Article 7. Section 7,
Paragraph J of the Constitution
by adding the following:
-'And except that the City Coun¬
cil of Augusta, in addition to the
debt* hereinbefore allowed, may
make temporary loans to be paid
out of the revenues received by the
City; said loans to be evidenced by
promissory notes and previously
authorized by h majority vote of, ]
the City Council of Augusta. The
aggregate amount of said loans out- ;
standing at any one time shall
not exceed fifty per cent, of the
total gross receipts'of aflyaiorem the City of
Augusta from faxes in
the preceding year. ■> id no new
loans shall be made, in any year
until all leaps made in any pre¬
vious years have beau paid in full.
"And except also that the City j
Council of Augusta by a majority
vote, may issue notes of debt cer¬
tificates not in excess of the sum
of One Million Dollars principal
amount, for the retirement and
payment of the deficit and current
indebtedness of the City of Au¬
gusta, provided such issues shall
be made on or before the first day
of January next following the proc¬
lamation of this Amendment.’* ^. ..:j
AN ACT—No. 324 'OB*5
To amend Article 7. Section 7,'
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following;
“And except that the City of
Nashville of Berrien Co’sfity Geor¬
gia, may issue refunding serial
bond? not In excess $28,000, of tor the
aggregate sum of
the purpose of refunding and re¬
tiring the bonded indebtedness of
the City of Nashvilld outstanding,
past due, and unpaid on November
1, 1936, In the sum of $16,000, and
the bonded indebtedness of said
City of Nashville outstanding and
which becomes due up to . nd in¬
cluding November 1, 1942 in the
sum of $12,000, and provided for
the assessment and collection of
an annual tax sufficient in amount
to pay the principal and Interest
of said bonds as they fall due, the
proceeds of such refunding bonds
so issued by the City of Nashviije,
to be used exclusively for the pur¬
pose specified. Said refunding
bonds shall be Issued when au
thorized by a vote of the mayor and
council of the City of Nashvitle,
Berrien County, Georgia, and shall
be validated.”
AN ACT—No. 337
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution hy
adding the follpwing:
“And except that the City of
Ociila, Georgia, may issue rtfqtid¬
ing bonds not in excess of the ag¬
gregate sum of $28,000.00 for the
purpose of refunding and retiring
any bonded indebtedness of said
City of Ociila outstanding,- past
due and unpaid on January 1. 1939,
and any bonded indeb :dness of
said city outstanding and which
becomes due up to and including
Ja/iuary 1, 1943, and provide for
the assessment and collection of a
tax annually, sufficient iu amount
to pay the principal and interest
of said bonds as they shall become
d.ue; the proceeds of all such re¬
funding bonds so irsued by the
City of Ociila, Georgia, to be used
exclusively for the purpose of pay¬
ing off and retiring .“aid bonded in¬
debtedness that is now or may be¬
come due and unpaid as of January
1, 1943. Said refunding bonds
shall be issued when authorized by
a vote of the. Mayor aud Council ot
the City of Ocitla. Georgia, and
shall be validated.” ^
AN ACT—No. 257 “ .-j
To amend Article 7. Section T.
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution hy
adding the following:
“And except that the City of
Savannah, lit addition to the bond¬
ed indebtedness heretofore un!her¬
tz ed, may issue aerial bonds not io,
excess of the aggregate mtm of
Five Hundred Thousand
for the exclusive Acquiring purpose of pur¬
chasing and/or landy
and/or sites, anil buildings<,and im¬
provements of locate^ giving, thereon, granting, for leasy the
ing. or otherwise disposing of said
lands, and/or sites, and buildings,
and improvements located thereon,
to the United States of America for
thc purpose of national defense, or
otV-r public purpose; and shall
provide for the assessment anti col
tccticm of an annua} tax sut'Cseb-nt
in amount to pay the principal
and interest as they become duo;
said serial bonds so issued shall
mature in twenty annual equal
amounts beginning ten years from
the date of issuance The pro¬
ceeds of all such serial bonds po is¬
sued by the City of Savannah shall
be used exclusively for the purpose
specified. Said serial bonds shall
be issued by the Mayor and Aider
men after two-thirds of the quali¬
fied voters have authorized the
same in au election.”
AN ACT—No. 416
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding the following:
“And except that the City of Ray
City, Georgia, may issue refund¬
ing serial bonds not in excess of
the aggregate sum of $15,500 plus
aft unpaid interest on said bonds
as of June 15, 1940, for the pur¬
pose of refunding and retiring any
bonded indebtedness and interest
thereon of said city outstanding
past due and unpaid on June 15,
1940, and any bonded indebtedness
and interest thereon of said city
outstanding and which becomes
due up to and including June 35.
1940. for water works and electric
lights, and provide for the assess¬
ment and collection of an annua!
tax. sufficient iu amount to pay the
principal and interest of said bonds
as they fall due; tho proceeds of
all such refunding bonds so issued
by the City of Ray City to be used
exclusively for the purpose speci¬
fied. Said refunding bonds shall
be issued when authorized by a vote
of the -Mayor and Council, and shall
be validated as provided by law.”
AN ACT—No. 349
To amend Article 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution by
adding-the following:
“And exeept that the County of
Tift may be atitho’ ized to Increase
Its bonded indebtedness in the sum
of Fifty Thousand Dollars iu addi¬
tion to the debts hereinbefore al¬
lowed to be incurred, and at a rata
of interest not to exceed five per
centum per annum, which said
bopds shall run not to exceed
i thirty years. The proceeds of eli
[authority (bonds issued and sold under this
shall be nsed for the
purpose of acquiring a liospitai
^site in Tift County, and equipping and building,
:constructing, there
,'cn a hospital where medical and ^
'surgical treatment and care may 1
ibe provided those in need of susfe.J
jTbe power conferred by tiiie
'amendment idor shall be exercised un
such rules and regulations oii
'building specting the acquiring of a site, thd
and equipping of said ho«
Ipitai, as well as the operatinh 6t
the same, prov;dlrf|g for payment
(for such medical and surgical
i treatment and care in such hos
-pital. excepting orjy ebarity cases
r" tbe county authorities acting
alone or in conjunction with any
• committee which they may deem
necessary and proper to appoint."
if ^ AN AC:T —No. 556
v " Article
- To amend 7, Section 7,
Paragraph 1, of the Constitution by ,
fr adding the following:
l'AJid exgMd that t h« O Ry of A t *J