Newspaper Page Text
To the Voter* of White County:
I hereby announce a* a candidate for the
office of Clerk of the Superior Court- of White
County, subject to the primary to be held
March 11. I , pledge , J to the
If elected to thi# office
citisena of White County an honest and prn
gre**ive adminiBtration of the office and it*
duties. World War II, „ having ,
1 am a veteran of
served tfixtWn months overseas. Slne« finish¬
ing my education at the University of Georgia
i have been employed by the White County
Board of Education for 2¥j years as a veteran
instructor. behalf will
Your vote and influence in my
be appreciated. Neal Ash.
It has been a great pleasure to serve a*
your Clerk of Superior Court. In seeking re
election to this office I pledge a continued
service* to the people.
1 have made an effort to render a service
to everyone in any way that I possibly could
•whether it was in an official capacity or other¬
wise. I would like to continue this service for
you. Re-elect me on March 11th.
tyy work in the office at this time of the
year is such that it will not permit me to
make a house to house contact with each of
you and in view of this condition 1 trust
you will accept this as my personal appeal
for your support in this campaign, CAMPBELL.
To the Citizens of White County: „
I wish to take this opportunity to
my candidacy for the office of Chairman
White County Commissioner* of Road*
Revenue. j
I assure you that I have only the
of the White County taxpayer at heart and,
if elected. 1 will do my best to see that the
taxpayers receive full value for their tux
moneys. will
I regret that due to my work 1 be
unable to contact each of you personally, but
your vote and influence will be deeply appre¬
Lee Palmer.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce my candidacy for Chair¬
man of the County Commissioners, March subject to
the primary to be held 11.
I promise you that fire will stay under my
feet to secure everything possible for White
County and will devole my best effort* and all
the time necessary that nothing tmeses with¬
out making a determined fight to secure what
we need.
My connections with th« state highway de¬
partment enables me to secure what is right¬
fully ours, and 1 promise lo visit them often.
If elected, 1 promise a progressive and
business-like administration of this responsible
J will appreciate your vote and influence.
Yours for Progress,
O. W. Turner,
To the Voters of White County.
} take this method of announcing my can¬
didacy for the office of Chairman of the
Roads and Revenues of the County subject, to
thn primary of March 11, 1952.
The present board has been in office lb
months and during that time we have pur
chasm! over $20,000 worth of road machinery
and paid for the same. We have reduced the
county's indebtedness more than half what it
was when we took office.
Upon a record of honest smd efficient con¬
duct of the county affairs we offer again to
serve you as one of your commissioner* und
pledge ourselves to work diligently for the
upbuilding of our county and to give the peo¬
ple an honest. efficient and prog restive admin
istratum of their county affairs. Your vore
and influence is earnestly Molielted.
R«ftpeet fully.
C. :. 0. Wik*. Sr.
To the Voters of White County:
I htreUy Announce myself as a candidate
for Road Supervisor of the County Commis
aionvr* of White County, subject, to tfu*
primary to be held March 11.
1 feel that my experience with machinery
*nd {general work Qualifies me lor this office.
Your vote and influence will bv greatly
appreciat *rt. truly,
R«y Nix.
To the People of White County: candidate
I hereby announce myself as »
for Road Supervisor of White County, subject
to the Primary to be held March 11, 1952.
I have made nn honeat effort to serve every
fwetlon of the County the very best I could
under the condition of which l wn* trying to
repair and maintain the roads of the County.
I have been handicapped as you know trom a
financial condition hut have tried to make the
money serve* as best 1 could.
1 will not be nlde to make a Uouft* to house
canvas* duo to my duties of trying to keep
the road* to where the people run travel them
and would like to take this method of solicit¬
ing your voto and influence in lhi* campaign.
If you will re-elect me to this office of duty
I will continue to do the best service 1 possibly
Charlie Abernathy.
World Scholars and Uncsco Officials Plan a History of Mankind “
*. V-
A six Vttiliun* it:-tiny o. hut \ ;t > u y «• • ..«’i t.
times to 1957, the year >i yoldie.u u. is h
written by a team of 1000 I i •_ . • .-u! -
The sponsor of the program is it.e \ X.» .»•
Eduealiouai. Seirntife and f i (,u . , <>■
(Uneseol, which is ai'yae ifv ; in# eft !■ - >. t
work, which is estimated »« cost : '-tio.oaa.
project wilt take five years u> eom f »'..-ie nr,, a
assemble ktuiwledite of ait , iltuvcs
peoples. x>ast and present. Here are t’liesc, oi v i
lists ami members of the Internetn*Ptl t urn ms
for a Scientific and Culture* 3f«si»:y At:■ !■.-
We are placing in operation a stationery
Saw Mill and need saw logs
Decimal “C” Scale
PINE LOGS - 8’ to 16’ Lengths
10” and larger diameter at small end $45.00
Less than JO” diameter at small end $35.00
OAK LOGS - 8’6” and 17 Lengths
10” and larger diameter at small end $35,00
Less than 10” diameter at small end $25.00
Delivered to
Cornelia, Georgia
To the Voter* of White County:
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
tor lax Commissioner, subject to the primary
to be held March It.
f feel that my qualifications art* such as to
fill this responsible office.
If elected, i will carry on the duties of this
office to the best interest and convenience of
all the people of White County,
Your vote and influence will be greatly,
Leo Mize.
To the People taking of White County:
1 am this method of announcing my
campaign for reflection as Tax Commissioner
of White County subject to the rules of the
Democratic Primary to he held March 11th.
19Ci2. I
It has been n pleasure to have served in
thi* position for the past three yours. J hav*
endeavored to carry on this work in the way
and manner in which it should be done and
my records are here to show for themselves.
In seeking reelection to this office l pledge* to
curry on the work to the best of my ability
and knowledge, and assure you that 1 will
deeply appreciate your valued support in this
Due to the duties of this office I will not
be able to g«t out and canvass the county as
1 would like to. Please Accept this as ray
request for your support in this ♦‘lection. »
Respectfully your*.
Mrs. Earl R. Nix.
To the Voters of White County:
l hereby announce myself ns n candidate for
Tax Commissioner of White County, mbjeel
to the Yqleft of the primary to be held March
tl, 1952.
1 have served as Tax Collector and am
familiar with the duties of the office 1 aspire.
/ promise to devote my whole le time to the
... 9
dutipK ,iui mjh of in the me office oft ie— and and I will wtii ♦‘ndiavor endeavor to to per¬ dor
form form a a faithful faithful, and nmljmnarlinl impartial administration administration
of the thisi'responsible office during buHinea* office. You hour* will find closely me in
as as
it is possible whore 1 will gladly render any
uasistance to the public.
It will not he possible for me to canvass
every voter, therefore I am pleading for v«mi
active support and your vote.
Faithfully your*,
T. II. Turner.
■ no. which e; ja. »> » e v»sth: Lost t« right.
-e.iir.D IH 4 F! s - !* :V Xorayk. Syria: Dr.
• I'.an S. fin ; cy, .h“ <f Kmsttom: l>r. Paulo
t .unci', o. B-atil Pvi »‘ib*ot of tlte*. Oonvuwsslon;
r fuime Tories iM ">i- xre«. i>jreetor-<icni ra !
■>. f»u , o: ! tfalph I nee. the United’Statcs.
'. il • editor, if e*nu»ittee. and Ur. Cart
; i> ir.A h.;r«M' s«di jeriami. Sfanding: r»v. f’edrn
Hnsvl ciiny-s Mcsreo: ftr Jean Thomas. France;
!; sdvlo , i a'.a 9>-vfce: Pr. Charles Moraze,
t" D- s > a.imhy ( ivrtesao-. Portugal. Cnmmis
sii.u seer; ■... - '"nctuL tuid. Dr. Mario Praz, ItaD .
To the Voters White County:
1 hereby :ui nounae myself as a candmate
for Clerk ot tjhe County Commissioners, sub¬
ject to the prjtmanr March t! . inducing
I will do teveeything possible in
industry to locate in White County and will
make every effort to cooperate w tri
the state highway department in securing the
much needed! faurm-to-market roads that w«
are entitled to. I will cooperate »n every
progressive move to Induce people to come to
our mate foie-s* county and to keep our county
pushing forward. responsible ... office is .
My past, record 5n this be of
well kncMfn and f fee! that I can again
service White Oounty’s further development,
the re foav* 1 beseech your vote and influence.
Yours for Progress.
, J. F. Glover.
Many years ago there was a gi*eat
deal of talk -about the “yellow peril”
—the idea being that some day the
Asian nations, with their enormous
superiority in manpower over the
white races, would rise in revolt
against the Western world and at¬
tempt to subjugate it. Certain news¬
papers and writers played this up
to the hilt and frightening books of
prophecy were written about it. Some
people took it with the utmost seri¬
ousness. others argued regarded the it as alleged non¬
sense, and that
yellow peril was the deliberate crea¬
tion of yelVivv journalism. troubles that
In any event, the now
exist in the smoldering Eastern world
are, to some degree at least, proof peril
that the prophecy of farfetched. the yellow And
was not entirely Egypt, Pakistan,
these troubles—in
and elsewhere—are not isolated phe¬
nomena. They are parts of a whoie
The East feels that it has keen ex¬
ploited, subjected to centuries of in¬
justice. Whether this point of view
be right or wrong is not the point.
That is the way the East feels, and
it is determined to do something
about it.
Many winters and thinkers are deal¬
ing with this vast problem. One of
them is Robert Kazmayer, who de¬
voted an extremely interesting news¬
letter to it some time ago. In Mr.
Kazmayer’s view, our universe is in
in throes of a threefold revolution.
The three dominant factors, whirl
he terms “locomotives of history,”
are: First, a worldwide revolution of
the less privileged against peoples, the yvho wealthy are
mostly colored,
nations; second, the revolution of the
masses against the autonomous indi¬
vidual: third, the revolution of to¬
day’s chemical-technological age with
its atomic fission against the me¬
chanical age which created the so¬
ciety we know.
Against this background, Mr. Kaz¬
mayer goes on, stand two other tre¬
mendous factors. First, the popula¬
tion of the world is growing at a
terrific rate, and the colored popula¬
tion is twice as large as the white
fthd breeding twice as fast. Thus, the
demand for the world’s goods grows
ever greater, especially among The seeoriH the
nations which have little.
factor is that one nation, the United
States, towers above all others in ma¬
terial wealth and possessions. We aw
a very young nation, and we have but
6 per cent of the world’s population
and land area. Yet, Mr. Kazmayer
points out, we have 85 per cent of
the world’s automobiles, 54 per cent
of its telephones, 92 per cent of its
bathtubs, 46 per cent of its electric
power, and so on. We consume 05 per
cent of the world’s corn, 60 per cent
of its oil, 45 per cent of its meat.
Thus, Mr. Kazmayer reasons, the
locomotives of history “are being
strategically directed against Amer¬
ica,” and the Kremlin is doing the
directing. The Kremlin makes much
.of the statement that it stands for
equality of all races, and here. Mr.
Kazmayer says, the Kremlin is hon¬
est—“it would just as soon have col¬
ored slaves as white.”
Mr. Kazmayer offers no solution—
he simply outlines what he believes
is happening. At the end of his re¬
port, ho wrote, “One thing you can
be sure of: There’s no normalcy, no
return to older order, not for Amer¬
ica, not for the world, not in our |
time. Until these three engines of
history have been brought under there’ll con-,
trol, or have spent their steam
be no peace as we used to under- >
stand that word.”
Way Back When
Earliest records of the circus as
a form of public entertainment go
back to the Roman occupation of
Britain. It describes an ancient,
hand-illumined Anglo-Saxon manu¬
script showing “an audience in aa
amphitheatre, diverted by a musi¬
cian, a dancer, and a trained bear.”
To the Voters of White County:
I Ordinary hereby announce myself County, aft a candidate
for of White subject to the
primary to be held March M. '
I promise a faithful and conscientious serv¬
ice to the people in the discharge of the
administration of the duties of the office.
It will be impossible for me to make a
canvass of all the rourity, therefore I hope
that you will take this ns a personal appeal.
I will lx? deeply grateful to you for your vote
and influence.
E. (i. Nix.
To the Voters of White County:
Men and Women, Young and Old:
f hereby announce my candidacy for re¬
flection to the office of Ordinary of White
County, subject to the Primary of March 11th,
I have endeavored to serve you honestly,
efficiently and courteously in th# past and I
assure you if 1 am re-elected that 1 will con¬
tinue to serve you in the future in the same
way and manner, trying at all times to he of
help and service to tt } ! the people of the.
Assuring you of my appreciation of yivor
support in the past and to further nsMVtffe
you that I will deeply appreciate your suwiof*
and influence in the coming primary.
Please accept this announcement :i« a
and individual request to all of you fe*r you
support and vote.
Your fr irod.
J. P. Saxon*.
Georgia—White County. f f*
f ourt of Ordinary.
*•’1** up) riuKCrs upon spplivation of Mrs.
A 11 , wf:i, m Widow ... ot *■ • , .. I *■<i , C. ,,
‘ 1
Wike, for a twelve mooifh’s support, tor
herself and 2 minor chi Uteri, having riPd
• heir i rltini; All |>ere->*is eonerrneo* hert -
hy are cited to show enure, if "»ny .'they
have, al the next regular March term of
this court, why said application should
not he granted.
J. P. SAXON,. Ordinary
Cheese Adds Zest To Lenten Dishes
AH the way fiom hors d’oenvres to
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Brighten jyur lenten menu with the
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A ray Alder, in Mat ch 2nu issue of
The Anmiean Weekly
Nation’s Popular Ma.azlne With The
Order from Your Local Newsdealer
One Jersey cow, fresh in .
Lee Barrett
For Rent
One 4 room house. See
K. S |Pricu
Poplar Veneer Blocks or Logs Poplar on Stump
Bring your blocks or logs to the
Each load will be scaled and paid for from 7 A.M.
to 4 P. M. each day except Saturday
On Saturday from 7 A. Pd. to 12 noon.
Fre3 Estimates on Your Poplar Timber
For Information Call 304
Cornelia Veneer Co.
A statement of Catholic Doctrine
Phamphlet mailed on request
Address; 2699 Peachtree Rogd NE
Atlanta, Georgia
Due on or Before March 15th
And avoid the pen ity and interest
we are required to collect
Prompt filing will prevent a penalty
and interest
To the People of the Ninlh
Congressional District:
I am a candidate for Congres
fiom the Ninth District, subject
to the Democratic primary. I
was horn and reared in the Dis¬
trict and have been practicing
law in Gainesville since my grad¬
uation from the University of
Georgia Law School. 1 feci that
mv six years experience as a mem¬
ber of the Georgia General As¬
sembly— two years as Senator
and four yeats as Representative
— will better enable me to render
good service to the people as a
member of Congress
1 will greatly appreciate the
support of ail the people.
Political Advertisement
Never Come Back
Let U* Do Your
Official Organ of Whitt County, G
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga.
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at the Post rttice aWJleveland
(la., as second class mail tuauer.
Subscription Price Annually
In A lance
Ninth Congressional District #2,50
Other #3.00
Reliable man with eat wanted to call on
fannets in White County. Wondeitui op.
poi-trinity. $10 to $20 in a day No ex
peiiencem capital required. Permanent.
Write today Me Ness Company, Dept.A,
Freepcrt, 111.