Newspaper Page Text
To the hereby Voters of Whit* County: candidate for the j
I announce* Superior hs a Court of White 1
office of Clerk of the
County, Kubject to the primary to he held
March 11. . 1 pledge , , the |
If elected to thia office to
citiwna of White County an honeat and pro¬
gressive administration of the office and its
duties. World War il, having
1 am a veteran of
served sixteen months oversea*. Since finish¬
ing ray education at the University of Georgia
I have been employed by the White County
Board of Education for 2V& years ae a veteran
Your vote and influence in my behalt will
he appreciated. Neal Ash.
ft ha* been a great pleasure to serve as
your Clerk of Superior Court. In seeking re
election to this office I pledge a continued
service to the people.
[ have made an effort to render a service
to everyone in any way that I possibly could
whether it was in an official capacity or other,
wise. 1 would like to continue this service for
you. Re-elect me on March 11th.
My work in the office at this time of the
year la such that it will not permit me to
make a house to house contact with each of
you and in view of thia condition I trust that
you will accept this as my personal appeal
for your support in. thia campaign.
To the Citizen* of White County;
J wish to take thia opportunity to announae
my candidacy for the office of Chairman of
White County Commissioner* of Koada and
I assure you that 1 have only the intereats
of the White County taxpayer at heart and.
If elected, I will do my l»est to see that thv
taxi >uyere> receive lull value for their tax
moneys. work I will be
I regret that, due to my
unable to contact each of you personally, but
your vote and influence will be deeply appre¬
I*ee Palmer.
To the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce my candidacy for Chair¬
man of the County Commissioners, subject to
the primary to be held March II.
I prom is* you that fire will stay under my
feet to secure everything possible for Whit*
County and will devote my best efforts and ail
the time necessary that nothing passes with¬
out making a determined fight to secure what
wn need. highway de¬
My connections with the state
partment enables me to secure what is right¬
fully ours. and*f promise to visit them often,
If elected. I promise a progressive arid
business-like administration of this responsible
i will appreciate your vote and influence.
Yours for Progress.
O. W. Turner.
To the Voters of White County.
I take this method of announcing my can¬
didacy for the office of Chairman of the
Ronds and Revenues of. the County* subject to
♦ be primary of March 11, 1952.
The present board tins been in office IS
niomhx and during that time we have pur¬
chased over $20,000 worth of road machinery
tint! paid for the snroe. We have reduced the
county's indebtedness more than half what if
whs when we took office.
Upon a record of honest and efficient con¬
duct of the county affairs we offer again and to
nerve you as one of your commissioner#
pledge ourselves to work diligently for the
upbuilding of our county and to give the peo¬
ple an honest, efficient ami progressive adm jo¬
int ration of their county affairs. Your vote
and influence is earnestly solicited. Respectfully.
('. C. WiJte, Sr.
To the Voters of White County:
1 hf»reb> announce myself as a candidate
fur Road Supervisor of the County Commis
Kionera of While County, subject to the
primary to be held March 11.
I ford that my experience with machinery
and general work qualifies rne for this office,
Your vote and influence will he greatly
Appreciated. Yours truly,
lluy Nix.
To the People of White myself County: candidate
£ hereby announce as a subject
for* Road Supervisor of White County,
to the Primary to be held March 11. 1952.
I have made an honest effort to serve every
section of the County the very best i could
under the condition of which I was trying to
repair and maintain the roads of tin* County.
i h»V*‘ been handicapped as you know Horn n
financial condition but have triad to make the
money gcfve as best I could.
I will not be able to make a house to house
canvass due to my duties of trying to keep
the roads L> where the people can travel them
and would like to take this method of solicit¬
ing your vote and influence in thia campaign.
If you will re-elect me to thin office of duty
1 will continue to do the hast service I possibly
Charlie Abernathy.
To the Voters of White County:
f hereby announce myself as a candidate
for Tax Commissioner, subject to the primary
to be bdd March 11.
I feel that ray qualifications arc such as to
fill this responsible office.
if elected, I will carry on the duties of this
office to ttie lH*bt interest mid convenience of
all the people of White County.
Your vote and influence will be greatly
Lee Mize.
To the People of White County: announcing
! am taking this method of my
campaign for rceleetion as Tax Commissioner
of White County subject to the rules of the
Democratic Primary to be held March 11th,
It has been a pleasure to have served in
this position for (hi- past three years. I have
enddhvoied to carry on this work in the way
and manner in which it should be done and
niy record* are here to show for themselves.
In seeking reelection to this office I pledge to
carry on the work to the best <if my ability
and knowledge, and assure you that I will !
deeply appreciate your valued support in thin |
campaign. office
Due to the duties of this 1 will not
be able to get out and canvass the county as
I would like to. Please accept this as my
request for your support in this election.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Earl K. Nix.
To the Voters of White County:
] hereby announce myself ns a candidate for
Tax Commissioner of White County, subject
to the rules of the primary to he held March
II, 1952.
I have served as Tax Collector and am
familiar w ith the dut ies of the oft ice I aspire.
I promise to devote my whole time to the
duties of the office and will endeavor to per¬
form n faithful and impartial administration
of this responsible office. You will find me tn
the office during business bout's as alosely as
It is poaaibio where I will gladly render any \
assistance to the public.
It will not l*c possible for me to canvas?- j
every voter, therefore l am pleading for your J
Active support and your vote.
Faithfully yours, j
T. II. Turner.
JTo the Voters of White County:
I hereby announce myself a» a candidate ,
for Ordinary of White County, • object to the
primary to be held March 11.
( promise * faithful and ^ouscu ntious ser\
Ice to the people it the discharge «»t th<
Administration of the duties of the office.
It will be impossible for me to make a
canvass of all the county, therefore t hop
that you will take this as a personal appeal.
T will lu ikeplv grateful to you for you*- vote
mid influence.
F. <3. Nix.
To th» Voters of White County
>fen and Women. Young and Old:
I hereby announce my candidacy fot re
election to the ofl’ice of Ordinary ot White
Count', subject to the Primai.v of March llth,
1M2. endeavored li<> C
I have to serve you .
efficiently and courteously in th* oast and i
s&sure vou if 1 am re-elected that 1 dl con¬
tinue to serve you in the future in the snine
way and manner, trying it all times to be of
helt> and servic* to a! ! the people ot the
county. ot
Assuring you ot my and appreciation further ymn !
support in the past to assure
you that l will deeply appreciate your support
and influence in the coining primary.
Please accept this announcement as rt special
and individual request to all of you for yo'ir
support and vote. Your friend,
J. P. Saxon.
rv* cmt«
rh«r« vi ff *pl«pha dm tor .vary
i pMpi« in tin Unit ad State* The
it ti tba world would hava to add
;ra than 350 million telephone*
order to attain thia ratio.
We are placing in operation a stationery
Saw Mill and need saw logs
Decimal “C” Scale
PINE LOGS - 8’ to 16’ Lengths
10" and larger diameter at small end $45.00
Less than 10" diameter at small end $35.00
OAK LOGS - 8’6" and 17 Lengths
10" and larger diameter at small end $35.00
Less than JO" diameter at small end $25.00
Delivered to
Cornelia, Georgia
Is Due
March 15th
The Law requires collection of penalties and
interest on late returns. Prompt filing helps
your State Revenue Department to perform
its duties economically and efficiently, and
saves you money.
must be filed by March 15 with the State Revenue Department
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poper. . . . lA M
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Suppose you had to depend on sssaLffia * 0
word of mouth even the tele
It's the newspoper that makes the town.
It's news that makes a newspaper!
t | / 0 The more news—the better!
s fe' t
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L? For local News . . . ft fe, ^
/ >K_
To the Voters of White County;
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for Clerk of the County Commissioners, sub¬
ject to the primary March 11.
I will do everything possihle in inducing
industry to locate in White County and will
make every possible effort to cooperate with
the state highway department in securing the
much needed farm-to-market roads that we
are .entitled to. I will cooperate in every
progressive move to induce people to come to
our matchless county and to keep our county
pushing forward. responsible office
My past record in this is
well known and I feel that 1 can again be of
service to White County's further development,
therefore I beseech your vote and influence.
Yours for Progress,
J. F. Glover.
Named for Dutch Master
Vandyke brown is an earth pi*
ment of deep, rich tone. It tain;
it* name from the old Dutch n:a.
ter, Vandyke, who used the eoic
with remarkable effect. Of bo
origin, it contains iron and biturr.c 1 '
It is excellent for gaining old bronz
effects with a glaze and for stair
ing to imitate old English, anuqu
and bog oaks. Then used to color
white base, the tints have a lav
ender tinge.
Poplar Veneer Blocks or Logs Poplar on Slump
Bring your blocks or logs to the
Each load will be scaled and paid lor from 7 A.M.
to 4 P. M. each day except Saturday
On Saturday from 7 A. M. to 12 noon.
Fres Estimates on Your Poplar Timber
For Information Call 304
Cornelia Veneer Co.
A statement of Catholic Doctrine
Phamphlct mailed on request
Address; 2099 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia
For Congress
The election of a Congressman in this am - is :i most serious
matter. Above all other considerations the safety {and preser¬
vation of the republic must ho placed first. Personal interests,
past and future political favors, and personal friendships
pale into insignificance when freedom is threatened from
without and from within. The ballot which is a precious in¬
strument of freedom may unless justly exorcised! become the
instrument of freedoms loss The call withm America today
is for honest leadership, able leadership, ieadetship whose in¬
tegrity is unquestioned, God fearing leadership, leadership
that is truly free. Unless we send truly free men to represent
us in government, free representative governmoirt in America
may he lost. The si.irns and svmptons are about us on every
hand indicating an internal political malignancy to which if
remedy is not applied may result |in the destruction in this
Country of the great and eternal principles upon which this
republic was established.
Let me urge vou to submit me to the severest examination
in every respect as pet tain.- to proper qualifications suitable
to serve this District and America in the Congress of the
United States.
Paid Political Advertisement
The CUV elan& Centiev
Official Organ of Whitt County , G
Published Weekly at Cleveland Ga,
Jas. P. Davidson, Editor.
Entered at tbe Post ifiice at Cleveland
(tft., as second class mail matter.
Subscription Price Annually
In Adance
Ninth Congressional District $2,50
Other $3.00
Reliable ruan with t-ai wanted to call on
fanners in White County. Wondeiful op¬
portunity, $10 to $20 in a day. No ex¬
pel i-nce ot capital required. Permanent,
i Write today MeNess Company, Dept.A,
I Ereepcrt, 111.