Cleveland courier.
February 27, 1959
Image 3
Cleveland courier., February 27, 1959, Image 3
Funding for the digitization of this title was provided by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through Georgia Public Library Service, a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
About Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1959)
Newspaper Page Text
HOME Takes You to Greater
NEWSPAPER Newspaper Pleasure
Your own home newspaper it truly the magic carpet
which you can ri<ie to a fuller enjoyment of the things that
happening to us folks here at home as wofl as those abroad. We
try to give you a really good newspaper *acfc week and we wont
you to enjoy it to the fullest extant. Bvmything m it Is ef mfescest
to you * THE BOTTOM.
The going* and coming* of our own Believing that good people
people, the building of our new building*, appreciate good our really
the thing* that melee life end living a newspaper we are making
for the every effort to giro them the very best paper
people of out own community are of prime poasibla. In m a y iaaua we will include
importance to u* a* they ere to end long liet of a
will record in each iesue all thc»e you feature* by America's leading
we thing*. journalists and author*. The** feature*
Each week wc will *eek out the*e thing* and all picked are
write of them. We will after careful consideration and
of public good and will *pon*or movement* ara selected for their ability in their several
the work, a* always, fai field*. We know you will follow (beta with
interest of our people. an avid fatter**.
1 Births • News
Deaths • Sports
Parties • Thrills
Churches • Comics
Meetings • Fiction
Buildings • History
Marriages • Comment
Editorials • S. S. Lesson
Civic Interest • Human Interest
School News Subscribe Now
Perhaps no single institution in our city If you -re aa old subacribar, but have
or community is of more importance to allowed your aubecription to lapse, w* urge
any you to bring oe send your subscription in
of us than is our schools and it fa our aim if have been of the
aid them now, or you never one
to in every possible way. W* many people who have enjoyed the really
solicit news items concerning them and their fine reading in your home paper, we urge
effort*. We want the teachers and boards you, a* well, to bring or send in your sub¬
and children to feel that thia is their scription now so that you will not miss a
paper single iaaua of a paper that is really made
friend and anxious to help them at all time*. up for your entertainment and int ar aat.
Independent Xetempaper item ted Especially To The Interest Of Cleveland And White County