Newspaper Page Text
Beauty Shop
Your patronage will be appre¬
For appointment call 5-3151
Henrietta's BeautY Shop
Mrs. Henrietta Davidson Harris, Operator
High grade pig and sow feed. All
kinds poultry feed mash and pellets
made fresh daily in our modern feed|
mill. Hock hott-im prices. Highest,
The Ruby Milling Co.
Phone 11V Cleveland, Ha. (
Ootne tiy the mill when you are.n tow
I Want To Talk T > A Reltabl* Man or
Woman. Will set you up in sound and
profitable business without capital in
vislmeot. A Watkins deal, rship is avail¬
able for White County. Ho cosigner*
required. Must have goo 1 cli tracer i ef.
erence, car or light truck, with determi¬
nation to earn at least $ 5,000 00 per year.
Writ* Air T- F. Camp, The t. 1!. Wat¬
kins Company, tljl) West p.arlitiee St.,
N K , Atlanta 8 , Georgia,
Special Notice
Lose weight safely with tuwly tfeleased
t)ex-A-l)ie lablels, Only WScent al your
Drug Store.
Now i« the nine to plant Fiuit Trees
PriC ‘8 reduced on bbruLbt'iy,
Hiell Pecans u«e», Apple, Fear, Peach,
Fig, Apricot, Chestnut, Plum and Cherry
freeg. i4f*ape vinen. VV« have a nice
eelectio i of Roee Bviahsp,
Cleveland Nursery Co.
Z^ione 5*3801
Cleveland, Ga.
Female Help Wanted
LlDIKS: Start t day to make spare
finis pay iu cash Become lbs Avo
Representative ill v"ur Community W• iIs:
Mrs. Kathryn 11. Houston, Box 24, Con
mares, Georgia
£jD A N C E
. liverv Saturday Night
W. O. W. Hall
Cleveland, («a.
Sponsored by W. O. W.
$1,000 Worth
If you name
Cleveland Supermarket
as your favorite gro cer
and win first prize
“Favorite Grocer”
Ballard 25 lb.
Flour $‘2.30
<£)I954 National Wildlife Federation
Pianos, Organs Piano Tuning
Before you huv» w,i invite y«*u to insp ct
Oil lAig« Bto k of pUo 8 # .or|fHn 8 t Btrin^»'d
in 8 '»Ufnniit 8 H'wl g'l' «i muair, *‘Th*
for «t Chirk Piano CX. 279 »
Lu<n|)ki a > Si All piano tuning «ml
fiftii ii g g uarante^il i»y t hick Piano Co .
Allans, ph»n* Li 3-4348
February Warning
By Earle J. Grant
Doraville, Georgia
You are flirting wi h death, sillj Jonquils,
Poking your hea s in the garden row ;
Do you ru t know that old villain win er
Could slay you overnight with ice and
snow 1
Business Opportunity
Man or Woman
Responsible person from this ait**, 1“'
seivtce anti collect from electric eigareU
dispensers No s'ellii g (_ar. refeiences,
and j|490 00 In $24915 00 investment, to c 8 -
sary. 7 to 12 bouts weekly nets excel
lent monthly income. 1 ’ ts b e full* 1 , me
work. For I cal i lerview give phone
and pat titulars Wiite Inti i nations'
Sales & Mlg, Co of New Orleans Inc.,
p, 0 box in Ji New C'lleaeS 22, La
When you give orders to printers
away from Cleveland for Letter¬
heads, Envelopes, and all Job
Printing, do they boost and work
for Cleveland’s progress and fu¬
ture growth? Don’t you think
that The Courier is entitled to
all the Job Printing in Cleve¬
land? Well, then give us youi
The Cleveland Courier.
IliintJlt IU and radio don't keep
thousands of dollars f oni leaf .nir
Cleveland each week Advciti.
inof regularly in The Courier will
keep most of that Ini-ines.- nt
Table Topper
Now that the family picnic table
has just about done its duty for
another year, it’s likely to spend
a lonely winter exposed to the
elemeuts. Unless it is the folding
kind, or can be taken about, a
picnic table Is usually too big and
cumbersome for indoor storage.
If it must stand outdoors, here
is a Up that will help prolong its
life: Just cover the top with a
panel cut from a sheet of asbestos
board. Asbestos board is not dam¬
aged by rain or snow. It has a
smooth, attractive surface, too,
and it is easy to clean.
The merchants that advertise
regularly in The Courier get the
business The people of White
County read their Home News¬
paper — The Cleveland Courier.
An advertisement in The Courier
is an in.Ration for the people to
trade a» our store. A live town
is wher* the local businessmen
adveitic 1 regularly in their
Home Newspaper. If you appre¬
ciate what I’he Courier has ac
complisheo in making White
County push forward, you will
show it by advertising regularly
in The Courier and giving ALL
of your JOB PRINTING ti The
Government can force law on
tie, but not morality.___
' um“ CLEVELAND (6A.) cotmtEfi
Because this new boby is important to the
Smiths, it's important to their many friends
—and most of them will learn about the
new arrival from the local paper.
Thii ii your newspopef — to
give you news you want,
JTATf Y. M. C. A. OF 6EOP01A
//W w V W » v " V'V<* w v'A
‘JESTLAFFS b» Robert'
fxdxi ^SJvtYui
Flaming Baked Alaska Is Easy To Make
Fiery Baked Alaska Is exciting enough for the most festive
occasions, yet it's easy to make. Accohling to Secondo Sanchioli,
chef at the world-famous Sardi’s Restaurant, the secret of suecese
in preparing few flaming Rw-.wHnMT desserts is o—---».
to warm a TS teaspoon vanilla
tablespoons of 1 pint ice cream
bourbon over 8 tablespoons Old Crow
a candle be¬ bourbon
fore igniting
the liquid On an oven-proof plate place
with a match. a layer of sponge cake cut a
Chef San- little larger than the ice cream
chioli uses a mold. Make meringue by beat¬
minimum of ing the egg whites until stiff.
ingredients Gradually add the sugar and
and effort, but vanilla, beating after each ad¬
his results are dition. Place the ice cream on
outstanding. the cake, then cover both com¬
For four serv¬ pletely with meringue. Brown
ings, here is in the oven under broiler heat
his recipe: Chef Sanchloli for about five minutes. Bring
1 layer sponge cake your Baked Alaska to the table,
2 whites warm the bourbon over a can¬
egg dle, ignite it and pour. The
4 tablespoons confectioners' magnificent results will thrill
sugar tvarycoe.
See'' you
INI CHI Ill'll J
£ ^Sunday
Walter Memorial Seventh-dav
Adventist Church Services
Satur lay, 9:20 a.m_____Sabbath School.
11:00 h. m. W if lop Service
I ‘Vednemlny 7 00 p. —Prayer Meeting
Alt a: e web
R M. I(uf. parlor
H- S 8. Exterminating Go
Termite and Pest Control Guaranteed Service
For complete termite and pest control call
Collect 433 Cornelia, Ga., P. O. Box 39?
Res. 783 Wayside Street
BLACK FUNNEL of the tornado which hit Dallas, Texas on the
afternoon of April 2 Is shown as it screamed along toward the west
side of the city, where heaviest damage occurred. In its 46-minute
sweep, the funnel dealt death to nine persons, injured 170, and
destroyed or damaged some 800 homes and businesses, worth
$1,500,000. Dallas City-County Civil Defense, the Red Cross, police,
firemen and other disaster agencies set up medical aid stations and:
shelters within a matter of hours after the twister, iwuu World pnotoy
Siding in Color Adds Sparkle
A modern material for home exteriors, asbestos-cement siding
shingles, is finding increasing fat or with architects and builders. In
tins advanced 1957 split-level design, smartly styled asbestos siding
is applied with accentuated shadow lines which add interest to the
entire exterior. Color styling plays an important part, too. The siding,
?" attract!vc saade of grav, harmonizes perfeetlv with the hrirk-red
lower wall anti the white asbestos-cement roofing shingles. Blue and
yellow are introduced in the pointed trim. Asbestos siding is fire-«afe
arid rotproof anti needs no paint to preserve it. It comes in manv
bountiful colors and in a variety of sizes.
In the eorly days of America, communica¬
tion was by smoke signals. It took a lot of
fire—ond a lot of smoke—to talk to your
nearest neighbor.
Today your newspaper brings you news of
your community—as well os the world os
soon as it happens.
r ublis »« 1 w -ttK.1 y n
Jas. 1’. Davidson. Kdiim.
Entered at the Pus trti<-e at Olevelamh
Ga.. as second class mail mpusi
Subscription I’rtoe Amiu;-!lv
In A dance
Ninth Congressional liisn-ici $2.Si)'
Other $3.00
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Provides Reading Enjoyment
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