Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, May 15, 1964, Image 2
THE CLEVELAND (GA.) COURIER . HOMETOWN AMERICA 1re Report C arp— ALLTHOSE APPLES YOU IBROUGHT, GIMME ' PARENTS ANP LIKE ARE SUCH LUCKY GRAPES missy V f PEOPLE! « 1 NOBOW I GIVES TttEM R If *> THESE CARPA fcp, #1 HER km. ma% GOT IN MARK I B HISTORY, ■pOR*TARPYj)* "/ sMUk. E hilpa! look' I sus. j. i l| I I'M <ji I LOOK I I PASSED ■*! MINE,. MAHVlJ ■ ZING !, WHAT m h «g£G/ ain't; .LY» I HENRy L( SAVIN’ SSI. I ' ' j ■>v LOQK.MA ALL ‘S»"!l j J i iff ■» The RED, WHITE and BLUE ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ar J S7 The 'SPIRIT OF 76," SYMBOLIZED h I If OUR FLA&, IS BOTH THE HOPE j t * f I AHA REASON IS FOR IMPORTANT AMERICA'S TODAY y/v ! \ 1 THAT WE INSTILL PATRIOTIC AND n DEMOCRATIC. PRINCIPLES IN THE YOUNG TO COMBAT THE ELEMENTS WHICH WOULD DESTROY — . DEMOCRACY. I f > t f ass PARADES ON HISTORIC HOLIDAYS ml __ ■!=-=■ __IN REMIND SMALL US TOWNS OF THE AND PART LARGE THAT I w ||U • I . PATRIOTISM AND SACRIFICE liSHi PLAYED IN THE BUILDING OF AMERICA. / i ■m. r V :$ *■/ I I 8 .( *F TOTHE FROM PRESENT BUNKER HILL DAY TO EACH MT. GEN- SURlSA£*, -“>0 ERATION OF AMERICANS HAS J I MET THE CHALLENGE OF PR86ERV . ING OUR LIBERTIES fig ? , AND TH5 American way of ufs. A V~ Do BED A FULL HOUR PROGRAM ON PATRIOTISM/THE RED ■WHITE WHITE ANP BLUE* ■NBLUt WILL BE PRESENTED BY THE SAYIN6G AND LOAN FOUNDATION DUST BEFORE FLA&pav—— ON JUNE 9 OVER THE NBC TELEVISION NETWORK 4 At ITS TRADE N’TRAVEL TIME AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER’S X Five different lines of cars—forty M five different models to choose f rt- from. Come early and trade great! »:1 ■•.v.-'lvXv Now that spring’s in full swing, you’ll find m m Chevrolets perfect for picking. j new Luxury—First, there’s the big Jet-smooth Chevrolet. Sumptuous and soft riding. Over 700 sound stoppers throughout luxuriously the car to blot out noise. Interiors done up in the newest and softest driving vinyls. of Trade what you’re for one these, and you won’t want to trade seats X-yA ■Xv wx<<: M with anybody else on the road. 3ft Spirit—Next, Chevelle. The beautifully in-between size car that combines small car handling oomph with big car comfort. Eleven different models that you can equip with just about any No extra-cost option you can imagine. Get Chevelle— place to go this summer? a new you’ll think of something. V-'- • Economy—Chevy II—the car that xxw:::- : ; X ; : m takes to inexpensive vacations natu¬ L. I rally. It just goes and goes, and where 1 i it stops nobody knows. Eight models to pick from, including wagons with enough room to swallow up an eight foot Christmas tree. (Plan ahead, we I] ■h always say.) Fun—Then there’s Corvair. The fun one with the engine in the rear for unbelievable traction. snow—nothing Spring mud, summer it. sand, winter stops Corvette. The enthusiast’s car. Sting Ray Sport Coupe and Con¬ I vertible. Still America’s only true : -V-; ■ sports cars. They do for your driv I ing what holidays do for kids. ;; . TO S Performance—And with new B choose, any m Chevrolet you of you stand- can ■ pick from a wide range r ardor extra-cost high performance e; es. ither way, whether you've got some place special to when go this summer or not, you trade for one of Chev¬ rolet’s five f great high¬ //TRADE way per - *N'TRAVEL y-A: formers — TIME w you’ll travell THE GREAT HIGHWAY PERFORMERS -Models shown top to bottom: Corvette Sting Ray, Corvair Monza Spyder, Chevy II Nova Super Sport Coupe, Chevelle Malibu Super Sport, Chevrolet Impala Super Sport. Stamey Chevrolet Company Phone :>—r>cn Cleveland, Ga •It Because our readers read the ads as thoroughly as they read the news. Why? . . . Because advertising helps them decide what to buy ... and where to buy. Advertising makes buying easier and local business gets the results! •fa |||p read your local newspaper - «• - v * CANCER AND THE SEXES a _ 200 r CANCER DEATH RATES PER 100,000 POPULATION — 150 V., ...... —100 v — 50 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 GOING DOWN: cancer death GOING UP: cancer death rates rates in women. Some reasons: in men. Some reasons: too few 50 % drop in uterine cancer annual checkups; a steep rise in death rate; decrease in stomach lung cancer due to cigarette cancer (also among men); more ? smoking; increased incidence of annual checkups. e> !® leukemia. % TO CURE MORE, Gl! IE MORE TO THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY To VE 'Burned THE" AT STAKE! T & mb i / HU °o C « Ml ii o o ? 'I c if // % WlA PRoclam/ i HSAATMU i YS PIO» « |! IIIHIM * Mm 1 A.. iir i i ■MB J in ilil I 1 | •*- euAPiN c Here’s Advice on How Long Frc&en Foods Can Be Now that freezing compart¬ ments of refrigerators have grown from tiny ice-cube con¬ tainers to spacious, zero-degree storage fresh for areas months, that keep food women are asking mation for more specific freezing infor¬ and on correct storing One of methods. the questions fre¬ most quently food be kept asked frozen is: “How long can without los¬ varies ing its according quality?” The answer to the type of the food, packaging, its quality when frozen,' and freezing and and storing temperatures. Of major importance is the temperature of the freezing com¬ partment. low It should be at or be¬ zero to preserve foods prop¬ changes erly for any length of time, as in eating quality and nutritive value increase rapidly as the temperature rises. Modern electric refrigerator freezers can keep many pounds of frozen foods at zero for Storage Life Recommendations for Frozen Foods at 0° P. FOOD MONTHS Fruits ............ 8 to 12 Vegetables........ fries 8 to 13 French .... 2 to 6 Heats: Beef ....I....... 6 to 12 Lamb. Veal ..... 6 to 9 Fork ........... 3 to & Sausage: Ground meat , lit 1 to 3 Cooked meat ., 1 no gravy Meat sandwiches • • • 1 Poultry: • Chickens .. , • • • . G to 12 Turkeys ... 3 to 6 C* c’o*' Cj 0 o o . m m m ° O a ■ cP *TX oO X <£ JX <2ZX <SO-i <sx '•V vjomi's tyC/m- LANE 7Rav£l director r Stuck SNeLLOlLCOMPANy Skindivi'ng: -for a vacation theme? kbw/ aboit: & ns Easy id learn, excrnMS, \ \ AAOST REvVARDiNS, yomgsteps \ SHELLS, can play CORAL, on shore, SftWGES aXLECr t6uve rxmp.\ {g&y • • l "fishing: SALT or ^resh life wader, 1 THE PERFECT WAV TO UNWIND. u w MAKE A MOVTE OF THE fiAMJLy - ON A TwO-WEEK IfSCATioN’’ JAUNT OR SHOOT A STILL-PHOTO can ENjoy Xdur 'AGATTOnI AU-YEAR'RdUNP. « ♦ 4 ♦ 1 0UrekkBS: Tj ¥ use HOME AS A 8 ASE OF 'M P 4 OFfeRAOIONS.TAKE 2-OR yyj 3 -CA/MDTbRiN© TRIPS' TO NEAPSy SPOTS OF C AHEAD INTEREST. OF TWV6. PLAN THESE EACH ONE 'TOURETTES* SHOULD Z-J' / L HAVE PAR THE SOMETHIN© KIDS. SOME SPEOAL TARSeTS: FOP MON\7T' tf m seaside, SCIENTIFIC mountains,historical CENTERS, ART MUSEUMS sites, fr* M UZit MUSIC 'Plan FESTIVALS. now, and Happy /, woationinq ,, - - - - / hT COPVfijQHT f9ta • tHBUL 0/4 OOMMNY * ^ # BB [ ■ n | months. Separate doors on frori eat* section prevent loss of cold the freezer as food is refrigeratoi put in oi taken out of th« section. Swing-out and roll-out shelve* and removable storage baskets ill the tric freezing refrigerator-freezers sections of new make elec¬ frozen foods easily accessible Many of the new anits are com¬ pletely free of frost. Frozen food P ackages never stick together or ecome difficult to Identify be¬ cause of coats of frost. Although many foods can be kept without up to loss a year quality, at zero degrees of food ex¬ perts recommend several frozen com¬ plete turnovers of foods each year for the most econom¬ ical use of the freeze* section. The accompanying table, pub lished by the U.S. Department of for Agriculture, the housewife is a who helpful guide wants tc use the freezer section of hej refrigerator-freezer efficiently. FOOD MONTHS Poultry, cont’d 3 Giblets .... Cooked meat ••••••• 1 Cooked dishes 3 to 8 Precooked combination dishes • I 2 to* Baked g oods - Cakes: Prebaked . 4 to 9 Batters ... 3 to 4 Fruit pies ... ••••••• 3 to 4 Pie shells •••••••••• VA to 3 Cookies .... «••••••• 6 to 12 Yeast bread: Prebaked ........ 3 to 9 Dough itoi y,