Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, June 05, 1964, Image 2
THE CLEVSLANiyJSA.) COtJRlgg f ; MAY if COd IN STREAMLINED STRIPES ' : % ;ri *S| . j I 'mm At. -■"m. **£ •K i % a ■ 1 .IV 1 i si i m4 / Jp fr! i i W : Hy ; •'; - ti ; y zmS&g I frop^ii jj '■■■■' LI £ ril -•:.. * dSgjj 0 '-j::: - $4 f I ■Jfc j ■J!E ffl HH A T i: E§ . 30~ sis* TCT T * ' " ST. Hose Brings jmi -aro* txa ?«r".v.i«r merriiar.c-.. ::ut add auleajre to yonr fashion lifa j£ a ’.t’v ■rardrx-7* can. filer pay dirraeuia for nnn tner. aduir.e .::• v the snjo;ni’e5t ’prk rider rhe m Travei-srise, they -a-w ->n snarrlr . t" "• iasiiy around rhe wm-id, aitra'-s LVl SHU* emneratetre soars. Mis and march them is -nm will. anit> -iacron and e-inon oiavnates ' laiuv.u'- m d ’ll i-JR.- . .re mi” hrest yi care, m route rr for am ‘fiipri ^eisonifiat he : .r a T~ni ^et cp: tor \ iairr. stei prcr: an v« the SIMlMllul w „t|.« ill MM A htll »» if t Mwreh, liii i WGVV i I ‘^(Plj HM(,dflw ul M Vdiiliili finu *Hj ►. If, |i| I AM l» I I Ml*- linli ; I jp ti : i.- 1 if)i u lb , 11 :'r a I ii I Mi i|,j .. llf| I 'I *#f«.i 1‘itylil jl *■ ,41 Ml 'I ||» -j V ill •| MU I wwwt m lyt^; m. .;y-%p4 £1, - m f g 4 ■ 1 •s *i % - - W * .g % r-. p ■ Air-co 1 * f p ' Tr T f "i r • a i "r A in Mr :r~? •riD.’ririicns ^cu rt i rirttf e!«fir?cSt * -RCGiin fe pawsrsci cnc contra..*s (gcuftarrstt osesng Pntt '--rear eding, lesrjv fere, CTd fSJttiictfcn <ssm ■hem n tcc fcncincn . * • ia wfift tfrs ,*ssuft z ferier zerrie c t .ntik bat *cur tccie • » ■ * V* filufe rue j. icr fair- r'dusfr-' -he 9W3ty cdvcmeas r has -rtae. v. -c cs sfcie % cfcumiant sectr-c never — ; - vyich recart Sdtr/*rfS doom'd* — rt rtxas *eic 'iril &3rf farms pcsieie. ---4 HepiflJ i crrrert harte? »cSfi fifilJ ^fe®f #iS icWM rtsts n he -crc — s era SWtffrf ef cewmi u t rirtti * •.Hrr-- : c=- :.f v-tct is ihsrad sy AinehsEsf . * . HABERSHAM ELECTRIC 1 * # : a I 5 - r .C-w •<£“=* * / St at 63»' •Icl 4L'7 7f; tii It .3 J i Fertilizer Aids 4* v r Worn Out Soils w ! Response Limited On Hichiv c ertile Acres Adding more fertilizer to soA* that have received regular Riant . t food treatments tor aO years nao au Limite'i resrtmse 'ti rhe fcmed ; rniv^K* Lnne. .f I rt'umns _uat lb borrow vtorruw ^'uts .-ms. The v let ncreases are nothing like uoe -he .-re-acular - c — 1 results db fertliiners have . tainert tvhen Oe«n • applied ’o soils voim out by 8Q years oi continuous cropping with* out soil Teiument. For example, an :hc esntinuous com plot receiv i manure FU0T ^ECS:V«M4jr rt 3»_jr RacBPf*M i f PLAN-T sxio ; =« SC i»« FOR dtf YEARS- t *33 : i Yiei-ps 121 j auswtt-' 4 * i 3USH6S JH Atmj r”-A»T l A#VT I *poa ! 4frr-S7 ~2C& || aighiv ferC.e soil shuived ;es* response to f» nilher. Ume-pliospiiare Teatmem _ . since 1904 earn -welded £L msiieis in acre in 9 ©'*. Aac v ii ng a mizea fa*. -e* . nlizer it T30 lounds of nitrogen. ^0 pounds ji phosphate and 3$ pounds of potash s.n acre to -hist plot j± relatively high terhiity prq» duced a yield, of 111 jusneis. Scdis m oam-jats rotation pioth responded even .ess :o re'-’inzer. Here he plot that uad received na treatmeit since IMS produced a com ieid of 48 bushels. The oiov receiving a -nanure-dme-ynosphate yieinea - , -.*« aa treatment since Bushels. The oiot where I^llizer. ' hud Been :«aerect • _ l ' -j_, IU r- \rr 1 —*■ T3 ’ “ - * ^ nt -eia .-a 2 b* JUSiieis dus year. ^ rjneiuda ? ;wever ve inaula ic eids rr is uu* ueeeeci. flip niinois njruiuimist* strr-ss. Vra: ve iheflid learn these resuits is tills: Tie ’ -Dtmsa to otiding more fsrtiiire v-il rot be as great jn :it S 1 ! ty fertile soils ! where a zcTod on oeea Sea along VCLw preaxzEHBH 5mile Preny. Pieisse? H ”MRS8 f I YOUR ■4 HOME / ■ Laa. Z.vjw ftxnr ae-uarmi? cai-^ulT' jawocs— !*sa fae .aueua Sor no me ctpansuur alette os incraurtaca for ail iohm uwintstg .cos. _* 'file I'Tae vinen a jp*au3culy man iracraraa far file surface ernca la so Be neanwa. raxrsiaiB en a me surfacss shiniia. » cimnms wdsi file aiiaesr Basiiue arsarmg ytnr Its. kl* * **u£* *rf.nt«tc jerziag e*« a* Me e-jfo. TM* BMtmooo jume • • Ta raissns ■Ttae? ,. 1 ^ A_f xnasa » fmt from failing w file «£ file Baras wnen aeieng a firs nour not jk sand for a fiaw ntnapt »na end -nrg v.lfil ionr. Vztw 33 aft -are ta rr y<m frit aa w-ifi -ar-ttriara irg r.urX. ^ Sasiy if nutera < ■nnaen ernes % ruioer aac a fiae Befiam if fixe tuzaa sna zatrw xz fiiar fins a e pars jc-uun* teapy nt songs b*b ’szmen iT am s is TansES T i ihojmmna sk-.Za? f'j ar • torr arrauu; jfhif vll* e file Petition for Charter WHITS COUNTY: TO THB SUPKHIOH COURT OF SAIXi AND THE HONOEABLK SIDNEY O. IH.. JUDGE OF SAID COURT: The petition of B, B. BLALOCK. TAL BLALOCK imi H. H. DAVIDSON, a tt f ully snows: Ibt . *. drey _ M*ire «- tor thameivm. .. . there ... asso und successors to be incorporated under j BOUMTAIH LA2TO ranmmmt DKViiLOPE^. rmr-” ESC. t twrton a. thirty 9re yens with ail of the ; n««s. ^rporarauu, powera generally anu pnv-ii«p by the ^rTyiration comerrea upon acre j % —- 18 •* *» -be i ‘ code ! , r Y2 U0 at “ IMOITO “ .•Umotatett f* 'J huppV | omit, a* well as those nghte, power and pnvt. acumerausa :here-:n. Hie abject of said corporation is pecuniary gain prosit. . anu __ Thm dKierai . nature at , 'Me business . to . t be 1 . nnaaeted ihr.aud Corporation s as follows: *1 That of auyini!. seilin*. .ieveioiunK and , ol esuue anu Deraonal ^berty af mmtt name ana nature. tbt To .ommet debt, borrow money, .oar, *?»«»• a# sale »«“ to debt, to a * ean, Y ,e Y‘-- be sueu, secure sue anu -o to have a .unmon seat, to make ail necessary by-dawa. roia* anu regniations and to do any and aii acts hat may be necessary and awful . a r .hm »nuuct a aaaa uiamess. ic) To nta. make anu perform carrT J<ot ail necaasarr contracts for any lawful purpoa* partaanine to tl» fjusin«te the xtr jorauoa with any oersem. firm, association s yorporation now or ^erpofter o he organiz&j. The maxi mum number of mare® bat saui xirporar-an .» author-.Eeu *.o have oustWKiing at any time sli&il a* a. 34k? ms res of -omm n xocx of the par value of SlD.iXi per snare, rhe minim um number u tabaies that saiu coarpeua turn a mthmari to mve mstiuviing ai si v ime ahsu! bo 10 sfcaree of common ^toes of he ; par y®iu« of per snare. By a wo-thirt: = majority *ot# 'he poiders af o a mB w i stock. -n gy smxhotii ffhar t e r amndmeot increase or me tomtit he n umber n mtstanains; shares of commas ssoea of said corgantekm at any lime ! and :mm .iroe a -inse -m -t-en 'he minim u m s uui Tw-Tmum Inu’J*ti<Tn pec jus steove. | ! H%a :unaEint of .-aptioi with -vinca -su- , ec wraxiun snail befits '.kiainess .s $300. ."J. S. The prtncipai office of said ■orpors.tiop. re acftteu n ulcracDO. White OoamjB. Georgia. uTyj pe*ri:ioner* lesire That -&ii aorponuion • =««**>* have -he ^rrvaege jx eatitihidmE -rsui.n ; jfficaa anu pis*o» jf rusiness eioewhere. Th. ransre urn post .ifire addresses a pesi ionerfi aro se foilows; j 3 3 ;:^-eiana. Georgia. Tamaosw 3l»iocx. Clevei&na. Gteonspa. 3T- 3L Dmvtosoti. CI«v«&na. Georgia { W^EHEFCRS- peatiemers orny That 'hey be < neorporaueci maer Tile name above sec forth ! } *rth Mil ±tm rr«nxs. powers ana vrvrGe&m. as ses: j iat *iierv«. Telford. Wayne * Greer ietSf. C. Wayne Jack Daxidasm Autcomeys for PetitioTvere IN THS iUPSaiGH CQUHT OF WHITE COmf T Y. JSGRGIA. rhe dMPes 5 oan« petition of 3. 3. Blaiock. Taimetisre Hlelwrk. ana H. 3L Dsvidson benj? hi— rrwT :o ana deauxunee jy me as provrueti ay jp?r ana t ipp«Lnnj; 'iiat said appsicaxion a tinaoejr vitiim the pur"aw tnu mention j ft The avrs it dns State; and there being pre —rr ^i a* me Tjth aud p«ition a rierrincate : ^ SweretaiT M ^tate ieci&rzng that ihe hum* H Hxe prerpeaea *otrporation is not The asms of kny e*har existing xnporanon -egis oaem. n he T e g i ams i -he b ecr etarr rf State: vw xs 3 SSSBT JHTEHED ±&z and appiica- 4aa be sna The mme s iiereoy granted tna The j SSOnicxnz s shove natnea- ana Thesr asso are a«tty ncarporatod t*cunta:n land dkyslopshs, esc.” -or a j ar rea at Jur-r ire SSI -rare v :h -he Trrr: l««re a reaepra: n irerv.'aei: 'r aw and ir uh ail rzssata. peme r a sna prsvile—I set out si>p:i«Lti«n far TSsirer ana vith ail racm»- y ^ng a sisa prmiestw is are now or —r be—hter :m nmronm. rr a\v an samiiar ■xxrgatraxiooza. Gl*u—r?iici ieorma. -ins The At ThMsmraggn. Sih or oaf Msy. bvaney ipaitfe. Xr. Jusge. 9—asser Joarr. W&te Jaanty. 21 THE SUFERICH TOCHT OF WHITS JCIINTT ISC EG IA TLSHSTS OFFICE * 7 m» : o g— ob— i a^ceahni ami artier nied in -±tiA ,.e*£h xr Hiiy. Tiff cats Issrnre-;'; tar Qeac; White Counry. iSGHGlA. WHITS JaONTT 9Baaeves :mac Ian. Des-es-oiwes. :nr~ T*wm mcc fc# L8ii Deulatrs a fml paiy ja :ees for xr j e a T w es n onntcan vith iae atao—ias at bblisi xcrwration. This Jfitti jasr c 4ity JSffiag l—vhetl JleeTC. SBxaswxr loart. White Cjaamy. ISlIBGIa. A r HTTS 30UNTY m> iMi'or ;ntt as ‘Tue oi 'he . nrorr^r-raxors . arf ykwastain Gem ffefsviTR. Inc— 3» ng ts pmsefitBfc- pn— as n ~he iJjsmty . White: APLi Tfass iseee sbs. wes: ir^'jeiiesa vjtfa bBETPW- me xm if TRihildiing for 41 ia—dsn. a— a a-Hset : t«r :d hi* application of B B. Blalock, Taiwan Blalock and H. H. Davximn for the incorpora¬ tion of Mountain Land JVvelopors, IikJ.» and The order of the Judge thereon. Ta I mad ho Blalock to and -subscribed before me, this 16th day of May, 1064. Campbell, C.8.C. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY: Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, day personally came J as. P. Davidson, first being duly sworn according to law. ,, at he j, Bdiwr an d Publisher of The Courier, a newspaper of steneral in White County, Georaia, with its " place of husine-w in Cleveland, White auIlf 4 ,f MrKia , and that there ban been pohliah- de jtl , vah mUI newS p a „ e r the -net of f imairtionK of «id application for of Mountain Land Developer*, fnc „. k f fom . weeka with the order of he J(jdKe thereon . Jas. P. Davidson to and subscribed before me, 16th day of May. 1964. Campbell. C..S.C. GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY: Court j Clifford Campbell, Clerk of Superior certify j Connty, Georgia, in hereby j IH . . kf . r nf ,., olni , 1)m(e s constitute a true awl \ -orreet ropy uf the appHeation for charter an,. he ,, rr ier if the .fudee thereon srrantina ««i a pp licatioB f or MOUNTAIN LAND LEVEL- , OPEBS. INC., as the wane appears on file in , Ms ‘ l6 y, fay „f May I9«4. Cliffonl Camptieil County, Cterit. Superior Court. White ; Georgia. ' SEAL/ -,.N ; : >: v ri ; JSs;« •0 H ■ '• -Vi Is,:'. •■T . •' 15s ..slsri •: s>i ^-pie order coTes eas\ wner you r k:tc-'*en s flaneless electric! T:u rat, jTirrseif a Arrs icran •if pieasiirs 'vieu -r>tt ieukfe m a rncuem. lil-itermc kigitta. Fir me til sag, jour kazha stars iscier lad s.: ices Lie iauk iiir=u- LierD i lear vith neemu iack 2 T 7 :ur :m” sc tae heraaw* of paas Tiers it sn-aiai :e. Sace iigctnc mcirag imta lide ao hom e, icnsume au TS~xea. atey jncuca ac :'--amiiucrj u xr-me e&mu pom ooMpm o a #riSK-Bs? *e sews * * TIPS FROM THE j C4I. ;[9 3. F 3LJCDING How Ta Con J. Catch A BIG BROWN TROUT is much :oo sman so fail for a ary fly—most of she suite. But .now inn ;he .ams riv vnen ic .tuifea rumseif iunng a heavy hatch of mayflies, ana lie may go for t ar gtiiiibiy as a rubs Cauuon buying he Brooklyn 3riage. among hsn :s not a ronssam racsor anu there are numerous -ways of non rung dsn nio a Rate of compla¬ cency. Following are a few exam pies and you can take it from there. in sections heaviiv infested vith Japanese nestles, nshermen have ! earned to gather a quart or so of the nests, scatter handfuls at the head of a long run or pooi. then let rhe current carry them down¬ stream. This sudden ’hatch’’ promptly arouses hsn from their daydreams and the enure stretch stans boning with rises. At this point the hsherrnan wades in among the feeding fish and iays about him .vith a dry fly. Once tricked into feeding, the ash are iikeiy to snap id anything that floats over them. The same stunt can crickets, be pulled with grasshoppers, aiT etc., but there's underwater varia¬ tion watch doesn’t require the cap¬ ture of land insects. Simply wane into he rrffie above a pooi and Yum over a few dozen loose rocks. A a ream of dislodged nymphs and larvae wiil be swept into the pool and set the dsh to feeding. Fish the pooi immediately with, very' small natural baits, or with a inken artiiicial nymph. When worm Ashing a small stream, try this related trick. Be¬ fore ashing each pooi, kick up a daud of raii just upstream. Take several worms from vour box. weak them n pieces, and dribble them Into the current to mix with the rod. Repeat rite process to gain maxanum attention, then ease 'our aaited hock in among the free sampies. You'll have a customer as soon as veu open snep. 3" rhe way. leek on ycur news aanu for :ie new Maco V.vCA Tli.lN FISHING Magazine if yon want :o .earn the tncks the expert use. ■vxiif. Y :ur kr Yier ?:a:-s cleaner.. Aaociier (fcti^rhc ts jest eiecrr’.c oven. Sec i* ■ xec in It cuoks ceripcmg seaks vhil« 7 <:u re busy eiee where. An eieeme rarge imgrs yoc :ce iter aearer cite joy- of socal fflee&ric living Aac tha: axeaics suua :ig beaedis .ia a special lew rare oati cutigec aZIi r ^ Cal learr. ic.w a ruaiify. I: 5 «s$y as pee 1 — •a mu: 6 eW«f Editor, fttrmrj fm'ynnrii % SIM EVES • ^nt Bering U - walleye- aeaaon. "wailoyfi? to mention ths la liStaly to gtlr on «• of controversy, Some flshertnea we know won't great him the gtature of a trne game flah; oOiera hotly contest this atti¬ tude. And feyr call him by the same name. Though opinion* about thf* particular ftah ar* varied, the fishing expert* at Mercury cut fcoarct* art quick to nett that there I* viry little dieagreement over the walleye'* virtue# in « frying - pan. And he*# even better When broiled over an open fir* In the northwoode, If you're, that lucky. TJm vmlldye, depending upon the eeetion. of the country, goee tinder a wide assortment of monikers - ■walleyed pike, pick¬ erel, Jackfieh, yetloi* or bine pike, and jack salmon, to name a. faw. Among men who say he”* so flghter, the walleye is ac¬ corded several more—Quite un¬ printable. 'facts remain—the Eat the walleye is a great delicacy sought By literally thousands of anglers, and spring is a line time to natch him—though you nan get an argument or. this- 3 core. too, iron those whG say autumn is best. The walleye is a night feeder primarily And the guy who Torha the shallows with small plugs and flyrod lures after sum down will do okay. To take them in the daytime requires a differ¬ ent approach, and a switch to the offshore depths. « Troll at the slowest speed possible, letting the lure boons* on the bottom. The instant yon get a strike, cut the motor and mark the location. For where you catch the first walleye, chances are good for catching more of this schooling breed. Watch your fingers, advise the Mercury folks. The walley* may be bashful about *cm* things, but not about manipulat¬ ing his dentures. Use a net to hau him aboard. Then a *harp blow with a small ciub wfll pacify him enough to permit handling. ■^Thatever they lack in fight¬ ing ability, walleyes make up in table Qualities. And now's tha time to prove It for yoanel& Good eating! Tkatt R,' j 9 [/j i Mony oW timers u>he u»r*: in in 1h« Coqnac distilleries France say the aroma of coqnac brandy fymes pre¬ vent* then* <roi* CatkJtoay