Newspaper Page Text
the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial luteraeto of White County
VUL LWU Hu .’46
For White County and
A Cleaner and More Beautiful
All Highways Graded and
To .Make White County
Mecca for Tourists
Development of Winter
Sports in Mountain
School Opens Monday
“ 672 In High School
750 In Elementary School
The schools in White County
o; ened Monday.
The elementary and high school
HI C leveland aie crowded until
the new elementary building is
Completed in the
Tht ie are 30 teachers
elenu utary school and 26 in high
school, — .1 .
The high school has au enroll
meu t of 672 and the elementary
750.1 principal
M. C. McDaniel’ oi
the White County High School,
a nd is busy as a bee and will see
that each pupil gets every atten
Next Wednesday, Sept, 9, is
the State Primary. Be sure to
Miss Mary LouSuttou advises
Cleveland had 2:27 inches of
tiainfall Ang. 28 through 30. She
states we had 6.99 inches in Aug
However, August of 1663 we had
• only 1.90 inches.
That was a very fine story that
.Frank‘Daniel had in lhe Journal-:
Constitution Sunday. The Editoi;
;is delighted that other people
uike that wonberful scenry The
^pictures were great i
^Cleo really gave us two or more
.good soakings. She certainly^
cleared the atmosphere and made
it perfect for taking pictures.
Bobby Kennedy has announced'
that he will run for the .U.S. Sen - 1
ate from New York State. He
lives in Virginia aud voteo in
Mass- Anyway, it will cause a
lot of interest
Vote for Allen Chappell for 1
Public Service ICommission
Congressman Phil Landrum
ihas voted for the bill that would
strip the Supreme Court aud all
other federal courts of power to
hear or review stale legislative
reapportionment cases
The Loudsvilie Church WSCS
will have a cake sale at the Court
House Saturday, Sept 5
All Day Singing
There will be an all day sing*
iug at Town Creek Church Sun¬
day, Sept. 6 , staxting at 10
All good singers invited.
Dinner ou the Igrouud
Harley Brady reports that
we,U have four snows—all after
Christmas. One will be a BIG
snow, He tells that we’ll also
have some sieet
Dora, the new husricane, i
toward the U. S
Mrs. Roy Power and
Pam, and Mrs. Power’s mother,
from Phoenix, Ariz , spent
weekend in Atlanta,
Born to Mr. and Mrs.
Westmorelaud a son Sept, a
4 '
My kinfolk have failed, and my famil.
iar friends have forgotten me.—lob Ifi, M
I haven’t any time to mate money, and
I lon’t want any anyhow. Money i
more trouble than il'a worth,—Ho act
Greeley (about 1960)
Courage and perieverance have a wag
teal talisman, before which difficultieadie
appear and obstacles vanish into air.—
John Quincy jAdune
Richard Davidson tells that some man
in Senator Russell's office in Washington
August 26 asked about Winter Sporte
de.elopment at Raven cliffs, Richaid
said be told him that bia daddy wae
working on it aud hoped Leenian Ander¬
son would ehor ly give some rejoicing
Peter Zac't Greer pledged to "defend
with ail my vigor the light of men ot
character like the Hooorabie Richard B,
Rueeell aud Herman Talmadge, United
States Senators from Georgia, to freely
erpress their views in the halls ot Con*
grees and elsewhere, without being sub¬
jected to verbal abase ftom those who
would thrust ths yoke of conformity up¬
on us all
Samnel Johnson said, 1 W hen a young
ot middls-aged man does not recoiled
Where he laid hie bat, it is nothing, but II
the same in attention is discovered in at
old man, people will shrug their should¬
ers, and say, “HiB memory is going,”
Eric Uodgius in ‘ Episode” (Atbeueum)
l’be young voter and the women will
elect the next President. 1 hey will also
return Phil Landrum to Congress
"Intellect is always on the move agaiust
something: some oppression, fraud, i)«
fusion dogma, or interest is constantly
(ailing under the scrutiny of the intellec¬
tual clasB aud becoming the object of ex-;
poeure, indignation, or ridicle.”.Ricbarti
Hofstadter ,in -‘Anti intellectualiem iu
American Lite'* (Kn >i>t) i
Dr. L. G, Neal muses living condilious
are improving so muen in this country
that we’re ruuning out of bumble be¬
ginnings for our great men
The City Officials of Cleveland
have ordered that all dogs found
on the streets at night be destroy¬
ed, beginning Sept. 7
Ballev Endorsed By Bar Association
The candidacy of Robeit K, Ball w (or
ths State Senate for the 50th Senatorial
District was unanimously endorsed by the
Bine Ridge circuit Bar Association ae its
annual xeeting held iu PickeDS County
recently, The Association is composed
of attorneys and court officials iu Fannin,
Uitiner, Picktne, (.berokee and Forsyth
Attorney Ballew is a native of Fann'm
County and has practiced law at Blue
Ridge for eleven years. He attended
North Georgia College and ie a I 952 grad¬
uate of the Uuiversiry of Tennessee c°l
lege of Law,
Guests attending the meeting were D‘
Douglas Barnard, Jr,, ExecutiveSecretary
to Governor Sanders, State TreasurerJack
Ray, James C, Pullin, Sec*,-Treas, .State
Workmens Compensation Board and
several members of the state appellate
Blood 1. Lodge
To Start Oct. 15
Bonnell Akins of Blaiieviile was here
Wednesday. He had just (returned from
Washington and announced that his
Blood Mountain Lodge and tourist re
sort to cost (1.3 million has beon ap
proved and that work would start Oct, 15
on conatrnction,
He said Congressman Landrum is lo be
given full credit for the part he played
with lovernment Agencies
Details will be announced later
Oflie Turner is iu Hall County
Hospital, but hopes to return in a
day or so.
Congressman Landrum expects
to carry every couujy in the 9th
The registration bohka wiil be oprn.,45
day* before the General jRleclion.
Wiih An Ad
Local News
Send oa the NEWS a» Chat It wfll
appear in Iks Courier, We will ap
precite your
Telephone or write The Courier
the NEWS.
When Cleveland businessmen
advertise in The.Courier they can
deduct that amount from their in¬
come tax.
Vote for Allen Chappell for
Public Service Commission
Mando Vandiver of Helen was
town last Friday. He told that
he was 100 per cent for Phil
Maybe Grace Hartley, foori
editor of I'he Atlanta Journal,
will come to White County for a
story aud recipe on pickled beans
and leather britches.
The Tatum Reunion will be
held at Amicalola Falls State
Park, Dawson County, Sunday,
September 6
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Black and
Mrs. Bill Guenther aud Terry ol
Hapevilie visited here Aug. 27
They weut up IheSeuatorRichard
B. Russell Scenic Highway Lester
told that the scenry far surpasses
the Ne,el Gap road. Lester; was
a well Jcuown figure in White!
County several years ago and ex-,
pect to retjirn often
Reports are that dogs are being
poisoned in Cleveland.
J erry J ohnson returned to his
home in Hialeah, Fla ( , last week
after spending the summer with
grandparents’ Mr, and MrsFrauk
Andy Sparks, Journal-Consti¬
tution Magazine writer, aud the,
famed photographer, Kenneth
Rogers, were here VVednesday ou
what kind of winter the “Old
Timers” predict. They will re¬
turn shortly for more stories and
pictures that you’ll want to see.
Walter McDonald ask that you
vote for Allen Chappell for Pub¬
lic Service Commission
Mr. Earl Payne muffered an at
tack of appendicitis Sunday mght
aud was rushed to Hall County
Hospital and surgery
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Smith an¬
nounce the birth of a daughter
Saturday night.
A number of relatives from out
of town atteuded the funeral of
Mrs. W. L. Pardue
The baby of Mr. and Mrs Claud
Lovell was bitten by a copper¬
head Aug. 28
Lyndon Johnson Said:
“This civil rights program, about
which you have heard so much, is
a farce and a stham — an effort to
set up a police state in the guise of
liberty. I am opposed to that pro¬
gram. I fought it in Congress.”
May 22, 1948 at a rally in
Austin, Texas.
“If the Federal Government can
by law tell us whom I shall em¬
ploy, it can likewise tell my pro¬
spective employees for whom they
must work. As I see it, such a law
would do nothing more than en¬
slave a minority. Such a law would
necessiatte a system of Federal
police officers such as we have
never seen before. It would require
the policing of every business in¬
stitution, every transaction between
employer and employe and virtual¬
ly every hour of an employer’s and
employee’s association while at
work. I can only hope sincerely
that the Senate will never be called
upon to entertain seriously any
such proposal again.”
—March 9, 1949, on the floor
of the U. S. Senate.
iOTICE— Under new postal dime rel¬ for
ations we have to pay a
ach newspaper that cannot be de
lvexed. We ask any subscriber who
hanges baddress to please notify
in advanea.
CLEVELAND, fiA* SEPT. 4 1964
Warriors Roll Over Union Contny
Richard Davidson Reporter
The WCHS Warriors in
opening game of the 1964 season
beat Union County 87-6
This shows what a good team
we have* So let everyone go out
and support the Warriors
Mrs. Vassie Pardue Passes
Fuuerai services for Mrs. Vassie Ash
Partus, 81, fclnutee, Kl, were held Sun
day from the Clevelaud Methodist Church
Revs, Claude Hood aud Frank BaifieL
officiated. Interment was iu .Loudsvilie
Methodist cemetery.
She died last Friday of cancer at her
heme following on extended illness.
She was a native of White County ami
was a member of Cleveland Melhodis
She is survived by oue daughter, Mrs,
L >mb Adame, two grandchildren, Mr-,
Lambert Pilgrim, and Richard A l»m> 1
dautee.v 1(1, thiee eisters, mis, Lilly Hood.
K 3 ; Mrs, Frank Turner,
me brother, Henry Ash, HI, Sautee
Also surviving are Jnree stepdaughters
Mrs Carl Smith, San Diego, Calif,? Mrs.
Julian Powsll, City; Mrs. lady Loth
ridge, Gviuesville? eignl step sons,Frank,
derechsl and Grady Pardue, Cleveland;
Joan aud R. R. Pardue, Gainesville, Guy
and Ralph, Commerce? and Marvin Far.
Jue, Atlanta? S3 grandchildren; 61 great
gre t grandchildren
Cleo.over $‘.00 million damage in Fla,
Elmer Nix, John anil Larry Pilgrim’
Fred Dean and Geo, E, McAfee went to
Richmond, Xml., last week for four new
acuool busses, They tell the corn wae
Cleveland got some tine publicity Free 1
iroin the Frank Daniel story in the Jour-;
ual-Conatiiution Sunday on the progress
being made on tue Sen. Richard B. Rus¬
sell Scenic Highway, We’ll get more in’
about a mouth when the etoiy and pic¬
tures by Andy sparks and Kenneth
Rogers appear in the Journal- Lonstitu
Magazine, Neithei cost 20U a penuy
Staff Selected for
White Co. Schools
Below are listed the administra- i
tive staff and instructional staff
as approved for the White County
School System for the school term
1964-65: SCHOOL j
Marion C. McDaniel, Principal;
Hoyt Allen, Allen Anderson, D. C.
Beck, Sr., Herbert Carithers, Horace
Craven, Claude Elliott, Quenton
R. Farr, Horace Fitzpatrick, Donald ;
Harris, Edward Hoge, Jack Holt,
William Loudermilk, Bobby Parks,
William Simpson, Harold Trull, !
Juanita Anderson, Sue Channell,
Anne Elliott, Ruth Elaine Evans,
Bonnie Lothridge, Sara Louder¬
milk, Thelma Russell, Ann Skel¬
ton, Eunice Davis, Mary C. Black,
Counselor, Jeanette Noell, Visiting
Teacher, Teresa New, Director of
Charles Allen, Principal; C. R.
Franks, John Hardy, Henry Etta
Allison, Fannie Mae Baker, Wilhel
mina Franks, Evelyn Free, Irene
Gilmer, Leta Gregory, Marilu Har¬
kins, Betty Higbsmith, Edith Huff,
Clara Hulsey, Willie Mae Hum¬
phries, Ruth Hunt, Ruth Miles,
Leone Palmer, Inez Paquin, June
Parks, Dorothy Presley, Ruby Reid,
Nellie Robinson, Connie Schapan
sby, Loudean Seabolt, Jennie
Smith, Latrelle Turner and Ophelia
Thomas A. Nalls, Principal;
Annie R. Davis, Gertrude Kimsey,
Opal Stovall, Merle West, Clarence
Raymond Collins, Principal; Bar¬
bara Allison, Lester Allison, Eloise
Hunt, Mary Jackson.
Tw or three High Scoool;teach
have resigned
J gamble
with fire
the odds are
Established 189* $3.61 P« Teat a
Law Offices of
Jackson Building
Gainesville, Georgia
August 27, 1964
Mr. James P. Davidson, Editor
The Cleveland Courier
Cleveland, Georgia
Dear Jim:
When nice things happen to
Cleveland, it pleases us very much.
When Dr. Fusselle accepted the
position as President of Truett
McConnell College and Mrs. Fus¬
selle joined the faculty of the
college, these were important
events for all of us who like Cleve¬
land. Mrs. Fusselle would be an
asset to the faculty of any college.
Dr. Fusselle is an outstanding
Christian leader with dignity,
ability and dedication. He and Mrs.
Fusselle will be real assets to
Truett-McConnell Colege and Qeve
Sincerely yours,
Are We Aware
Of Our Own Apathy?
Admiral Arleigh Burke was re¬
cently asked about America's weak¬
nesses. He answered that our people
seem unaware of their own apathy
that we are reluctant to face prob¬
lems that are difficult to solve.
He was critical of our apparent
lack of moral courage to stand on
principles, or even to have strong
principles. He scored our unwil¬
lingness to compete or to get in¬
volved in unpleasant situations, as
well as our grasp for the easy,
quick way out. These are not
weaknesses inherent in the Ameri¬
can character, but they do show
that we have not had our own best
interests at heart and have been
reluctant to lead the free world.
Nothing is wrong with America
that sound policy and principled
leadership cannot cure.
. STORM * DOORS X Only $25*54 0
'» .. . « - >• I ‘.5
Buy direct from manufacturer and save up to $ 24.00 on 1
each door. Many of your neighbors have paid as high 4
as $50.00 for a similar or identical storm door. ’ We in- r
vite you to come by our plant for comparison. Doors ^
come complete with piano type hinges, glass, screen, self
storing. 0 Use as storm door in winter and screen door A
for summer.
Georgia Aluminum Co. Eiliay, Gaj
Opposite L & Depot :
ME 5 4970 N
You can save from $3.00 to $ 11.00 each in buying direct
from manufacturer, Custom made to your measurements
Top quality. Storm windows cut fuel bills aud helP
eliminate window moisture, compare quality. Compare
prices. We will install at our cost.
Georgia Aluminum Co. Eiliay, Ga.
ME s-4970 Opposite L& N Depot
Re-Elect 4
Allen Chappell
■M '■
* *
■ •A
3gS« I
m ■ 4
Ktg3 J ■t
(*• 4
A ■;
m •t
Public Service Commissioner
His 21 years of performance on the Commission in the field
of rate-making has brought Georgia national recognition.
A vote for Chappell U a vote tor the
beet Merest of Georgia! i
Chappell for Public Sorvico Commissioner
(paid political advertising)
Knowledge Is Power,
What of Ignorance?
It is a common sentence that
knowledge is power; but who hath
duly considered or set forth the
power of ignorance? Knowledge
slowly builds up what ignorace in
an hour pulls down. Knowledge,
through patient and frugal cen¬
turies, enlarges discovery and
makes record of it; ignorance, want¬
ing its day’s dinner, lights a fire
with the record ... Of a truth,
knowledge is power, but it is a
power reined by scruple, having
a conscience of what must be and
what may be; whereas Ignorance is
a blind giant who, let him but wax
unbound, would make it a sport
to seize the pillars that hold up
the long-wrought fabric of human
good, and turn all the places of
joy dark as a buried Babylon. Who
having a practised vision may not
see that ignorance of the true bond
between events, and false conceit
of means whereby sequences may
be compelled (is) like the falsity
of eyesight which overlooks the
gradation of distance, seeing that
which is afar off as if it were
within a step or a grasp. —From
Daniel Deronda by George Eliot.
i m v I)
^ > Drive
t,) # Carefully