Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, September 11, 1964, Image 2
•- ■ t 1 t THE CLEVELAND (GA.'i COURIER Store blewflTfl Jk Expanded.1965 Chevrolet Truck Line —» X. } XXX ji | ' Vr 3 as jabs safcft&ss. models, largest number four-cyde dieseb of 130,150 and 170hp. A 230- ™ its 1965 truck Hne to 327 the diesel eu.-in. 140-hp six-cylinder engine will be op in fieli its history Most expansion toTelU-ton Is in total the Chevv-Van, replacing to smaller extending dovm class for the In first toe New to the line are an economical 120-hp six previously offered as an option. [Beforeyou buy 4-wheel drive ■ ■ r 1 •::v Sr XX v.:XS; m * m ■x ;,; x iff ■: s X- xX'XXxT';: ¥• " . . rxsx ■ •xx XX m X. xX'X x ; S ; :¥:v > v V ,•■-• : ;X * <x|i i M : XX ■>; v : xO' m x-: xx; < m m b; : . M xx; : ;V ‘ l ■ : vX'S;!;: . ■ i XX •: : x n yy xXXx ..-'XX m x.J Wi xxX •Rxxj: M'J "X ; W ; X: % Xp X m m : s\>' ; HIGH \ •XX' m ■;Xv.’- ;x X :-.,x , : : ■ m ■A If WTI ^ ■X- mm ■X mm 1 . ....... .... ' "■ ' . ’• V;'"' ' . - I f y‘y' : m X < vm ; xx Wm X.x ■XX m ■* ■XXX ■x • \ SSk m : XX.XX "':4m ■>■: ■ ■. x >' ■ . XXT : ■: .■:•:■. Wm : :XXX : I t ■ r V. V compare! i f -sjs c .'.-.V,;. .'.v. Ssgg ' < XX XXX XXX X XXf fxx x-xx •ix liiiil XX ■Tiyrfsr XXXXX'XXXXXxXXX XX-X; •. XX . . ■ f . ;xx: .> SB f I Wi-s- |X fc ’ TXXXX • y/ v.v.- v>. :• ■ ! X f i m wm m' 4$ W- : X ■ X XX' 1 -.- : : ■ :. -. ' w , mM It XX mm ■y mm %::■ . a; -yr. s "■b v df :X: x :v xTxTD -,X-:.X..X XXXXXXXXX: % ■y. : yy m VXXX.;! i x.XXXX m* ■m w 1: XXX: !> ■ I : high grouno STK!K XX v. •■:■..■. f.-: ; XX:-x,. CLEARANCE : : ;X ;' x •'x'xS’^K ......... ■&//' \W* xx:; ;X:£v ZMr, ' a ‘7' 'v. I ■:• X •X-X'. « i 9T C-i ;XXXx: ; X:X X: : ;XX‘ : •wheel drive picku X . xxX im U ■<* X;. mm XXXXX:® .c XX:-: X'XxxXxX: y; 'M il e :• T /haisbr Jeep corporation 4-WHB 1L PRIVB Toledo VEHICLER 1, Ohio f i yyQpe r>’p tAAQl>T MANUFACTURER OF See 'Jeep' vehicles in action on “World Series of Golf,” September 12-13, 0*i < % O £ 4 Channel 5 Sept. 12 3 P! M. STAMEY CHEVROLET C MPANY -A New Pose In you Can Bo ft Ann Saus c by BILL NOVA Country Clothes DO IT YOURSELF" Editor v if* n mm m ' X; X X X :;■:; «l. «• 1 a >' we* HIDEAWAY HOUSES XX Hideaway time will be here soon and with it will come the prob¬ lem of where to store all the items accumulated during the summer months. These hideaway HI houses will lend themselves to That important “imported” look many much-needed uses. Gar¬ is when appear on the den tools, lawn mowers, barbe¬ un % yours you Highland Tweed » cue grills, home repair tools, 4&* scene in these ladders, outdoor furniture, Country Clothes by Pendleton. A paints, bicycles, plastic pools fine-gauge wool Shell combined all will need storage this — small with a fully-lined European-in¬ space ble or dutch doors or as spired Fringe Trim Jacket and fall and the hideaway house single door or hinge top hide¬ Neat Pleat Skirt make you per¬ provides the much needed space. away houses or tool sheds. fectly suited for every situation One or more of these attrac¬ ' You can attach them to your this fall. The feeling is comfort¬ tive hideaway houses can be house or garage or make them able and casual in 100% virgin made from Homasote building portable for placement any¬ wool Country Clothes that are boards in a matter of hours. You where in your backyard. just right for town or country. can make one large, all-purpose Free plans are available for The entire fall collection is style hideaway house or several small a variety of hideaway houses and color coordinated to go- ones using weatherproof Homa¬ and tool sheds by writing to the together harmoniously including sote standard and color-coated Backyard Improvement Council, match-mated hats. All are avail¬ building boards. They be Box able in fine sportswear depart¬ made walk-in can 441, Trenton, New Jersey or ments coast to coast. • as types with dou- this newspaper K t- PRETTIEST LEGS AT THE FAIR. » ) p x : x , V V * t ; A-; K J ' I l -- m ) 'S.y • - j X • r |ip:; Tvyy m m wm p® ffi%A : : : : 'x ;• |>: i:g: : W' ; ■0M . 1 li X-X ms. i ■ y f FX I mm I**.. ■ } .-X \ With the aid of a tape measure, -etor Jean Pierre Aumont sizes UP Margaret Weiskopf’s legs, adjudged the prettiest at the New York World’s Fair in a contest for hostesses at industrial i and national pavilions. In winning over 20 other finalists, Mar¬ garet received $300, three dozen pairs of stockings of Du Font’s new u "Cantrece” nylon, and a kiss from Mr. Aumont. She is 19 and soon will start her junior year at New York University where she is majoring in fashion merchandising * |x .yr- XX ; xX .X;X.; km m ■xxx- X M •xX. xxW mm Wi :-x . xxxx: XX-'x' m m W& X my. ;■ :-X: x;x : Xxx: : :x m xx: xxxx '// m i ■/ ■ \ m m ■■ ■Xx x: ; ;:; x^i : ii i Siii < I XX-Xxx.x' m ms ■ vs XXXXX 'X -xxxxx : xxx' mi •■XxXXiX XX. :xxix M ., X:X- XX Xx-X x ■ •X;X : :': ; X '‘X P xxxx:5x- xx |X;X|X1T : : ^•'^X.-.V.V xx;X: XT ■;X; ' X'-XXT.j* ‘ X .,v.-.X,.^x / yx. I gM; x mm •• i: : XI; H •X:'X;.X Fv', ,xx., Plx : ;sf V ■/; ; ■ 1 '"-T I ■' x ; X xsXx ■ 'X&XXX m iSP x,: ;xxx j ■ ^ X yy : \ : m : ■>X; : ■X'X ' ' X‘ : : * -Xxxx-'X' H • : ^ ^ ''A xi-x MB Some of our electricity experts wear high heels It takes women to think like women. Among the many in our company are 54 specialists — home economists — ready to serve you. They’re our Home Service staff. They plan house-wiring or menus. They design kitchens to save steps, laundries to ease work loads, lighting to brighten and beautify your home. They’ll show you how to care for your electric appliances and how to use them to the best advantage. In 1963 alone, this high-heeled brigade helped more than 130,000 customers. They spoke before groups large and small. They gave lectures and demonstrations by the vidual dozens. homemakers. And they consulted with' indi¬ Would you like another woman’s opinion on matters electric at your house? Then please, do call them. Our experts in high heels will run right out to help you! GEORGIA POWER COMPANY tSe Christ Cf V The Beatitudes f •••• li Rembrandt’s Head of Christy often called The Christ of The Beatitudes, will probably be stud¬ ied by more people during the next two months than at any time since it was painted in the 17th century. It appears on the cover of The Upper Room, daily devotional guide with more than 3 million circulation. The painting is in the Metropolitan Museum in New i York. ^ Potts, editor of Dr. J. Manning that, The Upper Room points out in this picture Rembrandt wa% seeking to show the compassionate lonely, the Christ friend of the poor and the suffering. Rembrandt, painted this picture after personal he had himself experienced fortune great and his sorrow, lost his popularity. Worshippers of wealth and power brush him aside but the poor and suffering see compassion, end love in his eyes. Tips on Touring I By Carol Lane Women's Travel Authority Are You A Smart Driver? An excellent driving riuiz has been published by the Aetna Casualty And Surety Company. \ trued m St fALSE rra Here are five of the twenty true or-false questions. The answers are listed below. 1. When approaching a flashing red traffic signal, you should slow down and proceed at a reasonable speed. 2. Drinking is a factor in about five out of every 100 fatal accidents, 3. Excessive speed causes flfcrb fatal accidents than any other driv* ing fault. f is 4. primarily Signaling eourjtta? yajtf tnxpt to Jinistone irivqt a behind you. ^ 5. If you can stop yo«r OR? feet at 20 M.P.H. you cUCtep 74 feet at 40 M.P.fl. * • * 1. False. Come to a complete sU| and then proceed with caution. 2. False. In 22 out of every 100 fatal accidents a pedestrian or driver has been drinking. ■ 8. True. In a recent year, excef give speed caused over 13,000 high¬ way deaths and resulted in injuries to almost 600,000 persons. 1 4. False. In most states, it’s a legal requirement, 0, False, If your reaction time is J .verage, it will take you at least 112 eet to stop your car at 40 M.P.H. as. i FORUM by JANlg STEWART To stiffen the lip of thread or cord before stringing beads, dip the end In clear nail polish. • • V. As Ifci soon ns you remove soiled dishes It i . from the table, put them to m soak in a gal¬ m xX; vanized tub of - \ hot, soapy water. Saves dishwashing time! * Tf you boil walnuts for five min¬ utes before adding them to baked goods, the nuts won’t dry out your • * • Do you have a new pup who cries louder at night? Put a clock in his box. The. the tick, the happier he’ll be. • • • You'll find that fish is easier to •eale if you rub a little vinegar over it • * • TVhen rug edges tend to curl up, •rush hot Perma Starch on the un Cerside of the rug and press with a warm iron. * • f xSave money on tableware by choosin'g Cheaper when stainless steel. It’s no cause it’s solid rather you get than it, plated but be will se^ve it you twice as long. * * • Winding y*e the nets wrapper yam into as a core ball. Then, when a «« time to reorder, you’ll,