Newspaper Page Text
l M - The Romance By Dee Morrison of •• SI
learn to you ski, you’d like to
remember that it is
a very sport. strenuous, The exacting, dar¬
ing very first step
•would be a regular program of
exercise before you ever fasten
muscles on a ski, to for prepare your untried
the stresses and
strains to which they will be
subjected. If your body is totally
unprepared, and you may be pretty
sore more accident prone.
* •won Step s two
l . be to
1 -JC) buy the proper
basic equip
ment — skis,
boots, poles,
will bindings. That
» cost you
' anywhere
from $75.00 to
important. fibV.OO. Good When boots buying, are most
look for good surface skis
and good
*iT sf ? n ne ? 3 111 tl*e
vi- Northeast m . late , February and
early March. In the Northwest
it starts around December 1st
and runs very late. You might
even ski at Mount Hood in July.
Of course, in California it i3
possible to sk! almost any time
except the very hottest summer
months, and the altitude at Sun
Valley makes the season a long
one. Ithegins .
about Decern- gjSr
ber 1st. All the
resorts have / / YM
structors. * 1 v e “ H*" Be / / (if II *^ \ V
sure you have ® \\
the necessary
war m s u i t- <#■)
able cloth
pants, parkas, sw
’arm Facts
The number of horses and
mules on farms decreased
tom 11,626,000 in 1945 to 3,
OSO.OOO in 1960, according to
tiie U. S. Department of Ag¬
While horses and mules
' ave been disappearing from
the farms, the number
tractors has been
at an impressive pace. In
fact, tractor numbers more
than doubled from 1945 to
1960 There were 2,354,000
tractors on farms in 1945 as
compared with 4,770,000 in
Since about three acres of
land are needed to feed one
mule, a drop of more than
8,000,000 in the horse and
mule population released 24,
000,000 acres for other pur
poses. stub¬
Mules, however, are
born critters and are
a mild comeback in some
areas Wade Tribble,
operates the last mule
in Memphis, sold 100
farmers during the
eight months of 1960 as
red y/ith a total of 80
the year before.
h 1 A Birmingham dealer Oi‘
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gloves, etc. Ask headgear, goggles, socks,
Now if someone who knows.
exercise bores you,
you haven’t got $150, and you
are only Bkip on the man-hunt any¬
way, the exercise ar.d the
basic equipment. Buy the slim¬
mest stretch pants and the pret¬
tiest pullover you can find. Go
to that resort which a few cal¬
vinced culating questions have con¬
you is most popular with
men, and when those rugged,
frost-oitten lads come dash
ing in out of the snow, drape
yourself near the fireplace and
flutter your false eyelashes,
If his face is cracked and his
hands are chapped, be a mims
borrow tering angel when he asks to
your hand lotion. Tell
him about Shulton’s new Out
door Lotion for outdoor sport 3
If-* him. It is ‘ a “weather
guard” made expressly for a
man’s skin. Protects a man’s
face and hands against biting
windsand %
cold and sun. r*
It might not
he such a far
out idea to 1‘U'i
take a bottle
with you for /
the likeliest man you can snag,
If skiing is just not for you,
and your latest conquest prefers
to hunt or fish or does nothing
more daring than bird-watching
kids’football or coaching the neighborhood
needs team, his skin still
cold air. protection from the raw
Sometimes a man hates
to admit that he has sensitive
skin. It would be a thoughtful
gesture to buy him a bottle, and
who knows? The pay-off may
bft much greater!
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\ of horses and
\ i mules on farms
is lessihan^
fhaf of 1945.
he can sell all ho can get
as many as 5,000 head a year.
In 1957, he wasn’t selling
enough to meet ^
Tribble says farmers with
small acreages of'cotton and
tobacco ccn :r mule V
the most economical f
y r
Mi" does your
Alter / /
work for you? /
JKSfifWW &&& ‘T Rainfall stored In the soil ts priceless treasure when dry
rvixylv... , : x : m swlr
r weather comes. A cover of trees on steeper slopes — grass
on the moderate slopes — slow water to a walk. Decaying
Xt :
i m I 8888 bits of plants add humus, making soil porous, so that water
t m ill VV
at m • X 1 : XX-. t can soak in. Roots open channels to deeper soil layers for
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xi I xv-sv m storage. Water moves slowly underground.
X yy:;;.:
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VI': xXy: V $ mmmg Stored water becomes available gradually as needed.
yyiVyyy /si
■'VV'VxV "S y. ■ Tyy' Crop yields are greater where ground water is plentiful.
' :v: : m ■Pi; When drought stored ground
"i ft a comes, water may
■yy : save the crop and provide for cattle and the home.
A good farm manager endeavors to control the
y'.;. ’ flow of from
•y-y; x: • yy water his land there will be the
fm • ; :x 7 mm ii so
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i m M ill least possible damage to his neighbor.
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>si> -x. mm • :x.y SB : x yyC yy : : • y ■ xXv?!] wwmm .i 3& ;.V, of Commerce in cooperation with
.r • ' : x' : x The Atlanta Advertising Club,
■ 'ry-y ,.x : • 1 Inc.
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