Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, October 16, 1964, Image 1
TH CLEVELAND COURIER COVERS THE MOUNTAINS LIKE MOONSHINE Devoted to the Agricultural , Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County VOL LXVU* 52 N* THE CLEVELAND COURIER. PLATFORM For White County and Cleveland: A Cleaner and More Beautiful City All Highways Graded and Paved To Make White County the Mecca for Tourists I)evel« j'liiPnt of Winter Sports in Mountain Area Letters . . . To The Editor The Atlanta Journal and f ' The Atlanta Constitution Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 8, 1964 Mr. Jim Davidson, The Courier ! Cleveland, Ga. Dear Jim: ; Tell the White County weather men that Atlanta really loved their comments. I don’t know wlhen I [ have heard so many folks say they the | enjoyed reading a piece in g Magazine as I’ve heard this week ibout the good signs for bad ■weather. Sincerely, Andy Sparks, The Habersham County Tax A ss< ssors have refuse adopt tax equalization program. conducted The program has been for a number of months by pro l'es-ional firms, hence the program is i ow useless in that county The White County Commis nnssioners now have a firm em ployed to wo'k on Tax Equaliza Hon program to become ettec'ive Judge Roy Satterfield has the Absentee Ballots for the Genera! E t ction Evening courses ’inseveral es* st litiids are new open at the Gh. Tt eh Sob ml at Clarksville. Con tact them NOW Outlook for October; Te npefa ture, ear norma Free pi ti n above normal You will find the Grand Jury Presentments on page 1,column 6 of this issue. Read them Eddie Adams tells he has nevei received so much mail in all his life since Andy Sparks wrote that most interesting article on him and several other White County people on what kind of winter you cun expect, He says money is enclosed foi herbs. He tells be must get a secretary or marry. Jan.1 1965. TheCourier was pleased to re¬ ceive and order for printing from Coy Davidson of Birmingham, Ala. His parents are Mr and Mrs. Geo. W. Davidson Harley Brady tells he’s Satis¬ fied his prognostigatious on what kind of wiujer to expect will come true, However, he^ some what uncertain about the suows before Christmas, bo he’s going to consult Mr. J. H. Telford tells what he thinks. It will take you a long time to vote in the General Election Nov 8 Better get,, informed on the Coirs', tiutional Amendments Tala with Judge Roy SattertieldcNOVV USB Bsinbridge (s’HTNC)— Freddy L Furry, e .mmisearym n tbi d.^clasB, USN non otlMrs, Lewis J. Bui ton, R4, OleAe land, is scheduled to return 10 Norfolk Va, Out, 3 while serving aboard .the OSS Bainbridge following the completion of Naval Training G«uter, SanDiegtf, Oalif «.« FOR FINE PRINTING Keeping Spices Keep the top of spice tins very se cure, as the sir tends to make spic*» 1... flrt'-m and ‘’spioinesa Letter to the Cleveland, Editor Georgia October 12, 1964 Mr. Jas. P. Davidson, Editor Cleveland, Georgia. Dear Jim: Through your paper I want to make an appeal to our County Commissioners and to the citizens of our County to support them to save our historical court house. None of us at this time can fully see its true value, its beauty of design and what it will mean to White County in the years to ■come. If it is tom down, it can never be replaced. Let’s go slow, and not do something that all of us will regret later. Our section is the Garden Spot of the State and White County’s possibilities are practically unlimi¬ ted. Some may think that the new Court House will supply all the space the county will need in the forseeable future, but I do not think so. Case in point: Just a few years ago the State Building Au¬ thority built us a large school buil¬ ding that was thought large enough for years to come. Yet with a new building now going up and it’s not sufficient to meet present needs. I think that the County will need all the space in the old Court House and 1 that the Commissioners will be justified in making all needed re¬ pairs. Let’s not destroy this valuable asset and sometime in the future let some organization take it over and maintain it for future gener¬ ations. Yours truly, J. H. Telford. T uett-McConnell Announces Beautification Plans I Connell Approximately College Alumni 100 Truett met Fri-* Mc-j day night, October 9 at the college to hear the plans of the new presi¬ dent, Dr. Warner Fusselle, for im¬ mediate development and beauti¬ fication of the college. The group enthusiastically adop¬ ted a plan for installing a beauti¬ ful fountain in the center of the quadrangle in front of the Admin¬ istration Building at the girl’s dormitory. The fountain is to ex¬ tend approximately 25 feet into the air. The area is to be surrounded by walkways and lovely landscap¬ ing. At the upper side is to be a gate with a huge padlock. This gate is to be opened with a great deal of ceremony when the fresh¬ men enter the life of Truett Mc¬ Connell, then locked, not to be opened again until graduation, when again the sophomores will exit through the gate into a life of service and leadership. Plans are to have the fountain lighted — white, with the follow¬ ing exceptions: At Christmas the lights of the fountain will be red, in the spring at graduation time the lights will be green, and in the fall during registration and leaf turning time in the mountains, the ligthts will be amber. Total cost of the fountain and' 1 gate will be around $3,200 includ¬ ing architect’s fees. Over one half this amount in cash has already been raised. Alumni wishing to make contri¬ butions should send them to Rev. Wallace Preast, Secretary, Alumni |Association, jjRome, Georgia, Black to Bluff Mrs. Ruby Road, C. I or Lewis, Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, Georgia. — Louise Holcomb, Pub. Dir. jnoA iswdSo a jd sppo aqi h*! m ajquiuS fuop f m « CLEVELAND, GA* oCT. 16 1964 Local News Send ns the NEWS eo that tt appear in The Courier. We wfll rat ecite your cooperation. Telephone or write The Courier the NEWS. When Cleveland businessmen advertise in The Courier they can deduct that amount from their in¬ come tax. Frank Wells, outstanding At¬ lanta Constitution writer, was here Monday. He was accom¬ panied by Charlie Bennett, pho¬ tographer. They were here to get a story on Winter Sports for the Raven Cliffs area They were accompanied by Bill Lindsay and Jack Smith Frank’s wouder ful stoiy and Charles’s pictuie will he in the Atlauta Journal— Constitution Sunday W. G. Mnrrah, Blairsville, was here Saturday Mr. and Mrs, L. R. Cooper at¬ tended the Georgia Tech—Navy game in Jacksonville Oct. 9 and: spent the weekend with Mr. and VIrs Bill Cooper Mrs. Francis Foster of Eugene, Oregon, is visiting her uncle, Frank DeLoug, Sr,, at Brookton, ■'he is a daughter of Wayne Mc¬ Whorter, who was a passanger conductor on the old G &N.W Mr. and Mrs, L. L. Black and Vlrs. Bill Guenther and daughter of HapeviHe visited here Satur¬ day, Mrs. J. F Ivie, Mike and Pam of Atlanta visited parents, Editor and Mrs Jas. P. Davidson, OVer the weekend Col. and Mrs. Joe Telford and fames Telford, Jr. of Gainesville were recent guests of hnuiefolks Larry Winte is alien ling the FFA .'(men ion iu Kansas City tbi- week; Mrs, Hobt. Craven has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mia. ,Cqae. uac* I ilyre, at Ludlow, III,, Air Rree Mr. and Mrs. John IKenimei of N* Y. were recent guests of the Guy Kenimers a Faeo.icbee, A granddaughter of Mr, aud Mrs Guy K-nimer recently visited Hi era. Mrs, Albert Fte'ld is back hr me from Hall County iHo'-pilal Mr. and Mrs, W. a. Dilzsl of Rock Eajjlc, Ison., were recent visitors here. Mrs. A, H. Henderson is spending seveial days with daughter, Mrs Roscoe Tate ot Slone Mountain. Dr. and Mrs. Jharles Edwards andMies 'Isncy Edwards of Atlanta were . uesls of hnmefolks 8 unda,{, Chas, is on. he Emory Psychiatry staff Mr and Mrs, John 1\ Head of Decatur ape ;t the weeaend here Masters Mark and Iraham Edwards of Augusta spent the weekend ,wiib grand patents. Mr aud Mr,, Ch.r ie 1 Uff HQ i MF 8 Fannie Huff I houiHS of Madison visited the I’elforde Monday m m ■ m 0: m ter- 1 53 % ■ 3* -m. m m : wm . . HI 5WK I * I NAT1 °— 1 •«»■» o. mi uNonwiinu FIRE PREVENTION WEEK' OCTOBER 9-U SssV # The prayer ®f faith ahaJI i save him that is sick, and tha Lord shall raise him npr» | (James 5:15). genuinely to the ’ K we hold I idea of healing we ehonld and I can pray effectively for Divine | help for thooo who m h* [of healing. Warriors Romp North Ha!l Richard Davidson, Reporter Last Friday night was Home coming for WCHS and wa3 a real homecoming with the Warriors lead by Jerry Dorsey scoring two touchdowns to this led ihe War¬ riors to a 26 0 win. Ike Stovnl! scored a touchdown along with Hugh Pilcher. The Warriors also played a good defensive game led by § Joe Glover. The Warriors play So Haber -ham in Cornelia tonight Key Clnb Meeting l'be White county Key Club bel I Ibeii 51 b tne*>ting at White Co. High Mood t y Doug Brown was presiding, [1 wag suggested that m-mteers aSterd Mt. Yonah Baptist Church Oct j 8 Mr, McDa iel was to advise the xr m bers on helping with the moving into n e new elementary school building Doug Nix and Joe Glover attend d b Itiwanie Monday nigbt Funeral services for El ward L (E'l) Gedney, Helen will be liel.l Oct, i3 2 P- m. at Helen Presbyterian Cnurob In "rmeni was in Helen ceme y „ He was born in Minneapolis, Mum Mr. Gednephad been a resident of While County for the past 30 year 3 . He - as a:, electrical engineer and the owner • i Esze Laundry. He is survived by his wife; ne d.ugh t r, Mrs, J, B, Harrell, rgh, P four grawdeh 1 I.oy Ca h Passes Funeral services for Loy Cash, fill, Ci y H2, were held Wednesday from Ml Vow Baptist Church at a time and date to be announced later. He was a a native of Whie county. He ie survived by hie wife, son, David Jaeh R2;one daughter, Mrs. O, C, Burch, Clarkes villa; mother, Cily, R 4 ; two eistere, Mrs. Charlie Darrell, Ci'y,R2 Mre. George Traylor, East Pout; four brothers,, Ed, Lester, Pat Cash, R 4 ; S. () 'ash, Jr. Kennewaw Mrs. It. L. Allison Passes Mrs. R, L, Allison, 92, died |Tu edav a ucr home in Atlanta, She «a 9 a naive >f White County and a member of the Methodist Church Funeral services were held Weduislay from the Cleveland Methodist Church In ermeut was in (he Cleveland cemeleiy He Is survive ! by five daughters, mis M, L i’ardue, Mre. J, J, Black and Mrs. Dora Blalock, Atlanta; Mrg, E, D, Adams ami Mrs, J. V, Parilue, Gaines anil oue son, Paul, Marietta Funeral services for t Mie Mar, Lou Denton. 94, Saulee; HI; w& sheld Wednesday from the Ml, Yonah B»p is 1 Interment was in the churc', emelery, Bbe died Monday in Haber4ha C uuty Hospital; She was born in Walton Counte, but lived iu Wuite Co 1 y' 1 for the pnet 25 ears. She i 8 sut vixed' ty three step eon .John lie and Billy ^ levela .d, one Mrs, Sue Mize, Allaula; on A, -L,Green, Lilbonia; one sister Mrs. Minnie K mp, Conyers; stv-ia’ and nephews, u V ivtiOitai wwlwll Rcmembe ir I' t ;i.?.! tr.r.* ■ I* -••'Sj -J'-j ill i A 'EY " s: v <znm s Everybody read* this Newspaper. . - ~ ■ __3aai Established 18 W $3.61 Per Teai .» ■ra > * ! *i Why Not Tell , i * the Whole Truth, 1*1 t *i Senator GoldwaterFjl *i * a u I * About 1 M • YOUR membership in the NAACP, j .. !* • League. YOUR role as a founding member of the Urban •? I * • YOUR contribution of $400 to finance Arizona * school integration. w * • YOUR leadership in integrating Arizona’s Na¬ t * tional Guard. ip&£/ • YOUR leadership in integrating Arizona’s movie theaters. . * • YOUR role, as a member of the Phoenix City Council, in integrating that city’s airport and w restaurant. r • YOUR co-sponsoring of Staja'of legislation to provide a * Civil Rights Bill for the Arizona. • YOUR support and vote for the 1960 Civil Rights * Bill. v * • YOUR criticism of Bobby Kennedy for not pushing hard enough on prosecution of alleged civil rights violations in Georgia and in the South * YOUR co-sponsoring with Jacob Javits a bill • * applying FEPC restrictions to federal contracts. • YOUR support and vote on two occasions for the * creation of the Civil Rights Commission. are • YOUR support of Adam Clayton Powell’s civil * rights amendments. * • YOUR hypocrisy in supporting the civil rights bill of 1964 up until its passage was certain and !* after you became a candidate for President. * • COME NOW, SENATOR, let’s tell the whole * truth to the people of Georgia as yoq have told the truth to the people of Washington “I think and that other the northern cities when you said, Attorney General should have the power to use a very tightly-drawn law AIMED LIKE A RIFLE at the precise problem in a school dlst rict . . . . yes, I would use it (the law), if elected”. • AND, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimina ation or segregation according to race, creed, or color or on any other basis, not only my words, but more importantly, my actions throughout the years have continually demonstrated my feeling in this regard ... I realize fully the federal gov¬ ernment has a responsibility in the field of civil rights. I supported the civil rights bills which were enacted in 1957 and 1960”. • And finally, Senator, you said last month: “I would vigorously enforce the civil rights bill of 1964 ... for it is only just and right. >1 Remember what the first Republican President, Mr. Lincoln, said: ''You fool all the people some of the t can time • •: * • » but you can't fool all the people all the time. if #A i : / •s I DON’T BE FOOLED Vote Straight Democratic n ""11 THIS AD PAID FOR BY ^ 1 'Tj Georgia Democrats >OU CAN! QUIT ADVERTISING YOU’RE TALKING TO A PARADE NOT A MASS MEETING _ » ANU !T WILL w* BE IN THE PAPER