Newspaper Page Text
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71 i THE
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•:X:V:v •/■Six 77- p * DISTRICT
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PHIL r c
I. our wav tike RESULTS SETsis all of us, 1 wants 9n j. IIN to . • see our area • * opened • ec * ua Mend and ana more —■*» tourists . . . cominor ,
2 . — u,e rf’S'inT 7 ES um b ,”“V““' il 2' l *" d wH '* *> '•"» "J !~tt» ,m * n
3 . RESULTSkAH 35E- Hin!® ssssar ! nd S,e . 6r thr ° U9h h,ve Con publit 9 ress ^ Rural Area Library Services zss Act
4 . ed . develop . Kn ? Ws the ® or construction feelings about of fast, 27 new efficient post offices mall service. throughout RESULTS: the district. Landrum help-
5 Work”for Opposed thousands* the * vicious f°N two-price system fncrus,rfes on cotton sqa ' n and 't foreign he supported Imports. the RESULTS: wheat
increased * N h Georg,a ,exti,e w ®rkers has been insured, and their
6. • • f® U i ? om , fong N ,n . l 8n< L h District ? hard "T* 110 to producers. " asskf 31 scho our °’ Poultry funeh program, Industry. with RESULTS: many Landrum pounds helped being
j ” \ n He helped the million dollar pool
try Industry training center at the University of Ge<
7 . struction, more Was recreational to Instrumental the Ninth outlets. In District. brlnglno RESULTS: the $41 More million Industrial Carters and Dam, lob now opportunities, under con¬
8. a/* - aci o^oieefs ifies, ^ ask,ed and In the securing district. 2,000 RESULTS: man-months over $2 million New of roads, In public better works water funds systems for and more sewage than
over on-site employment.
9. Is a former teacher and Is a genuine friend of education. RESULTS: Landrum \
helped write - among other education laws - the Vocational Education Act of
63. Georgia has fust been allocated over $3 million under this new law for
Fiscal year 1965.
10 . ^ including ,C | Helped those In ® the to ver help approval ^3 million industries of In tbe loans nine and Area grants Redevelopment are going help for projects various In prefects, tbe dls*
new get started or to firms expand.
11. increase 1961, In he 1955 to spoke the voted present for to and increase $1.25 voted the and for minimum the hour. extension RESULTS: wage of from People minimum 75e In to the $1.00. wage Ninth laws In District I960 and and an
along with the nation — enfoy a better standard of living.
12 In your Voted pockets, for the Increased tax cut personal bill. RESULTS: savings, Record expanded consumer construction spending, and more more money lobs.
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Resolution Act No. 23 shall be Chairman, to be elected, “ , J,° , ^present , district .. , • f on __ ihe
by the voters of the entire county. e a
House Resolution No. 85-157 For the of electing such hoard, the person must be
A RESOLUTION purpose } c Qnt of sald dl ?j rlct ! f “
Proposing an amendment to the members, White County (4)^Education is hereby removes his residence from , the dis
Consititution, so as to provide for divided into four J™* that he represents, the re
the election of members of the Districts. Education District No 1 members of the board
Board of Education of White Coun¬ shall be composed of all the area h aI1 immediatffiy declare that a
ty by the people; to provide their within Militia District No. 861 ^ , a ca " cy exlsts an d sh ? H “LS?,
qualifications; to provide their (Mount Yonah). Education Dis- Vacancy as provlded , , °^ herein.
terms of office; to provide the pro¬ (rict No. 2 shall be composed of all ^ ter No P erson shall , be el^ibla
cedure connected therewith; to the area within Militia Districts to serv o member of the Board
vide pro¬ No. 1441 (White Creek) and 426 e as a °f
for the submission of this (Mossy Creek). Education District . K ha » nat b f n * re sideil
jection; amendment and for for other ratification purposes. or re¬ No. 3 shall be comnosed of all the ™°“ ths Co and f who y K fo ^ has tw not f , V ,L been J a a
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE area within Militia Districts No. f, esldent i of th district ln
721 (Blue Creek) and 427 (Na- ®
GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEOR¬ coochee) and 1497 (Chattahoo- be or she , qualifies for at least s«
GIA: chee). Education District No. 4 months immediately preceding
SECTION 1 shall be composed of all the area .date of his election to
Article VIII, Section V, Para¬ within Militia Districts No. 558 hoard The Chairman of the Board
graph I of the Constitution, relat¬ (Tesnatee) and 1439 (Blue Ridge) may.bearesident of any of the
ing to the County Boards of Edu¬ and 836 (Town Creek) and 862 ^ la dlstr ‘ cts m sald c ,°^ ty b ^
cation, is hereby amended by add¬ tcy, na1 p v') snail have been a resident of White h
ing at the end thereof the follow¬ rPP for tweI Of)
One member from each of the ve
ing: four (4) Education Districts shall , Preceding , the data of Ws his
M The Board of Education Of be elected by the voters of the en- or J' e r election to such board.
White County shall be composed tire county, but in order to be eligf- , lat “ ^“ifuSion Jof
Of five (5) members, of which ont
amendment it shall be the duty of
the Ordinary of White County
issue the call for an election for
the purpose of electing the mem- j
bers of the Board of Education of
White County. The day of such
election shall be set for a day not
less than thirty (30) nor more
than forty-five (45) days from the
date of issuance of the call there-1
of. It shall be the duty of the Ordi¬
nary to publish the date of the j
.-ictkn, the purpose thereof, and
a brief description of the proce -1
aure connected therewith at leasi I
nee imim diateiy preceding the
‘ ate thereof j n the official organ i
°‘ White County. A person oifer
’■•'8 to run for the office of Chair¬
man of the Board shall so desig¬
nate he is running for said office
at the time he qualifies. The
Chairman of the Board shall serve
lor a term of four (4) years; the
!\vo members receiving the largest
..-mber of votes shall serve for a
term of four (4) years and the
remaining two members shall serve
. ; a term of two (2) years. Mem
era elected at such election shall
-eke office January 1, 1965 and
'heir term of office shall expire
on December 31st of the last year
of their respective terms. Tbe suc
-cssers to such members shall ba
Jectid for a term of four (4)
..ears and shall be elected at the
same time elections are held to fill
. ’'•ancies in other State and coun¬
tv offices.
.vny vacancy which occurs on the
Board within 45 days of the next
oCmej-al election, or if the term of
office in which such vacancy oc
c rs shall expire within 60 days
after the next general election,
shall be filled by the Board by ap
, ointing a successor to serve out
the remainder of the unexpired
term. Vacancies occurring at othti
times shall be filled by the Board
by apointing a successor to servt.
until the next general election, l t
which time the vacancy shall be
filled by an election to be conducted
as herein provided, and the sue
cessor so elected shall serve on
the remainder of the unexpired
'The Eoard of Education o
White County in effect at the tim
Oi. the ratification of this amend
rnent shall be abolished effectiv.
L~cember31, 1964, and the tern
of office of the members of such
Board shall expire on such date.
The Board created hereundei
shall be successor to such abolished
Eoard and shall be vested with the
rights, powers, duties, and author
ity possessed by such other Board.'
When the above proposed amend
ment to the Constitution shall havt
been agreed to by two-thirds of
flee members elected to each of the
two branches of the General As
sembly, and the same has been en¬
tered on their journals with the.
““Ayes” and “Nays” taken thereon
such proposed amendment shall b ;
pa Wished and submitted as pro
vided in Article XIII, Section 1
Paragraph I of the Consiiiution oi
Georgia of 1945, as amended.
The ballot submitting the above
proposed amendment shall have
v. ritten or printed thereon the fol¬
lowing: ratification amendment
For of
to the Constitution so as to pro¬
vide for the election of members
e-{ .the Board of Education of White
County by the people; to provide
t.-eir qualifications; to provide terms of office; to provide
the procedure connected therewith.
“Against ratification of amend¬
ment to the Constitution so as to
provide for the election of mem¬
bers of the Board of Education ol
White County by the people; to
provide their qualifirations office; to to provide pro¬
vide their terms of
tiie procedure connected therewith. 1
Ah persons desiring to vote ii
, ivor of adopting the proposed
pmendment shall vote for ratifica
Hon of the amendment, and all per
sons desiring to vote against the
adoption of the proposed amend¬
ment shall vote against ratifica¬
tion. shall be rati¬
If such amendment Paragraph
fied as provided in said
of tiie Constitution, it shall be
uime a part of the Constitution o
uus State. The returns oi the elcc
non shall be made in like manner
as returns tor elections for mem¬
bers oi the General Assembly; am
1 r shall be the duty of tne Seen,
U.ry of State to ascertain the re¬
sult and certify the result to the
Governor, who shall issue his proc¬
lamation thereon.
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
president of the Senate
"Secretary of the Senate
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F ^ T:-'T
<* Why Not Tell , j 1 !
the Whole Truth, ! j l
Senator Goldwater? ■
About 1
• YOUR membership in the NAACP. i
Urban ^
• YOUR role as a founding member of the I
League. 1
• YOUR contribution of $400 to finance Arizona
school integration.
• YOUR leadership in integrating Arizona’s Na¬
tional Guard.
• YOUR leadership in integrating Arizona’s movie
• YOUR role, as a member of the Phoenix City I
Council, in integrating that city’s airport and
• YOUR co-sponsoring of legislation to provide a
Civil Rights Bill for the State of Arizona.
• YOUR support and vote for the 1960 Civil Rights
• YOUR criticism of Bobby Kennedy for not
pushing hard enough'on “prosecution of alleged
civil rights violations in Georgia and in the South
• YOUR co-sponsoring with Jacob Javits a bill
applying FEPC restrictions to federal contracts.
• YOUR support and vote on two occasions for the
creation of the Civil Rights Commission.
• YOUR support of Adam Clayton Powell’s civil
rights amendments.
• YOUR hypocrisy in supporting the civil rights
bill of 1964 up until its passage was certain and
after you became a candidate for President. «
• COME NOW, SENATOR, let’s tell the whole
truth to the people of Georgia as you have told
the truth to the people of Washington and other
northern cities when you said, “I think that the
Attorney General should have the power to use
a very tightly-drawn law AIMED LIKE A RIFLE j
at the precise problem in a school district ....
yes, I would use it (the law), if elected”.
• AND, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimina
ation or segregation according to race, creed, or
color or on any other basis, not only my words,
but more importantly, my actions throughout the
years have continually demonstrated my feeling
in this regard ... I realize fully the federal gov¬
ernment has a responsibility in the field of civil
rights. I supported the civil rights hills which
were enacted in 1957 and 1960”,
• And finally, Senator, you said last month: “I
would vigorously enforce the civil rights bill of
1964 ... for it is only just and right.” ^
.•atlfeTjir.* .
Remember what the first Republican
President, Mr. Lincoln, said: “You
can fool all the people some of the ■ !
time.....but you can't fool all
the people all the time/'
t i
Vote Straight Democratic
v- I J vr:
i »r t
Georgia Democrats
A Wildfire Every 3 Minutes 36 Seconds
# •
M.C. 4
*&*■ «.c .a
j A
MIS3 muA
LA." • •
• Denotes F»t»e
In !6 Sesthsrr. State* there*, a new wildfire starting in the
forests 400 times a day, compared with 84 times a day for the
rest of the nation. Problem is one to be tackled by Southern
Forest Fire Prevention Conference in New Orleans in April.