Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, November 13, 1964, Image 2
i, doctors are talking Wm M about J ft! • • • »• • news for millions of men and women who cannot fa der a t o and fatty ones in particular because they suffer from low sail bladder tone. Treatment for this condition, report* a New York •physician, can be relatively simple with a substance new drug, that ! abllagol, Nature which contain* d-glucltol—a the sweet tasting and the mountain ash berry, doles out sparingly In red seaweed normalise digestion and i This drug taken before meals helps and to other uncomfortable symptom*. over* (one dys p ep sia, nausea, bloating i-Hk * * * rs 1 if* The Delaware doctor who sometime# give* his patients boxing gloves to wear when aUn. they These sleep that they cannot scratch Injured they don’t fau St i it) better than mitttna because o K The findings for of recent medical I* no [eel reason waiting likely an to hour fa Howe or emo tional Cramps factors are not engaging occur. fa rasa Mriovwupafat tiersfawa, as s check fvrexeactfso. Each person, should ■ lAiijMttt ■Kamsgsttmija coaipiwttwiWflf coanaM by i The first «yn] of __________________ofaisi to taka |ag gadtal ifawaatk tunteft * * * ;ble* i conai and wndacs or auafelato » daMdoaa mfflt shake. 1 * *X* # The large yon ivebeenptaaw dfag ixentstak* S n die I ■w and iO you of ‘AS It htddaa out a am«* the elthfifaddMebil seeking rsliaf from th t frame pain raeeor new file twelve longerw & fa ift ftee tram taken and fa SM ALL - H OUSE WI TH FAM ILY ROOM C waa i 6 »M m l ^il* m >10* ms. * UVINO ma vrAwtv Va«.s*ag| mi 8 * > 20 * . J art. i <s CL SATH CD iinnna V mii-H so L • * - • -* •••■*-*• SATH #1 rr ENTRY | r~ t sruov/BA r !•••..* K0 rm. ™ ■ A a fia . :.-3SsS -1 i w, • •» .-irfitafeA'tfc This plan for a one-floor house wi*.h full basement has many att!active points to offer for a small house. % The main entry with slate floor gives ready access to any another. room without passing through ■*, v -%• The kitchen with adjoining family room is a convenient beneath “U” shape. The sink is win¬ dows facing the yard for good supervision play. There of youngster* built faeven at ia a and cooking top. dining The family room kitchen or which area is part of the is ideal for family conversation and supervision during meal pre¬ paration. This family room has a large closet for game storage la or also hobby large equipment. There a storage closet ever the bulkhead of the stairway to the basement which has access to the attic as welL The living room is away from traffic and can be closed from folding the family doors room desired. by the use M as It has floor length windows at the front. The sliding glass door* at the rear could lead to a race. A long unbroken wall pities for good furniture . -V LIKE THE AIR THE SPOKEN WORD IS BUT THE PRINTED WORD IS ALWAYS THERE Yes, For Really Effective Advertising None Even Approach The Printed Word j For Pleasure and Profit, Read The Advertisements In L THE CLEVELAND COURIER meat, Th* ceiling* in the living slope room the and roof family making room with an attrac¬ tive ceiling treatment illumi¬ nated from built in valances. 4 ceiling, By throwing well light down against th* th* as as over curtains and draperies, the val¬ ance* give good general illumi¬ nation and make the room seem effect. larger while Brightness creating of a the daylight light ean be adjusted from a candle glow Luxtrol to light full on control, with a built dial in a new system that takes the place of ordinary on-off-switches. General and-den lighting in the from bed¬ rooms also comes window valances which are Lux¬ trol controlled. - There are three bedrooms, one of which can be used as a com¬ bination study bedroom. This room has folding it louvered the hall. doors All separating three b from have built in eorooms chests with mirrors above and good There closet storage. full baths ■ are two sep¬ arating tab and the the bedrooms, other one shower. has a could a On# be used &s the master bath and the other as a powder room guest bath. UtThe that basement is arranged so the laundry and heating leav equipment tag large are free to one for side a area a rec rcation or hobby room, Clifford These plans N. Wright, are available Architect, from Schoolcraft, Detroit 23, for Michigan three at $15 per set f or $35 sets. THE CLEVELAND (GA) COURIER Distinctly Modem Is This Small Homes Guide Design JLJE. ci «“rjci A "built-in” patio and lew roof j*\ Unaa mark this house plan by H*u. Architect Oene Holt as distinc¬ tively modem. It appears in the rtS# yvJM^OCM current edition of Small Homes Guide. Note the skylight over the . walled patio and the folding § < J* doors that allow it to expand into < the garage. Total area Is only 852 4 *q. ft. Information on blueprints lOmiu* -VKC' and their cost may be obtained 6sw J by writing to Small Homes Guide, Dept. 1450, 621 N. Dearborn, Chi¬ cago 10, m. Floob Plan L:J§>:£' & >. s a m $ [,* V? •; T v. *r VI t*. □ t- Tx r rj ; - W; Ss§ Dessert Salad Makes Fruits Glamorous x .x" : r W: W • - .. , >■ & x I r c. ■is r,;. ; ■ Li Tx; « li . f • •: §8 . ■•;> .tt ^ for Fruit who salad can resist for dessert this taste can become appeal the beauty highlight ’3 evening? of a meal, Cool and colorful, on a summer imbued with fragrant flavor, fruits in salad set the acme for a perfect mealtime ending. * For an especially tempting dessert salad, combine fresh or canned fruits, celery and nuts with chopped dates. And be ture to have an flamour extra-good salad dressing It dressing to blend with the fruits. Ideally suited to this a made from a new salad dressing mix, combined with tour cream and cheese blended with sugar. To make the basic dressing, combine an envelope of salad dressing mix with with vinegar, this water, recipe and for oil Fruit according Salad Dessert—a to package directions, then ending proceed meal 'gpwanmiIsawtr' sure, sweet to* summer i Fruit Salad Dessert I Vinegar, water, oil M/8 cups drained cut fruits, 1 package (8 ounces) enMfa o fresh or canned cheese 1/2 dates 1 tablespoon sugar * 1/4 cup finely chopped celery 1/4 cup mixed salad dressing or nuta 1/4 cup sour cream Combine salad dressing mix, vinegar, water, and oil as directed the bottle or package. Mix fruits, dates, and celery. Soften cream cheese and blend with sugar. into cheese Whip mixture. together 1/4 cup of the dressing and lightly. sour cream. Stir Pour over fruits and mix Serve on crisp servings salad greens. Makes 4 cups, or 8 servings entree salad, fat 4 dessert salad, or 4 to 6 servings side salad. / J H T-:': m II T'TTs m .: : • m M 111 Wmm TT M TTvT * •y WM; m m ;:.t; II m m '•••:' mi m :tt; p lip m » mm : : ::: .-.v ¥ •:T:T:;:T:T:::T :T': 1 M :i¥p j g m y ■ ■ ■■■■: M *5 K;:-: XT m fej ; X TT: m* , X . 8! xT? ... / i¥ •; m 1 Built to be overworked, / { overloaded... over the years. Pile on the payload. This one can carry more weight than you can usually get aboard. Va ton? Sure! Vi ton? Certain^, lyl % ton? Why notl And how it works! The 'Jeep' Universal was built to stay on the job year after year without losing Its usefulness or value. Test it today—see why the Jeep* Universal is the world leader in its.class. Three power take¬ off options. Available with half or full cabs—or convertible top. Also available in 80* 81* or 101* wheelbase. : VERSATILE. % Kaiser POWERFUL, Jeep VIRTUALLY corporation INDESTRUCTIBLE Toledo 1 , Ohio Jeep See 'Jeep’ vehicles in action on TV... CBS Evening News With Walter Cronkite” (6 pan. Ch. 5) Stamey Chevrolet Go. Low Cost Second Mortagage HOMEOWNERS LOANS TO PAY YOUR PAST DUE BILLS TO REDUCE YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS * Fast Service * Arranged by Phone * Any Amount I * No Hidden Charges * Loans Anywhere * Loans to 5 Yttrt CALL TODAY 532 - 8686 or clop coupon and mail NAME........... ADDRESS CITY STATE TELEPHONE AMT. DESIRED FRANK ADAMSON — Mortgage Broker First Gainesville Mortgage & Title Co. 305 FIRST FEDERAL BUILDING Gainesville, Georgia Soda-Pendable for Kitchen-Fire Fighting ; TT I J 1' \ | £y No need to panic or blank out in a daze When grease In the skillet breaks out in a blaze / If you heed what the safety experts teach I And keep baking soda within range reach. I So fill up a canister with a pound or two. Label it fire so in a crisis you Won’t douse the fire with sugar pr flour. For if s only soda that has the power Needed to smother the a fire and kill it That originates in broiler or skillet i ■m I : ■ %>r V I 7 \ ofiSi