Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, December 04, 1964, Image 1

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Devota 3 #• Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
For White County and
A Cleaner and More Beautiful
All Highways Graded and
To Make White County the
Mecca for Tourists
Development of Winter
Spurts in Mountain Area
Poverty Program Soon To Be
Put In Force
John Jones of Pahlonega has
been employed as Program Devel¬
oper with a grantgfOf $16,700 from
the office of Economic Opportuni¬
ties to set up an office to serve the
twelve mountain counties that
have been tleclart d iu the poverty
The program furnishes financial
and technical assistance of em¬
ployment, j' b twining and coun¬
sel in i-» l r vocational rehabilitatiou,
health, home management, wel¬
fare, remedial - education aud
Mrs, Bruce Schaefer is director
of the Georgia agency.
White County is urged to take
steps to establish its Local Com¬
munity Action Committee and
immediately contact Mr. Joueg
for assistance in setting up this
new piogram
Oliver Tern berry, Ex. Director
Ga. Mountains Planning and De¬
velopment Commission, Gaioesr
ville, will be glad to assist White
County in uni way.
County Commissioners Agree Not
To Tear Down Coarthonse For
Six Months
At the Ladies committee held
in the court house last Friday
night the County Commissioners
agreed not to have the old court
house torn down for at least six
The women who have waged a
terrific tight to keep the old court
house in tact can now have more
time to come up with a proposi¬
tion to present to the County
Commissioners that they will he
happy to accept.
Old buildings are now receiv¬
ing Fedeial and Stale funds to re¬
store aud keep them for the pub¬
lic and funds will be found to
keep the old White County Court
House as well as to add beauty to
the outside and groundsi
Us greatest use can be for a
tourist information center- Dr.
Masters ^and Dr. Keeling can
leadily furnish that information
There is no such thing as main¬
tenance of two courthouses.
A well - worked out plan shall
be presented to the public and the
County Commissioners well be¬
fore June 30, 1965.;
It’s easy to tear down but it re¬
quires plenty of sound judgement
aud hard work to BUILD.
Claude Sims Passes*
lunerral services were held Dec
8 fu.m Loudsville Methodist
Chutcb for Claude faims, who
aica in Hall Couuty Hospital Dec
l totlowing a heart attack. Inter¬
ment was iu the church cemetery.
Jdewas a veteran of World War
1 and a member of Loudsville
Methodist Church.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs
Mary Glover oims, aud three sis
ters, Pearl Jaiius, Mrs. Nellie
Alien, Mrs T. V.Glover.
New Elementary School
To Have Open House Sunday
Tls new Cleveland Elementary Schoo
wilt be open to the public Sunday, Dec. 6,
liom 3 to 4:30 for inspection, all the
gra- e leeci ere wtii be ptee.nt,
Th j ub ic is in\ inti,
And the work of righteousness shall be
peace; and the effect of rigteoue quietness
and aeeuradce f » ever. Isa. 83:17
In all things shewing thyself a pat¬
tern of good works: . ■, Sound speech,
that cannot of condemned ./-Titus 6:7,8
The workshop of character is every¬
day. The uneventful and commonplace
hour is where the battle is lost or won
—dialibie D, Babcock
Can’t we get a email dam bnilt along
the Sen, Richard B, Russell Scenic High¬
way in time tor the young people to ice
skate this winter?
Won't someone please ask Dr, Masters
it a bypass of Cleveland and Helen won’t
be absolutely essential after he etarte on
bis gigantic Tourist Experimental Station
at (Jnicoi Pars: in the eariy spring!
• A Men easily believe what they wieb to
believe."—iuliue Caesar
White Couuty can be made the fastest
growing county in all Northeast Georgia
if only we can develop UNITY among
one City and County officials,
Cleveland is the gateway to tbs moun¬
tains and you tan expect White Conoty to
astound everyone by its growrb in the
next five years,
The 88 th Congress passed the ABC
Highway authorization. What will
White County get!
Keep your eve -.,n the Equal Employ¬
ment Opportunity Commission in the
Civil Rights Act,
If we can see what the future hoid then
you can expect a great change tu White
County iu the next four years.
If the merchants of Clevel&Dd will Ad.
vertiae in The Courier from NOW until
Christmas then thousands and th uaandt
of dollars will not go to other towns
Hep. Max Looper of Dawsonville Ceils
he will present a bill in January to the
Legislature to establish state liquor stores
in Georgia
Maybe if such a law could be passe.I%in
Georgia then the people could find some
whiskey. Reports are that the STUFF
now made in White county is so ROT
TON that it would kill a ratt/esnake even
if lie emailed it 60 yards away!
They tell old auto batteries and chicken
manure is ueed by some. They need to
caught anti and placed for public to see
on display for at lesst 3 hours
Democrats will HAVE a majority of
better than 3-fo I iu both the Senate and
House. So you can eapect President
Johuaon’s bills to get quick ACTION
The Appiacbia bill is to get immediate
action after the 89th congress convenes as
well quick attention on the AKA. Then
can’t you see that the Dr. Masters Tourist
Experimental Station will be started in
early Spring?
A. ul Westmoreland declares most of us
approve laws that benefit us and disap¬
prove those that restrict our activities or
Dillard Satterfield muses the finest
sermons are seen, not heard; they live in
men and women,
George E. McAfee aaers the itch for
publicity gets a lot of people sooner or
later, but it usually gets, them.
H, 8 Nix muBt'S a good meal oten
changes an individual's entire viewpoint
ob life and its problems,
Dr, L' i, Neal declares people often
seek excuses for their failures instead of
trying to do something about them,
Virgil Glover tells if adults set youth
the proper example, it might be poeeible
for young people to follow their lead
B. ll Lindsay muses the real hope of the
world lies in men of good will, scattered
throughout the world and not confined to
any one area.
Frank Kinnear declares a compliment a
day keeps the quarrel away.
Judge Roy Satterfield declaies memory
is the product of intelligence and work
Rev, Baifield avers when people fight
over religion, it is a good sign th d there
isn't much of it.
Tbs numerous letters that we carried in
The Courier for tfce past few weeks
created a major desire that the olu court
bouse be kept iu tact aud not demolished
This was well demonstrated by the
large crowd that attended the meeting in
th- court house on the night of Nov, 27
No one paid us one penny to carry
No one earned a paid Ad cither.
1 be old ccart house is standing and
shall be standing after June 30, X '66
Dec. 12 10:30 a.m.
Household Furniture
Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Lyons
Next*to Shoal Creek Church
Local News
Sand m the NEWS an r win
appear in The Courier. We wBI *P
pjrecite your
Telephone or write The Courier
the NEWS.
Do you want a Christmas Ad?
Then see us at once. They will
appear Dec. 18.
The Courier will make one of
the finest Christmas presents yon
can give. How about sending *ev»
eral to relatives aud friends?
If you want The-Courier to visit
your home each week then yofi
had better renew at once.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanier Chamber#
and Beth, of Atlanta, spent the
holidays with relatives here.
Christmas will arrive before
anyone is ready.
Postmaster Neville of College
Park was visiting here Saturday.
He owns some acreage south of
The reapportionraent of the
House of Representatives is bound
to take a lot of time, No one can
now say how many little counties
will be absorbed.
December came in very cold
and bowling.
The Ga. Supreme Court ha*
denied a reviewffusked by attorney
for John B. Brooks, longtime
Jackson county sheriff, who was
convicted more than a year ago as
tccessory before the fact to auto
Mayor S. W. Reynolds will
participate this year iu the “May
urs’ Motorcade »> delivering
Christmas gifts to the two state
mental institutions on Dec. 17,
Census enumerators started
Nov. 27 to col.ect questionair^s
for the I964 Farm Census.
Mrs. J. F Ivie. Mike and Pam,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davidson
Jr, and Sandy spent the Holidays
with pareuts, Editor and Mrs.
J as. P. Davidson,
TheGa. Electric Membership
Corp. will hold its annual meet¬
ing Dec. 7 aud 8 at the Dinkier
Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, Several
hundred people will attend.
How much state, county and
city tax do out of town printers
pay here? Don’t you think The
Courier should receive ALL the
Job Printing iu Cleveland and
White County?
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Clark of
Memphis spent the holidays with
theii mother, Mrs. Laura David¬
Miss Mary Lou Sutton advises
we had 4 78 inches of rainfall up
to noon Nov. 27.
Col. and Mrs. Jack Davidson
and children of Jeft'erson spent
Thanksgiving with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. H. Davidson*
Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy Crane and
daughter spent the holidays with
parents here.
Blaloek-Slamey Motors was
broken into Saturday night and a
car was stolen.
Burnett Keuimer of Knoxville,
and son, Jack, who teaches at
Westminister School, Atlauta,
were guests of the Telford’s
If this cold weather continues
it will freeze out workman on the
Sen' Richard B. Russell Scenic
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper and
Greg returned to their home in
Palatka, Fla", Suuday after a visit
with relatives.
Mrs. Louise Purcell underwent
surgery at Hall Couuty Hospital
Nov. 26.
Key Club News
By Richard Davidson, Reporter
The Key Club held its 12th
meeting of the season at the high
school Monday. Mr. Warner was
guest from the Kiwams.
The club sold donuts Thursday
and Friday of this week. Doug
Brown and Melvin Stovall went
toKiwanis Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mauney
of Knoxville, Tenn M Rev. and
Mrs. Dean Head of Woodstock,
and Rev. and Mrs.Noell Swanson
of Riverdale were here for the
Mr. aud Mrs. Jimmy Rowan
and children of JMaeon and Mrs.
Lester Percell aud Dick and Bane
were guests of Mrs. W. N. Noell
during the holidays.
Ur, and Mrs. Gerald Hartman and
-laughter, Kayleen, have moved to Cleve¬
land from Gainesville, He is a register¬
ed pharmacist and ie associated with
triffin Drag Co,
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (FHXNC(—
Joseph B, Senders, fireman, USN, eon ot
are. Edna U, Henderson, R4, Cleveland
Ga., hae reported for duty aboard the at¬
tack aircraft carrier USS Franklin D,
tiooeevelt, operating oat of Uayport, Fla,
Clyde Dixon'e weather prognoetige.
tion may have varied some, but he hit the
thermometer reading right on the head,
The thermometer went tc 11 Tuesday
morning. That’s cold weather for ou r
The White County Elementary School
moved into their fine new building last
week. The Higb School hae now got the
old building to themselves
If yoa'tl leave gifts for the inmates id
tfilledgevklle Hospital at the City Hall
Mayor Reynolds will be glad to see that
they are delivered,
It Is reported the thermometer went to
3 below Tuesdey morning at Braselown
On Dec. 18 bide will be received to let
for 8 7 miles of 4 lane hignway from In
tentate 86 near Uawanee toward Gaines¬
Mr. end Nra, Sam Allison of Atlanta
spent Sunday with bis sister. Miss Annie.
They rode up the Ben. Richard B Rus
-ell Scenic Highway,
There's no better Christmas gift than
i'be Cleveland Courier. You should give
.everal, You’ll be remembered 53 times
m 1905
Mrs. Jennie Cannon Passes
Funeral services were held Dec
3 for Mrs. Jennie Henderson Can
non from the Nacoochee Metho
dist Church. She had been ill for
some time but her condition grew
worse and she died Dec. 1. Inter¬
ment was in the Nacooehee cem¬
Survivors are Mrs. J. A. Cook
and Mrs. Thos. F. Underwood,
City, and Mrs, Gribble Holcomb,
Clarkesville; four grandchildren,
eight great grandchildren aud
one great, great grannchild.
Mr. and Mis, Fred Cantrell of Saulet
announce the marriage of tbeir daughter
Eva June, to Don Nix Monday, Dec. 6, at,
4 p. m, at the Bethel Baptist Cbuicb in
White County.
All fiiende and relativee in ited,
Luther Gredy Grindle, 40, died of e
be«rt stuck Monday morning, He drovs
a acbool bus in Dablonega 16 years, He
was buried at Town Creex Church ciine
tety Wednesday He ie survived by h *
trife, daughter, sister and one brother
COAX In QastcmvWi.
Sacked by flood Service I
CL1VHLAHD, GA* DEC. 4 1964
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Overdose of Aspirin
Kills 3-Year-Old
Selena Rose Vidietto, 3-year-old
daughter otf Mr. and Mrs. Henry
(Clinton Videtto, died at General
Hospital Tuesday from an over¬
dose of aspirin.
Another Videtto daughter, Me¬
lissa, is in the hospital for treat¬
ment of an overdose of aspirin.
No report of her condtion was
The children took the aspirin
early Monday, but the parents did
not become aware of their actions
until Monday night when they
brought them to the hospital.
State to Get
$159,916 For
Urban Renewal
Renewal Administration has an¬
nounced approval of a $159,916
grant to help nine counties and 55
incorporated municipalities in
northeast Georgia to prepare ur¬
ban renewal projects.
The grant will be supplemented
by $79,959 in state and local funds.
The counties, and the total cost
of their planning, are: Barrow,
$14,734; Clarke, $108,818; Greene,
$16,111; Jackson, $21,604; Madison,
$13,882; Morgan, $15,004; Oconee,
$10,961; Oglethorpe, $12,226; and
Walton, $25,647.
Free 14-Week
Electrical Course
Offered In January
A free 14-week course in practi¬
cal electrical wiring will be of¬
fered beginning Jan. 4 at the North
Georgia Technical and Vocational
School in Clarkesville.
Applications should be mailed
to James Marlow, North Georgia
Technical and Vocational School,
Clarkesville, Georgia.
Politics On Parade
By Sid Williams
The Licensed Beverages Industry
has released some information on
the amount of revenue realized
in the state of Georgia in 1963 from
the sale of alcoholic beverages.
This amounts to the stupendous
sum of $62,716,773, including both
taxes and salaries. From taxes
alone state and local governments
drived $38,230,773. Total number
of persons directly employed by
the industry in Georgia is 5,147.
Established 1891
Herbert C. Glover 4
Named to National
Legion Committee i
Herbert C. Glover of Cleveland
a member of American Legion Post
No. al of Commander West 16 has Branch, been Donald named Iowa, E. as by Johnson, a Nation¬ mem¬ h
ber of the American Legion’s
National Americanism Committee
upon the recommendation of De¬
partment Commander Frank Kelly i
of Savannah, and National Execu¬
tive Committeeman W. D. Harrell
of Bainbridge, according to the
Legion’s State Headquarters in At¬
In making this appointment
National Commander Johnson
stated that the basis for selecting
members of the National Commit¬
tees of the American Legion was
the service each appointee had ren¬
dered the community through the
local American Legion post. He
further stated that the record of
Legionnaire Glover certainly quali¬
fied him to serve on this very im¬
portant committee.
Both Kelley and Harrell were en¬
thusiastic in their recommendations
of this appointment and expres¬
sed their appreciation to Comman¬
der Johnson for the appointment
of this fine worker in the Legion.
Turkey Dinners j
f :
Cause Illness
ach cramps and nausea sent more
than 200 school children and tech
ers to hospitals and doctors on the
eve of Thanksgiving Day’s tradition¬
al feast of turkey and fixings.
A turkey dinner was the meal
consumed Wednesday by those
made ill and about 800 other per¬
sons at the Bay Point Junior High
School’s cafeteria. None of those
affected were seriously ill.
235 Pupils Fall III t
MARIETTA, Ga., Nov. 24—(UPI)
Kennesitone Hospital in Marietta
was flooded late Tuesday by 245
negro students and teachers from
the Lemon Street school, all suf¬
fering from food poisoning be¬
lieved caused by chicken salad
served at lunch.
>3 Mon
TryOur Ada
$3.61 Test *