Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, December 04, 1964, Image 2
COMMENTS ON HERE AND HEREAFTER The trouble with our modern business world is clear to the mind of this writer. Few representative businessmen have the proper ap .. eciation of real values. Let me illustrate. Some years ago I called on a prominent banker, and I ask¬ ed him for some advice. A widow had a few thousand dollars in cash which she wished to invest She conld take no chances on losing the principal and insisted that she must live on the interest. “Place it in real estate. First mortgages on real estate are safe,” said the bank¬ er. I advised the widow to do what the banker said. She did it. Later she had several vacant houses on her hands which she had to take over. She had no income. I have lived long enough to learn that the biggest businessmen do not always know real values. I knew another widow who had a little money to invest. She lent it to a good man. This good man lost all he had ex¬ cept his own honor. He almost went hungry to pay the widow what he owed her. There is no substitute for common sense and honor. Of cour se, some good men do not have good judgement. Give me a man with good common sense and an honest heart, and I would not be afraid to lend him money. Men with good common sense under ordinary conditions will not borrow money unless they can pay it back. When good men borrow money, they in¬ tend to pay the debt. Real values are not in stocks and bonds. Nobody knows what stocks and bonds are worth. The price fluctuates. Character has eternal value. A man who is right will do r.ght. God is more interested in what we are than what we do. God knows that men who do right per¬ manently are permanently right in their own hearts. The world needs a revival of the old-time decencies. We need to get back to those days when a man’s word was as good as his bond, back to those days when women had to have good names if they had social position, back to those days when people believed in a just God Who would not look upon sin with the least degree of allowance, back to those days when men believed in Hell and in Heaven, back to those days when men knew that what they sowed they would have to reap, back to those days when the Gospel of the grace of God was preached from practically all pulpits and the people in the pews believed the message and had confidence in the messenger. Wider Usage Insulating glass now is being used 1 by man y builders in all windows o homes, instead of only in large pic¬ ture windows where it was first in¬ troduced in house construction. Ga the Ca our I .* » Sy Richard Joupa •He who tooteth His aya* home * Hath nay with friend*: friends Aft’Ma Hath mm used To toot Ms home.* Ever wonder what to do with the Ome saved by time-saving devices? then a tip from the romantic Spamlsh. In Barcelona, washing ma¬ chines are now V $ being adver¬ tised under the k. slogan: ’xd as Tiempo para el ' - Amor.” Which K means, quite elmply, “More Time for Love"! e • • • , The most furious letter 1 ever wad was shown to me by an airline executive. Written by a Japanese whose luggage was misplaced, it went: "Mr. Baggage Man, United States of Los Angeles, Gentlemen, Deer Sir: I dam seldom where suit are. She no fly. You no for more fit e baggage master than cry eake out loud. That’s all I hope. Whet the matter you?" • • • a > the more often American business men will go abroad, the more with our the prod¬ ucts be enriched tra¬ ditions of the Old World. The beau¬ tiful figurine gift decanter used for Old Crow bourbon, for example, la handcrafted at the Royal Doulton potteries result in England and is the paid di¬ rect of a “tourist” visit to the potteries by an Did Crow C MCVliv o J (kintgesi^e with fire the wMs are against you! A. <6 THE CLEVELAND (GA.) COURIER v_ 5 V CONSUMERS PER MILE OF UNE RURAL ELECTRICS . . . LESS THAN 4 m ,A; x X. ' Ax' . . : , ' % ■M A COMMERCIAL UTILITIES OVER 30 ■A.- A ■ T A ■.•■•A.. BBHBPii^Trh T iT v REVENUE PER MILE OF UNE (f 16WIB AS Of 196? 1 RURAL ELECTRICS A i ' A el$ '0% XX ■■ X. .;AAAx>A. mmm i COMMERCIAL UTILITIES v vV m, Sr*--? * 7,164 Vh ; /•? After more than 25 years service, do the averages shown above indicate that these local, Member-owned businesses are out to “take over" the electric utility in¬ dustry? Of course not . . . They do show that there are handicaps in providing low-cost electric service to almost 20 million Americans . . . people who most likely wouldn't be getting any service at all, otherwise. And the rural electrics are a "yardstick" influence which helps keep electric rates down . . . bringing benefits to the users of electricity, everywhere . . . Habersham Electric Mem&ershia Corp. (ef\$ COMMUNITY OWNED • COMMUNITY BUILT ©NIK* C COMMUNITY BUILDER m you The towering French cathedral of Chartres required the work of thousands of people for more than 100 years. The ceiling alone took more than half a century to erect. 1/8 m y Ml V II f« m m Wii t \\ II Mil w A In the 15th century A Wi one man, Michel I] angelo, was asked to m >> | j> decorate the ceiling 1 of the Sisfine Chapel b1 in the Vatican. It took \ this great artist four m years painting on his A | back to complete the 4 work. You don't have to be a Michelangelo to lower old ceilings or hide ceiling- defects In the home however. You can easily Install a the suspended thing ceiling, newest in home remodeling and 1 decoration. The entire system of grids, and hang¬ ing wires, of lav-in a choice pan¬ els—from Jonns-Man- N n# ville—is available i through deaWrs. building sup¬ •X ply 11 1 Ul _ WHERE U.S. WILL GROW FASTEST IN NEXT 20 YEAES "Ota. H DA, /t. MINN ■ 1 CAA i i mk V i iOw* | * NEB. <u : vj> KANSAS mO ICY ■f -A SlofiM «tp«cted to gofti .... Aon 50* In population V ^ Stott* **p#tttd fo goto □ 9 to 25* «xp«ct«o In poputoHoo to gait flyer 225 Mi llion Americans by 1975 this i ydur DF^EAM MO it iS» AY : : v • m mm • A •x> ■ x S 3 ¥ PHI x>. ,x ,s, ■v ' A3 ' ; v ' vX 'N 1 'S\ % A'. m m « v- ; ;. . •x A mm. % mm Leo M. Zomory, Architect House No. A-130 and P lanned for your present needs, and with built-in space insurance for your future, this ranch house has many outstanding features. It’s the ideal choice for a narrow lot but by no means could you call it a “little” house. Everything you’d want is here: spacious living room with fireplace and a ten-foot picture window; separate dining room with double exposure; a fifteen-foot “U”-shaped kitchen, a guest closet at the front entrance, and a bathroom on the main floor leveL On the first floor, there are two bedrooms with double exposure and plenty of closet space. The upstairs area can expand into two additional bedrooms and a second bathroom. The fufl basement will take care of your laundry center, plus your hobby activities and a play area for the youngsters. For the convenience of readers who wish to study tins house in greater detail, we have prepared a complete sketch plan which can be obtained by sending 25t in coin to Modern Plan Service, Department 130, Lin c o ln Building, Mount Vernon- New York. Areca l«448s<fcj£j Cubage: 37.648 «. ft. a. V 5» <jtW- A More the • ’/ . f on way l every day V Thanks for waiting I Your wait for one of these new 1965 Chevrolets is about over—and we want to thank you for your patience. Come see us now. When you get behind the wheel, you’ll be glad you waited! i i / ■ ■ u m Impala Sport Coupe '65 Chevrolet It’s longer, wider, lower. It’s swankier, more spacious. You could mistake it for an expensive car—if it weren’t for the price. } V l er-fr??; M Malibu Sport Coupe mjc Fresh-minted styling. V8’s available with up to 350 hp. A softer, ©5/ Wlcrc/lc quieter ride. And it’s as easy-handling as ever. ■s/". yM ¥ Sfc. • m Nova Sport C oupe CflPVV Wff Ai TT Clean new lines. Fresh new interiors. A quieter 6 and—V8’s -»/ available with up to 300 hp. Thrift was never so lively. i mm All! m m X-XX m m Corsa Sport Coupe «]p 0,3 vUirair It’s racier, roomier, flatter riding. With more power available— U p ^ J 80 }jp j n the new top-of-the-line Corsas. > More to see, more totryinthe cars more ■people buy Order a new Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chev y U, Cor vair o r Corvette now at yourdealer’s Stamey ChevercSet Co. CLEVELAND, GA. t> b (S «••>»*« A »K x * nr bh ** v •a ah JSC