Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, December 18, 1964, Image 2
GREETINGS will With the hope that your Christmas ' be * jojrous one, go our very best wishes. HERBERT GLOVER OLD-FASHIONED Christmas j • i: Wishes w-’tss's® Christmas. vrarauh of a good old-fashioned Williams Dress Shop BARKS FUR THE LADY UaB BHtje H*r»„r.. -Miss Fort W«m* s»b«a» pretniy it ties* it or sot) rabbit furs. ' THE CLEVELAND (6A.) WWW As we greet the Christmas season, it is with deepest gratitude that we thank our friends for their kind support during the past year. Office of Clerk Superior Court Clifford Campbell Grace Pruitt \Ve're thankful for our many friends , and wish, them happiness at this very special time. Merry Christmas l Cleveland Dry Cleaners P. & B. Petroleum Co. Cleveland Tire tot'ftfi to you for tfje gulettoe, Ijoping pou anh pours Ijabe a iflerrp Christmas! | Sheriff and Wire- Frank Baker and Frankie Economy Auto Store Ruth and Franklin Truelove clt this joyous time, when hope and good spirits high, * are we express appreciation for your continued loyalty, and wish yon the best of everything for Christmas as always. Thank you. Griffin Drug Co GOOD^l WISHES FOR Cl wftenvt cheery voices raised In Christinas J&’SSL’SSSS S^iSLon.-. REED’S Dept Store ud Yirietj Store & Ante's Betntj Shop