Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 29, 1965, Image 2
Young Men and Young Women! *y A t If you’re 16 through 21, •:> ^ ; k * T . ST I i / BE I, 4 ly. . #• 3 : i* v-v ’-si •■-’ f -• 'r^4 “■$. x. llil i * v i •A. t - ■ '/• - •V ' m ■ ,5»- ' ' V Sfe . V-r X' ’Join Job Corps \ If you’re 16 through 21 years old, out of i -• school, and can’t find a job— t Armed Forces can’t get into the ; and sometimes think you have no future j JOB # CORPS maybe the answer. 1 Just fill out the coupon below, send it in, and you’ll soon find out. | If you’re accepted, you’ll live in ' ! with others a Job Corps center your age. ; You’ll eat good food.You’ll learn a trade. I You’ll enjoy sports and recreation. . \ - iT \ 3 _v'K. - v-^esas « : V •w > Job Corps, Washington, D.C. ; Opportunity Card i \ £ x * v. ’ ■y PRINT NAME- AGE. \ > . - 35SS5SP (last name) % v 1 •y ADDRESS— f t . N ' r ycrr 'e) 'Sfc -7 - m -j**- .■r±* * \* r t«anx55g 0*0) -X' 4 Tekpbooe vbere 1 csn b* rue' TT"'?2 ( ____ * ; 1 » * ! ' i < IS FOLLY of tite highest to con t inge to send States foreign aid to na k which not only do not pro¬ to he oar friends, bat which nod deed make no se¬ cret a b out being onr Vo there is no to jootify send \ tog American dollars and American food • fate dictator skips which with cos usd stop at alL ft fa sod indeed that toe Unit «i Skates, while doling our for ‘ ~ aid to tyrants, would have U their threats, insults, It is s shame and a ;rsee. This is toe strongest, most free, toe richest and greatest nation fa toe world, ; It ill befits our position of lanhip to go bat in hand to t • • • i Of ’ - A RECENT address fa the \i Z urged the immediate fit all UA. foreign aid to i Ylgjjt. Tiiilimi si ii and Algeria on ! that la the outrages t against the United oar friends and allies t any right these have to help tram r, the arrogant dictator continues to increase ___ _— frfaodship with the Soviet .UbIos and repeatedly acts lot too best interests of toe 1 world. He boasted of join Chfaese Reds in support .fag tho bloody rebel massacres (Sot propartd or prinUd I m ' in TLe Congo. He used our aid to parehaae mat for : sion against Yemen and £sraeL 1 He permitted the boning at a U^. library in- Cairo last No¬ vember, shot down an wwwmiI Ameri c an private plane, and then told toe United States to ; go drink from toe sea. Approximately fl biQioe fa J 'UA aid has been sent to Nuar, ; ami food is being dripped to him at toe rate at about *150 mSHoB a year. There should be no more. Last year, Sokazao at Indo¬ nesia, which has received almoet $900 million in aid, told ns to “go to bell,” ell the while sop port¬ ing gbe warmongering of Bed China fa Asia and con¬ tinuing bis aggression against our ally, Kalsysia. So long as be persists in Us present policies, no more US. aid should ge fate Indonesia. I All U.S. aid to Algeria should i likewise be baited as long as Ben Bella walks band fa with toe Communists sad ports the Congolese rebels. Al¬ ready, Ben Bella has done quite well by our foreign aid program,: receiving more than $144 rnfnVm in just s little over two years. » • • • THESE NATIONS are openly - hostile to the United States and ^ scorn turn. They our foreign Hne policy with at *?*—<» every ft i up V and Red China and promote toe W advance of Comnnmisni. They m destroy our p ropert y and tell us I 3 to go to blazes. B It is high time that we stopped helping our enemies. S at govtmmunt npnut) W- Learn how to speak and write well. * W ' -■% Learn how to get and hold a good job. ■ - • Best of all . . . r YOU’LL GET PAID WHILE DOING IT! You’ll get daily spending money • . . W and when you leave you’ll be paid $50 for every month you were in Job Corps! * It’s all’s a big opportunity. l i Send the coupon in today and start i future. i a new 't Join Job Corps and BE SOMEBODY! •f I l /. f ■V A 5^41,3 r W iUtHtOTL fi \ V l U * \\ V IF* / 7 A« .V, *> « ■ • J * V # ! > v: t* i 16 i l < to iX t • ^ ' i pot ;AQd dev; he« 1 i anc a Dk. , Meas ow | made c teg > J; | Junior - )U heretof' i sc; Ignored t*L ! All are i i ier t# occur c aka R1 Btnce 31 tkm. probier I mom PW rented €ffecti* l. & sic lor 3 V &n; -et» ase»fa at this muc measles fafiamm; it causes ent braii it ef cases encephs .kq. treatme: damw fair effe. : its fa vaij — ... * 400 at AfWeriwm measles Medical to 1 in 1,100. (Bs i child in xjm of dies fa this wmwfa Nor does to ] 1 I bra! fa It * 1 tl A l : i . : fa 1 f •5 1 fa is ‘JSt i 1 fa t ! - . Japan's Hew 'Dream Train. WM wm. tj A ^;xX fes; it IS’ ■*,*s %S, Vw^ - -it ■> •#'. / >x Ak £;***! - ■ 'X MX v# I m? % -'■y, a ui v V /-.<> ?v X. •V. I mi k i '"■V. W v 1 | V* : -x f * •x : ■ \% |J|jp : -M i >V ' 1 ;. % v %h. J '■ ' » ■<. ■ ■■ i r.W'm. "■ V ’'is • X'x • The pride of the Japanese Government ana people is tils m Tokaido Line linking the two largest cities of Tokyo and OHIi} the ?1,055 million trunk line covers the 320 miles in three hoars * and has proven a boon to travelers on the historic route. There art • no grade crossings, and railways and highways pass °T* r ' under it at 49 places which affords a great safety factor. The truM can carry a total of JTjOOO passengers dally. _ £! Y It* iATIONAL VIEWS & NE ;... *k * mm '■■■ V : "■ ; \ t : ■: RIGHT Sandu FAIR LASSIE** of “window Scott, doing a fine job visit London, dressing” during to (up PHOTO) •J -1 : 'v, : X;: / : V : > x r KOtACUm* (Ok I l4f 't. ^ } . y-yX s v*? < ■ SPACl : CHIMrem Pi rr I pilin' * "'"n n' COMPLEX v ‘■:y y. : v> Wi WivWiJii: . Not a game of chance It takes skill to fit community and in¬ dustry to each other. Each man m our industrial development division works hard at this job. With his head full of ideas, his brief¬ case full of facts, he travels tens of thousands of miles yearly to find new industries for Georgia. In 1964 the state again fared well. A total of 229* firms built new plant s or ex¬ panded existing ones in our service area. These industries represent $200 mil¬ lion of capital investment, 13,000 new jobs and an annual payroll of more than $44 million. Industrial development takes know¬ how. And teamwork. The G eorgia _ Power Company _ continues its efforts with state agencies, coordinating of chambers commerce and other business con¬ cerns. The common goal is a brighter future for our state. * Each industry represents capital invest¬ a ment of $50,000 or more and employs 10 or more workers. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A CITIZEN WHENEVER Wf SERVE a