Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, February 05, 1965, Image 2
THE CLEVELAND (GA.) COURIER 1 > t • discover the difference the \ * . in Jmpala Super Sport Coups ! J C ;:: 7 $ :Wx*i : 1 i. v =1 : • 7 m CHEVROLET Redecorate your driveway Parle out front, at least for a while, and let the neigh¬ seats, center console and carpeting; the smooth and bors enjoy that sleek Impala Super Sport styling. easy Chevrolet ride; and Chevrolet power, starting with ) everything else to yourself: the our famous 140-hp Turbo-Thrift 230 Six. This 65 After all, you have Chevrolet’s home improvement if you ever saw one. luxurious Super Sport interior with its cushy bucket a V to j m CHEVELLE Looks, luxury and lots more Malibu Super Sport Coup « The looks you can see. The luxury that’s a Malibu •carpeting, patterned vinyls and eight interior color Super Sport you can imagine: bucket seats, full schemes. The rest you’d better sample for yourself. CORVAIR Everything's 1 new but the idea The idea still is, make Corvair 1 the sportiest low-priced car this side of the Atlantic. So V •’■•, look: suave new continental ! styling, better handling, even Monza Sport Coupe same rear-engined traction. Driving’s fun. Try it. Chevrolet Drive something CheveUe really new-discover Chevy H- the difference Cormir at your Corvette Chevroletdm^s • • • Stamey Chevrolet CO CLEVELAND. GA. f New Structure Serves 24 N.E. Georgia Counties t 7 : 7 ' 77 77 77 : x 7 77 ■7 7: W: m m 77 */ i. mi H 77 m ■ 7' : 7 $7: : x7 7 777 M 77 7> : : ■7. w B ?'7 77: a s: 7, 0J .7 m m m $ m ■■ ; V j i ' m 7-7 7 7'. j -! ..... ’ - •f; Pi m 77 V; S top Open house for this modem, new Athens division headquarters of the Georgia Power Company is scheduled for 1-6 p.m. Friday, Jan. 29, Ben W. Burton, vice president, announced this week. The building serves as the headquarters for all of the Georgia Power operating, engineering and sales activities in 24 Northeast Georgia counties. “* Architect for the all-electric structure was Heery and Heery, of Atlanta and Athene The building was designed and constructed under supervision of Georgia Powers general services department and the architects. The 24 counties that are served by the Athens division are Banks, Barrow, Clarke, Dawson, Elbert, Forsyti Franklin, Greene, Gwinnett, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Jackson, Lumpkin, Madison, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Rabun, Rockdale, Stephens, Walton and White. // Li/tfA ma£cce ZozuoNcPncm; # # urit& cAaHUGt/jfoHs /; * i\l PP/NC/PAL A Iff TWO/? AWD ARCHITECT OF OECLARA 77 OH ft OF /^/DEPENDENCE; AS ONE OF , i' OUP AOH/VD/A/E EATHEPS, A CO-AUTHOR, COA/ST/TUT/OH ---v OF THE CW/TEO STATES SECRETARY OP STATE !M WASHINGTON'S PRESIDENT * i f A P/PST m \ cabinet; th/rd ij PRESIDENT OP US A. 5. AUOFJCFfEKONSk A MH/£VeM£HTS add m STAwneu mVOWr/ONARY fttOMNfS AS A MAN. STEM THEN uf 7E C CONCEPT, AfOUT ACCEPTED ro THE l e e BEt/EE/N THEw/simm „ C/ , . j; ill AMO Jt/STNESS OP THEW EDUCATED IND/mUAC. j /_ o '^/S OWN WORDS, IN THE. DEC!ARAN jePf&soN oesKNeo OH OPINDEPEHDE/l/CE, No/mceuo. THEMSELVES MADE ENDURING HISTORY: “WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT. -THATALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL} THAT THEY ARE ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR IN/TH CERTAIN UNALIENABLE PURSUIT RIGHTS; AMONG HAPPINESS. r : 77 ARE H L/PE LIBERTY AND THE OP YAPTAH/AM . 'OfOfiS Of WE YOU? WORLD'S "HQ CHARGE MEAT SPEECHES, AND BROCHURE DOES 1WP SPEECH tut WEU Of NAME OF NEWSPAPER, YOUR NAME £ iADDRES S TO P. O. BOXSS.RADIO C/TYSTATION, NEW YORK !3-N. Y. TO EV/KUWUDJ SECOND IHAOCUAAL ADDRESS, march / n. reef THIS IS YOUR V AIR RESCUE ☆ O w SERVICE SINCE ITS FORMATION IN 1946, THE PARA-RESCUE & • ' AIRMEN OF THIS SERVICE HAVE SAVED i Ml THOUSANDS OF LIVES. a 19 m (LC. AIR FORCE mm / 3 0^3 jl ffl r m. RESCUE w K THEY OPERATE IN ^ ARCTIC REGIONS, IN < THE JUNGLE, OVER ^3 WATER... ■ •7 ,-oV - ANYWHERE/ 0 t . THEY ARE TRAIN FD V t M-icj i rim ’■W, MEDICAL TECHNICIANS, ■77: SURVIVAL SPECIALISTS, r fef SCUSA FROGMEN AND | 7 VV PARACHUTISTS. I '•/ TWO PARA-RESCUE MEN WERE THE m FIRST SCOTT TO CARPENTER REACH ASTRONAUT AFTER HIS THREE-ORBIT FLIGHT, MAY 24,1962. , PLANES USED BY THE AIR RESCUE SERVICE INCLUDE THE GRUNWAN SA-16 “ triphibian Cable to land and TAKE OFF AND ON THE LAND, H-43 WATER HELICOPTER. AND SHOW), THE SC-54, YOUHGMEN- TOR AMERICA'S FUTURE, MID YGE CNR MH THE U.S.Airfira as 7 f: : m I 7 : 77 7| ■$ 1 ■ 'MM It". & » ,7 : ::: ■■■ 7 m i§ 7: 'Sg? m i WA ■■ * m : - , B& 7v , . a Just a few lines about why you need a flameless electric clothes dryer Lady, we wouldn’t string you along! Con¬ sider the advantages of an electric dryer. All dryers use some electricity. The best ones use only electricity. It’s flameless, fumeless, dries clothes gently. Leaves them fluffy, sweet-smelling. And, of course, you save on the cost of an electric dryer. There are fewer parts. Less maintenance. You save on clothing bills. Growing youngsters need fewer garments when you shorten the cycle from ready-to-be-washed to ready-to-be-worn. You save on time and labor. For a few pennies a load, an electric dryer saves you hard hours of toting, stooping, stretching. Want a real friend, day or night, in fair weather or foul? Strike up an acquaint ance with an electric clothes dryer! 77 a msm ¥ m Ilill Lingerie is "Loverly a “Lingerie is loverly,” as Eliza Doolittle would say, and today “fair ladies” everywhere the are talking about the wonderful things that are happening alike, in fashion fashion has world skin of deep—to lingerie. lingerie For mothers and daughters gone care¬ fully dreamy coordinated with outerwear ... to at-home loungewear ... to sleepwear. A lingerie wardrobe takes planning now. It’s fun to buy, fun to wear, fun to care for, and it makes you ; feel pretty 24 hours a day. Color is Fashionable— Color is IN inside! A slip can look like a bouquet of Spring flowers, a nightie like a leopard skin, and you can serve breakfast in a shift the color of persimmon. So DON’T stick to black and white. DO have a little fun with color! In fact, be even a little more daring 'than you would be outside. amazed by the “fabric explo¬ "What’s Your Line? —Whatever sion” — stretch lace, taffeta and tyour silhouette type, what you tricot for shaping precisely to ;wear underneath means a your figure; batiste for cool ’wardrobe sleeker, prettier line. Keep your summer sleeping; synthetic in mind when you’re fleece and pile fabrics for warm ’choosing lingerie and founda¬ but drapeable $ tions. Free-wheeling perfect pettipants with loungewear. And are all come in sizes if \ casual sports to suit every fig¬ 37 separates — and ure from the the new chemise new junior pe pecially slip is made for es¬ tites to half and to¬ extra sizes and m day’s shorter, special long lined skirts. lengths. When m Shift Into Lei¬ you’re making .-■11 I sure Gear To¬ your lingerie if. — day loungewear purchases look plays as impor¬ for the union label. It tells you tant a part as the garment was made by sportswear. Cur¬ skilled hands in a clean and I rent favorites: sanitary shop under American .casual shift and skimmer for standards. versatility; the jumpsuit and Good news about lingerie care 1 lounging dress for informal — did you know if you lived in \ (dining; the dramatic hostess lingerie alone, you might never gown for more elaborate enter- have to lift an iron again! A : tabling. For sleepwear: Branch quick, gentle out into something bright. Tie i washing and to¬ Tn your dreamy wardrobe with llLGWUi il day’s lingerie iyour bedroom colors and the comes out clean colors of your sheets. and fresh — ready Of Fabric, Fit and Free Time — for another day When you’re shopping for your of making you the “fashion lingerie wardrobe you’ll be queen of the underworld. tt FREE: 20-page “GLAMOUR GUIDE, Wonderful New World of Lingerie and Loungewear" in color. Write Consumer Service Division, 1LGWU, 275 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10001, Primitive Methods -r 5LV* ^7-« V ; Need Not ll Be l Followed %• in . M Advertising ' <^ m Be Modern advertise hereh