Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, February 12, 1965, Image 1
y* f±L 4 VEfcAND COURIER t HI m COVERS THE MOUNTAINS LIKE MOONSHINE Devoted to the , Interests of White County VOL LXVlUI N * 18 THE CLEVELAND COURIER. platform For White County and Cleveland: A Cleaner and More Beautiful City Graded and All Highways Paved To Make White County the Mecca for Tourists Development of Winter Sports in Mountain Are Senator Russell Undergoes Throat Suigerj for Breathing Senator Richard B. Russell was hospitalized Feb, 2for bronchitis On Fel>, 6 he underwent a trach enloniy'— it su’ gical opening in the throat dim tly into the windpipe, ■was perfmnied to relieve bis breathin'., vhich doctors said tad beet, aggravated by an em phy emu ci minion he had for several years. King Jaiiu Because 01 Belasal to Obej Orders M:u tin Luther King spent five days in j iil at Selma, Ala., last week lx cause he refused to obey officers of creating civil uuiest in organizing mobs on Negro voting registration* Here is what Congressman Dickinson, Ala., had to say 111 tbe House of Representatives teb. 4: Seeondly, although it is rot generally krown it is true that the FBI has asked Dr. King to remove himself from the premises, to rei»o\e himself from this in flametoiy and volatile situation They asked him to please get out and to let law and order prevail This he refused to do. The above was taken from the Congressional Record Feb. 4. NOTICE There will be a county-wide meeting to study the possibility of reestablishing the White Coun¬ ty Chamber of Commerce, at the City hall in Cleveland on Mon¬ day. Feb. 15, at 8:15. Everyone interested in the future of White County will want to come. Coffee wid be served The Red Cross Bloodmobile ill be at the Health Clinic Feb 22 from 1:30 p. m . to 9:30 p, m* Vt hite Couuty is behind in its quota aud the entire county will not l>e covered unless we can get a large numbsr to give thismonth Mi J"jce tiuuiphiiss ami Bill Crow ford 01 Adanta were mined in mariinge at M< rsy . reekMelbodist Church Jon. 30 Rev, Ralph Harris performed the cere mouy. Mrs. Carey Highsmilb was the pianist aoii«fBobby Thomas soloist O' Tom Mttuoey, op to bow, is making White Countu tbe best Representative we ban bad in many, many years, At this rate Tom ie surprising old-time LegiBia tors, You’ll see White County gat it’s rightful share Or wbat shall a man (jive in for bis sonlf—Mark 8:37 There has been a lot of discussion on what to do with the old court house,|Well, what will happen to the old jail I The hand-made brick in the old court bouse is worth a lot of money J, L Nix can get White County an ultra-modern airport if he will only go to Washington, The next time you go into his store mention it to him Congressman Phil Landrum, who is a power with Pres Johnson on A LL Ap plachia questions, ansi Senator Richard B, Rusee i, the most powerful man in Washington, can secure ample appro¬ priations to build a REAL Winter Sporta development at k»veu Cliffs or on the Lordamercy Cove. We firmly believe we will have infor¬ mation soon that thiB great aud much needed development will be sta-ted be¬ fore another winter. We are expecting ACTION Phil Tom Mauoey is working hard to secure many things tor White County, We wage' a fclG bet he'll succe d Lat Vandiver avers the trouble is that when success turns a fellow s head, it doesn’t wring his neck at the same time. Clarence Stamey proclaims middle age is when you can do every thing you used to do/—but not until tomorrow, Tcm Hood opines a real test of will power is to have tbe same ailment some person is describing to you—and not mention it, Clifford Campbell tells being a hnsbaod is like any other job—it makes it a lot easier if you lesrn to like your boss Harold West, editor and publisher of The North News, Blairsville, has pur¬ chased The Towns County Herald at Hiawassee aud accepted this great re* spoueipifity on Feb. 5 Why should White Counry contribute A Penny to the highway plan of tbe North Ga Mts. Region Development Pro, ram White County is positively left OU l' COMMENTS On Here & Hereafter By Dr. Bob Jones I stood on the steps of a museum in the city of Cairo, Egypt. My guide was an intelligent Moham¬ medan. He said to me, “Doctor, before you leave the city, I should like to take you into a museum and show you statues that will tell you the story of Egyptian deprav¬ ity thousands of years ago.” I re¬ plied, “I do not wish to see those statues of perversity. I have been to Rome, and in the midst of the crumbled ruins of that civilization there were statues of perversity. I have been to Athens, and in the midst of the wreck and ruins of Athenian culture there were sta¬ tues of perversity. This city of Cairo is built upon the ruins of other cities whose inhabitants were so wicked that God would-not let them live.” Then I thA'it of America. On the walls Sr public buildings in this country you will find the same statues of perversity and the same pictures of depravity that you will find among the ruins of nations that God destroyed. God is under no obligation to America. A nation has no right to live unless it lives right. The dust of the centuries blows over the bones of dead nations who lived like we have begun to live. Amer¬ ica has done in a few years what it has taken other nations cen¬ turies to do — America has put a big percentage of her population in the cities. We have in these cities some of the same elements of degeneracy and decay which wrecked Rome and destroyed Greece and sent to Hell other na¬ tions who at one time were power ful. ... the plowing of the wicked, is sin.” I was surprised to find that statement in the Book of Proverbs. This means that even the legitimate work of a wicked man is sin. The reason is plain. A wicked man plows God’s dirt. He cultivates God’s soil. He de¬ pends upon God for sunshine and rain to make a erop, but. he never stops to recognize God. He plows for himself. The sin of building the tower of Babel was the sin of the spirit of the people who built it. “Go to, let us build us a city and a tower . . is what they said. They should have said, “Go to, let us build for God a city and a tower . . .” Had they built in that spirit, the city would have stood. It is a sin to build a city without recognizing God. It is a sin to do legitimate business wthout havng a God-consciousness. Local News Send ns tbs NEWS no that « wffl appear in Tha Conriar. Wa vrfli ap precite four Telephone or write The Courier the NEWS. The Weather Bureau’s weather outlook for February: Tempera¬ ture above normal Precipitation above normal Diseases of the heart and circu¬ latory system accounted for 50.8 °!o of all deaths in White County in 1963 according to a report re¬ leased this week by the Ga-Heart Assn Lester Maddox closed hts cafe¬ teria in Atlanta Sunday after a Negro appeared He says he will sell to the best bidder. Reports tell that Ames has been asked to hire some Negroes shortly. Well, that means Talon will be asked to follow shortly rfficers in the Atlanta area ar¬ rested 4 men and recovered 20 cars valued at $50,000 in a raid Feb. 5 The scantly clad girls or the Florida sun sure did cure Harris Nix of his flu. Well, we suspect it was how those luscious girls were attired. Harris tells they drove to Key West and that 80 degree temperature was really embracing Clarence Warwick is iu Hall County Hospital with a ruptured stomach ulcer, M. J, Craven is in Hall County with internal hemorrhage Dr. P. F. Brown’s father, 4k Pep” Brown died iu Gainesville Saturday He married* Miss Mary Logan, who was bora in Cleve¬ land. Mrs Brown’s grandfather was Major Logan and one of the best known gold miners in White County. John O. Calhour, Bob Toombs and other great men were often guests at his home, i udge Candler’s mother was a daughter of Major Logan Mr. and Mrs. Chas' H. Stinson of Decatur were here Tuesday Mr and Mrs Arnold London spent tha weekend in Atlanta with Arnold’s brother who is ill Reports are that Congressman Phil Landrum “came down” with the Washington flu over the weekend We regret that cur information was incorrect last week on Albert Brady being transferred to the VA Hospital in Atlanta. Well, Hai ley Brady told us. Mrs* J.H. Telford and Mrs Carey Highsmith attended th£ funeral of P. F. Brown in Gaines¬ ville Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Telford and son of Cornelia and Col. and Mrs. Joe Telford of Gainesville had dinuer with Mr. and Mrs. Carey Hiqhsmith Saturday night The new court house will be ready for occupancy by March 1, maybe some will move in before The PTA held a meetingThurs day evening in the new Elemen¬ tary building. The Home Ex. had charge and presented a Fash¬ ion Show. Also a short talk was made by Mr. Harris of the Blood mobile. This was a Founders Day program. Many small counties will find their school tax will be greatly increased. White County’s sup¬ port under the old formula was $46‘848 and the new will be $47, 614. M iss Mary Lou Sutton udvises that we bave had 2.98 inches of , ainfall up to Feb. 10 NATIOMA I laiTOtlAl CLEVELAND, GA* FEB. 12. 1965 ■ jr* \ v :f$5 >» * - vg m. • I**.* 53: ■ < S' . 'JTM ■M, - i i : A * & V I !1ZS ; ' ■£• • , 4' J, m i , I if ■ : *. 5 • • •* -If | S. " !; C 1' • < J 4. ^ <4 •:4" ‘ 4 4 ' -j* rl 4 ■ • 44 ' s ¥ p-vif ,o :r iY 5 V, 4 ' I Mi Here is an interesting picture of the old courthouse made from the old Henderson Hotel in 1911 or 12 that was loaned to us by Mrs Clara Palmer. Paul Westmoreland points out Carlton Blalock riding a mule, Will Oakes standing by a buggy, John Cleveland standing next to window. There can be seeD the H. A. Jarrara & Son Store, R. T. Kenimer & Son Store, Well, Jud ge Kimeey’s home, and the C. C. Crespo home. Key Club Meeting By Richard Davidson The Key Club held their regu¬ lar meeting Monday at tbe Hiofh School. Lariy White presided. Frank Kinnear was the guest from the Kiwanis Club, The Club will hold an inter-club meet ng with N. Gwinnett sometime in tbe near future. The Club decided to take up reports on the phamphlet report on Tuesday. S#m Dixon aud David Wilkins were appointed in charge of se curing a band to represent the club at the talent show conven¬ tion. The club will sponsor the mus¬ cular dystrophy drive in about a mouth. Doug Nix and Johnny Nag lich attended the Kiwanis meet ing Monday night Mrs. C. L Stamey Named Easter Seal Chairman Mrs. C. A. Stamey has been named chairman and Mrs. Linda Brown treasurer of the White County Easter Seal campaign for x965 Mrs. Stamey reports that White Countians received $920 worth oi equipment from the Easter Seal loan service during 1964, pbv sician prescription. There will be a “Gospel Sing’ at tb> While counly High School c»* elor ' n io Feb-I 3 at 8 The White county Heart Fund drive, There will be no ad mlesion charge, bat donations will b( taken for the White (Jounty Heart Fund, S4re, 8 , W Reynolds vieited her daugh ler, Misa Ernestine at Waycroas, who was installed as Royal Matron of Auiraantli, She also attended a joint conference of W O. rV. and Woodman Circle in Atlanta Tuesday, Mie, Roecoe Tare of Clarkston recently visited her mother, Mrs. Bertie Hendei sou. Hr. and Mre, MajorDorsoy spent Thurs¬ day in Atlanta. Jim Cleveland is being transferred to Oleen, N, C. Oh,OKI COAX yWtvngWayi In CustomrsWikh AWERTISIMG Backe&kr Good Service / Established 1891 -s ■ ■: : 44 KjgP 3$ 4' 4. ■ :-::4 * - : • 444; mm m 'm 4 I 4:; Rev. Moon to Speak In Cornelia Tuesday Methodist Minister, who has been pastor of a large city church, founder of a school and developer of village congregations in India for 11 years, will speak at the First Methodist Church in Corne¬ lia on Tuesday, February 16, at 7:30 p. m. The Reverend William R. Moon, whose American home is Green¬ ville, HI., has returned to the United States for a year’s furlough from missionary service. He will be speaking in the North Georgia Methodist Conference 13 times dur¬ ing February. The Cornelia meet¬ ing is for the Gainesville District and representatives from all the Methodist Churches in White Coun¬ ty will attend the rally. Women Exploit Busts And Legs, Counsellor Soys FRENCH LICK, fed. (UPI). A marriage counsellor said Mon¬ day women are parading their erotic qualities in a pathetic attempt to compensate for lack of femininity. Dr. David R. Mace, Madison, N. J., executive director of the American Association of Marriage Counsellors, addressed the fourth annual assembly of the United Church of Christ n American women are desper¬ ately clutching at straws because they are troubled about their lack of femininity,” Mace said. “With the help of fashion design¬ ers and cosmetic manufacturers they are going all out to parade their lips, busts and legs. » s> WINTERTIME ACTIVITIES v $3.61 Per Test What's Going On in Your White County Schools By Telford Hulsey, Superintendent NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT: Did you read the Readers’ Digest ar¬ ticle about Georgia’s excellent Vo¬ cational Education Program? On page 78 of the February issue, it mentions former White County man Jack Nix, who is now direc¬ tor of the Division of Vocational Education in the State Department of Education. THIS WOULD BE OUR SHARE: I went down to Atlanta Monday and found out that our share of the 34 million that Georgia would get for low income families under the new Johnson bill would be $87,057. That would be for one year. The first year’s cost of the Johnson bill would be 1.5 billion. Georgia’s share would be about 40 million. Most of this — the 34 million — would be for the educa¬ tion of children in families with less than $2,000 income. (The 40 million dollars would be in addition to what Georgia gets in federal cash and goods now, which is about 55 million dollars. White County in the school year 1963-64 got $19,850.05, according to the recent report of T. V. Holley, Statistical Supervisor. FIRST GRADE AND THEIR READING: I was over at the Cleve¬ land Elementary School visiting the first grade the other day. They were doing a good job. Mrs. Don Husley was teaching them how to read. Reading is the key to all learning, and I was glad to see these boys and girls getting an early start. I AM PROUD of the good work going on in our five schools in White County, of the excellent work of the teachers, the spirit of the boys and girls and the good support which we get from par* ents and taxpayers. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR OWN COUNTY? Mrs. Parks, 3rd grade at Cleve¬ land Elementary has had a fine exhibit on White County. They could teach us all more about the county we live in. They had a chapel program about White Coun¬ ty, too. * MARSH RABBIT * J - o O s mm 5