Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, February 19, 1965, Image 2
I SWhi' [ ♦ ■ -v ; vS' &S :c: : ms ss: Stffk % ■as ; :Y;' \\ "X iJsvVV;:?* • 'ty - V ■.-a ; v- 1 '’S i; T8 *65 Ford Special Custom 2-Door Sedan Never before a fall-size ford with aS this equi pment for so little! Gaiaxie-size 2- or 4-door models in Wimbledon White or Caspian Blue with... A SALE PRICE SO Silky smooth 3-speed Cruise-O-Matic! SPECIAL— SO LOW — • New powerful 240-cu. in. Big Six! YOU’VE GOT TO SEE • • Pleated all-vinyl upholstered seats! IT FOR YOURSELF • Special bright-metal trim inside and out! IN OUR SHOWROOM Sporty full wheel covers! WINDOW! <S3> • • Narrow-band white sidewall tires! Sosebee-Thurmond Ford- Inc. Cleveland, Ga. FACTS ABOUT STROKE i \ *3 1 .. V j LOUIS /’ jwX/ , Lj-.’tjMi i' ! mm. v f t 1822* 1895 ) HE SURVIVED A 5 “BIG STROKE "AT 45 -THEN WORKED PRODUCTIVELY 27 MORE YEARS m * DURING WHICH HE HAD SO "LITTLE STROKES “ HEALTH HINTS By Dr. Horl«y D. Scanlon, President Notional CKiroproctlc Association The Way To Lift Things - Without Straining lllfter / When a professional weight raises a heavy weight with a pparent ease, it isn’t just a dis¬ play of muscle—it’s the technique which counts. Lifting things cor¬ of I rectly isn’t a secret, but millions painful industry accidents and home occur because every year iin peo¬ ple don’t have the knack. The re¬ sult 1 lions is of strains them. and The injuries—mil- doctor of 'chiropractic, a specialist in the ^structure and function of the body, i is eminently fitted to advise on lift ling, 'incorrect or to lifting. treat the effects of Most people bend at the waist with backs horizontal, or lower, with arms outstretched attempting to lift like a derrick. The weight to be lifted is thus situated from the center of gravity of the body. Sprained back muscles, pulled lig¬ aments, and sacroiliac strains of¬ ten result The lifting secret is to use the [large, heavy muscles of the but¬ tocks, thighs and legs. These are 'strongly The lifter attached should to the close skeleton. the get to object, with feet on each side of the load, bend the knees, and squat down in front of it, with back held I in a vertical position Now there is efficient leverage of legs, spinal I column, and shoulders. With arms at full vertical length, back up¬ easily right and relaxed, position. one may Correc¬ rise to an erect tion of back injuries has been a Specialty of the chiropractic pro¬ fession for many years. THE CLEVELAND (GA.) COURIER ! THIS o IS YOUR ^ J CARGO C“14t TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT | 1 THIS JET TRANSPORT WILL HAVE \ A TOP SPEEP OF 5SOMPH/ ANP A RANGE OF MORE THAN 6/300 MILES. 1 IT WILL BE CAPABLE OF CARRYING \ 154- TROOPS, OR 4-5 TONS OP CARGO. v \ > m - .... y,; I ! Wi 1 ' y m mm - I ■ { . -I | THE C-J41 WILL OFEKXTE UNPER EITHER s? 1 '” GENERAL or limited emergency CONPITIONS. I :| ■ IT WILLBEAVAILABLE FORAIRLIFTOF THEY ) COMBAT ANP SUPPORT UNITS OF ALL \ ^ SERVICES. IT HAS AIR- PROP CAPABILITY. I m THE FIRST OP THESE NEW : transports was ■M COMPLETEP BY m LOCKHEED IN AUGUST 1963. prfSIP-' FLIGHT TESTS WILL START next summer. YOUNG Mmtmsrii’M.MmiM.MiM M&/~ © U.S.AirForce I i T-U o Us- // v • ■ . I i K ■ A : i 1 m - I !/ 'h i r> / IliL / 'k i i i wm. Wifi /;\ i *. iim ■ ■ - 4 m s v - fl .. m Wi f/ r m mSm. / <7 iV ' ' / J •/ .V i' r/ edmesY isww, rv& aua;jr x United fmyermatTihoii gfafc&rin Tty Kilt keep Ylie —George Wozlityton proYeeiicnJ' Inauguration grayer _ tyrilSo,17&p M A Mwi §1 ;Si:i « I % 8 I Mg S i ' I u It's slim pickings for me i ■ switched i since the folks ■ . to flameless electric heat! it ; i • Even the vacuum cleaner leads a clean, up¬ standing life when electric heating arrives in your home. Many folks say tracked-in dirt is about all that’s left to concern you. Draperies, furniture, walls stay clean and new-looking. You redecorate less often. 1 Electric heat is economical, too. A special low rate is available to total-electric resi¬ dential customers. And budget billing lets you pay the same amount every month. There are many types of electric heating systems available today. One should be just right for your home. Here’s heating that’s efficient, economical, with no cold drafts or hot blasts. And you 11 find no fuel grime or dust, either. Advantages not to be sneezed at. | I GEORGIA POWER COMPANY % ■f mm :$ V i In Georgia, in the game room beer's the one n :■ ■ ■ ■ \ for good taste $ is You name your game, ping-pong or check¬ ers, cards or chess. Play it hard, and it takes a lot out of you. That’s when you like most to settle down in a soft chair and enjoy your friends’ talk and your beer’s taste. Beer was made to relax with. Made to refresh you, cool you, cheer your taste. So next time you’re playing some sociable at-home game, take time out for the companionable taste of beer. UNITED STATES BREWERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 3390 PEACHTREE RD„ ATLANTA, GA. 3032T 18166 f t -:- ! v : YSS E'Li s <'TV IT’S >■ ■ r CLiT Or m t'J mms •*T A ■ ■ : ■■ i" n :; cy.r? PC. PSTS •: cm tstsKSiEr- : s mmc: M y. 0 w ti; « l \\ /c X ■■ 11 j * .SC tMFRV V MCN 'FA rt&s r ' *-■ ' i ; -'i« 3 W. m. TO Tile Ptt- Y i ■V. IS THE SC-i.'H - / t i* mv:.: W. % Wm t •- f m it m >• " n ■ M L-:: m m- m ■ ;• mmmv * j* :: •x-V / w s m & m £ : &m4 . mmm K A j;* ■). ■m W: m m >■: r ’~ J £ ■ t i ■■ ■< ■> CHICKEN POT Pit \ AS THEY MAKE IT i OUT IN ONTARIO ONTARIO j nr { n j i 5 1 I -w/f . : 1 Housewives of Ontario say that chicken pot pie is the most popito lar home-cooked dish in the prov* jn/je ■I “ food editor, Louise Moore, the of the Toronto Terrain, recently ( polled Ontario -*ousewives ana • came up with a generalized recipe ! for Ontario chicken pot pie. Mls8 > Moore has turned this recipe over ( to the Canadian National ftnil* ways with the suggestion they, this dish on province diners oper- as j through the i coiV-ry. t something “typical" of the : Here is Miss Moore’s recipo... Choose a good five pounds sized boiling and fowl — at least — Put la cut it up as for fricassee. pot with a sliced onion, a tew celery leaves, a sliced carrot ana a dozen peppercorns. Cover with cold water — bring to boil and reduce to simmer. Cover tightly and simmer until meat is tender.! Time will depend upon age of, bird — anywhere from maybe two longv- toj two-and-a-half hours, is tender, re* J et . When chicken move from broth and skim Ou, fat. Strain. Season paprika. with salt Thick'; and| pepper and a little -en slightly with flour and water: paste. Return chicken pieces to broth and bring to Jhe boiling; P of chicken should be. The pieces of broth that, (above the surface so pieces; the dumplings rest on the (rather than in the broth; other-: Wise, they would become soggy.; i Make up dumplings from pack-; aged mix or your own recipe for; dumplings and drop batter on top! .of chicken pieces once broth is .boiling. Cover tightly and never ;once peek while the dumplings: (are cooking. Takes, about 12 to, '15 minutes when they should be: [light as a feather. Place chicken ion large platter and surround with, the dumplings — just a little and; i iof sprinkle with in bowl. parsley. Serve rest] gravy biscuits served; ■ ! Sometimes hot are [with the chicken instead of dum-< ■ plings.____ .......FM9 srT: S f v7 SCIENCE IN © YOUR LIFE l > > the A long life ar.d a healthy one Is goal as scientists work to con¬ quer major and minor scourges of man. Ancient adversaries like polio and tuberculosis are being over¬ come ; heart disease and cancer are giving ground. In the laboratorlei another struggle continues: the effort to rid man of the ailments which, if they do not threaten to cut short his life, certainly afford him an noyance and discomfort Progress is reported on this v front the too. One of most recent of * these common di¬ seases to to give way research is con-, junctivitis, painful inflamma- the y tion of the mem* LU1 brane lining the A two-year eyelid and eyeball. patients Buffering 6tudy from of the 1,156 and chronic conjunctivitis allergic ducted was con¬ gist. Dr. by prominent opthalmolo his findings H. C. Menger. Reporting in the American Medi¬ cal Association Journal, Dr. Men¬ ger revealed that, a unique vas eoconstrictor, effective against Visine, allergic proved tivitis in 96 of conjunc¬ and percent relief the cases, conjunctivitis prompt from chronic in 86 percent. What this means in simple lan¬ guage is that a preparation has now been found which safely and symptoms effectively combats the unpleasant of conjunctivitis caused by irritation or allergies. “In no instance,. rebound “Dr. Menger adds, “did a effect occur. In addi¬ tion to the excellent decongestant action, of Visine the greatest factor in favor is its low or almost nil side effects.” Reaction to the eye drop was re ported to begin immediately or within 15-80 minutes after instil¬ lation. Response lasts from one to four hours. No ill effects were discovered, even after prolonged use. The development of Visine is an excellent example of science’s tireless efforts to provide more answers problems. to medieme’r nalrful - -a&SU&OJm NATIONAl lOITORIAl A TI