Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, April 16, 1965, Image 1
c r 4 L /wr< iX 1 — •*» THE * / COVERS THE MOUNTAINS LIKE MOONSHINE Dovoiod to tks t Agricultural , Commercial aui Industrial luttresis of Whitt County LXVllH Nw. 27 :# THE CLEVELAND COURIER. PLATFORM For White County and Cleveland: A Cleaner and More Beautiful City Graded and All Highways Paved To Make White County the Mecca for Tourists Development of Winter Sports in Mountain Area Kiianis Glob Holds Charter Night April 12 | The Cleveland tKiwania Club was organized in 1946- Cliff C. Kimsey and Lint Crawford of Cornelia were directly responsi¬ ble. So, then, Monday night Char¬ ter Night was held at the Cleve¬ land Elementary School with a sumptuous dinner, It brought out a very large crowd. Dr. R. Glenn Read, Jr , V-Pres of Kiwanis International, Mariet¬ ta, was the principal speaker. Other speakers werejj Cliff Kim sey, Cornelia; Rev C. E. Warren J. H. Telford, Gleuu Gasaway„Lt Gov. 10 th District. Dr. Feed’s talk was well re ceived. He asked the Kiwauiaus what were they doing to create a better community? Court Disposes ol Many Cases Most ot court was devoted to civil ess te Several bad to be poelpohed, A special session is set lor April 3® lo bear some. Briefly here they are: A. K, S at on vs mis, Bobby jlLynea, in damage resulting from auto accident, favor or Blaieu and given*$l,0O0;Nation al, lac. vs J gM Caolieil io lavo' of firm; tank L. Reece vs SeiuiityGen.i •1 Insurance Co , in auto accident, infavtu of Reece ;aud Newton & . awton Gaines archilec uial turn, •VB Vi Lite Count; Board ot Educatiou, io favor ot Newton. Tho criminal dock t mainly icompriaen of dr unk^driving, driving without licens* speeding and other and other ./misde¬ meanor offenses, However rfi^iere were around 100 esses disposed of The Grand Jury reiurue 1 153>.ru. bill' and 5 no bills White Couny will elect three County Comuiisaioneis next year, which is bounJ to create cousih erable iuteiest- YVaicb it gel plenty LPT. Medicate bins In Hoist The Medicare Bill passed the House April 8 aud is expected to meet with smooth sailing iu the Senate. (5h ai4 qldef (ioustimte lp per pent oj the nations’ popu Ifitiou'^-aomti 20 million citizens. Illuess is mote prevalent among the elders. Sometimes a Htugle illness wipes out theaged couple’s entire savings. No self >-ul}icient, self reliant respected person wants to go to the welfare peo pie aud ask for a handout. ALL persons over 6a would be eligible for benefits, whether or not they contributed to tbe Social Security. Earnings would be raised frern $4,800 to $5,000, effective Jau. J. The Ux rate will go up each year until 197 I. Th'9 hid provides ^osp(ta| and doctor care. A iso a cheap pri¬ vate insurance rate is provided. FOR FINE PRINTING I Everybody reads this Newspaper. Being born gain, not of corrnptinle •eed, bul of the incorruptible, by the word of Uo<i, which livetb and abiileth forever—1 Peter 1:23 A iicflolation that p&eeed the Os House and Senate means that the old court house will remain in tact unt'l after Dec, 1, 19t>5. By that time it i» hoped the ladiee will come up wilb a defiiate plan to keep it. There were a large number of cars on the Senator Richard B. Russell Scenic Highway Sunday afternoon. Mr Storv ’ells 'hat trie contractor will scrape the road so that i’ won't be eo rough, Abo wo'k has begun from YeF natee Ga < to 180, ‘Tu poli ’os if thon w nldet mix, (And mean thy fortunes be) Bear this in mind: Be deaf and blind; Let great folke hear and see. »» r-Bobby Burns No it might be well for the House can¬ didates in District 6 to remember Burns* warning Next year the voters will elect a U. 8 . Senttor, Governor, Lt, Bov., all State house officers, three Judges of tbe tout! ot Appeals, and£ wo Hup erne Court Jus¬ tices, Superior Court Judge and Solid tor as well as congressman. Ho we cm expect a rather warm Bnmmer. the recommen tation by tbe Grand Jury that tbe > ounty purchase tbe pro¬ pel ties where tbe Standard Oil <.o., Mt Yonah Cafe and CraDe’s Garage art. located and the buildings be torn (*owd and made a parking area for the new court house. t hey asked that the rid jail and depot properties be sold, this will certainly causa plenty of die eusaion and maybe some lawsuit* it the County Commiseionere start to follow thia ; recommendatit>n Your chief competition is yonreelfl When you etop to tbink, be sure to start again! Our decision should be based on wnat ie right, not who is right! A reputation for producing the best ie a sure business foundation is The Courier’s motto. It sumebooy can get Dr. L. G. Neal. Jr, to again get AC IIYE then there’s s chance of solidifying While county. The Courier wilt give him 1000 per¬ cent support, Will, if he won’t the. who has that tenacity and leadership Governor Sanders told the County Jnmmieaionire Convent! n in Columtu Mouday that they juet as well consider consolidation of counties if they don’ tact so n then they’re going to yank tbe rug out Irom under you. H That tine weather we bad last wees put tbe gardeniog fever fully active Demand ie always on the threshold ot change, Tbe most successlul of all mer chautg are those who anticipate a change in demand and use advertising to claim j fresh market Whot's Going On In Your White County Schools By Telford Hulsey, Superintendent READING READINESS I visited Mrs. .Turner’s 5th grade last week at Cleveland Elemen¬ tary School. She was spending some time asking questions and talking to get the students to want tq know what was in the story. This gives them a reason to read they seemed to enjoy it. ENVIRONMENT FOR LEARNING As I went in Mrs. Robinson’s ciaiss at Cleveland Elementary, it seemed to me every way 1 looked there was something to see that made me want to learn something more about it. The class told me about what they had learned this year and they did a very fine job reading for me. NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH CORPS FOR THE SUMMER 1965 We have asked for the employ¬ ment of 80 boys and girls in our summer project. They will be doing various kinds of work, such 8$: clerical aids, laborers, canning giant assistants, custodial assis S ts, maintenance^ assistants, wiir>‘ lh _ aids, and anything that will’ kelp the county or city. This bring in about $36,000 to White Co. and provide many services not PATRONIZING US r, IS LIKE MAKING WIDOW LOVE TO A 'ipk f* _ cant overdo it Local News Send aa the NEWS w it wm appear Id The Coeriar. Wa wfll ojeeite your Telephone or write The Courier the NEWS. Little Eddie Lovell underwent surgery at Hall County Hospital April 8 for removal of a hernia. He’s doing extra good Virgil Autry was pictured in The Georgia Vocational Kebab iiitation News last week. He was shown receiving instructions in radio and television repair Postmaster R. N. Neville of College Park was hero last Friday Congressman Phil La tdrum will speak to the Senior Class Thursday, April aa, p. m. If we must have a general elec¬ tion for the House of Representa¬ tive Governor Sanders has set it on June 16, Mrs. Mary E. White ofGreeley, Colo., and son, Eruest, and Miss Ella Mae Hood and Little Tresa Ann of Doraville, were visiting relatives here April 6 Mrs White is the former Miss Mary Shuler of Wh’te County. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shuler of Alpharetta spent the weekend at their home in Blue Ridge district Looks now like we can expect some stout politics for the House s eat from District 0, as at least one candidate is running in White Towns and Rabun Reports are that the Negroes integrate in the schools of White County this fall. As of now, the 1 st and 12 th grades will start the ball rolling. Deceased veterans may claim reimbursement within two years after veterans burial nof to ex¬ ceed. $250 Also au American flag will be given free te drape the casket. O, D, Young has returned home from tbe hospital and ie doin. fine. Mrs, Janie Bruce and family of Forest Park visited Mre, J, B R. Barrett ar.d Mrs, Joa Brookshire over the w-ekend. Mr, and Mte. Glenn Cornell and daugh¬ ter of \tlaDla spent the weekend wilb tbeir mother, Mrs, Mildred Nix, Mre Rule Brookshire ie improving Sunday is Easter, Today, Good Frkay —ie when most people would like to,plant beans and put out tomato plants Gat land Lovell, Jnllua Westmoreland and Herman uize attended the stock cat races in Atlanta Sunday. They eay they are ready to gp tront fishing. Maybe we'll get a mess! Frank Reid surmises a Sheppard's storm along about non, Col, and Mrs, Joe 'i pi ford. Jack Mc> KibbeD and Jeers Jewell of Gainesvill,, were here Suoday Joe carried them and and T, Vj Cantrell ;*n a mountain driv-i Col. and Mrs. I'hoe. Underwood apen esv ral aye in AtUat. ?, la t w ek wilb their son, Abner, ad . Rob l Ken inter, eon and daughti r ol Hampton, Va., ire vieiting tbeir mother, Mrs. Robert Kmimer Mr anti Mre. Ja ue^ Telford and two daughters ot liaiotsville spent Saturday eight wit lb tpTrlfcid’t, James' old rat daughter at Wesleyan College, Macon Lest*. Maddox will head a ^m muitf, match up/’sachtrre 8 l , Atlanta (BAprit 25 at 3 p. m. Everybody urged to go and enter this great white Banka in Claytqn gud 'J'ogc >», have if sued >7,828 wort^i o( food coupons to 170 low with income Wbie lap, |it)g.^ Vt bgt'e the «ia|t( r Mi g, Ethel Ptrdue la at her home afte, after spending ihe*.erinler tu M. Patera, burg ', Fla., with her daughter, Joe Wheeler i, 4 v. , t tomoon cmr co ****** - more Mic ax fOMM* ooar/ov/ An you * *ubecrlb«r to 11 m Corn* Thfi Courier. CLEVELAND, GA* April. 16 1965 Key Club Meeting By Richard Davidson The Key Club held their lar meeting Monday at the School. The Club discussed St^te Convention last week in Macon where 12 members from A'hite County attended. The Club leceived an award the tnouey raised for tinMuscular Djatrophy Drive conducted last month—only two of these awards were giveu in the state The club plans to send one or two members to the International Convention in New York City July 7- ‘ 7. Richard Davidson and Larry White were selected to attend the Ktwanis Club annual dinner Mon¬ day night Spaghetti Supper The MYF of Nacooehee Valley Methodist Church wi.l serve a Spaghetti Supper April 17 from 3:80 to 7 : 30 . Adults $1 and 50c for children under 10 years -_ House For Rent Garage apartment, 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, modern kitchen Call 865 *816. NOTICE The combined choirs of the Cleveland churches will present fill Easter Cantata tonight at the First Baptiit Church at 8 p. m Title of the cantata is “The last Seven Words of Christ, ?> Il IS under the direction of Mrs. Mary Ann Allison and piano iment by Mrs. Betty Pope. All have a cordial invitation a F t t sff*’ ■immm Standard Telephone President Attends Meeting In Hawaii H. M. Stewart was presented a lei by the personnel of Standard Telephone Company as he left for a 10-day visit to Hiawaii. These Pacific Islands played host recent¬ ly to a number of Independent Telephone people who attended the semi-annual meeting of (he Rqard of Directors of the United States Independent telephone Assoelfi tion Mr. Stewart is ser ying his third term on this Board Atftosfi of Directors. the a»ny topics dis¬ cussed during lids meeting, special attention was given to the impor¬ tance and necessity of getting Con¬ gress to repeal the 10% Federal Excise Tm still present on all telephone service. This tax was introduced as a temporary measure practical!? 25 years ago. The con¬ sensus of the telephone industry is that it has served long enough. USTTA'a Board of Directors is comprised of 36 members who are elected at the Annual Convention of the United States Independent Telephone Association. Theirs is the responsibility to determine pol¬ icies and procedures of the Asso¬ ciation and its member Companies which coHeetively serve some 14,- 200,000 telephones throughout the United States. manna mob tub Established 18 M ** Ymu i fiip '"ft will iPli ft: ESS ■ v r r XA^vF-v -j.'.. .. v wj :.f:-vft ... ■mm- ftS m : .ft Left to right: Glenn Casa way, Lt. Gov. of loth District; Carey Highsmitli, President; D. R. Glenn Reed, Vice '‘‘Pres Ktwanis International, Marietta; Edgar Everhart, Program Chairman g GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS WHITE COUNTY SUEPRIOR COURT APRIL TERM, 1965 GEORGIA, WHITE COUNTY. We, the Grand Jurors, em¬ paneled and sworn for this the April Term, 1965, herewith make the following Presentments to the Court: We recommend that a fence be erected around the jail windows to prevent visitors from coming into contact with prisoners through the windows and as a safety precau¬ tion. We recommend that the County Commissioners seriously consider selling the old Jail and Depot property using the proceeds from said sale to purchase the property adjacent to the Courthouse where the gas station and Mt. Yonah Cafe is located. We believe this will add to the beauty of the pre¬ sent Courthouse grounds and eli¬ minate the parking problem that might exist. In the sale of the Depot property, we recommend that it be stipulated that the pre¬ sent building on said property be removed. We recommend that the present practice of burning trash and garbage at the corner of the Court¬ house grounds be immediately dis¬ continued. In the event this prac¬ tice is not stopped, then we urge the proper authorities to take necessary steps to require the dis¬ continuance of this eyesore and nuisance. We recommend that the mattres¬ ses and other bed clothing in the old Jail be immediately removed from the building and burned. We recommend that the equip¬ ment remaining in the old Court¬ house if it is not to be used in the new Courthouse that it be cleaned and stored to be sold at the proper time. We recommend that all old auto¬ mobile parts now at the old Jail be stored within the building or that they be removed to the county shop area and be stored in an orderly fashion, We recommend that the Grand Jury Room be permanently equipped with furnishings in keep¬ ing with other offices in the Court¬ house, | As recommended by the October Grand Jury, this Body recommends that the old Courthouse be re¬ moved. We recommend that the officers of the Game and Fish Department and all other law enforcement agencies rigidly enforce the law We recommend that all law en prohibiting hunting on Sunday, forcement agencies rigidly check and inspect any and all private clubs that may now or at any time exist in our county. We re¬ commend that all clubs or other parties violating the gambling and liquor laws in our county be appre¬ hended and vigorously prosecu ted. Numerous cases have been brought to the attention of this Grand Jury which arose at the home of Shirley Barton. We recom¬ mend that all law enforcement agencies keep a constant vigilance and lookout on the home of Shirley Barton and that all parties violat¬ ing the laws of this state on said premises be arrested and vigorous- For Cleveland Begun . Contest For Slogan This contest is open to all resi¬ dents of White County. Each person may enter as many times as he wants to. The slogan will be judged on: a) Appeal — the slogan should make people want to come to Cleveland. b) Uniqueness the slogan should fit Cleveland better than any other community. It should describe Cleveland. Prizes: The Kiwanis Club will award the best entry a $10 check, and the winner will be special guest at a Kiwanis meeting. If your entry is adopted by the Kiwanis Club, by the city, and by the radio, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you were the author of a slo¬ gan which will appear on welcome signs, on official stationary, on the air waves, and on the lips of men every day. In case of a tie, the earliest ei> will be the winner. Slogans should be dropped in boxes at either drug store, the high school office, or sent Box 394, Cleveland, Georgia. To enter, just complete the “WELCOME TO CLEVELAND, prosecuted. This Body expresses their appre¬ to all persons participat¬ in the tax evaluation program. urge all citizens to cooperate make this re-evaluation pro¬ a success so that our county financially assume and carry its responsibilities to all citi¬ This Grand Jury would like to its appreciation to the Commissioners and all the of White County for mak¬ available a beautiful Court¬ Each of us consider it an to be selected and serve this magnificent new building. We submit the following six names from which the Judge of the Superior Court shall select three as County Registrars: Crawford Dorsey, W. B. Robin¬ son, Major Dorsey, Haynes Sims, E. D. McKay, Sr., George Morris. We have received reports from all county officers and all appear to be in order. We recommend that these Pre¬ sentments be published, hut not the attached reports, in Hie Cleve¬ land Courier and that the publish¬ er be paid the legal rate therefor. We wish to express our thanks to Judge Sidney O. Smith, Jr., the Solicitor General’s Office, the var¬ ious Peace Officers and our Bailiff for their assistance and coopera¬ tion in the course of our deliber¬ ations. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Wilkins Foreman Carey Highsmith Clerk Grady Pardue, Mack Gregory, Albert London, Riley Thomas, Franklin Presley, Robert M. Crav¬ en, Nelson Sosebee, Mark Black, Reverend C. H. Thurmond, E. R. Littleton, Ernest Ledford, J. H. Tow, Sr., Carl Lamar Black, G. L. Adams, Sam Campbell, Arthur Lester Anderson, Charles Eugene TySor, Jack Davis, Lawrence Boyd, E. D. McKay, Sr. and Ralph Barney