Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, April 30, 1965, Image 3
MUSTANG BREAKS ALL-TIME AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY SALES RECORD IN.ITS ! ♦ UlSSlOtS feSSSs soil •Ml WBSTBKg^^ Tjni* \ .X £ : : : : : : : o« :fc *?a ■ t sales office I JOE® DISTRICT \ ■'v aieaei a xx | k ' \ APRI* 17. I 965 X ■'■* MR. • , i . \x 1 # 1 - * |-f / ■ si 4 vXv » ,.. 1 , lift ■^■ssSsaSasS? x f; MM w BBEAKIEC 417,000 «* ‘ »8H»’ TOPS IT IS SATOBITE ’ *viMS,°» OB 501,1 CIBS. ’«? *' ^OBS.J*. * 5 MGR- & XBDICAIS birthday s \ ■ s tmci SB WITH El® FORD I ; 1 : ^% 4 f if 1 ; :•:■ $ •:•:■ $8 xxx lit;] m m m i :vf; ,,mr m 9 a : xx ..... V with happy birthday * Your Ford Dealer is celebrating Mustang's first birthday and record year specials on all '65s from Ford. Extra-low prices... extra-high trade allowances • » • extra special savings on Mustang and Falcon! Come see—the savings take the cake! J /3k N- f 4 l i ? FORD DEALER f ]: h sr ' MUS&NG -A . 3! fx '; -*V . :: Bmawm® m ■< ■yjM •Xiv SOSEBEE- THURMOND FORD .•< ; * CLEVELAND. GA. 4 ‘STREP THROAT-HEART DISEASE BOOBY TRAP l This is one Association of a series on rheumatic fever. It has been prepared in cooperation with the Georgia leading Heart of heart to disease assist its efforts school-age to enlarge children public understanding of rheumatic fever, cause in and young adults. A sore throat can be a flag of danger danger that a «< strep” infection is present. And strep infections can lead to rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease, cause of more long-term disabling illness in children than any other disease. Not all sore throats are “strep throats”, of course. But the Georgia Heart Association warns that if a child complains of a sore throat that has come on suddenly and if he has a fever of 101° or more, swollen neck glands and/or certain other symptoms (such as pain when he swallows), he should be seen by a doctor without delay. If a diagnosis of strep throat is made, treatment is available to wipe out the infection and pre¬ vent rheumatic fever from tak- oIi« el tod*# A P? : f, &«e<ro«0 they went i A to their doctor»in time Many thousands of American* < IK being eared of cencer every year. More and more people are going to their doctors to i let the tragis fact, ear doctor# toR m, is that every third eaa- * a ue s d l ees death •*s eonld be saved. of Uft Cancer t-| 1 Seeisty effle* mtetmA you or I to “CsweT lasers oil, ing hold. The symptoms parents should be alert to, and the procedures used to control the infection, are outlined in a leaflet entitled II Now You Can Protect Your Child Against Rheumatic Fev¬ er,” available on request from the Georgia Heart Association, 58 Baltimore Place, N. W.. At¬ lanta, Georgia 30308. Rheumatic fever most com¬ monly starts between the ages of 5 and 15, but its effect can be lifelong. Altogether, it was estimated recently, more than 1,200,000 Americans over the age of 18 have rheumatic heart disease, usually the result of a rheumatic fever attack in child¬ hood. p 1 If every recognizable strep infection were promptly and jt - WILL ROGERS SAID IT FIRST—BUT - MILLIONS OF AMERICANS THOUGHT IT "ALL I KNOW IS WHAT I READ IN THE NEWSPAPERS it < T A t* Ui u IT BE INFORMED • • e READ YOUR WEEKLY N r- i THE CLEVELAND (GA.) COURIER thoroughly treated, this enorm¬ ous resorvoir of adult cases of rheumatic heart disease could be dramatically lowered for fu¬ ture generations. diseases Many childhood con¬ fer immunity, Georgia Heart Association points out, but rheu¬ matic fever does not. Rheumatic fever is a repeater, and with each attack, there is a new chance of damage to the heart, especially its valves. Hence, for the youngster who has already had an attack, it is all the more important to prevent new strep infections that can lead to a re¬ currence. This is usually ac¬ complished by daily doses of oral penicillin or sulfa drugs or by monthly injections of a long acting penicill i n. „ Enjoy year-round • # If .w !#' i !SSifc$l :#* : ••• •>>•> ;• w. •=&***» *»*#«&&£ lil* • • . k mm ?: .,x: 'i : . raT *' yf m S* Flameless electric cooling and heating offer this—and more Comfort. Electric cooling in your home ban¬ ishes summer swelter. In winter, electric home heating keeps your family snug. You enjoy year-round spring. Cleanliness. No fuel, no by-products of com¬ bustion. Light-colored walls, draperies, and furnishings stay new-looking much longer. Economy. No heat wasted up a flue! Elec¬ tricity delivers a dollar’s worth of heat for every fuel dollar you pay. Convenience. No constant adjustments. Many h electric systems let you regulate tempera¬ tures room by room. V. <• Adaptability. Whether you’re planning to build, buy, modernize, there’s a system to suit your needs. Call us for all the facts. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY % Hill fjj : II > 111 §1111 II ELECT TOM MADNEY Representative Rabun, Towns and' White Counties I have qualified as a candidate for Representative of Rabun, Towns and White Counties, subject to the Dem¬ ocratic Primary May 5. vote and support wil I behighly appreciated. Paid Political Advertisement