Newspaper Page Text
Keeping a step ahead of the wef-cr*.'«g -ig aweis of our ng n.-i&e- o* cjstcr , *e'T j*.
on out toes. But so far #e*#e increased the nowher <4 tmces v ; erec to 1?
• Free Checking Accounts • Fore gr t>a% * App a nee joans
■ 4% Savings Accounts ■ Travelers* Check* ■ ■.>•-- Lta ns
• 5% Savings Certificates » Charge Cards « Beat Leant
• Barring By Mari • Business Loans • 'rprerement i.oan*
• S* nstmas Club «• Pt'sor;a Loans • Ffgg PgfS r|g
• Dr VC-In Windows • Aiitomot e Lean* • Sa 4 e Sect; * Boxes
* Nigfit Depot. lories
if you can th<nk of any others, please let us *n©«— because we »re r Lot ness to sr tv the
needs of the 127,-000 people in the sever; Northeast Georgia courses *-e serve
wHfYf couwrr
■j« 'j'jih sufwoii xourr
'f'fw JPes.j.UvX vf toviartoX .',-hs i
far* <3#, tot. vuw'i !£*• fo. .owrn#
ftude: :
J—The prxa-J#sil office c‘ i*
titxtw* i* iatstod »« C>.e.c'.i
yi'rate fibuiity **- -
r.orjv/rs’.-an v>»s it*w* 3 wr»t*-c und*r j
ibr '.'orptweixOb Ax*, of 199* vs j
lb* JTti d»y of M***t.. |
* period of OJittydivt ‘’-d )
:d caxrter bx* N<* saxx.'.aed j
t **id ere*'.fit- b**d C h••'• i j
, .
{ • *r beifi* ».'’sM,d*d 22;d d*y
, • sgx,5
z This petition is brought to
si aiend the «. <i*rter of s*/d »-orp®r
ter set toil. 'Jto p«topo«rd *T*nd
w .« at fix* !x*..:;. voted Of
sti<f roj.iefJied to fa) *tt of tlMf
etortisafdm of tsid torpors <om
s spet-af fneet ny called for
t «- purp .-»»• « shown by the *«■
, .. vie of the be-i«t»ry of tire
t sftor attached hereto »s
h,?‘ t; l "A and wisde a part here
« p, i.inner 4es*res to have its
j.,.-nded to «. oaitge the
, o 'Kii aU (isuie of petitioner to
i l:,i* ford, lac
4 petitioner files herewith a
i t-riif.< a'e from the Secretary of
jiUte that i • proposed new name of
,» pxt.Hoii«f *» <*ot the flame
pny other existing corporation
leistered m the nxyrds of the
; e-. <-tar> of State *
Vt JfKfU POftip Petitioner prays
f'<al tfee charter of said corporation
j, r amended, as above set out, upon
« due ompUsnre with t .* Saw in
»u< i u»s made and provided
Petmoner a Attorney
May ton K lamdon
Attorney at Law
CIt veland, Georgia
’ *»* fo.AA.v > o A.) nr* mm
O ft D 6 *
it ^peariuf m;« pet.t.xc a
,* git-atafc:-) » c -• the pwrvanr
itid ,-ite.auc- of G«vyg.s Laws, and
that there it ;* existing earporn
tot, fegiihertd -• the off-'* of
Secretary of State of G«vr&*
by the name of Clin* Ford lar.
:■ t therefor* cots dere'. •;■>■
: arc adjudged that ttse prayers
,f tie petit;asm be arc tb* same
,■* hereby graijted' and the cfear
*r of Sftnsbee-CLne Ford Com
; ,i.-jfie i* hereby amended by
> ’:,sny,fig the name of s*-d cvriwr
non to Ford lac, as set
iortn i* the petmoo
Tim 28th day of ffovemfber 19W
i A R KENVOI' Judge
Superior Court. White CVninty
Georgia, Northeastern Judicial
m M
Mature In 9 Months, hut
can be ceefied bi at any
time, and 7% Intarwt
will ha paid monthly or
compounded monthly from
da y money la put In untl
day it Is taken out
Company haa bean In
finance bualnaaa 26 years.
Now; has 17 offices writh
Resources over
53,400.000 and Net
Worth over 9680,000.
—Write far aroepeotue—
Teeeee. Oeargla
Fish Dish Supreme I Delicious Rice Salmon Loaf
Rice Salmon Loaf
Herts’s a delicious main-diah that’a BtXTe to be one of the
family favorites. It combines popular salmon, fluffy white
nee and tasty seasonings into a luscious baked loal that’s
culck and easy to make. It’s a real budget-saver, tool
fagredientat Combine ingredients tn the
1 eup cooked rice order listed and place In a but¬
Ik cup buttered bread erumba tered loaf pan or ring mold. Bake
3 beaten tn a moderate oven, 860 degrees,
eggs, for 30 or 40 minutes. Turn os to
Ifa teaspoon salt a serving platter.
14 teaspoon celery salt Serve loaf with buttered peas j
14 teaspoon pepper and carrots or, If ring mold U
1 tablespoon chopped onion used. All the center with this com¬
I tablespoon chopped parsley plementary vegetable mixture.
Garnish with radishes, pickles
1 tablespoon chopped pimento and lemon slices. Serve wlU
4 sups flaked canned salmon cream sauce or lessen aauea.
» * -----'■
Oi-iiow Vt'i&m. W./.t-i. <mA
ii«* ;ec‘ Ztuxiv'tt hw4 work
lit" leMdtlf !.w w .v, /er V
pr*"v Surv -A ■■ * s r;. ■ .
mat. Late*’. word to® (fa* Nvou
Sol* m lira! Mi. Civ,* w.; : b«
usiug hug* jv plsumu tg eto vt-r
hm miihom vi gopato*
out It* United Staa->
% ., -
g , 5 f
x :1
7' «f A ‘ " 3 é
.' 7"";
s‘ ‘ i
Z E. -;
The air teanaparwhign indushy
daily peri anna tares toot would
have seems: owrecdal* jatt «
tow short years agg. The ; , .,
ali-freight j*n grants vac eat /
hit 92.001 pounds of cargo a-d
vriusk it acroes id* owrat
Fyl the inliee-per-hour' And each,
oi pansengw flights fron.
hew York is Las Ajjg*ls* cat
carry 20,090 ids in the hag
gage camparlmei;'
Americans «•» taking to tie
a:- sr an ."/to or-e they
art; shipping test taking advantage of
err to send just about
any thing- -tors birthday cukes
to to every
comer oi the Sand jo a matter
oi hour#
shipping Prabahjy the most unique oh
service at Christinas
as well as through the year-is
Air Express A partnership be¬
tween od Or scheduled U.S. air
lines one SEA Express, A-r
Santa, please note! When your gift
is a dishwasher, it provides an
Escape Clause
^ ou knew, the feeling. It's not ih.u you love your
wife less, hut afier dinner you love t our armchair
m.-re. Still, you cant quite bring vourself to let
her struggle alone with the dishes. So off vou go
to the kitchen sink.
Don t you think it s time you put an end to all
that? This Christmas, be benevolent. tBe foxy!)
Gi»e her a dishwasher and get you both out of
the kitchen.
There s a great deal more than your leisure at
stake. An electric dishwasher uses water hotter
than hands can stand. Gets (.fishes, pots and pans
hygienically clean. Does more in minutes than you
and \ our wife can do in hours. The operating cost?
Thought you d never ask. It s about a penny a dav.
Ready to make the great escape from after*
dinner drudgery in the kitchen? A modern electric
dishwasher will be your willing accomplice!
7 te*Kertt 6 ez- Onlv you can
w 9
COuid bjk.ftig
ft* jolly own
lltASA f91
swiftest chousing the I
<o ; '. ft-;, f gad
BW»t rgiiabto
way t q a #t
i a# j'ki dang 1
' / j.c, •:.** o-yyr 1 i
rt.'y imic« be
" t! • /'- ///- Cv/iadaotd •'-•.« «ad lowa» j f
’■ fc Jr_ er t <3
hiev * 2< iiou/i -and ohea j
'■ gf t^
■ e yy.. ' .
' ■'orndPEAh
■ • - ' ••
• •.
' ’ v-. ideally
■ x. . ™- t. ^
o neecs of a Eanta
• ,J n. /..essmaa, or a
i.Ovfcew.ts J .ie w/.oie procee*
• /age,. w
’•■ - as gift to a son
■ on Array base or a
■ ■ piece of jna
■•'/ '<x- here to there is
■- h Ly • ■ .c- A phone call
’ • J ' J ' q.„cir.'y brings a
1 - " r yocr door. Your ship.
•'•* ‘"“d so the airport '
- •’
' '' f> ' x 'he feist flight
eg to ; *
d,C X'; Itoiion,
And it wiii ar¬
rive the next
Thcmks to
A r Express
serv:' e, St,
home one watch TV on Crai»t
mos Ewe. sc-c ,re in toe knowl
«•••'”' hot pays and girls of
o. ages v.-cC be cncippcin'ad
viix;. «y wake up and rash
to see wnat turpnises have been
stuffed ,.c c tneir stockings.
A nd, af-er ail, with his weight
pren c.-fl, Santa *:could be de
J.gceo to hare to sa.eeee
-• is way into those nto-ioas of
—-. - ... 1 ' . 1 . vys .